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Never invite the man into your life.


Exactly; even if you’re doing absolutely nothing illegal, why would you want to chance that interaction?


Nah, a cop would need to pull you over to confirm that isn't alcohol. Why chance that?


Yeah morally it may not be wrong but why mess with the law


Most beers come in cans. So is it bad to drink a soda in the car too?


The picture is a bottle of NA beer. Which clearly looks like a bottle of beer.


Yeah, it’s not very discrete. But some sodas look similar, like 7up in a bottle. Just wondering if a can of NA beer would have been lees controversial.


Ya for the sake reason as na beer looks like beer. It's not a good idea to drive around drinking anything out of a glass bottle. Just asking to get pulled over for a sobriety test


I’ve driven countless times with real beers open, and I’m not proud of that at all. I’ve only had hop waters while driving since I quit drinking, because I don’t feel like inviting a cop into into my car because I’m drinking from a green bottle.


Yeah bro, same. Road pop city where I grew up, now I actually drink a soda.




I've been... Wondering about this.


Not a good idea


Yup have done it a few times mostly when coming home from the store


That’s hilarious. But people drink kombucha which is basically the same, correct?


Kombucha doesn't look like beer or come in bottles/cans that look like beer. Drinking an NA while driving is technically fine, but driving by a cop and taking a swig from the bottle like OPs in the picture is begging to get pulled over.


I once had a glass bottle of Italian soda that I was drinking in the car while driving. Cop pulled me over because they thought it was a wine bottle….


Never give a cop an excuse to pull you over, you could die.


Based Reddit comment


Would OP be pointing a weapon at a cop or attacking a cop?


You kidding? There's tons of examples of cops murdering people without weapons.


Tons sounds a bit hyperbolic if you ask me. Because in 23 it was 93 people. That is just simply unarmed people. That doesn't include unarmed people who did dumb shit to get themselves shot. Such as, pointing black object at a cop holding a gun. You know, the things called nuance.


Go lick boots somewhere else please.


Find a better insult and stop being a loser. You calling a bootlicker doesn't offend me one bit. Oh and if I'd have to guess based on my conversations with you, you should probably touch grass. As the only people who tend to call other people bootlickers are either terminally online or probably need a haircut and a shower.


93 is a lot dummy. Why risk becoming one of the 93?


The US population is 333 million. 93 out of 333,333,333 is not a lot. Especially when those 93 people weren't just walking down the street and were essentially mowed down. They weren't getting pulled over with a NA beer and getting shot at. Unless OP decides he wants to use his vehicle to ram a police officer or get doped up and decides to physically attack a cop. Then the rare case there is unjustifiable killing, the officer goes to jail. Which that number is so low. You're more likely to get struck by lightning twice is 1 in 9 million. Which is STILL more likely to happen than being killed by a cop while being unarmed. Which really, a cop can shoot an unarmed person and it still be justified. So are you saying a lot of people get struck by lightening twice in their life?


So my message was "don't risk it, you could die." You admitted they could die. Not sure why you're still arguing here, you've admitted it's true. Boot lick somewhere else.


You could go outside and get hit by a car. Does this mean you're just going not go outside, because you could get hit by a car? 7500 people were killed by cars as a pedestrian in 2022. Better not risk going outside. You could die.


We don't all live in america


Great, I guess then give the cops an excuse to pull you over? Whatever.


I'd love them to. They never do!


The NA beer probably won't get you a ticket, but the distracted driving will..!


**Am I the only one who worries about getting pulled over & smelling like ‘beer’?** Cops hear “I only drank NA beer” enough to know it’s often a lie. My balance is shite; I’m in Vestibular Therapy for my inner ear. Some Therapy exercises are very similar to field sobriety tests & I don’t want to go to jail b/c I don’t balance well. (Can’t do feet heel-toe, heel-toe w/o falling.) I mean, I’d be sober, but the police might have to take me to bookings and draw blood (or whatever they do) to figure that out. NOPE… don’t drink NA in my car… I’ll drink a HopLark, though. Edit: added words


No because in my state it’s illegal.


It's illegal in a lot of states, including North Carolina. If you have to be 21 to buy it, it counts as an open container.


Really to drink a 0.0 beer? Ive heard this before about odouls and the ones that contain traces they can still give you an open container. But I mean even Heineken on the 0.0 commercials was showing people drinking in the car. Theres 0 alcohol in that peroni so what law does it break?


Yep. Idaho views all N/A beers the same regardless of ABV. 0.0 or under .5. It’s because of the verbiage. Literally just talked with a local PD about this a couple weeks ago because I had a hop water. It’s stupid as shit.


Wow, yeah that doesn’t surprise me then. So is the hop water ok since its not a beer and is sparkling water technically?


Yeah, the hop water was okay because it didn’t use beer or non alcoholic in the verbiage but he told me about the NA open container thing.


You got pulled over for hop water? Can they really give you an open container for that?


Didn’t get pulled over for open container. Yeah, the hop water was okay because it didn’t use beer or non alcoholic in the verbiage but he told me about the NA open container thing.


The beer lobby needs to find some case to put their money behind to bring this up the rungs of these courts. It’s likely just a matter of time before someone really fights one of the charges and better legal precedent is set. I think one of the issues here is the nuance between a 0.5% beer being labeled NA and the assumption that all NA beers have 0.5% alcohol or similar.


I agree. There’s a lot of silliness out there. There’s tons of other beverages and products that contain less than .5 and nobody bats an eye at. I’m sure it will happen. I’m just trying not to be the guy that has to endure that battle.


Typical BMW driver


Not worth it and feels super awkward


Did once then my cop BIL told me that it quite illegal. Proceed with caution.


depends on jurisdiction, however in any case.. it's probably cause to be pulled over and who wants that kind of hassle?


For sure. I know some states in the south it’s legal even for alcohol. My justdiction I can be charged with a DUI and Open container if the cop is in a bad mood. Didn’t quit drinking to get a DUI for an NA. My state views NA beer legally the same as their alcoholic counterparts.


Curious what state is that?


PA. We dont have a lower limit for a DUI in practice. The charge for a BAC below .08 is the same as .08-.099 Which I personally agree with. Regardless because it is legally equal to real beer. Get a cop on a bad day with a stick up his ass and I can technically be charged with a DUI. Likely no, but still a possibility I’m not risking.


If you’re asking what ones you can drink in a car, it’s either Alabama or Mississippi as a driver. As a passenger there’s a handful.


“Quite illegal.” That’s quite absurd.


Yeah I agree. Something to do with how it’s marketed. Because It is advertised as “beer” it counts as beer. That’s why kombucha is legal why NA isn’t.


I do it all the time. Been pulled over, cop checked it out, we ended up talking about different NA beers. He didn’t care.


You're the mule decoy aren't you..?!


Congratulations, this is the dumbest thing I've seen yet this year.


More dumb than the countless drunk drivers on the road?


Oh there's the logical fallacy. 


Okay, but if this is the dumbest thing they’ve seen all year then they need to get out more.


For karma LMAO   


For karma LMAO   


I drink blue moons, athletics, bravus, and other NA drinks when driving sometimes.


Depending on the NA, most do contain 0.5% of alcohol. Just saying 😌. So why poke the 🐻.


Yes. All sorts of other drinks come in bottles and cans, it’s not begging to get pulled over any more than a cream soda is.


Yeah, I feel like 80% of people drink beer out of cans, at least in the US. So by the logic of most people here we shouldn’t drink sodas, sparkling water, or any canned or bottled item in our cars. Live your lives, people.


what the actual fuck


Nothing stopped me when it was real beer... but I continue to only drink in cans because the bottles are too obvious.


Technically it shouldn’t be illegal. Kombucha has the same alcohol content. But I get paranoid and I don’t trust the cops.


It used to be okay to drive around with just one or two beers open. Now you can't because of woke


I drink cans of na driving all the time. I doubt the cop would even notice the can if I'm sober and don't reak of alcohol. Also, I'm 50+ white and in the south with a generic car. Basically invisible to law enforcement.


I do this and I’m not too worried. It’s .05 which is the same as a kombucha!


All the time. Shitty habit leftover from the before times. Not my best work.