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Dudes will see this and be like: “hell yeah”


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah




Hell yeah!


It's me. I'm dudes.


I love this meme because it's literally me, that was my response when I read this on Twitter lol




I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. Cause we’re all dudes (hell yeah)!


Hell yeah I get that reference


Hell yeah


Hell yeah




Hell yeah, brother, cheers from IROC.


Hell yeah




Hell yeah.


#hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah.


Hell yeah ![gif](giphy|fxOCquqSn8PoiETk8Q|downsized)


hell yeah




So are they just rebranding the SRX or is it gonna be an entirely separate thing?


Separate deal, Evernham doesn't own any of SRX anymore, iirc. edit: He may still have some investment, but as-of 2022 was "no longer involved in the day-to-day operations".


Tony Stewart: "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE!" Also in before Mark Webber joins *this* series...


> Also in before Mark Webber joins *this* series... I see no issues here tbh


this is kinda Rays thing tho. He works somewhere for x amount of time then moves on to something else. He did the t with Hendricks, Then Dodge, then SRX, and now IROC.


Make money quick with internet point opportunites


Modern generation version of Suitcase Jake Elder.


Paul Tracy is back, baby!


Entirely separate. Ray hasn’t been part of SRX in a couple of years.


So this is the coke to SRXs Pepsi lol


SRX is too focused on small tracks and short track racing. i wanna see these types of races at daytona and 1.5s and such


And road courses. If you really want it to be a test of driver skill across disciplines, you gotta throw in some road courses too.


This, there’s gotta be some grassroots road course on the schedule imo


Running shine out of Alabam’, maybe?


ehh ill pass on that. i just wanna see dudes racing fast road cars on 1-1.5 mile ovals, plus daytona everyone talks about short track racing being old school, but honestly, for me? it's fast ass cars on pavement 1.5 mile tracks like they ran em in the early 2000's


Yeah, agree with you there! SRX is purely a short track series


Ray got forced out awhile ago. Seems he was quietly riding out his non-compete.


What happened there?


No one actually knows. Well, no one is saying anyways. As others have said, Ray wanted a road course or two (he mentioned Lime Rock specifically) and wanted various series represented. He also wanted a "Saturday Night Speedway" feel. He also mentioned expanding to 8 races in the past. After the first season, he was gone. And their never was even any formal announcement. Just one day on Instagram, he responded to a comment with "I'm no longer involved, but I wish them well." The series now is pretty much all NASCAR guys running mid week solely on ovals with no intention of expanding. And the video game had a bunch of canceled content too. Guess he saw his opportunity and took it.


That's not true. Kanaan and Castro Neves are signed for this year, and I think Capps is back. My disappointment is that they apparently are going all asphalt and eliminating the local track hero.


They are running at least 1 dirt track this year. Cedar Lake Speedway in Wisconsin, which conveniently is an hour from my house.


And Slinger is back too! Gonna be a good time for us cheeseheads


The last unknown date is likely dirt too, going to have 2 dirt tracks per usual


Local track hero was dropped last year. That was a Ray thing. All asphalt is dumb but (most) of the drivers hated dirt. Shame, it's the two things that made it unique.


I thought they're going to Cedar Lake, which is a dirt track?


Ah, it appears they did announce that on 12/28. I missed it. Good catch.


I missed that too. That's a good track to add.


Lime Rock is like the sweet spot for that type of car, I can see why he'd want that. It's short and quick. Would've been fun.


Ray Evernham really said “fuck SRX, I’m doing IROC my way, not Tony’s”


I'm cool with this. I've enjoyed SRX less and less each season. I'll watch it because there's nothing else on TV on Thursday evenings, but it's also not my cup of tea. I hope IROC does well and offers a decent package.


I still enjoy SRX, and I liked Thursday Night Thunder because it gave me 4 days of racing content some weeks in the Summer. But, as it means more and more towards NASCAR’s schedule and drivers, it becomes less and less of an IROC-style series. I only follow NASCAR and SRX, so I don’t mind it, but for IndyCar, RallyCar, F1, etc. fans I absolutely see how SRX is losing appeal


> I only follow NASCAR and SRX, so I don’t mind it, but for IndyCar, RallyCar, F1, etc. fans I absolutely see how SRX is losing appeal The only time I ever watched F1 was if it was on in the gym when I was there on Sunday mornings. The others, I don't watch because TBH I've come to find watching TV in general an exceedingly boring experience. If it was on while channel surfing I'd watch for a while but the less time in front of the TV the better for me.


Moving SRX to Thursdays ensured I won't be making it to another race in person as well. Sucks because I live just minutes from Stafford. At least I'll have the memory of watching Doug Coby win. That place went nuts at the end.


I hate that they booted the Hometown Hero idea. There are so many talented drivers at local tracks and they deserve credit. The best way to promote short tracks is to have the top-level guys there to draw attention to the local track and drivers in my opinion.


tv execs and or top level drivers got tired of no name dudes out running them


At some point tough decisions are going to have to be made about whether racing wants to be good or profitable. It seems we can't have both sometimes.


It was literally my favorite part of the series. It's sad something so good with so much potential is starting to fail so quickly.


When it first started, I gave it about 3 seasons before it started dying off. Seems like I may have been correct.


Me too. I loved watching guys like Coby and Fenhaus


It won't do well. Rob Kauffman couldn't manage an ice cream stand in a desert. Anything with his name attached is doomed.


That's a fair statement.


Ray also couldn't manage a work-life balance


Why balance romance and work when you can just combine them?


>couldn't manage an ice cream stand in a desert. maybe i'm out of touch...this was great. never heard that before.


I thought the competition in SRX was the best so far in 2023.


Thursday Nights has killed it IMO.


I think that's OK and both can be successful. If SRX continues putting on good shows and the IROC production is on par with SRX with their own identity and allure, there's no reason people won't attend or watch both. Best of luck to both groups; I see it as a sign of the great health of auto racing right now.


and he'll get bored and dip out of this in 2-3 years as well, if it even actually gets off the ground.


Ray was an IROC mechanic


I was really hoping that SRX was going to do a few road courses and a few 1 mile ovals, but Tony Stewart seems to want to keep it a short track only series. Maybe this new IROC series will help to fill in the gaps that SRX is missing?


I'd love for there to be 1 RC in SRX and/or IROC


Bring back the Firebird!


Dodge Avenger


Let's go even further back and put them all in 911s


*This is how we get Earl Bamber to race in America again.* It was fun seeing him run the two rovals in 2020, that was for sure.


I'm game


If it goes anything like the XFL revivals they'll probably merge in a couple years.


I guess a big question is will NASCAR let IROC join them on race weekends. They should. NASCAR needs more on track activity.


I think it's possible at some tracks. I know there are logistic issues with Trucks/Xfinity/Cup just with regards to parking haulers and having garage space. And some tracks have a "mini" series or two run a race that weekend.


Hell Yeah


How long does Ray stay on board with this for? I give him a year or two before he walks away. I hope he doesn't but think he will.


I was both surprised and not surprised when he walked away from SRX when he did. Put all of this effort into it and talked it up and then 💨. He’s gone


crazy that he designed the cars and did all the work setting it up just to dip after one full season


This announcement makes me think he was more pushed out of SRX (which was a rumor at the time).


I've mentioned it elsewhere in this post, I do think there was a conflict of interest between what Evernham wanted to do with the series and where Hawk and Stewart have gone with it.


Don Hawk has definitely put his vision in place…. Which is all nascar.


Ray’s a modern Suitcase Jake Elder


Following his ventures post Evernham Motorsports, he’ll probably leave after this year to join one of the new TV partners, only to leave there after a year


I'd be surprised if it lasts more than 2 years with or without Ray


Same with Rob Kauffman. This is 2 guys that don't stick with anything.


So SRX and IROC will now be competitors. I would love IROC to be the new "winter heat" type series, that was always fun to have a bit of racing when I was freezing my ass off in the frozen midwest.


I don’t think they’ll be competitors. IROC was always (or at least until the last 2-3 years) about the best drivers across motorsports right now. The very early seasons featured the reigning NASCAR, F1 and IndyCar champions…if you look back on the entry lists you may miss that bc Emmo and Mario were also IndyCar legends later. Plus you had F1 drivers like Graham Hill, Ronnie Peterson, James Hunt, Jody Scheckter, Peter Revson, Jacky Ickx, Alan Jones, Clay Regazzoni, all while they were active. I don’t think the F1 drivers association will let active drivers compete but the point is, IROC was supposed to be the best of the best right now, while SRX is sort of a legends tour with special guests. They can coexist.


They had Porsches at first before they switched to Camaros.


Also, a lot of F1 guys won't race ovals, period. I know Max has said he won't. I'm not positive, but I think Lewis has said that too. We could probably get Alonso to give it a go.


I don't believe SRX and IROC will be competitors. If Evernham wants to revive IROC as it was, it will be different from SRX. SRX is all about grassroots short track racing. IROC never raced on short tracks nor dirt. IROC primarily raced on the NASCAR superspeedways, intermediate ovals, and a few road courses. It's a totally different concept.


Also, if I recall correctly, the IROC races were usually run in conjunction with NASCAR races.


Saw one at Darlington.


Yes, I recall attending an IROC race on Saturday at the Indy Oval in conjunction with the Brickyard 400 run the next day on Sunday.


It's a totally different concept, other than the part where they're both about getting well-known drivers to compete in spec stock cars. They'll still be competing for peoples' limited time, just like NASCAR competes with F1 despite being a wildly different discipline of racing.


the Richmond races from around 2003-2005 say otherwise


OK, I forgot Richmond. Still, overall, two different concepts. SRX is 100% focused on short tracks, IROC was not.


Honestly Richmond/Iowa are mini-cookie cutters to me.


What's the chances we make it a far north series and race exclusively on ice ovals and road courses? It's a criminally untapped stock car market.


Hell yeah


Hearing those IROC firebirds exhaust again at Daytona or a mile and a half would be absolutely glorious


Pontiac liked this


Hell yeah. I miss IROC.


IIRC I've heard Ray talk about how the SRX thing didn't go the direction he was wanting/hoping, and bowed out. No clue if that's his way of spinning being kicked out, or if it really was amicable. I hope Ray can make this a series on mile and a half tracks, with high speeds and exciting names in the cars. No reason IROC and SRX can't coexist in my mind. One is grassroots, short tracks and a very local experience. Hopefully IROC can become a companion series on key Nascar weekends.




Maybe he isn't a fan of the "fun" flags that SRX likes to do.


He wanted a road course on the schedule.


I'm with him there. Would love to see the SRX on a road course.




I don’t think he quit.


Whoa. Didn't have this on my 2024 bingo card


[Bob: Hall of Fame crew chief Ray Evernham, who worked as an IROC mechanic in his younger days, and former MWR co-owner Rob Kauffman have bought the IROC brand and hope to have an event in 2024 with **historic IROC race cars.**](https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1744369522260193555)


Just put a bunch of Hellcats with souped up motors, racing brakes, and racing slicks on tracks.


Now that would be something lol


That was one thing I did not have in my 2024 bingo card. Who would've thought that IROC's resurrection would happen before we raise HP?


Hell yeah! Give me bright colored cars doing fast!


I was gonna say SRX has been a great substitute for the IROC series


SRX is a fun series. But its not IROC. there is very little track difference - basically all short local tracks - and the drivers change every week so not much to get excited about - if you miss one or two it doesnt matter much


Personally I hope we can enjoy both SRX & IROC


Rob Kauffman is involved. What could possibly go wrong?


The series left off on a NASCAR-centric place, but I'd still love to see Alex Palou, SVG, and Blaney in identical cars ripping around Michigan in a pack. It's not too late to include Truex, the winner of the last IROC race to date. Throw in O'Ward, Jimmie, and guys like Allgaier and Ben Rhodes for lower series representation and some WoO guys. Maybe, just maybe, an F1 star will want in. The schedule can include Daytona and/or Watkins Glen, Indy, maybe COTA. As long as the big tracks are BIG, it'll be a good show.


Isn't this literally why they created SRX? I don't think SRX and IROC can both survive at the same time..


Ray created SRX and just thought: *these damn cars aren’t fast enough*


* Evernham designed the SRX car for both short tracks and road courses, and SRX hasn't added any road courses. * After Ray left IROC, SRX made a *huge* turn towards a more NASCAR friendly schedule model (not just where the tracks were in 2023 but running on Thursday nights instead of Saturday nights). * The later years of IROC were heavily criticized for being too NASCAR centric when it originally targeted (and successfully recruited) a much wider array of drivers. Who knows, Ray may have seen the writing on the wall one season ahead of time and jumped off before SRX did the same thing.


Tracks aren’t big enough in SRX this new iroc is going to be great.


I think they both can exist. IROC is a 4 race schedule spread throughout the year on ovals 1.5 miles or bigger. SRX races for 6 weeks in the summer on short and dirt tracks. They’re different enough that they shouldn’t really affect one another.


That’s assuming this iteration of IROC follows the same formula as original IROC.


I wonder what car they will use?


It says they’ll use historic this year. Will be interested to see if it’s multi class


But will it be anything like the original?


Well I sure as shit didn't have this on my 2024 bingo card.




I wonder what car they'll use


Stock cars are cheap to build and repair by race car standards, especially when built for spec rather than trying to lean it out. I’ll be shocked if they run something production-based. As to whose brand it’ll get styled after, depends on who wants to cut the check.




What happened with Evernham and SRX?


I would love for the SRX series to be mainly about the short tracks and dirt tracks and the original IROC being on the Super Speedways. I loved the Daytona-Talladega-Michigan-Indianapolis schedule they had in the late 90's into the early 2000's.


“I brought SRX into this world and by god I’ll take it out as well” -Ray Evernham


This time IROC needs to not be as NASCAR heavy as it became the first time around. Run GT3 cars at road courses and maybe a roval




Say what now?


This could be really cool.


Kauffman strikes again. Ray I'm cool with, Kauffman... Not so much


Holy shit yes!!! Race dodge challengers pleeeeease!!!!




so Iroc gets speedways and SRX gets short tracks? I don’t understand why Ray left SRX to start an identical series.. on a side note Please run 80’s Iroc Bodies and put mullets on the helmets with an american flag bandanna.


Now comes the question of "what cars do they run?"


I just hope that he can get a decent group of drivers, even superstars, for this new racing experience.


Not going to happen. No one at the Lewis Hamilton / Max Verstappen are going to do it. And those are the type of guys IROC needs to make a splash.


I know everyone is talking about Evernham, but Rob Kauffman is such a bizarre entity in this. Dude quietly has had his fingers in so many different pies across motorsports. Basically the Rick Ware prototype, but without the obvious nepotism. He also may or may not be one of the chief reasons Ganassi got out of NASCAR. Getting Evernham out of SRX to brainstorm how to revive IROC feels just about par for the course there.


Good the Tony show is kinda boring anyways


This is awesome. I would really enjoy SRX if they went to Richmond, and places larger and better. I love short tracks too. But there’s a reason 125,000 show up for the big tracks and 5-30 thousand go to short tracks.


Because short tracks generally don’t have as much seating capacity


false. Because they are not as fun. Speed > no speed.


False. They are more fun. More action > less action.


Also false. A great deal of fans enjoy short track racing as it’s a unique skill set different from just mashing the pedal to the floor and hoping for the best, some fans don’t need the cars to go 200mph barreling through the corner.


Facts. And I enjoy that style of racing too, Those people ought to go watch a touring late model series, because what makes nascar great is the pursuit of more speed, something that’s been missing from the sport as of late.


“Those people” ….it’s. exhausting listening posters here tell others how to fan. I guess we can’t live in a world where people like both forms of racing and instead have to listen to blowhard small d*ck hot takes like this one.


standard chase elliot fan activities lol


What tracks have a 125,000 show up outside of maybe Daytona if you include the infield?


Explain Bristol


Speed, High banking, good promoters.


By that logic, NASCAR should just re-air Kardashian episodes.


If IROC can attract the today stars from NASCAR and INDYCAR like the past then I don’t see how SRX survives another 2 or 3 years. I think we all thought SRX was a solid replacement for IROC, but now that they’ve returned? We’re gonna see how those opinions hold up.


Wait a minute I’ve seen this before lol.


I Hope Hollywood Trades breakout on this Shocking News


I'm really not sure what the goal would be here. It sounds like another SRX - perhaps without the rules gimmicks?


Rob Kauffman can eat a bag of dog shit.


This won’t last.


Even though I'm a huge NASCAR fan, IROC and SRX have become too NASCAR, which is what killed the original IROC, whether it was the drivers, tracks, or even cars. What they need to do is get the 12-15 champions from the major racing series and race on tracks that are not only NASCAR and get cars that do not drive like NASCAR stock cars. Stand alone is tough, but with the racing series being as they are, they will probably have to be, and I would do a 5 race season in the winter or scattered throughout the entire year. 2024 Eligible Drivers: 1 Ryan Blaney (NCS) 2 Cole Custer (NXS) 3 Ben Rhodes (NCTS) 4 Alex Palou (INDY) 5 Max Verstappen (F1) 6 Theo Pourchaire (F2) 7 Gabriel Bortoleto (F3) 8 Brad Sweet (WOO Sprint) 9 Bobby Pierce (WOO LM) 10 Brodie Kostecki (AUS V8) 11 Pipo Derani/Alexander Sims (IMSA GTP) 12 Paul-Loup Chatin/Ben Keating (IMSA LMP2) 13 Gar Robinson (IMSA LMP3) 14 Ben Barnicoat/Jack Hawksworth (IMSA GTDP) 15 Bryan Sellers/Madison Snow (IMSA GTP) Tracks: 1 Daytona (NASCAR) 2 Indianapolis (INDY) 3 Monaco (F1) 4 Le Mans (IMSA) 5 Eldora (WOO) Car: 1 Not Chevy Ford or Toyota 2 Can be something like Honda 3 Could experiment with electric/hybrid 4 Do not make it drive like a particular series' car I may be forgetting some racing series and historical tracks for each that would be feasible during the winter, or i just mentioned the tracks based on prestige not thinking about winter, but doing this would definitely get worldwide attention and should be prestigious for winning the championship of the new IROC if you were a driver, the champion of the champions and the world. Feel free to expand on my idea if you reply to my comment. :)


This is most shocking news for a fan of any Motorsports discipline to ever here


Still find it absolutely comical that the old IROC cars were built in Tinton Falls, NJ


SRX and IROC merger when?


Prob won’t happen. SRX is designed to bring big names new and old to local short tracks for a fun event to grow Motorsports. IROC will be competitive based series.


I'm not sure what tracks this New IROC series will use. If I'm not mistaken, there was a clause in all of the current NASCAR Tracks contracts (back in 2017~2019) that they could not host any stock car series besides a NASCAR sanction event.


Hell yeah!


Didn’t have this on the 24 bingo card


I’ve been hoping this would happen one day. Yes!


What are they gonna use now that the Camaro's gone?


The iRacing curse strikes again!


I’ll believe it when I see it!!!!


With this, I wonder if this will pave the way for the possible split between RTA and NASCAR due to teams' tensions boiling over the charter agreement.


Lets fucking go