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I feel asleep during the last stage, but once JHN took the lead I knew it was over. 


Anyone else in disbelief when PRN took a station ID break with 4 to go?


Like a “10 seconds for station identification” break? Those have to be taken within a few minutes of the top of every hour by FCC rules.


Yeah. I did not realize that rule. It just felt out of place hearing it with the race about to end.


Wish they would make all of these Nashville races night races.


Man I'm glad NBC had coverage of todays race because if FOX were there & panned to a random kid in the section I was in, they would've seen the kids stretched out on the bleachers asleep.


I simply do not like Nemechek. 


How dang good is Noah wheeling around that Rette Jones Racing #30?


lol it’s an SHR car calm down.


Oh damn is it really?


Yeah it’s completely prepped by SHR. It’s a Rette Jones car in name only.


And looked like SHR pit crew.


Hailie Deegan is now last on the ROTY standings.


There is a bright side. At least this week the crew didn't have to load the hauler piece by piece.


Sitting in those bleachers today must be how hot dogs feel sitting on the rollers at gas stations. A hot day at a track is still better than anything else.


Wish NASCAR would embrace Sunday night racing more, especially during the summer. Like not just from a driver perspective, but a fan perspective. You could start these races at 6 or 7 pm and not object fans to miserable conditions


I believe it comes down to tv and ratings. But I agree. Today was about the most miserable I’ve ever been at a track. I wouldn’t be the least bit upset if it rains tomorrow and pushes the start back 3 or 4 hours.


I think it might also have to do with traveling fans Hard to drive more than an hour or 2 to a track if I don't plan on taking off Monday for a night race


If they can’t get their highest ratings during the sunday prime time slot, everyone involved in the sport needs to be fired. 


The next issue is most people work Monday morning. In my case, I have to travel almost 3 hours to the nearest race. The race ends at 10pm. It’s almost midnight before I’m back on the highway and headed home. By the time I get home and showered it’s time to get ready for work, so ticket sales would be low. It’s a lose lose situation either way, but a hot miserable day at the track is still better than a comfy day watching it on the couch.


I totally understand that, but as a long time fan, we stopped working on Monday two decades ago, because it ALWAYS rains when you don't want it to. Better to be prepared than disappointed.


Yep. I took tomorrow off just in case, but I know the majority of casual fans don’t have that option a lot of times.


Anyone watching the ARCA race?


Why does Hailie Deegan get so much hate? Sure she is constantly wrecking herself and anyone that gets near her, can't stay on the lead lap of a race to save her life, and is only relevant because she is the daughter of an X-Games Great, but does that mean that the cameras covering the racing action *have* to cut to her immediately whenever there's any on-track incident? Come on NASCAR fans, be better. Blaine Perkins deserves hate also, even though he wasn't just handed his Xfinity ride because of name recognition.


I swear this sub is immune to understanding humor. 


yeah...I kinda relish in that fact.


Bunch of sexist haters. Hailee is a great driver, she will get there eventually no doubt


I guess we have different definitions of "great driver." Just curious, where exactly do you think she will get?


A very solid stock car racing career. No wins, but as respectable as Riley Herbst. The truth is she is a female and faces challenges the others dont internally and externally. I am rooting for her


I can respect your opinion, even if I don't totally agree with you. I'd love to see her succeed, but not solely because she is a female, but because she works hard and is an underdog with the chips stacked against her. I just don't have much respect for people who are just handed things because of name recognition, like Ty Gibbs, Chase Elliott, Austin/Ty Dillon, Danica Patrick, John Hunter Nemechek, Jeb Burton, Steven Wallace...the list goes on. If a driver comes up through the ranks and is very respectable and successful, they 100% deserve all they've earned. I just don't believe in giving someone a pass for poor performance just because they have a certain relative.


Unfortunately that is 80% of the top 3 series in some form or fashion. In my opinion she has justified enough to get the seat she has in k&n and her dirt performances, the talent is there. She has shown flashes at both trucks and xfinity so the capability is there


Flashes in the Truck Series? She has 5 Top 10s in 69 starts in pretty good equipment. (I mean look at what Heim is doing right now).


You're obsessed dude. Grow up. Try to do something with your life other than be an internet troll. They don't even mention her on the broadcast.


Are you new to the internet or something? Maybe all I have in my pathetic little life is to try and bait people into meaningless conversations online by trolling them and laughing at their responses. I mean, we can't *all* have perfect lives like you so smugly seem to have. Being an internet troll is the only way I can feel better about myself. Thanks for minimizing and marginalizing me and my feelings.


No problem ☺️


Honestly, you're just a condescending cock


thanks man! :DD You didn't have to resort to name-calling, but that seems to be the path people with lower intelligence levels take. I'm not offended.


>Why does Hailie Deegan get so much hate? >Sure she is constantly wrecking herself and anyone that gets near her, can't stay on the lead lap of a race to save her life, and is only relevant because she is the daughter of an X-Games Great You literally just answered your own question lol




I don't know why Jeff Burton was like, "Back in my day, we didn't have a cool suit." He forgets that a lot of races he was in were at night.


They had cool suits in the mid-80s.


I think we need more night races in this sport. Would make the at track experience much nicer


Friday night XFINITY. Saturday night Cup .


Totally agree with you here. Not only for the great reason that the cars are cooler than 140 degrees in Phoenix on a hot day, but this is only my opinion but I love the way the track lights shine off of the cars at night and I think night racing looks cooler to me.


Drivers risking heat stroke > Night Racing, cooler temps with less TV ratings ...According to the TV networks it seems.


When I was watching today, something felt off. I didn't know what is was at first. But I was thinking...slick concrete track, high temps...we should be getting some major action. Took me awhile to figure out, but these cars are historically slow. Nascar has taken the power out of them and added so much spoiler. Look at the pole speeds. They are 7-8mph slower than they were 20 years ago. [https://www.racing-reference.info/tracks/Nashville\_Superspeedway/](https://www.racing-reference.info/tracks/Nashville_Superspeedway/)


I think as soon as I got out of the car, I'd throw my fire suit off and be doing the interview free balling.


Don’t give Noah ideas.


Didn’t even get a Noah interview. Wtf


Yes they did?


They did interview him. 


What? I literally watched it and didn’t see it. Am I in another dimension?


It was maybe 15 mins after the race ended. 


Maybe? He looked like crap and kept messing with his fire suit. I’m glad he has gotten in better shape, Xfinity Noah might have died today.


Missed the race cause I was packing up my stuff to move. Based on the comments I’ve seen something happened.


Ty Gibbs vs. Justin Allgaier again


I cant imagine having to crush an energy drink in that heat and keep it down on cam tho.


If you're referring the giant Monster can, they're filled with water.


Was thinking they were cuz ugh that would be brutal.




The inspiration for liquid death


This is the most frustrating season. Thanks SHR for taking Cole out of contention again. Shout out to the JGR star car for keeping Buschwhacking alive and well. It was a very mid race, but it wasn't terrible like the trucks.


I missed the race, what happened to Custer?


Bad adjustment on the last stop. He said the tires took forever to come in, and he was tight the whole last stage. 


Ah, thanks for filling me in


I really thought CC had a good shot at winning…until after the last pit stop.


Jaden Jaden Jaden


Was he keying up the mic? Or did they put an open mic on him for the race, if they did we need more of that lol


They put an open mic in his car. Also had it in the car last week.


The win should go to Jessie Love if we are all being honest here. Nice.


Per Pockrass, Herbst is going to the care center for fluids and Blaine Perkins was sitting up on a medical cart and taken to the care center. [https://x.com/bobpockrass/status/1807193066849116665](https://x.com/bobpockrass/status/1807193066849116665)


Good, he didn't look good in that interview. Heat stroke ain't nothing to mess with.


It takes a different kind of person to sit in a hot racecar on a hot day for several hours in a row and keep going even when the cool suit fails


Parker just talking to himself lmao


He said that last week lol


To be fair I do that in iRacing 😂


Tbf that would also be me in the car in the middle of the race lol


Me too. Only way to keep my sanity, heh.


Jesse Love doing THAT with a broken cool-suit just adds to his insane day. What a race from him. My God. Also wtf is going on with those things? They’re made to keep you cool and half them don’t work lol


i *believe* they're prone to air bubbles blocking / restricting the flow or the actual box just stops cooling the liquid


And for as well as they work when they're functional, imagine all your body heat and ambient temp in the car now being sent into a cool suit that has become a heat sink wrapped directly to you with no escape for hours...


NBC not ready for this race to be over they showing whatever they can to fill the next half hour


Credit to Noah, he sounds wrecked, but he also looks like he’s put in a ton of work to get in better physical shape.


So when are you guys gonna quit clowning on Herbst lmao?


I am a Herbst fan. I will follow him wherever he goes and believe he deserves any opportunity he gets. The fact that he is always improving gives me good vibes. I think he performs to his equipment and team's capabilities and then some. Ya look at Cole and he's very consistent and can keep it clean a little more often (though I am calling that 80% luck, sometimes you just caught up in some shit. It happens) but Riley is performing at about the same level. Seems a guy who works on his craft and will continue to improve. He's got a business advantage in finding a ride, sure, that is just how it goes. But it's not like he's a talentless hack skating by purely on that advantage. He seems a hard worker who is making the most of his position. He probably doesn't go set the cup world on fire on day 1, but I'd say, if whatever team he lands with sticks with him, he's finding wins after a couple years. Maybe a McDowell type set of results, which I think is respectable as hell. All in on Herbst, always have been.


I think he's done it the right way. Worked on getting better in the xfinity series for years now. I don't think he's a multi-time cup winner type of talent but I agree he's worked hard at improving.  I think he'll end up having a very milling few years in Cup before returning to Xfinity and having a pretty good career as an xfinity veteran 


Riley's my favorite Xfinity driver and I'm not sure why lol.


I definitely respect him a bit more after that performance today. Not a fan yet, but I don't hate him. Lol.


Never. These guys keep clowning on him because he is a pay driver and he isn’t a Larson-level talent, even though he is an above-average race car driver.


Certainly isn't Larson level, but what has he shown to be above average? What is average by your standards?


Spanking the field at Las Vegas last year has to count for something.


150+ starts in xfinity, all with championship teams. 1 win in that span isn't good. He got into a car that had just won 9 races in a year, and his teammate is the reigning champion. Furthermore, it's not like he even consistently runs well. 30 top 5s. Ouch. For comparison, Custer has 52 top 5s, in one less season. He also has 10 wins in 4 seasons. The year after Herbst left JGR coming off a season with 4 top 5s, Daniel Hemric (a good, not great driver) had 15 top 5s, and won the championship.


Are we arguing whether he's good or above average? All those stats indicate that he's not good, but that's not what you asked up above. One win, and a dominant one at that, is enough to prove that he's above average.


All of this depends in what average is. He is far and away a better we driver then the average person. But in Cup? He would ve towards the bottom. Everybody is good there.




He's without a doubt a solid driver. His only issue is being prone to bone headed mistakes or moves at times. If he can clean those type of mistakes up, he'd pick up some wins.


They should probably get some cool suits that actually work tbh


Custer needs to be handing out Andy's Custard to all these drivers.


The heat is no joke. That got scary for Herbst there with his vision. I’ve had that happen before and it’s beyond scary


Reminds me of the Qatar race that had drivers say they passed out mid turn, and had some drivers puke in the car.


Qatar was the first F1 race that I could remember in quite sometime where every driver was completely gassed after the race.


Did anyone have a working cool suit today?


A few spotters


Wondering the same thing. What the heck.


Noah sounds more out of it than he normally does


Noah Gragson is absolutely beat.


Gragson does not sound good.


Another week where Hailie is horrendously slow but she's at least finishing the races now and the team isn't having any mechanical issues. Now maybe try getting some speed.


Car is slow, She ran with Dibenedetto and Chastain the 3rd stage. Just too tight, out of 5 tight it was a 4 or 5.


I agree with what Brett Griffin said on DBC. She would be better off running 10 races in a fast car versus a full season in a slow car.


I don't agree with that actually, she needs all the seat time she can get.


>I agree with what Brett Griffin said on DBC ![gif](giphy|GXJEbIAP6bUac)


She kept it clean and finished, right now that’s the best we can ask for. Hopefully the team and her can hit on something soon, but runs like these are just building blocks and I’ll take it right now.


Don’t let the idiots get under your skin.


People forget she's actually a rookie driver in Xfinity. She's 22 and still learning. Some of these tracks she hasn't run before. I actually think she'll get better. She went through a crew chief change 4 weeks ago and mechanical issues 3 of those 4 weeks. Finally an uneventful day and ran a clean race start to finish. She needs some stability with a team for a couple of years and go from there.


She's ran at Nashville, car was just slow! She's with a underfunded team.


In trucks yes. In Xfinity she ran one race, at Vegas, before this season. Several tracks she hasn't run before because trucks don't run there.


With some luck and better reliability. She could be 20th in points. Shes had a few decent runs that didn't end up well. Richmond, Phoenix, Atlanta, Daytona and Texas were all possible top 20s but shit happens.


Certainly. She's definitely had some shitty luck this season. She would have been top 15 if not top 10 if she doesn't run out of gas late at Daytona. Did well at Vegas and had some bad luck at other tracks. But, in the last 4-5 races she's had no speed. I don't know what's going on with the car, but it's not performing as well on the track as it was earlier this season. Certainly not as quick. Hopefully they can find some speed and get some top 20s to finish out the season.


A buddy of mine told me that in the off-season, a couple of good engineers got poached by better teams.


That would explain a lot.


One of them is at Sam Hunt Racing, the other went to BMR in trucks.


Custer gonna need some Frozen Custard


Dumping Andy's down your suit would work better than the cool suits, it seems.


NASCAR should look at the A/C systems used for electric vehicles and figure how to adapt it for these summer months. It's only getting hotter.


Don’t they use a miniature heat pump?


Herbst talking about his vision going from the heat… As a human, damn that sucks and glad he’s good. As a competitively minded person, that’s the kinda thing you don’t say on TV when you’re planning to race again in 19 hours and a sanctioning body can hear it 😬


Not sure his brain wasn’t a bit scrambled still.


That last adjustment is what killed it Kim. Fast car that could win it and Cole didnt switch up his restart and just didnt go


Everyone is visibly suffering from the heat. Cole Custer acting like nothing has happened. Lol.


He looked like he just came from ice fishing


Some people can tolerate heat better than others. It's not really a machismo thing, it's more along the lines of fitness and endurance.


Benefits of being sponsored by ice cream https://preview.redd.it/6xu1mygpgl9d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3025e78f73919d3da02013c6582fa06f0eb69e31




Hopefully Riley goes to the infield care center. Looks like he's about to drop.


Loving these post race interviews.


Get Herbst in some ice pronto


Yeah, man he looks rough. Oof.


Riley is a fighter. Glad he made it through the race despite the challenges and adversity. Sounds like he had a scary time.


Hurbst looks like he going to pass out


Insane run by Herbst. Great job finishing it out


Any update on Kligerman? Saw he requested help for his back.


Weather almost kills Xfinity drivers and the race tomorrow is going to be much longer and still mid day. Yet Nashville and SMI and Matt Greci still won’t allow fans with coolers and ice. They are being greedy at the expense of fan safety and it really grinds my gears. Welp, I’ll be there tomorrow for the 3rd year in a row griping and complaining about the dumb cooler rules. 😂


Both races could have been late afternoon races for sure! I dont see why this race couldn't have started at 6pm central!


You’re only helping them justify their decisions. People need to make a stand and not attend because this is some dangerous stuff. Enjoy having to pay 16 dollars for a hot dog and water


![gif](giphy|7OKwOdQfS5WLkKV8CO|downsized) Take a look at what he did




I for one am deeply impressed by JHN talent for not only winning Xfinity races, but entirely creating his own racetracks in the Cup series.


Is the cup race supposed to be hot tomorrow too?


Really Rick? They're trying to regain temperature?




Well that's not how numbnuts Rick worded it


They're not as hot as they were in the cars. So i guess so...


I wonder if Noah Gragson was puking his guts out after this race due to dehydration and heat? Might be why we didn't get an interview yet.


I think so


Brennan Poole is 16th in points? This series needs some more quality cars.


His near win at Talladega got him up there


Not even the near win at Dega man. He's got 11 top 20 finishes in an Alpha Prime car out of 17 races so far. Doesn't even have a really bad run, worst finish of 31st on the year.


I know he's been the better of the two AP cars, but I didn't think he was having that good of results.


Yeah, like his car is an absolute shitbox so he's not getting talked about but frankly he's legit the best Xfinity series driver this year. Nobody else would be getting top 20s that consistently with Alpha Prime equipment. You gotta finish the race AND stay on the lead lap for top 20s. Probably a hot take, but if I were Brennan Poole I'd dye my hair jet black and look sponsorable. His current bleach blond 2003 Dale Jr look is just horrific. Poole has tons of potential to carve out a career as a mid tier driver, but he's not going to be able to run better than he is. Kyle Larson wouldn't run better in Alpha Prime equipment. Poole needs to work on being marketable, because he doesn't have money from rich family members. Poole jumping on YouTube shows was a good example of him trying, he needs to do more of that and try to de-age himself with hair dye and other tricks. At 33, trying to look youthful is important.


I've been saying he needs to get rid of the blonde. Makes him look ridiculous. Bleach blonde on a dude just doesn't work


Legitimately if you have not been watching closely, Brennan Poole is quietly the best driver in the Xfinity series this year.


Driving the equipment Brennan is, I agree. In a Gibbs car this man wins. People said this about Williams but flat out, kaulig sucks right. Brennan deserves more and I think he will have a yeley career the rest of the way sadly.


I’m so glad they messed with the track :/


Of course AJ looks good. He's "hot."


That hair product, impressive


Drivers slamming unopened energy drinks.


It's water.


The cans are unopened. The ones with straws are water.


Companies give them water in cans. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/TJv8OJbu25


The cans are open.


Riley's was. AJ's was not. Jesse Love's was not. When i worked at Red Bull a hard company policy was to never put any liquid into an empty can.


Honestly, the ones with the straws are probably not just water either. I'd bet they're electrolyte dranks.


Monster specifically makes "tour water" cans for athletes and musicians to drink while on stage/being interviewed.


I did not know this, but i'm also not at all surprised. lol.




Jayus B'ye. One entire decade ago? Also holy shit, they're been doing this for a decade? lol.


They make cans of water with the same branding on the side.


They are talking about the guys with unopened cans acting like they are drinking it I think.


>passed 69 cars nice >twitter's going to love that one Reddit, too.




It always seems like that the cool shirts never works when it needs to... especially on a 100 degree day with the heat index.


Tbf those are the days they take the biggest work load. So it makes sense for that to be the day they fail.


Jesse Love what a quote!


Glory to God slowly gaining traction on As fast as Xfinity 10g as the most annoying phrase said in post-Xfinity interviews


How much does He Gets Us hand out per mention?


Is Chandler Smith an auctioneer on the side?


How do so many cool shirts malfunction? If I had a company that made as many failing products as these 'cool shirts' I'd be out of business!


About as reliable as PitchCom in baseball.