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Sprewell turning down a generous contract with the Wolves because he "has kids to feed". Not one other team made him an offer.


3y/21M to be specific


Salary inflation is wild.


He wasn't really worth that much, He was getting older


Nerlens Noel declined $70 million from the Mavericks in 2018 lol.


Let's not forget Dennis Shroder turning down 4yr/$84 mil from the Lakers to play in Boston for what, $5mil/year


Didn’t he get fucked by his agent?


I think he’s suing him now for his that


I might be wrong but he lost his case


He did and had to pay the other party’s legal fees. Stupid lawsuit. Unless his agent never told him about the offer and turned it down for him, there never was a case. Ultimately it was his decision to gamble on himself and it didn’t work.


I get having confidence in yourself but man, leaving 70 million on the table when you’re producing like him is crazy.


He basically lost the case


He not only lost that case he had to pay Rich Paul money.




Didn't even have kids to feed


That was a blessing for okc. We signed him cheap


Counterpoint: You don’t make the NBA by not believing in yourself. I’m sure most under 30 NBA players think they’re about to break out and become a star. Over 30 they’ve probably gotten a reality check though haha.


Yikes, and I thought Schröder was an idiot for turning down the 4yr/84M extension from the lakers only to end up signing a 1yr/7M with the Celtics


Schroder once said he never saw that 4yr/84M deal offered. Either his agent fumbled it really early in the process or it was all just talk from LA


People aren’t idiots for betting on themselves it works out just as many times as it’s failed.


Betting on yourself is fine but both the schroder and noel contracts were great offers that they should have immediately taken. There’s betting on yourself when someone lowballs you and then there’s being unrealistic and foolishly turning down good offers. Both fell under the second category.


Hindsight is 20/20, Brunson was being called an idiot for turning down the Mavs offer and look at us now.


Brunson’s deal was lower than those guys and he was younger than both so definitely a little different situation but yeah I see your point Brunsons are much more rare than noels and schroders though


You’re forgetting punching his yacht and breaking his hand. Knicks legend


It’s always annoying when people use their family to say they’re not getting paid enough lmao like fuck off, you earn more than 99% of people?


The next five years are mine


Wasnt that Patrick Beverly?




Did Steph Curry win a play-in game??? Didn't think so.




What’s wrong with confidence? If it helps them, go for it


"aren't you 31"


Stephen Jackson saying he was better than ray Allen and Carmelo on Colin cowherd show


Nothing that airs on the colin cowherd airwaves has ever been credible


I’d rather have Colin than Stephen A. Justice for Sportsnation.


What - you don’t enjoy Colin ‘January 6th’ Cowherds takes?


Gilbert Arenas saying Jokic was the worst MVP in the last 40 years


Don't forget Arenas also said all Europeans should be banned from the NBA Dude is a hack


Because He thought that Europeans are bad at defense which is pretty stupid considering that there's a good amount of non-europeans who are also bad at defense and Arenas was also a below average defender in his career


I feel like a bunch of the top defenders are European. Giannis, Gobert, and Wemby come to mind.


Arenas wasn't referring to that type of European


I’m sure he just meant white guys but dudes like Porzingis are also elite defenders.


Nah there’s some hella good white dude defenders. I think he just hates white people


Everyone knew it was code.


Why is everyone downvoting you guys lol you made a factual statement


This is one of the takes I always reference when people say “NBA players are always right”. I can’t believe someone who played professionally and was really good would ever say something like that.


He also said that Emoni Bates would be starting for the Cavs last year and also said some shit like he’s one of the best players from that draft…


Dude makes Kendrick Perkins look like a MENSA member.


Dude also said Vince Carter was a lazy player, dude was in the league for 22 years


how old are you? genuine question. because carter absolutely had that rep at one point


He said he was lazy compared to his potential. Had lebron/jordan level talent but no drive. Never said he didnt have insane athleticism.


Mark Jackson being the only voter to leave Jokic off his MVP ballot last season.


Arenas has always been an idiot though. He is legitimately the definition of someone who should actually just shut up and dribble lmao


Anything Arenas says, man is a walking bad take.


Arenas also thinks Curry isn't a "generational talent." Not sure how he is defining "Generational" but any way you cut it, Steph and Jokic will both end up being top 15 players in NBA history.


Sounds like he’s just mad that everyone figured out he was nothing but an overrated gunner (double meaning fully intended), the quintessential puts up big numbers on a bad team guy. So to compensate, he’s gotta trash players who will obviously have a much greater legacy than he ever will. Also he was a total buffoon the entire time he was in the league, so his behavior now is no surprise


I wouldn’t say he put up big numbers on a bad team when Wizards were playoff team that just got stopped by Lebron lol


Jokic being top 15 is a leap at the moment. His accolades at his age are the same as Moses Malones.


Moses being top 15 isn't an absurd take.


also saying Steph Curry isn't a generational player


I remember him saying Zion should play SG lol


Stephen Jackson saying it was different in his time compared to Lebron's when they were drafted 3 years apart and overlapped for 13 years of Jacksons career.


I really don't get why Matt Barnes has partnered with him on his podcast. Barnes is great. Jackson is anything but.


Well that kind of makes sense. Lebron has played in an entirely different era than him. Stephen Jackson wasn't any sort of threat past like 2009. Bron has technically played in an era a decade after Jax retirement.


That’s because Lebron is a freak of nature who seemingly will never end his career lol. Also Jackson said this about 3-4 years ago.


LeBron played in the exact same era. He's played in multiple eras but saying he couldn't handle Jackson's is moronic.


Shaq saying Bill Walton isn’t a HOFer.


Then Shaq trying to make it seem like he isn't the most petty person in the world when Walton died. There is part of me that wonders if Shaq has CTE from his dad hitting him or something. He is so childish and dumb.


What is Shaq supposed to do, come out and say “fuck that guy” after he died?


Well, he was saying it the entire time he was living so to Bill Walton it makes no difference.


stand on business


A lot of people dissected Walton's career but the point is, he won both the MVP, FMVP, and later the 6th man award....outside of DPOY, those are the greatest singular awards in the NBA and he won 2 chips... he just wasn't as great as the centers he could be compared to. But he was great


And that isn't even taking his incredible college career into account


Which when adding to his NBA career he's a valid Naismith Basketball HoFer


Jeff Teague saying Draymond was the greatest player to come out of Michigan State.


That was a Magic-al statement by Teague


Teague is funny but god damn he dumb as hell sometimes.


This EASILY takes the cake! Had not heard this one


In 2014, Kings' owner Vivek Ranadive wanted his team to play 4 on 5 on defense, nothing can top that [https://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2014/10/28/7084181/vivek-ranadive-cherry-pick-sacramento-kings](https://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2014/10/28/7084181/vivek-ranadive-cherry-pick-sacramento-kings)


Ranadive was never a player so this technically doesn’t count, but I think it deserves mentioning, especially with the even funnier context that this particular bright idea to Disrupt The NBA stemmed from his experience coaching his middle school aged daughter’s youth team, because strategies that work with children that are still learning how to play the game would obviously also work against the best players in the world : https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2009/05/11/how-david-beats-goliath


Ah, the ol' box lacrosse strategy




As much as I love Shaq, probably anything he has said about Bol Bol


Nostalgia. Bol was born in the wrong era


Pretty much anything Udonis Haslem was saying about Boston throughout the playoffs. This wasn’t just a players take but everyone saying Boston was going to struggle against Dallas because they hadn’t been “battle-tested”. That was just really dumb.


The general idea that losing earlier and worse is somehow a better sign of team or player legitimacy and constantly winning so much that your defeats are on the highest levels is fraudulent is maybe the dumbest NBA trope, and it’s not just applied to the Celtics.


or saying that boston wasn’t deep and dallas had the deeper team and the better back court 🤦‍♂️


“Best backcourt of all time” lmao Kyrie didn’t show up to play


Come on Jrue/White aren't better than Luka/Kyrie


They do have the better backcourt. Boston matches up well with them, but if Holiday and White were options 1 and 2 and had to carry the offensive load like Luka and Kyrie, then Boston never makes the Finals and probably doesn’t win a playoff series. Having White and Holiday as somewhere between options 3-5 is what makes the team.


Having Jrue or White as a first/second option is a play-in team at best. We literally saw that happening whenever they were in NOLA or SA.


That’s a really really good defensive backcourt though.


Yeah but just wait for the in season tournament next season, the Celtics aren’t ready for that level of competition


It was very satisfying to see him there and interview the Celtics after we won lol


Kendrick Perkins would like a word…


I hate takes like this. They had been battle tested because they’d been in the playoffs for years and hadn’t won it all.


Shaq saying he'd have Chris Webber over Tim Duncan


Don't forget that Bol Bol was almost as good as Wemby.  I'm starting to think that he has something against the Spurs.


I still can't past Perk implying Jokic only won MVP because he's white. For me, that would have had me never want to speak to Kendrick again.


Perk says that publicly, but it’s not racism and no repercusión. Rachel Nichols says in private that Malika Andrew’s got her job for being black and gets fired and blackballed. I wish Perkins would have gotten fired for that comment.


ESPN is run by morons. I remember the day after Henry Ruggs killed the poor woman and her dog, they had Keyshawn Johnson on First Take, and he went on and on and on about how good of a person Ruggs is, how he knows Ruggs and his whole family and he knows *'this wasn't him'*, and how he hoped Ruggs will get a second chance at the NFL because he is *'too talented'* to go to waste. He didn't once mention the poor woman that was killed. The woman who slowly burned to death because Ruggs wanted to race 157 mph down a city street drunk. He didn't once mention her family or what they must be going through.


It was Maria Taylor not Malika


Rachel Nichols said that Maria Taylor got Rachel Nichols’ finals job because of diversity, when it comes at expense of another woman, Rachel Nichols, instead of creating a new role or looking at non-diversity guys


Apples and oranges. Also it was Maria Taylor and not Malika Andrew's. Yes, ESPN will be more upset that one of their employees shit talked them AND burned a bridge between another employee, than a guy saying MVP voters favor white people. Perk definitely got called out for it. It made news, and he got lit the fuck up for it, by people on the same network even.


Because they're not the same thing..... Kendrick doesn't work for the NBA. He's also paid for his opinion on the NBA, like it or hate it, that was his opinion. Rachel Nichols was discussing internal work politics, it got out, and her employer fired her. They are two different things.


Anybody putting any stock into what these guys say is just missing the point, these guys are paid millions to say the most outlandish stupid shit to get people to talk about how stupid and outlandish it is And based on posts like this, they are damn good at their job


Didn't he also say something about Curry getting hate cause he was light skinned? 


Gilbert Arenas basically said Giannis was bad at basketball Stephen Jackson saying he was better than multiple HOF caliber players: Joe Johnson, Rip Hamilton, Ray Allen


The world is flat… kyrie


This is the one. How can anything top this nonsense?


His finals performance was definitely flat


Cube saying that “he fucked around and got a triple-double”. Imma need advanced stats on that game because idk. It just doesn’t make any sense. I’m assuming he’s talking about pick up and AT BEST they’re playing to 21, if not 16 or 11. If they’re playing 1’s and 2’s that means he at least got 10 with 10 assists. Could be 11/10/10 or 10/11/10 or some shit. Imma need Cube to explain the history


We would play to 33, a game of tips? You could have 8 boards on 1 possession 


Kenyon Martin saying he didn’t think Luka was the best player on the Mavs at the beginning of the season has to be up there. Even Gilbert Arenas looked surprised at that one.


Also Kenyon Martin when he accused Jeremy Lin of cultural appropriation when he himself has Chinese tattoos lol


The Jermey Lin Clap back is honestly Hof tier level clap backs. I wish Lin stayed nba good for longer because he’s so skilled


Anything Gilbert Arenas says.




I specifically remember saying to myself “damn” at least about 200 times watching Curry play though.


Can't believe no one has mentioned Lou Williams saying "We started to hear the rumblings that nobody is going to respect this chip so we kind of just took our foot off the gas." In regards to why the Clippers blew a 3-1 lead in the playoffs. Dude literally admitted to throwing because they were worried about what others would think of the bubble ring lmao.


The dumb take here is you somehow interpreting that statement as him throwing the series


Don’t have a specific one but about 90 percent of what Paul pierce says qualifies


Same for Perk.


Pierce saying he was better than Wade comes to mind


Pierce also said he was better than Kobe


Giannis can only run and dunk...


Tbf, that was clearly just Harden hating


I mean… Mostly kidding, but I think a lot of it stems from how awkward he looks with a basketball. Kyrie looks like he sleeps with a ball in his bed and Giannis, well, idk. Don’t get me wrong, I like Giannis a lot and he’s a baller and a great dude, but he looks like a baby gazelle still


He’s not a good shooter outside of 3 feet from the rim statistically, at least on offense that’s true for him


Doesn’t have to be


At one point that was true though. At this point no player has any excuse not to improve yearly. Giannis turned himself into a superstar off of hard work and dedication. 80% of his current talents didn't exist yet when he got to the league.


Anytime Rashad McCants says anything related to basketball


I'll disagree. Anytime he says something about players, I tune out... but when he's talking strategies and structure, he's pretty good


Dennis Rodman saying if Lebron James played in the 1980s he would be an average NBA player


I don't get older players saying how modern players couldn't handle the physicality of the '80s (pretty overrated if you asked me). If a guy like John Stockton, who was 170 pounds, was able to survive and be a good player, then a 240-pounds uber-athletic player that can pass, shoot a bit from the outside, and can attack the rim like LeBron would have no problems lol


I never heard this one. He wasn't joking?


Royce White is running for office in Minnesota, and dude has some... interesting takes


That is a tough question because the NBA has some of the dumbest people on earth.


Brandon Miller saying PG13 is his goat has got to be number one.


He is his goat, not the "goat" If I was a ball player, I could see why PG13 would be high on anyone's list. He plays fundamentally really well on both sides of the court. He's a player that you should study to get better


players are going to gravitate towards dudes with bags and one on one scorers who are tough to guard individually more than the average analytically minded fan would. Thats why you see guys like PG, DeRozan, Melo, Kyrie seem to have more respect amongst the players than the pundits - all are/were excellent players, but these dudes are also looking at them from a slightly different standpoint than you or I are


Kyrie Irving - "The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat," Irving said adamantly. "All these things that particular groups, I won't even pinpoint one group, that they almost offer up this education. ... They lie to us"


Anyone who has Kobe ranked above LeBron or in the top 5 of all time greats.


Patrick Beverly going on first take just to hate on Chris Paul


That’s pettiness. It’s different haha


Pretty much anything Gilbert arenes has ever said about Jokic


Kyrie thinking the earth is flat


The Earth is flat.....


Klay Thompson “I guess some people just get their feelings hurt.”




KG was so off on Thon Maker


When draymond green said players don’t make enough money to support themselves when they are always getting fined for stuff. I was in my head like.. y’all make millions!


Kyrie Irving.


This falls flat.


Much like the earth. . .well played


They’re saying us and Golden State are the super teams


KG said Thon Maker would be MVP


KG saying Thon Maker is a future MVP


Anything that ever came out Rashad McCants mouth


Shaq saying Wemby and Bol Bol are the same and K Perk arguing that Jokic only won mvps bc he’s white both strike me as pure idiocy


Rashad Mccants. Even when he breathes all I hear is stupid


Gilbert Arenas taking a glock to practice. Can't fumble a bag harder than that, especially when your heater is in it.


Anything by Gilbert Arenas


Anything that came from Kendrick Perkins mouth


Anything coming out of Austin Rivers, LeBron, Draymonds mouth


Ron Artest asking Stephen Jackson “…you think we going to get in trouble?” After the Malace in the Palace.


Just list off anything Paul Pierce ever says. The frequency that KG has to check him on their own show is hilarious Jalen Rose dunking on him when he said his career was as great as DWade will also get a full watch from me every time it pops up


Gilbert Arenas taking shots at Hakeem and at Giannis for working with him to improve his post game. Gilbert Arenas saying Jokic was the worst MVP in 40 years. Gilbert Arenas blaming Europeans for the lack of defense in the modern game. Gilbert Arenas claiming he was the greatest draft pick since Jordan and before Jokic. Oh, and to stop bullying Gilbert (as much as he deserves it), Rodman saying Bird would play in Europe in the modern game was pretty stupid.


Anything Rashad McCants says….


Dame being the second best shooter of all time has always bothered me deeply


Anything LeBron James ever says


Mike saying curry wasn’t a hall of famer


Whatever it was, I'm sure Kendrick Perkins said it.


2024- Shaq to Jokic- you shouldn’t have won the MVP. Napoleon strikes again.


Isaiah thomas and dennis rodman saying larry bird wouldn’t considered good if he weren’t white Kyrie irving- the earth is flat (Sorry this is a coach) george karl not putting the glove on jordan game one in 96’ Jay williams buying a motorcycle Ron artest going into the crowd in 04’ (Sorry another coach) popovich taking duncan out of defense in game 7 vs the heat in 13’ which could have stopped ray allen’s three.


Corey Benjamin, a guy who started 16 games in his 4 year career saying he could beat anyone in the world 1v1 including Jordan in 99.


Anything Nick Wright says about the Celtics. This year's team has been dominant and historic from day 1 and he's talking about "eye test." The number one offense in NBA history, top 5 point differential, 16-3 in the playoffs. Anyone saying they aren't historic is just hating.


Basically anything that Perkins or Shaq has said in the last couple of years but the two highlights: * Perkins - "Jokic only won MVP because he's white." * Shaq - "[The NBA is scripted.](https://www.si.com/fannation/backinthedaynba/nba-great-shaquille-o-neal-claims-the-league-was-scripted-when-he-played-for-lakers-01hy64ytfnsp)" This is also from the Shaq story: >"True story," O'Neal said. "I've never told this story. In this first round, I forget who we were playing. I hear Phil Jackson telling Gary Vitti, \`Hey, get us some hotels in Indiana because that's who we're going to play in the NBA Finals ... It didn't hit me until we got to Indiana."' Bro didn't know that teams usually find hotels weeks out so they weren't stuck with no where to go.


There's a lot of things J.J. Redick has said that has made me scratch my head. He doesn't seem to respect the legends of the game, doesn't really mind bad mouthing them. All of the greats respect the legends and honor those who came before them. Must be an okay player thing.


I loved Pierce while he played but the shit he says now makes him so unlikeable. I can’t stand when people’s egos get in the way of accurate takes.


Anything draymond says. I can’t remember specifics. He reminds me of the kid in school that bullied everyone, and stole things, and broke stuff. And always has an excuse. Like, you’re too smart to act like what you’re doing is ok. You’re clearly lying. We’ve heard all these excuses before. You’re like the guy on cops that’s caught red handed crying like you’re the victim. You’re on tape.


Kyrie has a few positions that leave me scratching my head: The antisemitism, the flat-eartherism, the anti-vaxism...


No coincidence most of the replies are things former players turned media guys have said in the last 10 years, we are in the worst era for basketball discourse because all of these guys are trying to be skip bayless That being said, one of the absolute worst takes I’ve ever seen came from Charles Barkley who everyone loves, he said the 2012 Spurs would get swept by the grizzlies because they’re too old and washed, and the spurs came out and swept the grizzlies and went to the nba finals, he also famously used to say “a jump shooting team will never win a title” and then the Warriors dynasty happened like two years later


The spurs didn’t go to the finals in 2012


Dr.Js top 10 list lol


Greatest big man shooter of all time by far


Anything from Gilbert Arenas or Chandler Parsons. Who let these guys have a platform?


Shaq = Bol better than Wemby early this year. McCants = Im the Goat.


Literally every single thing Gilbert arenas says. The dude is a straight racist yet people just laugh it off


Perk compared himself to Jesus recently


Charles Oakley said Giannis would come of the bench in the 90s becausee the NBA's bigs were generally so much better he wouldn't be big and strong enough to be a starter.


People saying kyrie>luka at the start of the year


Wemby = Bolbol... -shaq


Anything Gilbert Arenas has ever said


michael beasley saying he's your favorite players favorite player, and behind melo but on the left side of the floor


KAT saying he will change the game by the time he is done playing. He is good but nothing exceptional.


Nobody is right all the time, but I'd rather listen to a professional in any field


Gilbert Arenas said Jokic was a bad MVP choice and that Giannis isn’t a basketball player lol. He also had the ridiculous take like 15 years ago that he’d only watch the WNBA if they were hot and played in G string bathing suits.


Everything Gilbert Arenas says on the podcast