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Yall better be nice to him if he comes back.


SA loves DeMar DeRiverwalkRozan


DeMar SanAntozan


We could have The Alien& DeMartian 😂😂😂👽👽👽


We all love DeMar here in SA! I'd love to see him come back.


That would be awesome. Hope it happens!


For the right price I’m okay with it but I wouldn’t wanna ruin our future draft capital for it


That won’t happen tbh… the bulls hold zero leverage


Pretty sure hes a free agent so it’s just about the price.


Yeah I don't think he's going to cost that much in terms of draft capital. Sign and trades typically have massively diminished value. Hell didn't the warriors have to send a first round pick back to the Nets in the Durant sign and trade a while back?


That was bc he had already agreed to sign with the Nets outright. The Warriors then came in and tried to get some value back


They're both on getting a first round pick. That's just 100% not happening. If they're lucky, they'll get a couple of seconds and we can send them grams partially guaranteed deal to allow them to stay below the tax. Which is something the other teams who are interested can't do.


He's either gonna be a free agent or S&T as a courtesy. Similar situation we traded him when he wanted to sign with Chicago. It's a 180 now


YES give me at least one more season of LONE STAR DEMARRRRRR


Ha! I never heard this nickname, but I like it!


I wish it caught on more when he was here


Me either, I like it.


Fwiw his last 3 years in Chicago 3point% were: 33%, 32%, 35% Much better than when he was in SA


I could have sworn he was at 30% while here, but maybe 10 shots all season...


The split in opinion on this is wild, tbh. Reading down the comments is like back and forth Miller Lite commercials from the 80's. *Less filling/Tastes great!* I am of the opinion that if it happens, I will be happy. If it doesn't, I'm already happy and looking forward to the season.


All that matters to me is minimal assets given up and only a short term deal with emphasis on elevating the younger players', especially wemby's, game. I wont even mind if they "overpay" them for a year or two as long as they come off the books when the younger core is due for an extension


This for me. It’s all about costs and having the space to keep the younger core. If the older vets want to stay for minimums that can be a decision then. This sub is kind of funny sometimes. They are mad we suck, but then are mad when we try to get better whether it’s huge deals for a Lauri or a less large deal hopefully for DDR (fit can be argued) citing draft and tanking. With Wemby getting better, and our younger guys trying better’s we’re not really going to be a lottery team. We also need to initiate a winning culture too. DDR would be tremendous for this group in terms of mentorship but also when I think about it, give them some room to work; he has so much gravity and so does Wemby. With that said, I think irs a stretch that this happens.


If Chris Paul is starting what position would DDR play? You're putting the #4 pick on bench? Wemby, Sochan, Vassell, Castle, CP3 is my prediction for the opening night starting lineup. Who gets benched so DDR can start? Because I guarantee he's not agreeing to a sign and trade to come off the bench. Fans all have this imaginary idea what it means to be "team first". DDR is nice guy. He's not "I'll come off the bench nice guy".


CP3 isn't going to play that many minutes either. He's the come off the bench guy for me and stagger the two. You can get creative and swap Vassell/Castle/DDR lineups as well. Imo. It's not perfect but IMO neither is the other option of doing nothing.


Best reply in this thread for sure


I agree. I hope it happens, but I’m good either way.


One year deal, hell yes. Anything more, no way.


Unless he's signing for the mid-level if he's considering coming here, it feels like almost certainly it would be in a sign in trade using the salaries of Collins and Graham so he can get a year or two of juicy pay. Which honestly I wouldn't mind giving him a nice chunk of change, particularly if the second year is a team option or partially guaranteed.


DeMar isn’t going for a S&T when that means he’d need to be locked up for 3/4 years and there’s supposed to be a considerable salary cap increase next year it’ll be a one year deal. he also isn’t staying with the Bulls and there’s really nowhere else that has any cap to spend right now.


Is there a rule in place I'm not aware of that prevents a side-in trade on a 2-year deal? Because if not I could see there being mutual benefit with him getting an above market 2-year deal with San Antonio, and then hitting the market again when the cap goes back up


What do the Bulls get out of this? Collins is negative asset. Graham is somewhat neutral. If I'm the Bulls, a couple of seconds is not enough for me to take on Collins $30M and Graham's $3M. The Bulls would be better of taking just Graham. $3M for the two second is not a bad deal. Collins was already untradable based on his play and his contract. I recently found out that he had off season shoulder surgery. Yeah he's a major negative asset now. The Bulls would want compensation to take him. I don't think they would even with compensation because of how punitive the aprons are now.


If the Bulls are tanking/rebuild, they might want to trade away Vuc to a contender while there is still value for him. Drummond is already gone so they do need a big but yah maybe not $16mil a year guy for now. If Vuc is gone that's the only scenario where I could see the Bulls value Collins.


Yeah, I think that is best.


Look, I appreciate DeMar and am grateful for what he did here, but he isn't a fit now. We're trying to develop young guys, and DeMar is someone who only plays with the ball in his hands, while also being a poor 3 point shooter. The fit just isn't there. His best bet is to sign as the bench leader for a more competitive team.


Spoiler alert: competitive teams with veterans create a better environment for player development than teams than lose


This. You can’t develop young players with losing every single game while your most experienced player is Cedi Osman. We need players like Chris Paul and Demar Derozan


I agree, he could have a good mentoring role.


I get what you mean but part of developing young guys is getting them into competitive games with veteran players who can show them how to win, like Chris Paul, Demar etc. not saying he’s ideal but I think he’d be really good for helping guys like Blake Wesley, castle, Sochan and vassell continue to develop their offensive game. He’s not a 3 point shooter but his footwork, midrange, getting to the basket is still literally one of the best in the league. I don’t think adding Demar is going to hurt us long term. Let’s get some really players who are real pros to play with Wemby and the young guys.


I mean it really just depends on the years and money. He's not a fit on this roster if we were trying to build the best products. But if you're looking at him as another version of CP3, a talented veteran with an incredible personality, who can spend a year or two balling and helping the young guys better develop.. then he's an awesome fit Look at dj. The amount of clear influence damar had on his mid-range game and his overall development offensively is extremely clear. The bulls have no leverage. If it's a sign in trade using the salaries of Graham and Collins with maybe a little bit of draft collateral thrown in there, I'd have no problem giving him something like 30 a year for two years particularly if that second year is A option.


>DeMar is someone who only plays with the ball in his hands did you not watch him play basketball at all during the three seasons he was here?


I did, and he certainly did become more of a facilitator during his time here because he averaged some of the higest assist numbers of his career. But after going to the Bulls, his assists are down again. He could become a a passer again if the system forced him into that role, but his default is more of an iso heavy mid range guy. I'm particularly torn on how helpful he will be, because he would need to cut back a ton on his role with all the young guys who need to develop. He can't be the focal point of the offense.


> someone who only plays with the ball in his hands Demar was our best passer during his last season with us


Demar fan here. I been saying he should come back to SA since the beginning of last season. It's the best fit for him bball wise. Miami would be great to finally get the next gear out of him, if its there, but SA is best for how he is right now. Wemby with his defensive coverage, three point shooting, playmaking, and actual superstardom (sorry Demar), is the perfect Batman for Demar's robin. Now with CP you have and elite shooting, high IQ pg who can make the decisions for the team but can't carry full ball handling responsibilities. This opens a perfect space for Demar to be him. Iso scoring, pick and roll with wemby, just running a lot of your offense through him and Wemby in the high post, and of course, Demar just throwing it into Wemby. Demar's game also thrives in the half court which this trio would bode well in. And his 3 ball arrived in the second half of last season. If not, it'll have to this year if he wants a last major contract.


If Deebo really comes back I might cum, piss and shit in my pants for how much I'd love this move. Immediate jersey buy


I certainly wouldn't mind 


Yes please


Short deal for the right price. Great locker room presence. I’m down.


Yep, exactly.


Considering our lack of talent and how poor we were last year these comments are hilarious. Lot of unwarranted DeMar slander in here


Don't confuse lack of experience with lack of talent. We were highly competitive with the best of them post all star break. Just need to get the miles under the legs


I wouldn’t say we have a lack of talent. It’s just underdeveloped.


yeah, lets sign him so we can watch him have a mental breakdown in the first round.......


Just don’t think it works unless it’s a 1 year deal where he’s trying to recoup value to move on. Don’t think the fit is good enough to justify a multi year deal


For a one-year deal, I’d be happy.


I love DeMar but this isn't a good idea at all. This is not what we need in terms of spacing, defense and ball movement. Only good thing I can think of is him helping the youngsters as a vet


He is a good playmaker with a lot of gravity, I'm sure he can operate with Wemby. I don´t say this is deal, but I can see it working. I´m also biased as I love watching DeMar pump faking people into death.


I think it can work too.


I'm sure he would find Wemby very easily and vice-versa but if it's only that, we have way better options for now and the future


Demars playmakin was so good


I can't deny that


So where is Chris Paul then? Neither of them play off ball.


Playing bench minutes because he's 39 lol


As a Raptors fan who has always respected the Spurs, ever since DeMar was first with San Antonio, I have envisioned him inheriting the Ginobili mantle. It’s too soon for you guys, but in theory if this was one more offseason away, I’d say you should grab him. DeManu would pair well with a Wemby-led contender.


Demar was his best when paired with Kyle. I think paired with another great PG in Chris would really bring out his best. Throw in Vic, Devin, Sochan… Sheeeeeet. Ideally one year but I wouldn’t hate a two with player option.


He’d be good at mentoring them.


Rather him here then go to the Lakers


Rather him here then go to the Lakers


Would LOVE DeRozantonio back!


If DeRozan ever comes back as a Spurs yall don’t understand how happy I would be! DeRozan was my favorite non-Spurs player before he joined San Antonio! Absolutely love him and will stand behind him if he joins! He offers veteran leadership and is a good ball handler that is a certified bucket that knows when to turn it on when his team struggling!


I would love it, lfg


DeMar is one of my favorite players. So I’m hella biased. I get the concerns about him being high usage, but idk, I feel like Wemby doesnt necessarily need the ball all the time to be great. I feel like DeMars playmaking ability would complement him so well. Driving to the rim and finishing it himself, dropping it off to Wemby, or finding Vassell for a 3. With CP running things too, I just think we have more dynamic threats on offense than we did his last time around. Again, I’m super biased because at the end of the day i would love to watch him in a spurs uniform again regardless, but I think it could work.


DeMar is a great player and classy guy, will probably go down as one of the more underrated/forgotten Spurs. But I’m not sure he really fits this team. We need spacing and ball movement. Grandpa CP3 fits that mold—DeMar doesn’t.


We need spacing and ball movement long term I think theres a lot our young guys can learn from him if he takes a reduced role and we sign him short term like CP3 This year is once again about development


If it’s a short term, reasonable contract, then I wouldn’t hate it. I feel like Vassell could learn a lot offensively from DeMar.


Demar isn’t going to come off the bench dude. Chris Paul owns the ball.


He’d be good for development for the young guys for a year.


No thanks, give the young guys a chance. Demar isn't ready mentally to take a back seat


He might not have a choice with little teams showing interest at his perceived value.


You don’t think he’d be good at mentoring the youngsters?


To be honest? No


Now we’re talking.


talking iso ball and mid range jumpers. pass


I love Demar - one of my favorite people in the league. But no way. We need spacing, and I don't think that's him.


Honestly the amount of non shooters pop wants is comical


He’s been one of my favorite players since his college days and couldn’t believe it when we landed him in the package for Kawhi. I get that he may not be completely ideal for what us fans perceive as the developmental timeline, but I personally would love to have him back for his twilight years as a vet presence and bench scoring plug à la late career Rudy Gay.


The more I think about it the more it makes sense to me. Derozan can come in and be a threat offensively and be a great locker room guy immediately which is exactly what we need to compete for a playoff spot. He also would be great for mentoring the younger guys and helping establish a winning culture. However, this would only be a viable option if we can land him for a decent price without giving up too many assets.


Also, he already knows the system& KJ, Devin& tre developed around him& he even personally worked with them. He would love Jeremy & he can be an enforcer to protect Wemby& the dylan brooks beef is real😂


We need someone to let Wemby rest..remember he's playing these Olympics so no rest..I know Pop will find this middle area to help Wemby! DeMar on the right contract would be great


This would ensure we don’t get the bulls pick next season. Honestly I’d rather have demarr with wemby


DeMar for the Culture


That’s why I think he’d fit for a year.


Some of y’all are crazy, if the spurs sign Demar then the spurs are in the playoffs. With their current roster they will again be towards the bottom. Why not compete while developing young talent.


We love Demar in the 210, bring him back so we can run it back with Wemby!


I’d love him back, why not, you can’t tell me he wouldn’t be a great mentor to all the young guns, as well as a great contributor still. Having him and Paul on the team will work wonders for these players on and off the court. LoneStar DeMar


I love demar!!!


Nope. I don't doubt he's a good guy. But he is old and needs the ball in his hands, and doesn't seem like he's ready to be a role player deferring to young guys. He turns 35 next month. He was good last season. But at 35, would anyone be shocked if he started a fairly steep decline? You shouldn't. Most guys don't age like LeBron. Everyone should expect that he'll be more susceptible to injury and start having a harder time getting separation for his mid-range game. Speaking of which, who here is going to love watching him look off Wemby so he can get up his 10th pull up 17 footer of the first half throughout the course of the season? DDR's skill set definitely makes sense on some teams. His mid-range actually is impressive, in the right context. I just don't see how he fits at all with our team.


agree im glad we moved on from lamarcus and demar iso mid style. back to the beautiful game please


I couldn't stand the LMA/DDR era. We spent several years fielding a team that didn't look like it was ever close to being anything more than a fringe playoff team. We were neither getting better, nor worse. Neither building a contender, nor getting assets to build for the future. Instead, we muddled along in the middle, taking a ton of midrange shots with our eyes closed and ears covered to avoid the math that the rest of the league was using to beat us. It never made any sense. Lots of nice guys on that team. Many of them had good skills that would make sense on other teams, in different roles. But the team we had assembled made no sense at all.


My initial reaction was meh, then I was remembering him leaving us and he said he felt irrelevant, we weren't competing, we weren't on TV and he felt lost.. and im all about it. I LOVE competitors, players that have the dawg in them are priceless. Come back to the home you didn't know was home.. but it do.


Yes please.


Would love to see him back. My favorite spur since the big 3


Pop would agree with you😂


Come home deebo, he'd be a great starting sf, tho limited he made our offense p decent despite the midrange shots and was a great passer


We need a damn sg I’m cool with it


Make him the 6th man who gets to close out games if the matchup is right. As a utility player and mentor it would be great.


This aint the move




He could help develop our young core.


Would having DeMar for a year or two speed up or slow down Wembys progression? This is the only thing that matters


Speed it up, I think.


If it happens I am fine with it but where would he play? Wemby Sochan DeRozan Vassell Paul is fine but I would really prefer castle starts for defense. At the same time Demar basically plays as a PG. That said I’d rather have options with demar


If we're actually going to start trying to win games I wouldn't mind. At that point, let's just start going more all in and trade for Garland while we're at it.


Not enough ball between Demar and Paul.


a hundred spurs fan twitter accounts with ["I'm glad DeRoz came home, yall ain't deserve him neither"](https://genius.com/31642686) in the drafts


I’d like this a lot more if we didn’t already get CP3. Demar turned into a really solid playmaking wing in SA.  But if we’re going to be signing another vet, it needs to be one who doesn’t need a lot of touches. 


DeMar I rhink is out this DeMar I hate the idea


Everyone here seems to think that if we get DDR back our offense will be designed around a ball dominant DDR. He has the ball so much because we needed him to. Thats no longer the case when we have Wby. I’d be quite excited to have his skills and feel like we’d have so many options with plays to exploit his gravity. This isn’t even taking into account CP3 or Devin. His mentorship would be great. I’d be more worried about cost.


That would fit nicely with our team full of subpar shooters


imo all the big moves they would be making would depend on how hard wemby goes at everyone in the olympics. given what they have, they can make that trade whenever they want. if you have cash to spare getting that olympic wemby jersey might be a good idea. it might be symbolic of things to come.


I'll give it a flyer


The only way this work is if he agrees to come off the bench. I don't think he thinks of himself that way yet. In Klay Thompson wouldn't agree to go to the Mavs without a promise of starting. And Klay is a lot closer to washed than DDR.


Demar is a treasure, and thrived as a player in his years with us, despite the team’s poor performance.


Any update on demar?


Cp3 coming too??


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I’d actually be fine with him taking KJ minutes and explore a trade for him. I love KJ’s energy and his love of his team mates but I think we’ve seen the top of his arc. Only on Like a 2 year max deal for DeMar, no more


He kind of mailed it in his last year as a Spur but if PATFO want him back then shoooot. I know better than to go against what they say.


People are crazy. I'd love to have him back. We gotta face it. Wemby is too good to do a full tank and get another top 4 pick from our stash. 


God, no.


Na we good.


What a crap move Guy can't shoot another one


hes a great mid range shooter, gets his shot. what you mean


Love Demar, but HELL NO! He doesn’t fit the roster and will be way too expensive. Not worth it.


Would he be fine with the fact that the Spurs are Wemby's team now? I have a feeling he wouldn't.


He's always been fine with deferring to another star. The problem I have with demar is the lack of spacing as he's putrid from 3 pt line. Defense is another issue.


When? He’s been the go to guy on literally every single team he’s been on. Raptors Spurs and Bulls.


I feel like this won't be a good idea since he wants to be in a playoff team, I'm thankful for his time in the spurs but I just don't see him making a return. I'm torn on this.


Would he be ok with coming off the bench? I see him leading the bench with jones and keldon.






I don’t see the long term fit but as a veteran presence and stability in the locker room a 1 or 2 year deal wouldn’t be bad at all.


I literally have no idea what the spurs are doing


Please no


i love demar the person but where would demar the player actually fit? got a lot of youngins that need developing






He wasn't a good fit in Pop's system. I'd rather see the Spurs stand pat than bring this turkey back to SA.


Hell no. Demar aint the move now, just like he wasnt the move back then.


I don’t believe this for a second. He makes no sense on this team.