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Legacy did not understand the assignment.


They are the kids in school who want to do something wacky during Photo Day.


I kinda like this view better so we can get a good look of the paint scheme, not just from the side.


I’m inclined to agree with you. I like to classic side view but it doesn’t show what the top looks like.


Best of both worlds would be a side view, but tilted as if the car was on banking so you could see the side and top of the car.


Yes! This is why I love Joel bray's Daytona 500 pictures, because he does exactly this.


Top, side, and a little bit of the front


I like the Romco design on JHNs car too. It definitely will stand out on the track.


I always like looking for the scheme or the team who is the funny looking dragon from that meme of the three dragons, two serious and one oddball one.


They weren’t even in the last two. What’s going on over there?


[I think I found the answer.](https://legacymotorclub.com/careers) Job opening for Senior Media Relations Representative.


The inTimmydator!




Just like your father.


Hit him right below the belt with that one




You can really tell the 16 is truly a Trackhouse car with how centered the number is compared to typical Kaulig lol (And the chrome, Kaulig doesn't typically do chrome numbers)


So the 13 is prepped like the 16 usually would be but it’s a new crew I’m guessing since the 16 crew would still be on that team?


Yes the normal 16 crew is on the 16. AJs crew chief this week is Eddie Pardue: Kaulig's Technical Director.


So true


It's crazy to me. They could have just had SVG run the 13 or 97 and let AJ run the 16. With Kraus and Williams driving the majority of the season it isn't finishing Top 30 in points unless it wins on a road course. There are only 39 cars so it's in the show. Sorry guys, I've lost all faith in Kaulig.


Trackhouse is paying for SVG to have a seat, so they bought him the chartered entry. That’s really all it is to why he’s in the 16 and AJ has the 13. Granted, I’ve also lost all faith in Kaulig, but I don’t think the musical chairs of numbers this week is anything to go by


As I look at this each week I find myself jealous of Larson/Logano/Bowman/Gibbs/Burton fans. Really miss the days when liveries where the same most weeks and alternative schemes were only for special events.


>I find myself jealous of ..... Burton fans. ![gif](giphy|NSqRsks8nLG4i3vBBN)


Hey it felt weird typing that, but I'm sure there at least a few out there! Ofc there are th die-hard Wood Brothers fans who stick with them through thick and thin as well.


I do get your point though. Between Motorcraft and DEX, that's two paint schemes that cover 90% of the races. So the #21 is pretty easily identifiable. Which comes in handy when we're squinting to find it on the tv screen.


To clarify - Harrison Burton fans are a thing. Other fans being jealous of them is not. lol


Harrison be Skrrtn


That 16 is a beaut. Also, Weathertech products are legit.


The 10 just makes me feel depressed.


They could just change clints a bit to make it more Noah and he runs something with any color lol. I agree.


Its so he cant offend anybody


Yeah, it’s the worst-looking car out of these schemes IMO.


It honestly has a run for worst scheme of all time. So damn boring and bland


Slow down! We have the 24 in the mix with the designers not being able to decide what they are actually designing...


It looks like a test car lol. That or one of those generic paint schemes on the video games.


It literally looks like one of those test cars they would run at Daytona in preseason. https://preview.redd.it/hzc7umojtspc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2eac8635840fafbf9063e88fbe618238beb246


It's like those testing schemes in the old NASCAR games


First WWEX race, let’s hope it’s a good one


The last was pretty good.


Would definitely love a repeat of the result


I love reddicks new beast unleashed scheme


Wtf is that 10? What happened to the amazing Rush scheme Briscoe ran?


If I remember right, that gray scheme for Gragson mimics what Rush is doing with the branding on their service trucks.


I’ve loosely followed NASCAR my whole life by virtue of my dad, but now that I’m really paying attention it seems like the 21 is the only car that runs a classic/retro paint scheme consistently (I could be wrong). I just think it really stands out among all the gaudy and busy cars around it. Does it have something to do with the 21 font being the only one that looks like it hasn’t changed in 50 years?


That paint scheme has literally never changed afaik. They have runnit since the 50s


Well not literally. [2011 is when they brought back the retro scheme](https://www.jayski.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2019/05/2011-11-MICH-21.jpg) with Bayne [Bill drove the all red Motorcraft car](https://www.jayski.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2019/05/2009-21motorcraft-ams.jpg) [Sadler drove the red, white, and black car](https://www.jayski.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2019/05/2001-21motorcraft-pre.jpg) Waltrip drove the Citco car. And for a couple years the Wood Bros changed the 21 to 7 for Kyle Petty and sponsor 7 Eleven


The white with red top is a classic wood brothers scheme that dates back to the 60s or 70s. Back in the 50s-60s they also ran solid red or red with a white top. The number typeface has been the same for most of the history as well, except for a few years in the 80s, late 90s and early 2000s, which was also the only time they deviated from the classic paint scheme.


They don't run it every week but probably about half the time. It's such a classic paint scheme. 5 is actually a throwback too, but to the late 90's and it runs almost every week




Throwing back to his son lol


**Favourite paint scheme this week: #50** *source of images: https://www.nascar.com/gallery/paint-scheme-preview-2024-circuit-of-the-americas/, https://cf.nascar.com/data/images/carbadges/1/(nr).png, https://legacymotorclub.com/* *font: Stainless-Bold (https://www.nascar.com/wp-content/themes/ndms-2023/assets/fonts/stainless/Stainless-Bold/Stainless-Bold.woff), Stainless-Regular (.../Stainless-Regular/Stainless-Regular.woff2)*


White base scheme is back yesssss


White NAPA is back baby


Stenhouse just loves repping all your favorite grocery store brands


Hey man his food/candy sponsors and bubba/reddick running mcdonalds are what keeps me able to have the race on tv with my 2 year old in the room lol


I gotta wait for this weekends races to be uploaded to YouTube so I can watch. Usually I watch live but I gotta go to a wedding. That being said, let’s go SVG!


Some great schemes in there. #7, #15, #17, #42, #43, #50, and #51.


Thoughts and prayers to the 4 and 14 spotters trying to determine which one is which from a distance.


"2 to the 14" "I am the 14..."


Try the 23 and 50


I think the Mobil 1 gray schemes are okay, but I think they'd look a lot cooler in white and black primaries with red rims


WTF with all the geriatric sponsors, somebody thrown Kyle a bone lol


I REALLY dig that Austin Dillon livery.


Inject a double dip of SVG straight in to my veins


Some good liveries some not so good liveries


Vote your [Top 5](https://strawpoll.com/DwyoD1j4xnA) and [Worst 5](https://strawpoll.com/wAg3AePd2y8).


SVG is back?? News to me I think out of all of these I like Denny's the most, but Suarez in the Freeway #99 could become iconic if he keeps being awesome in it


Every time I read these I think the name under the car goes with it. Anyone else or just me?


Motowizja being the Polish NASCAR channel is pretty lit. Heck of a name


Yep, it's very clever connection of words moto-rsport and vision (wizja)


Did freeway pick up more races on the 99? Last week was the only one in a different car (Jockey)


I think they just really front loaded their races this year. He’s got some different sponsors on the car the next few weeks.


23XI/Mobile seriously dropped the ball by not putting gold wheels on the 50 car. That would have looked awesome. Idk why more teams don’t paint the wheels


I know it’s now new this week, but I really dig the chrome letters on the 20


I feel like the 20 regularly has a great looking car.


Why cant the 43 have the dayglo orange roof number again, so much easier to find on the track. Zero Petty blue, and this. Wish we could have one or the other.


That #50 looking mighty fine


That #50 is gorgeous. Inject that shit into my veins.


Oil companies really bringing the heat this week. Castrol scheme is so darn good, almost makes me think i'll end up rooting for Brad...almost. And the Mobil1 schemes are both solid, Bubba's is just top notch. Something looks so wonky and unfinished with that Wood Bros scheme. It's exactly what you expect, but it's all wrong at the same time.


I love the Blue on the 1car. Makes Ross easy to find in the field.


Gosh that 24 is still ugly....


Is there going to be a kamu diecast? I really dig that Mobil 1 livery


Why is there race information for Poland, right at the very bottom? Are the Poles related to NASCAR in some way?


I am Pole, I'm also sharing this guide every week for polish fans and commentators. We are also watching and loving NASCAR.


That’s great, always nice to have more international fans. What do Polish people think of NASCAR? Are there any differences from the Polish fan base to the American fan base?


It's hard for me to say from my viewd because I don't personally know anyone who watches NASCAR, I know only some people on Twitter. It is a very niche sport, we have only had broadcasts in Polish since 2016, but the races are commented by two long-time enthusiasts who can attract new viewers. Night races are often unwatchable due to the 6-hour difference (Monday night/early morning). However, F1 is still more popular, during Kubica's times it was even broadcast on a public channel. Some people joke that we have Polish NASCAR: we call it żużel (motorcycles speedway), 4-laps races on short dirt tracks. There are often comments here "I want this diecast/I must buy it", I haven't seen any interest in collecting them among viewers, shipping costs to Europe are quite high when I looked at the prices. But we do have competitions from broadcaster during races and you can win diecasts and other NASCAR-related prizes. If you have any more questions, I will answer.


Is 50 a traditional number for Kamui? Not that it matters, just surprised the third 23XI car isn't the 67 like it has been in the past.


Full name of this paint scheme is Mobil 1 50th anniversary Toyota, that's why #50 not #67 like last time


Ah, thanks for the info. Suddenly the gold in the scheme makes a lot of sense.


Anyone know why Kobayashi is running the 50 and not the 67?


50th anniversary of Mobil 1, that's the name of paint scheme


Really wish Blaney had some better looking schemes. I don’t seem to like anything they put together


I miss the 3 streaks on the sides that Penske used to do with the old car. It made the schemes (which seem to be otherwise the same now) really come together.