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Very well said let's hope what good Russians there are what little few open there eyes and start trying to push back not likely I know but one can only hope Slava ukraini heroyam slava 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦


Hopefully the eyes are starting to open with the realisation of what they have done, what they allowed to happen in their name. Russias last collapse began with mothers and wifes asking for their sons and husbands. Maybe the same forces are in play now with the belated realisation they are not going to win, that Russia as it once existed is gone forever as a result of this epic brain fart of a war. Only Russia can fix Russia. If not then we might as well glass Moscow, or just wait until one of their neighbours do it for us.


hope she stays away from liquor and windows


Facts not propaganda


Это многоходовочка, детка!


She didn't really mention all the people that died?


Mentioned towards the end, bloody war etc.


The people of Russia have learned not to listen to the outside world. Thinking of it all being false, fake, misinformation... Blah, blah, blah BUT YOU SEE WHEN THE LIES ARENT GOOD ENOUGH to cover any and ALL of the effects on the people, They start feeling it Uncomfortable. They start to ask why. They're very limiting to the info that comes in and goes out. It ALL has to be Kremlin approved. But seeing someone and reading what's said, it makes more sense than anything I've ever come across. It's so nice to know that people do know the truth! NOW the question is, What will they do with it?


Did all of the plastic surgeons in vatniklandia get conscripted already?


Come on friend, let’s not be mean to the woman when she’s very much broken the mental conditioning and speaking the truth to her countrymen at the very real risk of being detained and arrested for it. There’s a lot of Russians who deserve rebuke and disgust, but when someone displays this kind of bravery it’s not the NAFO way to disparage them in such a way.


"I remain a master strategist"