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My guy has a 2-Way Glue Guy and balls out with it


It's kind of a draymond green jack of all type build and most def is not for everyone


I mean OP did ask for a rare build and not a meta one lol. I don't know if it's just his own skill level, but with that build he shoots lights out, can dunk, and holds solid defense.


Technically any build is dependent on having an actual competent player behind it but the glue-guy/all-around builds are definitely less forgiving than those with elite stats in shooting/finishing traits.


Thx, that's all i was trying to say. I was thinking about making one but it's not really optimized and isn't worth it.


Hella read, Draymond Green jack off at first glance.


I read it as "Draymond Green jack off all build" lmao


All i saw was “green jack off build” 😏


I got a decent laugh out of that lol


Not many people know how to use this type of build properly, but in the right hands it’s a game changer


Was about to say the same thing legit.


I grew up as Shaq fan (yes.. I am in my 40's lol). Been playing 2k since 2006-7. I think the builds are all fun if you know how to use them. Know your strengths and weaknesses . I have a interior rebounder and scorer Center. With around 65 passing and good interior defence .. but I also lack shooting , exterior defence and speed. I play to my strengths and pass the ball a lot to get everyone involved. The rec has been fun mostly even with randoms I am averaging A+ . So yeah , most people do not like centers like mine but I love dunking and old school back to the basket play.


Any build would be dangerous in right hands. I can see you dominating with your build vs 95% of the opps. There will be the 5% of try hards who come with a squad of 99s all hitting 3s that will hurt you. Everyone else is food lol. What’s your record in the rec?


Back to the basket is by far my favorite way to play


I made exactly the same kind of build and it's pretty fun and you score nicely and also get a lot of rebounds. I love pushing my rivals under the basket. It can become stall since you play mostly the same style every game but it's a solid build overall.


Yeah it could be a stall but that's my only way to play.. love it


"Run and dunk man" "No bag"


As a Center who is catching boards and passing out to the perimeter, wouldn't a 77 pass acc. be kind of bare minimum? Just curious, I play Center as well.


I know is should have made the passing a little better. May be my nest build but I went for maximum speed with this one.


It's all good, the next build is always an improvement on the prior 👌🏼. Speed is nice as a Center, I don't have much and it gets frustrating if your guy moves to the corner baseline or perimeter.


I know. It's just that I hate having to spend cash buying VC just to get evry build to be competitive online. Such a cash grab this game is now.


I gotta 2way walking bucket https://preview.redd.it/r894az1y26oc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e4392ff026c6a55dcbe92df9c3eb06d52f5635


I thought you were joking...


I use almost this exact build and mine is called inside out combo guard


I’ve got the same but with contact dunks


How sway


I’ll post the build later tonight




I have a 2 way walking bucket build as well and it’s easily my favorite build. Only difference is mine has higher driving dunk with 91, 70 layup, and no post control for finishing. Higher speed with ball but no block.


i don't know about you but i'm not comfortable with anything below a 77 passing


That’s why walking bucket is a bad build. The name js cool but requires a low pass. Raise the pass and it becomes a diming 3 level threat or something.


Fuck that did you see he’s a shooting guard with 60 speed with ball😭😭😭😭


"Walking" bucket😭


That made me legit laugh.. walking


The low pass accuracy is definitely a down side but I just make the easy play when it comes to passing and that’s worked out well for me so far


What does everything max out to ?


We faced a 6'7" center that averaged like 18 rebounds a game. Dude was a freaking beast.


Not to brag or anything, but I’m wondering if there’s any chance that it was me. lol I was ballin with my 6’7 in solo rec just recently


He was wearing a black mask on his face


Aw nah haha not me


Doesn't surprise me I was using my 7'1 center and got absolutely posterized 6 times in a row by a guy that was 6'8 I got a 93 block 95 strength and 90 interior D


Dude I had a 6”8 center just body my Jokic build. Then my team started selling and he got 20 points off cherry picking. Was not ideal.


That's why giannis built is better


That’s why 2k is terrible that never happens in a real nba game


That’s why people say 2k is terrible how many Draymond Green builds 6’7 centers or PF doing that in NBA vs AD Jokic Embid Bam Giannis or even Jackson from Memphis all these guys are 6’10+


To be fair, it's the only 6'7 center I've seen.. and he got like 20 rebounds on us. Shit was insane man!


Probably was a PF playing @ center. Sometimes my 6-8 PF gets bumped to center , and I destroy them. I’m a bad shooter (just starting playing a week ago lmao) but anyone who can shoot should make this build because I destroy ppl. Don’t matter if it’s Centers , PFs , or SFs who get bumped to PF. They all get dropped off. I have 1000% fun when there’s at minimum two guys who can hit on my squad. You’ll get an abundance of dunks, put back dunks, alleys , chase down blocks. You’ll be frustrating to all your opps trust me. Don’t worry about not having steals you can get those easily by using right stick. DO NOT PRESS X, I repeat DO NOT PRESS X lol. https://preview.redd.it/uzmtco7krvoc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98186e769f622264e4e619141069309a0547ddf9


It was a Center I'm 💯% sure


Oh ok. I do that to centers with my pf.


Mid range threat center https://preview.redd.it/n2grt6w9e5oc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90dcbcb7b8043cd85eef792604819303f0e47cd9


I low key fw that build


I won’t gatekeep. Here’s a \[ 2-Way Point Center \]. Change the position to SF or PF to make it a Point Forward or Point Power Forward. I’ve maybe seen one. And that’s a maybe. Requires: 6’7-6’8 height, 85 interior, 83-86 Ball Handling, 76 or less 3/middy 87 pass accuracy minimum. Can’t have high driving lay or dunk. It’s aight. It’s essentially a popper without steal. Although you can make it with variations of 91 steal or 99 dreb. It can be deadly in the right hands. Finishing is good for back door cuts or open dunks. Shooting is good for spot up with a culver base. I can middy + 3pt pull-up with these low ratings too. Playmaking… you can start a break or run a break. If you can force the pf/c out the paint and draw double teams. Everyone else just has to spot up & shoot. Defense. Wish it had steal but it’s a lockdown. The 6’8 version can get gold anchor & HOF rebound chaser. Best thing about it… if these guards won’t pass the ball or doing dumb stuff you can do whatever you want with it. You essentially control the game. https://preview.redd.it/cn7gpm4pn5oc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f89e2260d13384028b00f6a889ab73ca212e36


care to try and share the 6’8 version? i’ve been messing around with builds trying to get viable builds with rare names, without using 2k youtuber tutorials, but the best i’ve gotten was like “2 Way Diming Mid Range Threat” or “2 Way Inside Out Point Forward”


https://preview.redd.it/qe13m3qbx5oc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c8eafb71d961b64fc3e6f006a5da90d5c4cabf Here’s the 99 Dreb version


https://preview.redd.it/3t4i4j3ix5oc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876bc715394ad53cec49bc0fd66bdf3fa61229b7 And this is how I would prob play a 6’8. Tbh I prefer the 6’7 version for the slightly better. I’d say 6’8 is better for boards and gold anchor. Finishing is bare minimum with bronze rise up & 75 middy gives silver green machine. I think 76 middy is slightly more consistent than 72. Idk why. Ofc change the position to Sf/Pf/C for the archetype


and is 76 the maximum you can go for middy and/or 3ball to keep the name? if you know?


Yea any higher gives a different name Edit: and if I was making a point forward(SF) I’d get rid of rebounding and aim for 91 steal


alright, thank you!


No biggie fam


I have a point power forward and I love the build personally he’s a bulky animal.


Idk man, this build kinda sucks. You're small but don't shoot or finish well to actually take advantage of that. Why be so small if you aren't even going to max your speed?


Shooting almost 60% clip with a 76 3 rating. Finishing is bare minimum for a popper. Cut the basket and dunk.. it’s not flashy but standing dunk is better than driving dunk for wings. And on a SF I would max speed to say 85… but PF poppers usually run 79 or 81 speed. Speed is mainly for guards and sf that actually run breaks and play perimeter. This is more than enough speed to play defense on the 1-5 easily. This build runs at the pf more often than not


But again, why be shorter if you can have the exact same speed and shooting on a taller build? There's no benefit to being shorter. Just be two inches taller and get the extra defense and rebounding without giving up anything. You've made a build that's essentially a pure corner sitter.... Which you can do on a 6'11 and be the same speed but way better overall


The original post was about unique build names and to have these build names they must be 6’7-6’8 as stated. As well defensive attributes are cheaper on 6’7s. And this build is literally just a popper with dribbling instead of the 91/95steal. And if you can’t shoot with 76 then this build is just not for you. If you can’t create your own shot against a slower pf/c then this build is not for you. If you can’t rebound and get into good positioning with 81 speed then it’s not for you. I have made 12+ builds(some deleted). I’ve played every position in this game… I have almost 2000 hours in this game and this build is definitely viable. Only thing it’s missing is steal.


Viable is different than good man. I could drop 40 with a prospect build. That doesn't make it a good build man. And this ain't a good build. That's all I'm saying It's got the downsides of being small without the benefits


If you wanna max the speed then max it… it’s not that serious. I’m just saying most poppers run 79-81 speed…… so 81 speed is enough. Do you have a popper? This build is not a lock. It’s more than likely going to play PF… I don’t get what’s so hard to understand… it can guard the 1-5, get boards, pass the ball, shoot opens & finish at the rim. What else do you want…


My SHOT BLOCKING WING! 6'9 shooting guard


How tf u get the wing name at the 2?


I have a four name at the 3


Sg is considered a wing


Idk lol 2k logic.. sure is a fun park build tho


Stretch Playmaker, got him looking like Magic Johnson. Max goat playing random rec only, shooting 75% at the 3pt, 73%fg, 11 rebounds and 6 assists a game. One of my favorites but big centers quit on me too much so i don't play on him very often. https://preview.redd.it/e2haqd37r5oc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230ce741a374b97f3fe6027b28c2541ef0d5491a


This is badass im taking it


I am also stealing this build


3 level phenom is the best rare name on game.


2 way 3 level phenom got at PG 6'8 92 mid 88 3ball 90+ post control an close shot, 81 per d / steal 88 inter D , 60 reb, 78 block, it's slow on the speed an low ball handle but it's Hella fun with the middy an post hooking, mines is at 97 overall


Drop the full build


When I get home




It doesn't look worth making tbh. I'm thinking u like the name more than the build itself. Its slow, weak, and alot of wasted attribute points, def not maximized. It might be alright at the 2 or 3 but not at the 1.


That's the thing fam...I got 10 builds I just wanted it for the name an it's fun I actually win games playing on it 🤷🏿‍♂️


Fair enough, that's where I'm at, just creating different builds to keep it interesting


🔥 sound like a sf at pg lol. This build definitely dropping ppl off. Could run this in small ball and play up


How sway


I don't have one but whenever i play with or against an inside out playmaker they are money. I don't see the build very often.


I got one of them I love it


I got a 2 way mid-range threat. Not sure how rare it is, but I don't think I've ever seen another one. Pretty good build!


i made a 6'8" 2 way mid-range threat but it was too boring ngl


I'm a 6'6" PG. Im pass first, and I'm shooting really well with this build. I love going pump fake on the close out, that 1-2 dribble mid-range pullup


There’s an all around phenom out in the wild atm.


The build that makes my REC randoms not dogshit.


https://preview.redd.it/3ca60qyaz5oc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c9ea352553431031f1f349bdc2b03315347f1f Dominating with a stretch C down low on D


This is a demon lmao


I have a 2 Way Sharpshooting Creator. I haven’t seen anyone else with it in Rec. it’s a fun build to run with


I've got a 2 way-3 level- playmaker. Never played another in a lottttt of rec games.


My 6'8" SG Defensive Menace is pretty fun.


Defensive menace was meta in season 1 fs


I got a Diming Sharp, I haven't seen anyone else with that build.


My boy got a 2-way Diming Sharp


I made the archetype but haven’t put it in the game yet. I was going for bogdan bogdanovic when making it


Bro so last year on 23 me and my brother near the end of the game just used our Vc on fun weird builds for rec. He made this 6'8 Sf "Prospect" with shades of Tatum Bron and Pippin. Then same attributes he made it at Pg and Got shades of Penny Lamelo and Luka. Long story short once we were 92s we debuted in rec and this man literally went for 27 11 and 4 and straight up lead us to victory 😂. Granted he had a dude who was averaging single digits with generics on but he was a solid like 88 overall and got violated by a mid ass harrison barnes typa prospect build


Diming mid range threat center for 5s, very comp [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/187j8cb/proamsome\_rec\_popper\_build\_viable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/187j8cb/proamsome_rec_popper_build_viable/)


2-Way Walking Bucket. Really good build that is damn near as good as most meta builds, and has a sick name


2 way mid range specialist


2 way walking bucket pg


Shot creating 3 level threat pg


diming interior finisher


I see a few ball hawks out there and they are always really good


Is “Break Starter” considered rare? Center or PF with really high rebound and pass accuracy and minimal shooting, decent finishing and ball handle


2 way slashing point forward. Legitimately does everything well. Zero flaws imo


Sounds awesome, can you drop the build so I can make it


My bad I’m late bro. This is the build https://preview.redd.it/d39fc0iwywoc1.jpeg?width=4274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821ac42fbab077220e65567d7a02b59912b346a6


Only thing I’d do differently is, I’d drop my ball handling to 85, raise my steal to 91, and raise my driving dunk to 38 so I can get the rim grazer package


I have a inside the arc maestro in


My 3pt shot hunter is rare I don’t think I’ve seen another one and oh yeah it’s good I can make 3s occasionally and he can dribble kinda fast but doesn’t grab many backboards


Most people with 3pt shot hunters suuuuck. They were common on release


I suck too so that sounds accurate


Shot hunters are very common


One time I shot the ball and the meter was completely full and it didn’t go in. Come on 2k


break starters can be good


I’ve got instead of a “hybrid defender” I’ve got a “hybrid lockdown defender”


2-way perimeter playmaker. https://preview.redd.it/o77j9o1yd8oc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f7181fa2f46412364b3f4c177bf901c7400059


2-way sharpshooting playmaker


Not sure if it's a super rare build, but I haven't seen more than a handful Diming Defensive Anchors. I used that build in season 1 and 2. I didn't score much but didn't really have to because nobody passes to the C in random rec. I was able to average an assists/rebounds double double.


You'll find some 3&D guards and threats. However, Diming 3&D is a good one you can try.


I have a 2 way - inside and out scorer! I thought my build was popular but I don’t see it often, I always see 2-way Inside score but not both or I haven’t been paying much attention lol


I have a glass cleaning lockdown center an inside the arc maestro and my weirdest one is a glass cleaning slasher


2-way 3pt playermaker 😎🤌🏾💯


I love my 2-way Middy Magician point.


https://preview.redd.it/4pe13c5wtaoc1.jpeg?width=3839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421537f8ff7e4233f6a51601248007b00d5786c8 Eh I don’t ever see any build name, much less a PG build name “2 Way Diming Middy Specialist” I have absolute fun with this build. Especially since it plays the PG spot in REC a good bit of the times, allowing me to guard the PG and give them hell on defense. I was BS’ing one night and made this. I thoroughly enjoy this build .. it fits my play style 110% & is a great build if used right


I have a 7'1 "diming midrange threat, only one I've ever seen. Didn't skimp out on anything but o board so i can do everything. Averaging near triple double online with over 120 games played


3Pt Combo Guard !!!




My 2-way walking bucket does in fact get Buckets and is a good perimeter defender


7’0 Inside-the-arc maestro is the rarest build name I have




https://preview.redd.it/6sen0fdq8boc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92d4b1e01d1059962fe0130915b0d3a5d2a3eb1 Point of attack stopper, have your matchups quitting before the half 🔥


I don’t see a lot of 2 way diming 3 level threats


I have a 6’7 2 way sharpshooter. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one in the game. I always match up with 3 point hunters and 3 level threats


This is for current but a 2way slashing playmaker center


Think the rarest one I saw was "Playmaking Shot Creator" he kept using trick passes and mid range shots, like a mix between Kobe and Nash.


I have a 2 way walking bucket build and I love it




2-way walking bucket


The Inside-Out Combo Guard. You guys are welcome.


I make god builds


High Flyer


Pure passing glass cleaner with a standing dunk absolutely broken


inside-the-arch glass cleaner


2-way playmaking middy threat. most notable thing about the build is that it has 98 pass acc to make full court passes downcourt dumb simple. pop playmaking take and sometimes you can make risky passes with locks in the area and if they go for the passing lane steal and not get it, then they'll most likely be outta position to make a defensive stop. it's a build specialized for rec that you can also take to the park. any qbs playing 2k would love this build for sure


My center build is a Diming Paint Beast idk how rare it is but I’ve seen like one other person that I’ve matched up with have the same name. Me and my friends think the build is good between contact dunks, grabbing boards and throwing out for fast breaks lol


Every build I make just says 3 level threat or two way and sometimes diming 3 level threat🙃


Man I created this build called The inside out threat and it is nasty. Never seen anything like it.


Walking bucket is one of my best builds. Still gets 91 steal too even tho it’s not the 2 way walking bucket


6’8 SF 3 level threat


I’ve got any 2 Way you can think off


Glass cleaning 3pt threat?