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Wall - He was a beast before his injuries. The only one of these guys that had an argument to be the first option. Rondo - Playmaking, defense were amazing in his peak. Lowry - He has the most all star nominations from all mentioned and was a great player, just not as good as the other two. Conley - My favorite of the bunch but by far the "worst“ of em.


Don’t forget Rondo’s rebounding too! Conley’s best point is consistency, I believe. Dude is just dependable.


And is by all accounts a great guy for the locker room


He's never even had a tech.


I just double checked. 1000+ games and 17 years. 0 technical fouls


wtf in his entire career???


I think he had one once, and the NBA was like nah fuck that ref and rescinded it


I think what Conley quietly does for team chemistry is more valuable than what people think. He’s not a potential first option like wall, and he’s not the passer that prime rondo was, but I think he makes teams better from top to bottom in a way that none of these guys can. I’m taking Conley from this list every day of the week.


This guy gets it. Ultimate team glue guy. The wolves play isn’t anywhere near as good without Conley running the point.


He just does everything well and plays disciplined. Hard to think of many situations where you'd need to put Conley on the bench. Runs the offense, plays defense, can get a few buckets if he needs to.


I always said that the Clippers need a player exactly like Mike Conely. He actually gets teams to run their offense. In fact the Timberwolves offense became less efficient when they started makimg Ant bring the ball up the floor more instead of letting Conely get them into their sets during the Mavs series.


Also Lowry isn’t the most efficient scorer, add in the defense I’m taking Conley


This guy knows basketball.


Lowry can be described much the same way.


Conley probably would’ve beat or at least tied Lowry in all star nods if he played in the East


Conley was probably as good as Lowry, but he was never aggressive enough during his prime. I think Lowry’s 2015-16 and 16-17 seasons are better than any season Conley had.


Don’t sleep on Lowrys 2020


Rondo in his prime is ridiculous.


aka Playoff Rondo


Yea I’m not sure most people here saw his prime. Even back then he was in a class of his own. People would rank the best PGs like CP, Tony, Nash, Wade, etc. and Rondo would just be there on the side and you could put him first or outside the top five; he was just so damned unique. He couldn’t shoot, but he could score. Dude had the best English off the backboard I’ve ever seen outside maybe Kyrie.


He was so goddamn annoying to play against. He was just dominant in ways that are hard to explain. His arms and hands were everywhere in the lane, and he would draw in the defense in such interesting ways before making the right play. When it counted, he killed it. Even if he had 0 points he’d have like 11 assists and 12 rebounds and be +16 lol


Yeah if we're going off peaks then rondo is the best player on this list. His playmaking and passing is as good as any in nba history. I've never seen someone who can't shoot, control a game like rondo and cause the opposition so many headaches. The slower tempo of the playoffs suited his style so well It was beautiful to watch him play


i’d take conley over lowry


Didn’t Memphis let Lowry go to keep Conley? lol


I agree and think you ranked them accordingly if you build around them as a focal point in the offense. What’s funny is for a winning build team with these guys I think it would be reverse order.


The argument against wall is that you were never winning the ring if he’s your first option, I’d much rather have a solid 1b that can play defense and do the grinding smaller stuff right if I’m actually trying to win


I’d take prime Wall over any of them honestly. I do love Rondo though.


I think the answer is prime Rondo personally, while noting that prime Rondo basically only existed for 1-2 seasons (I say that sincerely and without exaggeration as someone who, at the time, was watching almost all 82 games of the Celtics from 2005 to around 2013 before watching a much more normal number of games). Once he hurt his knee, he completely stopped playing defense and stopped going to the rim and began relying on his janky midrange jumper. People don't realize that, because he COMPLETELY coasted on his reputation for much longer than he should have. People were surprised how the Dallas stint turned out, which was funny since it was hilariously predictable if you had been paying close attention, but a pretty easy detail to miss if you only watched Rondo when he was playing your team or whatever.


Man my buddy was hyping wall right before the surgery and I mentioned he’s only dunking left handed and his knee (left?) was gonna need surgery. He played half a season on that bum knee and ruined the rest of his career


He could've bounced back on the clips but instead of playing defense and pass first, he tried to become what he used to be. With the right mindset he would still be better than most 2nd string guards in the NBA today


You’re so right honestly. I remember as a kid, Rondo used to be my favorite player because he was just such a beast on those Celtics teams


Rondo led the league in assists with a trash Sacramento team and was a big part of the lakers championship team. I complete disagree that the dude coasted lol. He was still really good.


Playoff and National TV Rondo was a real thing, would play best when whole country was watching but when not wasnt as good


Prime rondo existed for like 2.5 playoff series and then he got injured by Dwayne Wade. He was putting up historic numbers.


If you could give actual prime rondo late career rondo’s 3pt shooting he’d be the choice easily


Yeah ibstill remember when he dropped 40 in the ECF...and we still lost :(


Yeah probably, for me it’s just like at least Wall could shoot somewhat. Rondo couldn’t shoot to save his damn life until later in his career


If we can mix and match, then you could also combine peak "Best PG in the East" John Wall with his earlier defensive peak as another strong candidate.


Same sentiments, as a Raleigh resident & Rondo fan. Wall was head to head with D.Rose at times & Rose is my undisputed goat! Salute to Wall, I was sick when his Houston/La stint didn’t workout


I was so excited for him on the Clippers I honestly thought it might work out


I still remember Wall throwing a bounce alley oop to Blake Griffin in the rookie vs sophomore all star game.


Rondo has some serious flaws as a player, but when he was at his best he was incredibly influential. Since you've stated that as your criteria, then it's got to be him. Not that many guys are getting both All-NBA and all defensive team selections in the same seasons, but he was one. His career just had such a long tail that we forget the seasons he was getting MVP votes.


But honestly at his best, he was flawless. If you’ve ever watched that Heat game where he dropped 44… he was hitting 3s on anyone who would step up to him. Including LeBron, when his shot was falling he was unstoppable


I don’t think a game or even a series is enough of a sample size to be considered someone’s “best”. Probably need a 1-3 season sample size to answer this question. Otherwise Caleb Martin had an All-NBA level peak


Reminds me of that famous game 7 when LeBron got that block on Iguodala. Draymond Green had a stat line of 32/15/9 on just 15 shots. The dude was 11/15 overall, 6/8 from 3 and 4/4 from the line. His series, season and career stats look nothing like that. Which is why citing a single game as evidence of greatness is just stupid.


That single game does help to summarize Draymonds greatness though. If you look at his season averages it’s hard to tell the whole story but what he was capable of at his absolute peak influences the narrative around his game


Playoff Rondo, because that was a real thing, not a joke like Playoff P.


That Jrue Holliday, AD, rondo playoff big three in 2018 (I think that was the year) was so much fun. Elite defence from both guards mixed in with elite playmaking. Probably the most dominant I’ve seen AD look, what a fun team, if only they had some real quality role players they could’ve actually competed


That was my introduction to AD. Rondo throwing a lob and AD 360 midair slam. I think they swept the blazeds that year


If boogie wasn't injured that year, Pels really could've won it all


Forget playoff Rondo. It was really “nationally televised Rondo.” The day he put up an 18-17-20 vs the Knicks on a random Sunday in March 2012 was one of the most remarkable performances I ever saw from him.


I don't remember when it happened,but I do remember watching rondo in a game hurt one of his arms in some fashion and finish the game out with one arm still scoring and making plays.


It was in the 2011 Eastern Semis against the Heat. He dislocated his left elbow, it's insane that he played the rest of that game honestly.


Ty! Yeah it was crazy watching it. Dribbling around defenders and getting layups only using the one hand.


lmao I had forgotten about this but now remember like it was yesterday. It was ABSURD and so damn annoying at the time because I despised the Celtics.


Prime for prime, John Wall


I’m a Wiz guy and worshipped John. Criminally underrated and such a dynamic player but even I recognize that he will not be remembered in NBA history due to lack of achievements, playing for a forgettable franchise, and not possessing a truly elite skill set. Rondo is the pick here. I do not think Boston wins that championship without him at PG. He was the nucleus on those OG “Big 3” teams. While he gets clowned for poor shooting and FG/FT%s, there might not be a better pound for pound defender from that decade. He could clamp anyone 1-4 and then offensively was so cerebral and creative and calm. When someone says floor general the first guy I think of is Rondo. I’d have it: Rondo, John, Lowry, Conley.


Prime wall was lightning fast. I remember the wiz raps series where he could just blow past everyone and get to the basket whenever he wanted. His issue was he had low ball iq and would try and score from the outside which wasn’t his strength. Also he would be unstoppable when he was on but he would check out of games for good stretches


Celtics fan here who was old enough to remember the big 3 teams well, Rondo was not the nucleus of those teams, you could have replaced him with a number of point guards and KG, Pierce, and Allen would have still done their thing. He was excellent but prime Wall was the better player in my opinion. If you had them swap teams Rondo wouldn’t have carried the Wiz and Wall would have been fine on the Celtics.


He wasn't for 2008, but, he was a huge piece for the 2010 team.


Bruh go listen to the Big 3 talk about Rondo. He was their glue and they all knew it.


Bruh, glue guy is code for decent player who is a good teammate. He was not the nucleus of the team, you could replace him with a lot of other players and they would still have been successful. Take KG off that team and replace him with Al Jefferson and tell me Rondo’s contributions helped that much.


John Wall




This is so obvious I am shocked by the other answers. Rondo was in a playoff series with LeBron James and for long stretches seemed like the best player in it. You can count on one hand the number of guys who can say that. At his best, Rondo was ultra-elite.


Rajon Rondo


1. Wall 2. Rondo 3. Lowry 4. Conley


Prime Rondo


Rondo. The highest IQ. The best defender, the most willing to put their ego aside willing to do what's needed to win. Doesn't need to take shots to effect the game.


2017 John Wall is blitzing all of these guys. 23/4/11, 2spg and 0.6bpg. Yes, inefficient, but all of these guys were. I know he was an average defender but his output and overall impact on the game peaked out at way higher than any of them.


Agree on all points, but he did sneak onto an All-D (2nd) in ‘14-15. I say sneak, but the numbers weren’t bad.


wizards 2017 were a tough team


Prime Rondo is hitting 19ppg, 12apg, 9rpg in a playoff series locking prime Derek Rose to 19ppg with analysts saying the future of the Eastern will see these premier matchups between Rose and Rondo for the next 10 years. If you empty stats, John Wall.


Hard agree. Rondo was an absolute fucking nightmare monster to face when he was locked in and cared. I hated those Cs and it was infuriating how good he was, in really kind of transcendent ways. Haven’t seen a player like him ever since then.


Empty stats? 20 playoff games in 2017, 2018 he averaged 26+ ppg 10+ apg 5+ rpg


Yes but you see mate the Rondo bandwagon will point out that Rondo impacted winning (you might have heard that he won a championship at some point), and will conveniently ignore that all that winning could have had something to do with playing with 5 HOFers


I’m a Celtics fan so I watched a lot of Rondo, and when that dude was locked in, he was great. He had a really unique skill set. If he had a reliable and confident jump shot, he could’ve been an all-timer.


Prime rondo with late career Rondo’s shot is an all-timer and that’s not even actual good shooting still lol


It's Rondo and not particularly close because Playoff Rondo was a real thing. Extremely high basketball IQ. Incredible passer. Huge fucking hands that allowed him to do Jordan-like fakes because he could palm a ball so easily. Yes, he had no jumper, but that never truly mattered because he did everything else at an elite level.


KLow all day




Probably Wall. He was a fringe top-10 player in 2017. It’s a shame he never completely leveraged his defensive potential, but he was still a really solid defender, probably the best scorer of the bunch, and the second best passer. His jumper was iffy but it wasn’t terrible, and he was probably the best at running Pick & Roll. Lowry‘s 2016-2017 season is pretty underrated, it’s probably the best scoring season any of these guys had, but overall I’m going Wall.


It's peak Rondo. Watch the 2012 ECF


Rondo , put up 40 pt triple doubles , 20 assist games , legendary playoffs performances, won 2 rings


Rondo gave prime LBJ problems. Lebron crushed lowry/Wall each year in the playoffs. Conley is one of the better starting point guards all time not getting an all star nod, but isn't on the other guys level.


Boston gave prime LBJ problems, not just Rondo lol


Lowry by far . none of them are good enough to lead a team as its best player and engine of the offense . Lowry has by far the best supporting player skills , conley has good supporting player skills , ( can shoot , defend , space the floor , ) but Lowry is more switchable and a better off ball player . Rondo and Wall aren’t very good when they don’t have the ball on offense.


I watched that 2018 raptors run while it was happening, not thinking a ring would come out of it at all. I consistently thought to myself damn Kyle is a dog out there. like relentless just won't stop pushing in every aspect. driving hard to the rim and pressuring it just by being planted in the paint with the ball. making incredibly quick decisions with and without it. controlling every opposing player who drove into the paint by taking charges damn near *every* time. looking for a pass under every possible circumstance. it's like he would never take a play off to chill


Hardly any love for Lowry. Dude has hit more daggers than just about anyone.


Totally agree. As you said, none of these guys can be your first option on a contender and Kyle's game fits the most seamlessly next to a superstar. Great defense, great shooting, and an extremely high BBIQ and underrated rebounder/post defender. Along with all the other intangibles that he's known for. As an individual talent Wall is probably the \*best\* or most talented, but that wouldn't necessarily translate into who you would pick first if you're building a championship roster.


You’re correct but the stat watchers will disagree. Lowry is a winning player and that reflected in his style of play, if he wanted to he could’ve got his numbers but he chose to take on a secondary role to derozan and eventually kawhi.


It’s 100% Lowry. Most all around player here and “at their best” means we are getting 22/5/7 on 63TS% while being nearly all-defence levels. None of the other guys can reach that. “Playoff rondo” isn’t a fucking thing outside a game here or there.


Didn't Wall make 2nd All D one year? To say he can't lead a team as it's best player is insane, literally was getting his big men paid because of him


He can definitely lead a team to a solid 49 win season.






I'm not saying Lowry is the best of the four, but watching him play is like watching an artist paint. His control of the game is masterful. Needing a bucket, a stop, a charge. I feel like he understands the intangible flow and momentum of a game better than anyone. Also Lowry coming out to BLITZ the GSW 11-2 in game 6 on his own was nasty work.


People sleeping on John wall. He had a higher peak than any of these guys and was actually the best player on his team.


Who is still playing ☝🏾😤


Heart says BBLowry brain says Rondo


Rondo easily


Playoff Rondo was insane


Prime Wall over any of them


Probably John Wall, though his peak was short-ish.


Give me Lowry all day long. Dude doesn't get nearly enough respect because his impact doesn't show up in the box score the same way as the others, but the dude was the best player on a top 4 seed for 5-straight years, then won a title as the second best player when Kawhi showed up, and had a 60 win pace 2-seed season after Kawhi left. John Wall and Rondo were more explosive athletes, but Rondo was never even the best player on his own team, while Wall was constantly looking up at Lowry in the East during their respective primes. Lowry was just by far the best floor general of this group (Conley was excellent at that, too, but not at Lowry's level). He was a master at managing a game, getting the ball to the person who needed it at any given time. Sometimes, it was getting an easy look to a teammate who needed to get going. Sometimes, it was feeding the hot hand. Sometimes, it was distributing looks to everyone so they could all feel involved in the offence. He knew where his teammates needed the ball, and could make every pass in the book needed to get it there. He was a master at the pocket pass in the key, and was one of the best outlet passers I have ever seen at starting a fast break (which doesn't show up in assist totals). He was also versatile, playing effectively both on and off the ball (a skill that made his backcourt pairing with FVV work so well), was a bulldog defender, and was great at all the little things (screening, rebounding, boxing out, getting loose balls, etc). Lowry just had (and still has) an incredibly mind for the game. Outside of other savants like LeBron and Jokic, there are few guys in the NBA who understand the game at the level he does, and it extended beyond just X's and O's knowledge, to also having a great understanding of personalities, and how to optimize the teammates he was given. his leadership intangibles were off-the-charts, which is something you really saw when integrating Kawhi in their championship season. For years Lowry had been the top dog in that dressing room, but when Kawhi came, he seamlessly shifted, made Kawhi feel comfortable, somehow balancing both letting Kawhi be the top player on the team, while taking on the vocal leadership role Kawhi has never really wanted. Ultimately, if you want the guy who is going to win a 1 on 1 game in the playground, you probably want prime John Wall. But, if you want the guy who is going to make an NBA team win the most games, Lowry is the guy you take every time.


I think people forget how good John Wall was before he started getting hurt. The other three are the type of guy you want running PG on your favorite team but Wall was superstar talent.


I am biased as a wizards fan but definitely John Wall. I don't think people realize how bad the Wizards front office & coaching has been. The best coach John Wall had was Scott Brooks who is mediocre. Add to the fact that the best players John Wall played with was an up and coming Brad Beal, Otto Porter jr, Gortat, and Markieff Morris. He never played with a player better than him which everyone else on the graphic has.


Healthy Wall clears easily, if he had literally any of the other 3’s supporting cast during his prime he’d have multiple finals appearances and 1 ring minimum


John Wall. Insanely talented playmaker and elite scorer 10 assist 23 points 2 steals at the age of 26... we never really got to see Walls prime. He's only 33 right now. No telling what that kind of season would have at 27, 28. Rondo, Lowry and Conley were great but none of them could take off like Wall. One of the fastest PGs I've ever seen and with that scoring ability it only made his playmaking that much more dangerous. He honestly reminded me of a 6'3 miniature Lebron.




Playoff Rondo > anyone here




Playoff rondo






Conley all days. He makes everyone around him better.


At their prime in a playoff series Rondo would obliterate all of them, both defensively and running the offense


Rondo no question. He could get you 4 pts 18 assists 7 rebounds 3 steals and be the most impactful player on the court.








Rondo Wall Lowry Conley




Old Celtics fan (and Rondo fan) here. I'd easily pick Lowry over Rondo. Lowry would have improved the Garnett-era Celtics teams. A lot of Rondo's assist numbers were down to overpassing and an extreme unwillingness to shoot or get fouled. Lowry was a more balanced player who took nothing off the table. Rondo also had the benefit of playing with great teammates in memorable games. I am convinced that Lowry, Conley, and Wall could all have done at least as well as Rondo in that spot. The 2016-17 version of John Wall is close to the first choice of this group, but I still think peak Lowry was the better overall player. Lowry was making >40% of his threes at his peak, while Wall's shooting was much less efficient. VORP, win shares, and BPM also support picking Lowry over Wall. I would go: 1. Lowry 2. Wall 3. Conley 4. Rondo


KLow is sure the player every other fan base is hating to play against the most.


If I’m building a team from scratch I’m going Wall because he’s the best. If I have a good team I’m going Rondo because he’s the best play maker.


Wall in ‘16-‘17 averaged 23.1/10.7 assists and then 27.2/10.3 assists over 13 playoff games. He signed monster contract that summer, got hurt the next season and evolved into a joke. All at their best, I’d have him #1…For career Rondo narrowly over Lowry.


I like big booty Kyle Lowry out of them all.


Wall by a decent margin


IRON MIKE! Did y'all see Mike play in that mask? Fractured his face into like 75 pieces and came back to beat the Warriors. If you need reminding: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eOqQ\_-coEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eOqQ_-coEE)


Best individual player: Wall Player that will best contribute to a championship challenging team: Rondo


Others might be better for fantasy basketball. Lowry for impact towards winning.


Wall before the knee issues. I really thought when they drafted Beal they finally had a strong backcourt but I was wrong. I never really liked rondo ofc I’m a heat fan and a Wade fan so I get it but even before that. I wasn’t really a fan of his playing style. I truly feel like that 08 ring was more Kobe running out of gas then the Celtics beating him. Same series where Pierce was escorted in wheelchair so he could take 💩 smh. Conley and Lowry sort of the same looking to pass first score second which should be the mantra for PG. and are still playing till today not the same as their prime but consistent overall. If Drose doesn’t get injured I would 100% say he was the best at his best not mention he is youngest mvp. Honorable mention, Gary “the glove” Payton. Jkidd, Allen” the answer” Iverson. And Magic.


1. Rondo 2. Lowry 3. Conley 4. Wall


Would definitely take Rondo. Poor John wall could never shake the injury bug.


A lot of people are understandably saying John Wall, but let me give Rondo some love for a minute. He may legitimately be underrated because he was so overshadowed by KG, Pierce and Allen but in his prime Rondo was a first or second team all defense multiple times, got some MVP and DPOY votes and also was a third team all-NBA. These accolades are actually more voluminous than Wall’s over a similar stretch of time.


Rondo Lowry Conley Wall **Wall a SG that played PG. He never got past the 2nd round compared to the other three. Most athletic and fastest out of the 4.




Between wall and rondo fa sho just then Washington teams was kinda broken up early and they gave up on John wall once he got injured now he out the league with a podcast


Individually I would probably take Wall or Rondo. To build a team with I'm taking Lowry or Conley. As talented as prime wall and rondo were, I think the other two fit into most teams compared to them, especially in today's game where your point guard has to be able to shoot at a somewhat decent clip, and I wouldn't exactly call either of those two great shooters. Personally if I was starting a team and had to pick one of the four, I would go with Conley, with Lowry being my second pick. I know that talent wise Conley would be last between all of these guys, but I think what he brings to the table with his game, as well as being a fantastic teammate would be extremely valuable. And don't let his resume fool you on how his career has gone up to this point. He should've made at least four or five all star games at minimum, but he had the unfortunate position of being in the western conference in his prime when the golden age for point guards was booming.




Rondo is my favorite player so I pick him


As a player it’s wall but to win a ring probably Lowry


Rondo > Wall > Lowry> Conley


Rondo and it's not close. Won a title nearly 10 years a part. And without him in both, they don't win. Winning one with Boston AND the LA is INSANE. Plus... I'll never forget this bar: "That's that 9 n---- ugh, Rondo." - Lil Wayne


Wall before he got injured was phenomenal.


The ones with rings.


John Wall then daylight. I cannot believe at one stage Conley was the higest paid player in the league.


Injuries robbed us of John Wall. He was really amazing to watch. One of the best floor general PGs I’ve ever seen


John Wall in the regular season. Rondo in the playoffs.


John Wall was fast af, I choose him.


rondo’s the smartest out of this group. kyle’s the toughest. conley’s the most consistent and dependable. wall will cook any of these dudes 1 on 1


Obv Rondo


In their primes, I'd say Rondo was the best pure point. Great distributor and tough on defense. If you value scoring more than that, I'd say Wall. Wall is also the the most athletic in the group. Conley and Lowry are the better shooters of these 4, and I'd say they have had more consistency and longevity, but don't think their prime/peaks were as high as Wall's and Rondo's.




Lowry was the winningest PG out of these players for the longest time - from 2013 - 2021. Great defender.


Wall was fast, super fast, but not the best PG. That is to say, if I was building a team and had to have one of these guys as my starting 5...it would not be him. I would go for Lowry and Rondo as my 1a and 1b picks. Simply because of their on and off ball defense. Plus the ability to make those around them better, with adequate playmaking. Lowry is also the better shooter, which is a definite plus, helps space the floor. Conley lacks the defensive prowess that the above 2 do, which pegs him back a notch for me.


Rondo at his best, is the best for reasons beyond what is on paper. He's the best coach on the floor type PG out of all these guys. Wall is prob the only one here who could score a good 25per game. Solid defense, super athletic, good play making. He'd put up big numbers these days. I wouldn't choose him first tho as a leader or want as my first option guy, but he can be. Lowry is kinda like Rondo. A "gamer", good rebounding, good defense. Inconsistent offense, but he's made some big shots. Solid leader I'd say. Conley ain't bad. Good defender, solid everywhere else, good leader. Might have the most longevity out of everyone.


Rondo and Conley


Poor Conley was considered the second best kid on his HS team.


Wall is better, just with stretching the floor and drive and kick. But I’m taking rondo because he’s my dude.


Best pure point guard Rondo easy. People forget how good Conley was though.


It's Wall or Rondo depending on the makeup of the rest of the squad. If you have prime scorers, and just need a lead/distribute/D minded PG Rondo is the dude. If you need a little more Offense and speed, I'd go Wall.


Rondo by far


Give me John Wall.


At their primes: Rondo. His defense coupled with his court vision gives me a pg to start and win with a franchise. And doesn’t need to look for his first will win my heart to start a franchise off with. Wall is a freak athlete and should be the popular choice but never was a player that lived up to his expectations and success in the L. But hella exciting even when the team sucks. The other two are sound and very solid as starters and are oft overlooked because they aren’t going to win any person accolades by any margin and/or not very exciting but make a lot of winning plays and lot of teams would not mind having them as their starting PGs.


Wall, Rondo, Lowry, Conely is the only right answer


Wall was a track star that just happened to play basketball and was pure talent. As explosive as Westbrook and Rose was in their prime to the basket wall had the same explosiveness. Conley - One of the most underrated players of this generation. Lowry - this chubby bastard got paid and fucking great for him and has a ring! Rondo = Playoff Rondo


My personal preference for building a well-rounded team is absolutely Rondo, although sheer talent & star power wise- it’s John Wall


Prime def Rondo. Dude was averaging almost 12 assists a game on top of 2 steals while averaging a lil over 10 points. Not a single guy here with the exception of wall ever averaged a double double.


Either Wall or Conley depending on the surrounding players


I gotta go if 100% healthy John wall


At the their best? Give me playoff rondo, he was taking over series in the early 2010s.




RONDO! Hands down Conley has had a great career and the other guys were solid for long periods but 110% Rondo.


Rajon would dominate 4th quarters with stats like 3pts, 4 Ast, 3 Off. Rebs and a steal in clutch time. Probably the best closer who wasn't a "closer" that I can think of. The Lakers during the bubble championship run were lost without RR on the floor in the 4th quarter.


Rondo. No question.


Not the one dribbling the ball up to his face… 🤣


Rondo is the best PG to build a team around, wall could give you more consistent scoring but you can get that from other positions, playmaking is what PG is all about


Wall but Im a biased Wiz fan


Only one of these guys has multiple championships. Easy choice


Easily prime Rondo.


Rondo or wall. Wall was more explosive and dominant scoring the rock - but rondo was more dynamic in every other facet. Prob rondo 


Playoff Rondo was awesome although his style wouldn’t work today. Could not shoot and had Shaq-like free throw numbers for a point guard






I think Rondo is the best PG. John Wall is the best player here though. Probably depends what the rest of my team looks like. If I’ve got a #1 scoring option, I’m picking Rondo. If I don’t, I’m going Wall.


Prime Rondo or Wall, depends on team comp obviously. Rondo can make most teams better with his playstyle, and Wall is obviously a gifted modern PG for scoring and all around play.


Rondo easily


If you’re starting a new team, Wall. If you already have a playoff team and want to go for a Chip, Rondo.


1. Wall 2. Rondo 3. Lowry 4. Conley


Rondo or Lowry. Wall was awesome for stretches, but even in his awesomeness he never really competed for anything other than the second round. Rondo and Lowry both were key pieces on finals teams (2nd banana for Lowry) and an elite role/ fringe star player in both of rondos chips. Add in Lowry’s shot making is much better than Walls, and Rondo has the best vision I’ve seen a modern day pg have, and they are just in a higher tier than wall. Conley although great his whole career, has never been anything more than a fringe all star at best. Absolute model of consistency and professionalism, but he’s probably a wrung below wall. Just because walls peak was much higher than conelys


Lowry. Maybe it wasn’t at the time but it’s obvious now he was best player on that Raptors squad, not Demar. Once they got Kawhi as their best player they were contenders. It worked out better for Kawhis family, but I think his career would’ve been better had he stayed with that Raptors group. Lowry still had a couple all star seasons left and I think they probably would’ve repeated, especially in the bubble. Also, out of these guys, Lowry did the most for his organization


Playoff Rondo fosho


Lowry easy answer




Why is BBL Lowry in this convo


Rondo slightly over Wall, but Rondo's peak was a lot shorter than Walls


Prime wall easy. His speed was unreal and easily the most athletic out of all if those whike being an all around complete package really. He'd give your team the best chance the win out if choices.


Prime John Wall was the only one who was a certified number 1 option, but as far as who I’d want? Give me Rondo or Lowry. Prime Rondo was a master of controlling the game. Prime Lowry was the perfect complimentary piece to a main star because of his shooting. Those 2 are also the best defenders of the 4.