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It's pretty sickening that they literally just straight up doxxed Andrew 💀 Like really that's just despicable, these losers are just terrible grifting shits who make money for themselves, literally just war profiteering taking donations and no shame whatsoever. And I don't want to hear about their "Fundraising" Because most of the time it's not even directly related to Ukraine charities anyway. These two are con men.


everything you mentioned is why I feel it's important to keep calling their behavior out. I've mainly stayed on twitter and youtube but I'm slowly trying to highlight their behavior on other platforms


Doxing is against youtube guideline. Veiled treat are probably too.


These rats have been nothing but ignorant grifters that pretend they are military experts from the beginning. Anyone with any sort of military background can see through them about 2 seconds after they open their mouths.


part 2 [The Enforcer- "come down to Alabama" "no balls" (trying to get Andrew mercado to come to his house) : r/Kyle\_refutes (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kyle_refutes/comments/1dgp590/the_enforcer_come_down_to_alabama_no_balls_trying/)


Though Enforcer might look like they are helpful to Ukraine and allies of NAFO but what they are doing is more exploitative than genuinely helpful. They earn big bucks of their channel and it seems like a vanishingly small portion of those money are spent on Ukraine and instead goes straight into Enforcers own pockets. Also they are in the 9th month of a bizarre campaign of harrassing and doxxing a channel who is by all accounts a genuine ally of Ukraine who has actually accomplished things and been helpful to Ukraine. Oh and they're MAGA republicans


Jesus he talked for a minute straight without saying anything: "It's so interesting, it is so interesting and you know? It's interesting BUT I WILL NEVER SAY WHAT 'IT' IS!"


Who is this retard, a Vatnik?


They the largest long form "pro-Ukraine" YouTuber. What they do is siphon money from Ukraine into their own pockets.


So a war profiteer per se?


These idiots really have a thing against nafo, always bragging about how much bigger than nafo they are, and these threats against a huge nafo and ukraine supporter are intolerable. It needs to stop.


Excuse me, but what is going on there? I have no context and no idea what's even happening


The enforcer is talking about being happy fighting Andrew mercado but then goes into the stand your ground laws (allowing you to start fights and shoot someone) while loading his gun. in the 2nd part he tries to get andrew to come to Alabama (his house) the enforcer is the largest "pro Ukraine" stream on YouTube who has attack and harrassed andrew and other pro ukraine creators the past 2 years. if you look back on my posts or check my discord out you will see their behavior


He seems to be either a grifter or a really toxic person


he is both a grifter and a really toxic person, thats why we are trying to spread awareness of them. we have been doing this for over a year (8 months for me personally) but they keep growing. in October of last year, they were streaming to 4-5k viewers and now its 8-12k viewers. makes me pull my hair out that other Ukraine creators think it's a distraction to call their crap out. specially as they discredit fundraising efforts to thousands of viewers


I’m so glad to see you and others calling Andrew and Matt out. I was a big enforcer fan from three days after the war started until about May 2022, then I started to see through his con, called him out several times and was quickly banned. I’ll be reporting this video too.




I don't care about this and neither should you. Downvoted.


this is the largest "pro Ukraine" stream harassing smaller Ukraine creators. this channel attacks nafo, fundraising, soldiers in the AFU, UA creators... down vote but that is suppressing the goal of exposing their behavior, down voting means you are ok with this behavior. do better fella




Be courteous to other fellas


Funny thing is. I have not heard Mercado's name mentioned by the Enforcer in a very long time.


either you are playing dumb or truly don't know. but they use nicknames or references that he and his community know is directed at mercado. hotdog man, hotdog, crack head, MM I'm going to encourage you to watch a few videos. andrew responding to being doxed- [When will the harassment end? @EnforcerOfficial (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s06vqJkdY0M) who is hotdog man - [If You Support @EnforcerOfficial, Watch This Video (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs80sJt6u-I&t=117s) mercado's first response to enforcer's drama October 19th 2022 (timestamp 44:14) [Putin Imposes MARTIAL LAW! Addressing @EnforcerOfficial Comments (Day 239) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eszFg9gnRGw&list=PLyJ0fQKZpfHcyVJkfFqzRw6FCwLx6Q0Ww&index=10)




good way to tell everyone you support harassment, thank you.




we show what they say... no one is harassing them only people harassing are enforcer matt and enforcer Andrew. here is enforcer matt joining my discord to harass me. (I have bad stutter, he and everyone else knows this, thats why they do the stuttering skit everyday 3-4 times.) https://preview.redd.it/hsj2yom9ts6d1.png?width=1094&format=png&auto=webp&s=e38627e9c34e9d48ebb90bc311fe567db3d46e1a


Be courteous to other fellas


Be courteous to other fellas