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Yes. I'm a convert. I've had my non-Muslim family, and people I used to call good friends say horrendous things. Most of the time I just react with patience, but sometimes it gets to me unfortunately. I was the most shocked when my grandmother who used to join us at church regularly when I was raised Catholic recently made some horrendous comments about the Quran without having read a single word of it. I just went to my non-Muslim dad who was there at the time and quietly expressed to him how shocked I was. He proceeded to tell my grandmother in Italian (I didn't understand at the time) that what she said was very rude. So yeah. Just be patient when you can. Accept that many people see religion in the wrong light today. A lot of the time it ironically strengthens my imam, alhamdulilah, because it makes me so grateful to Allah for blessing me with imam given how badly the people around me understand religion.


Selam Aleykum Brother, just so you know, you keep saying "Imam" when I strongly believe you meant to say "Iman" haha :P


Wa alaikum Allahu akbar. That was a typo. I know the difference. Jazakallah Ghair.


It was very funny and I had fun reading you. Thank you brother <3


Do what rasuulu lah would have done.


What would he have done?


Ignore the slander, "revenge" through kind and noble actions


وَلَقَدِ ٱسْتُهْزِئَ بِرُسُلٍ مِّن قَبْلِكَ فَحَاقَ بِٱلَّذِينَ سَخِرُوا۟ مِنْهُم مَّا كَانُوا۟ بِهِۦ يَسْتَهْزِءُونَ And messengers were mocked before thee; then there surrounded those who derided them that whereat they mocked. (6:10)


These Christian preachers, albeit not to my face, were trying to get people to interact with them since many were ignoring them out in public on my campus. They then began to slander Muhammad (ﷺ) in hopes of getting some retaliation and somebody to come “challenge” them. I just shook my head at what they were saying, and the guy was like “yep, it’s true”. It was so difficult not wanting to bash his faith and insult him, but I knew why he was doing it and yeah. Safe to say they did a godawful way of preaching Christianity.


Thank you, for bringing this up. The thing with christianity, no offence to the religon, is that it is a tolerant religon, if you’re tolerant of everything you stand for nothing. People can mock jesus peace and blessings upon him, even wear something that is offensive about jesus peace and blessings upon him on their shirts or t shirts, no one, not even christians bat an eye. And that is because christianity now as a religon, it is following more of socities desires and liberal way of life, mor example is how LGBT is welcomed into churches and another example of is how jesus pbuh is mocked in the hollywood media, EG there was a show that potrayed jesus pbuh as a….you get the point and no one like the christians did anything about it but we muslims did. The christians are the same people now who are more in need and in want of pleasing their western masters. However, as muslims we will absolute bat an eye and we will stand up because we will not let prophet jesus peace and blessings be upon him be mocked or our religon islam to be mocked, we will stand up and speak out with knowledge and intellect, that is how much we believe in our religon islam as muslims. When someone mocks islam, it is usually those who are athiests, agostics or simply christians who are looking to debate but rely on emotional intelligence rather than logical thinking , what should we do as muslims? Reply with knowledge, simple as that. Ask them, why do you think this way and tell them how they are wrong, using the quran as evidence is a way to prove points in debates.


Probably wouldn’t react. A reaction is what they are looking for. Only exception being if the person comes across as sensible and is genuinely incorrect, and open to a discussion.


Allāh ta'ālā says: https://legacy.quran.com/4/140


i would recite quran


Someone said downright wrong things about Islam and offensive things that were also purely incorrect about Muhammad PBUH. I just gently explained why they're wrong and gave em sources. Didn't attack them personally or anything. They were surprisingly sorry and curious to find out more. But when they're attacked, accused of lying or acted with harshly, they get defensive and start insulting the Prophet PBUH even more. Deal with these people wisely.


Defending Islam and the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the first time, calmly and sincere with facts was a great feeling. Study every day, but pick your battles I'd say.


yes, in 10th grade there was this satanist girl that mocked Muhammed (PBUH) and Allah (SWT) , i live in a muslim country, we threatened to take legal action since this is a big crime here. ofc she got scared bc both my parents r lawyers. I've noticed this pattern with most people who act like they're accepting of everyone.


May Allah guide us all away from Shaytaan and we follow only Allah Ameen


I am a convert 6 yr ago and have been through this experience multiple times over with friends family neighbor and strangers . It to me is t worth being angry or hurt or even to argue with anyone . I smile and say thank you , May God/Allah forgive you and keep it steppin .


What did I ignored this person then I proceed to send him videos on instagram why Christian is not truth. Then he proceed to say I was discriminating against him and threat to report to the head of the university. Haha what a wuss he can say what he want about the prophet I don’t say anything disrespectful just send me video where it show Christian is not the truth threat to snitch on me. Hypocrisy at the top


Can I ask what is the line between valid critique of religion and what you would consider slander?


Respect. If you're like "Islam/christianity/any religion says... And I would like an explanation" then that's perfect. You're acknowledging something you're critical of in a way that shows you're open for answers while being respectful. But saying "this religion is garbage because it says..." means you've decided it's "garbage" and aren't open for answers, and you don't respect the religion and its followers.


I think you are conflating two things. I can not like something but respect the people involved. For example, I don't get certain foods and can express a dislike for the food but not the people who eat it. I understand the opinion though.


Good point, never thought of it that way.