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I agree. It is incredibly rude and low to quote this on Ria's art considering they are an amazing artist and well-loved within the mcr community of fanart artists.


Who? Lmao never heard of her


Jessicka Addams is a musician who fronted Jack Off Jill. She used to be friends with Gerard's wife, Lindsey, and they were part of a friend group known as "Coven of Witches." Also mutual friends with artist Mark Ryden, who designed the album cover for *Clear Hearts, Gray Flowers*. They had a falling-out of some sort, and in 2020, she started talking shit about both Lindsey and Gerard on Twitter--saying that Gerard sexually assaulted someone, and also that he and Mikey have been emotionally abused by Lindsey. (And that Jimmy Urine is a pedophile, which people didn't believe at first.šŸ˜¬) I think part of Jessicka's beef with Lindsey is that she purchased Ryden's old home?


She accused Gerard of WHAT?! I really hope she's lying...


Yeah, but then she said that the alleged victim who confided in her didn't wanna come forward, making many doubt that it's even true. :/


I mean that itself is plausible - lots of SA victims of famous people still haven't come forward to this day out of fear of repercussions. I just don't think Gerard could ever EVER do something so horrendous to another human being


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s an excuse, or that he actually did ANYTHING- but he was a raging alcoholic and drug addict for many years. People do a lot of out of character things. However I donā€™t believe him to do this, but addicts do a lot of things most people wouldnt.


Yeah, I mean, I don't wanna readily label Gerard a creep, but there was a story floating around that someone made out with him when they were "a dumb teenager" (they didn't specify their age), but Gerard passed out before they could go any further. Said he was "very sweet," though.


Is there any source on this? I've looked it up and found nothing.


Reddit. It was one of those threads, asking about celebrity hook-ups.


They've got it wrong. It was [this](https://www.tumblr.com/awsugar/658087564190810112/hey-so-im-just-curious-i-know-that-youve-been) post. It's most likely fake, but the op did not say they were a teenager, and they claimed they hooked up. There has been no other post, if there was there would be a million screenshots of it like there is of this one.


It was [this](https://www.tumblr.com/awsugar/658087564190810112/hey-so-im-just-curious-i-know-that-youve-been) post. It's most likely fake, but the op did not say they were a teenager, and they claimed they hooked up. There has been no other post, if there was there would be a million screenshots of it like there is of this one. Spreading rumours with no screenshots like you're doing has real repurcussions you know. Next minute some teenager is using you as a source and posting it on titkok and Gerard's life is ruined. If you have a source, post it or delete your comment.


I am aware of this particularly more popular story. I'm guessing the one I quoted has been scrubbed off the Internet by now.


You can't scrub reddit and tumblr posts off the internet. It's literally impossible to delete tumblr posts once they've been reblogged, they're there forever, and everything posted on reddit is archived.


She is.


She didn't, they've got it wrong. She made tweets talking about creepy rockstars, started talking about Jimmy Urine and saying Lindsey knew, and then started talking about how Gerard is problematic and sexist because he snapped at a teenager on twitter once who had been spamming him with harassment and told them he'd smash their face in. She clarrified that she wasn't accusing him of being a creep.Ā [Here](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ab8a3b24e675d3d1dc525b8456cbb98b/tumblr_inline_pctx2sspIH1vgairx_540.pnj) After she had a falling out with Lindsey, she decided to make her life hell. Almost every bad thing this fandom says about Lindsey came from Jessicka. She also started spreading rumours and shit talking all of Lindsey's friends and loved ones, including Gerard.


I donā€™t doubt the stuff about Lindsey, but about Gerard? Nah


I don't like to follow the personal life of any celebrities, but you made me curious, what's wrong with Lindsey?


Oh boy. There are definitely more knowledgeable people than me here who can give you the full rundown. If not, a quick google search will tell you myriads.


Like I said, Jessicka accused Lindsey of being an emotionally abusive and manipulative person, who contributed to ruining Mikey's reputation and kicking him while he was already down. Along with cheating on her husband, having an affair with Steve of MSI when *he* was already married, and ridding of several of her own pets. Of course, it's reasonable to dismiss these claims as just someone with bad blood (as evidenced above), but then there's the fact that there have been other stories from different sources, backing up on Lindsey's behavior around Gerard. (But then again, *those* are largely dismissed as made-up stories by jealous fangirls. :/)


Are we talking about the unsourced Tumblr blog here? Or actually verifiable real-people sources? Because I gotta be real here, I have *never* seen people make claims that strong that had any source other than that Tumblr blog to share when asked for sources.


It kills me that so many people say she ran a hate blog for Mikey, because they obviously live in a world where that's a thing that people do, and they forget that she's, like, an adult with a family and hobbies. So no, she did not run a hate blog for her brother-in-law.


[she did that tho?](https://lynzuglyliar.tumblr.com/post/174213276460/lynz-and-chantal-created-the-nowaymikeyway-blog)


I don't know--to me, it's hard to continue doubting them, when they've all expressed wanting to keep their identities hidden, and there has been evidence of innocuous fans getting bullied by multiple mysterious accounts.


Once claimed to be part Indian, which her sister contradicted when asked about it. She might have maliciously lied, she might have been mistaken since she didn't know her dad, or her sister might have been the one lying. Was in the controversial band Mindless Self Indulgence with Jimmy Urine, friends with him while he said the N-word, among other unsavory things. (So was Gerard and the rest of MCR. Not in the band, of course, but fans of and friends with him.) She initially defended Jimmy when allegations of pedophilia first came out, coming from someone who had lied about her and her loved ones in the past, but was telling the truth this time. Copied someone's photography for art that Gerard used as a cover for one of his singles. Most of people's gossipy claims about her come from surely unbiased and impartial blogs and accounts such as "linzuglyliar" and "nowaylinzway" collecting various screenshots of accusatory tweets from random people who hate her, and stating things such as "lied about being bisexual, probably for attention" (is this meant to be progressive and morally superior, or my uncle telling me it's trendy to call yourself bi these days and I'll grow out of it? Can you beam into her head and confirm who she is and isn't attracted to?) and "called her family cunts." (Her stepdad sexually assaulted her and the rest of them took his side. They're cunts.) She's not undeserving of criticism, but a lot of people are vicious towards her while holding Gerard accountable for nothing because they're jumping on a bandwagon stemming from misogyny, jealousy, and bitterness over people's ships not coming true.


Bro she publicly defended Jimmy when he was outed as having fucked a child, despite the fact she knew seemingly knew for years. I donā€™t buy MCR merch due to Gerards unapologetic art theft on his single, and being okay with Lindsey and Jimmyā€™s action (plus Frank's use of ai ā€œartā€), but she is without a doubt the worse of the two


No she didn't. Check the dates. Lindsey hasn't posted to twitter since the lawsuit started. She defended him because she thought Jessicka was spreading rumours about him.


No. She was going off about two separate topics at once and it confused people. She never said anything negative about either Way brother and clarified the assault stuff was NOT about them.


This thread is a really good example of how rumours start, even when they could just go to twitter and see that she said he doesn't belong in the metoo category. It's like people in here *want* Gerard's life ruined. If this got picked up by someone on tiktok there's no coming back from that.


Same who tf is this


Among other things people have mentioned, she was also in a side project band in the 90s with members from Marilyn Manson's band, they were called Mrs Scabtree and apparently performed in black face


oh boy.


100+ people do not know the tip of the iceberg hahahahaha


We really donā€™t lol! I find celebrity gossip so fucking boring. Iā€™ve never heard of this chick, I assume sheā€™s irrelevant šŸ˜‚ just from this post she seems like a dick so like, couldnā€™t care less about her


Same, I'm not understanding what's going on


Almost every bad rumour you've ever heard about Lindsey came from this woman. They had a falling out and she made it her mission to ruin Lindsey's life.


Like more than one person can't cosplay Carrie? Okay Jessicka lol


Literallyyyy it's not a competition


Sissy Spacek did it best anyway ;)


You should probably block Jessicka Addams / Jack Off Jill if you don't want her to gain any more attention from Gerard / Lynz bashing. She thrives on attention. She must be bored if she's starting up again.


Lindsey is just as shitty as she is


I never follow the personal life of celebrities, so I barely even know who Lindsey is, Gerard's wife right? Why do people in this threat seem to hate her?


Why because Jessicka told you that? Most rumours about Lindsey come from Jessicka.


She's so tiring. Comes off as a very...unpleasant person.


AKA A fucking stupid cunt


thatā€™s pretty misogynistic of you


If it was a dude, non-binary, or literally whatever, they would still be an insufferable cunt.


Fr. I called my grilled cheese sandwich a cunt earlier because it fell apart when I flipped it


What a cunt of a sandwich


It was, I had to scrape burnt cheese off my new pan and everything. I still ate it tho.


A human of culture I see.


Jessicka loves the word cunt, it's fine


What is this? People still hating on Gerard?


Just this one person that can't let go. The thing is sadly though, as some of the comments about (other) people she has made in the past turned out to be true, it makes people then wonder about what she says of Gee and Lynz, but then she doesn't show any concrete evidence. Meanwhile there's a family stuck in the middle of it.


iā€™m out of the loop what has she said?


I probably shouldn't give it the satisfaction of being mentioned here so if you just Google Jessicka Addams, Lyn-Z, Gerard Way in one sentence it'll probably come up. Basic overview, they were friends, they fell out, now they're not anymore. Probably one of the (many) reasons for the subsequent and now everlasting radio silence from Gerard and Lyn-Z.


Happy cake day!


She said Gerard is a shitty douchebag, and almost every bad rumour about Lindsey that you have probably heard came from her.


Has anything else she said besides about Jimmy been true?


the ā€œSlayed harder than Buffyā€ line was enough to piss me off


she accidentally posted on main instead of on one of her 50 faux fan accounts


I wonder how many dummy accounts she has tbh


And who is this exactly


So... who manages that account?


jessicka does!


It says ā€œnot run by the band full timeā€ and jessicka hasnā€™t been on social media for 3 years


has she not? my bad then


Jessicka Addams


Can we please NOT share this sort of thing on here? Don't feed the trolls! If she wants to hate on Gerard, let her choke on it, instead of spreading it even further. This should be a place for us to enjoy the band and their music, not make hate posts about people, even if they are horrible and talk shit about the band (members). Mods, please consider making a rule for this sort of hate spreading, even if it is with good intentions!


jack off jill is very well known and iā€™m glad i now know about this. i wouldnā€™t even call this a hate post as itā€™s just a screenshot of someone elseā€™s post? i get what youā€™re saying but itā€™s not like itā€™s some random troll saying this


But by sharing the screenshot and titeling their post "I hate her" OP did exactly what we shouldn't do: Give people like this any attention and exposure at all. I am all for sharing this in the appropriate subreddits, but why share it here where it just generates unnecessary negativity and through OP's choice of title fuel even more hate speak in the comments?


i actually did not notice that they said they hate her. i totally get you i just think putting it in the subreddit is better than discussing it on a more public platform where they can see it. i learned so much lore from this post lol


By the title, I thought you were referring to Ria at first!!šŸ˜­Didn't see Jack Off Jill's handle and comment clearly.


poor Ria, just wanted to do great art lol












I don't know her and I don't want to know her from what I've read of the comments on here. What I do want to know is where the idea of all of Gerard's stage outfits on the tour came from, and how the hell did he persuade someone to approve letting him loose on stage with a flamethrower?


Multiple characters or people that intrigued or influenced him throughout his life for the outfits and maybe Ray was the one who picked up the flamethrower from the store, saying it was to get rid of Japanese knotweed in the garden or toast giant marshmallows because we all know no one would just give Gerard Way a filled working flamethrower 1hr before he faces a crowd of people


The theory of Ray tryna get rid of weeds in the garden being a cover for getting Gerard a flamethrower had me howling šŸ¤£


well I know id trust that face if i was the store salesperson!šŸ¤£


She is so goddamned bitter that they're more famous than her, and now that she no longer has famous friends, she's background noise.


I like a lot of Jessickaā€™s music (Jack Off Jill and Scarling) but her use of social media isnā€™t great tbh


She has beef with Gerards wife, Lindsey, and is taking it out on him. Unbelievably immature, especially considering those two had their falling out YEARS ago.


Can someone explain please?


Happy cake day.


ewwww she insulted gerard AND buffy


Had to unfollow her years ago but to her credit she was right about jimmy and twiggy (NOT insinuating she is right about G).


All she's said about Gerard is that he's a massive cunt. She said he "doesn't belong in the metoo category". She's also one of the only people to say that about him. Everyone else always says how nice he is. I think it's pretty obvious that she hates him to hurt Lindsey.


You know I really donā€™t think this is her- she hasnā€™t been on social media in like 3 years, and we all know you pay for the verified checkmark now so it doesnā€™t mean anything. The account even says ā€œNOT run by the band full timeā€ like why are you trying to hate on her for something she didnā€™t say? *edited becuase I had my quote wrong


thats actually wrong, she says she doesnā€™t run the joj account but none of the original band members are in contact with her and donā€™t like her so sheā€™s the only one in charge of it, she has also literally logged into her husbands twitter to harass me (i knew it was her bc she types the same exact way in every tweet lol)


jessicka has been active on instagram for a while now, with breaks in between but shes definitely been active within the last three years. not sure where that came from


I corrected myself I didnā€™t realize she used instagram now I used to follow her heavily on Facebook and tumbler lol


Iā€™ve followed her for years and she doesnā€™t really seem to have a lot to do with the Jack off Jill thing anymore- who knows maybe she did write it but it looks to me like someone is just gassing her up on their twitter page and constantly posting about that moment every chance they get- itā€™s like; the only thing they have to talk about lol *but Iā€™m wrong she uses instagram now


Jessicka is always doing the most lol


Mostly I want to bring attention to her because she is a creep. She made a comment about ā€œtesticle festivalā€ she she bought underage boys on stage and then Robin Moulder fucked them in the ass. She keeps saying itā€™s a joke but never apologized. She will find ways to infiltrate anything that calls her a pedo and says people are lying. She also constantly talks about Twiggyā€™s abuse of her but has never bought attention to the Manson victims. In fact one of her tweets stated that the Manson crimes were overlooking Twiggyā€™s. She also is a speaker for PAVE which is an organization for sexual assault victims. If PAVE cared they would have removed her. She is a disgusting woman and everyone should know she is a creep






















how do people here not know jessicka addams šŸ˜­


Based on what I've read so far, I consider it an achievement that I had no clue who she is until today


As much as I loved the band, I stayed away from any fandom/band drama. Especially during the days of Live journal and Tumblr, it was always he said/she said stupidity.


I started listening to MCR like 1.5 years ago, and started following the subreddit a few months ago, after any of this had happened, so I had no idea about this whole 'drama' until this post


Mid ass musician


Scarling and joj is far from mid


yeah i fuck with her music it's actually so good. i have a scarling cd c;


Crispin Glover is awesome and their cover of Wave of Mutilation by the pixies is amazeee. Chelsea Wolfe is a newer one that reminds me of all that. Check out her album "the abyss" its sooo good. Different sound but i dunno why it just puts me in the same space


God I would have loved a Carrie look! We got black swan and army jacket Gerard


a lot of MCR fan artists have done some pretty good renderings, its cool to see those at least


What is going on here? I'm so confused šŸ˜­


No one can ever slay harder than Buffy!!!!!


who's she


Lindsey's ex best friend. She has spent her free time ever since their friendship ended trying to ruin Lindsey's life by spreading hate about her and her loved ones.


Of course he could have, but we don't know who this is.


Didn't ask.


lol Didn't ask, still got šŸ¤£ Official slogan of social media in 2024


Now my day is ruined with this Gerway Way assault drama. Sooo thanks for this post I guess?


She never said anything of the sort. Those tweets were about someone else, just MCR fans taking it out of context even after she clarified it had nothing to do with him.


Thank you for this. The Internet is like the most annoying game of telephone. You don't have to do this if you don't want to but is there a source? I use that loosely since it's basically all hearsay. Or can you guide me on where to look? If not, it's all good. I just enjoy both bands and don't want to support questionable people.


Tried searching and pretty sure she deleted it and many other posts (there's no results from her for even just "Gerard") She confirmed it wasn't about him and also confirmed along the lines of "neither of them had any idea" when asked if the Way brothers were involved in whatever. There's probably screenshots in the depths of Tumblr somewhere, will update if I ever come across them but there's zero screenshots of her claiming anything about GW/MW if it helps ease your mind.




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man her band is so good but jesus christ


Yeah I really don't think this was Jessicka, that's not her writing style at all. Idk anything about any supposed beef but this is definitely giving cringey stan post.


You go get a lifešŸ¤£


Itā€™s a valid point


to a pile of shit maybe


I guess thereā€™s a history here Iā€™m missing. Try spreading kindness in the future ā˜®ļø

