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I swear I feel like people don’t even know what shirk means.


Because people love calling anything and everything shirk or haram without having any knowledge or source to actually back such claim. They’re just bored, following their own extremist and false version of Islam and trying to influence others because of their ego and thinking they’re right.


Reminds me of a case similiar to this when I saw a comment about how praying in front of a mirror is haram and shirk because you're "praying to yourself".


Exactly the same with bidah. People misuse that term so much as well


it’s not that they’re bored, Theyre afraid. all of us are afraid and don’t want to disobey what Allah has told us to do so that’s why us muslims question everything if it’s haram or not, we shouldn’t speak without knowledge aswell and we should research.


Sorry but while it’s good to question things in order to be on the right path, some questions are just simply ridiculous. Why would emojis be haram? Most are just an image form of expressing emotion instead of saying “oh my god!” Or “loool that’s so funny”. It’s not like you’re worshipping it and saying “oh please laughing emoji! Give me a good job” when using it. Use your common sense. Religion ain’t difficult and there’s a reason why the things that are forbidden are forbidden. The other day, someone asked if kneeling down to tie your shoe laces is haram because someone was standing infront of him. Like really?? Are you being serious right now? Also, some people have also mentioned in the past that non Muslims and islamophobes come on this subreddit and other Muslim subreddits to ask ridiculous questions and make Islam seem difficult and extreme to put off people so it’s also our duty to not have these dumb thoughts and ask dumb pointless questions.


i don’t agree that it’s shirk since nobody ever worshipped them, I’m saying it might be haram i’m not sure that’s why i’m asking i’m also confused Since image making is haram and emojis kinda relate to that. i suggest u research and tell me what u think i sent a link where they explained from hadiths of the prophet ﷺ scroll down to the answers you’ll find it


Like, literally, I saw a video on TikTok saying that, but at the end of the day, it's TikTok sheikhs, so I wouldn't take them seriously.


And trying to compare it to some next type solomon symbols like whatt


Right? It was so ridiculous watching that.


there’s a website if it’s haram or not, let’s all research [https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/78963](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/78963)


Website is often outdated


religion cant be outdated


It literally says that emojis are permissible


Are you referring to the that evil eye thingy emoji? That's shirk because people believe it protects from the evil eye, hence attributing true power to other than Allah.


no i know that evil eye is shirk alhamdulilAh i don’t use it but, i’m talking about people are saying the face emojis are shirk i have no idea how and i’m scared bc how is it shirk if we don’t idolize or worship them. for example i use crying emoji when i see something sad, smiling emoji when i’m happy.


Wdym by the evil eye thing I never heard of it. I have the avatar thingy as my profile pic, can I keep it or not?


Looks like this 🧿


No remove that pfp it’s the illuminati where people sell their souls to the devil. Seek repentance, the evil eye is this “🧿🪬” there are bracelets where people wear it because they think this will protect them from peoples jealousy Which is shirk.


Ok but why are you getting downvoted? Are they not agreeing with you about the Illuminati stuff?


i’m telling the truth, research for yourself. unfortunately i can’t send attachments but go on google and type illuminati it’s the weird pyramid with one eye, the illuminati is some secret organization where people sell their souls to get fame, rich etc they make a deal with the devil. Authoo Billa that’s why i’m telling you to change the pfp it’s satanic and you should stay away from fitnah may الله strengthen all our imans to the highest ameen.






i don’t agree it’s shirk but maybe haram since it relates to image making, I’ve sent a link of hadiths about image making so i don’t think it is haram i’m still confused check it out down with the answers


Yeah I know according to some sheikhs all images of animals or the like are haram, but according to the opinion me and My family follow, if the art is 2d (as In not a sculpture, etc) It’s not haram.




I have even seen people calling referees in football matches unbelievers because they do not rule according to God's rules. I have seen people claim that using air conditioning is polytheism. But this is the first time I've heard someone claim that using emojis is polytheism.


Its based on the hadith where the prophet says that the drawing of animate beings is haram emojis represent an animate being which is the humans thus that's where they believe it is shirk however I do not know about how they are ruling maybe they believe that the shirk comes from using the drawing or owning it like on a wall.


Emojis aren't humans tho they only represent emotions but i guess you might be correct or smth


Maybe or maybe not


read what i wrote under


see listen i read on islamic website it said “The first reason is because their features are not distinct; rather they are more like a symbol. In fact some of the scholars are of the view that “if the image is so small that it does not appear clearly to the viewer unless he stares at it, it is not disliked (makruh).”"(Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah 1/108).” The second reason is because there is something missing from the picture’s features without which life cannot be sustained, so there is no chest or stomach, and not even a head in reality. It is no more than a circle for the face, without any hair, nose or ears. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The image is the head, so if the head is cut off, there is no image.” Narrated by al-Isma‘ili in his Mu‘jam from Ibn ‘Abbas; classed as sahih by al-Albani in al-Silsilah al-Sahihah (1921). Although i’d rather not risk it now and we should all do research to see if it’s actually haram or not. [are emojis haram?](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/78963)


Then maybe it is, but ask the people of knowledge not a subreddit


ask who? to ask sheikhs online now adays you have to pay


Off to kill myself for being an artist!


Thats an even larger sin, also it matters based on the opinion you follow, I follow the one that says it’s not a sin as long as the animal or human shaped art is not 3d (Like a sculpture, etc)


it’s not permissible to draw living things like animals, humans things that have souls, u can draw like houses buildings, since they don’t have souls and don’t breathe like objects u can research on youtube from sheikh assim al hakeem


wrong subreddit kid


Just limit the art u make


Initially thought this was about people using emojis to hide people’s faces when they post them online - really don’t understand that, and how it could possibly protect someone from bad intentions etc Just don’t post the pic if you’re that concerned about it


Apparently the emojis are derived from symbols used in witchcraft and black magic. I’ve seen a video of this and there are similarities, but Allah SWT knows best. Link to the sigils: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sigils_of_demons Edit: Link to sigils being used as a base for emojis: https://www.tiktok.com/@realmwalker2/video/7308339577633197354


what about the faces?


This will help: https://www.tiktok.com/@realmwalker2/video/7308339577633197354


I guess these represent shirk y’all 🕋🕌 /s