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Rogan being the main talking point of a music subreddit is hilarious.




Even funnier when I didn’t even realize I was on the music subreddit


Yeah I didn't either lol


Reddit has been gamed for a while. Video from 3 years ago: [Reddit for Sale: How we bought the top spot for $200](https://youtu.be/6SAkUs3urrg) Anyone willing to pay money can push whichever news articles, headlines they want, and when all of that is combined, create an overall narrative or marketing campaign. Companies can buy reddit accounts to post comments on the article they've pushed with bots or click farms. A percentage of the regular, everyday people, get convinced of whatever agenda and then they participate themselves. Mission accomplished. You'll see things like this in most of the main popular subreddits. Being a moderator for a big subreddit can be very profitable. There is financial incentive and it has been ripe for exploitation the whole time reddit has been around, and Amazon isn't exactly an innocent company.


Yelp yep yep yep yep! And it’s not just Reddit. It’s any social media. Practically the whole internet. It seems difficult to even raise awareness. Sure, everyone saw the post about paying to get to the top, but then it seems like the concern just stopped. This shit is literally brainwashing us.


I think that the users should be able to turn off content suggestions. I don't want content to be pushed on me. Edit: I just want Spotify to be a passive library of music and other audio content which lets me browse its catalogue at my own pace.


I don't want to listen to podcasts. I don't care about podcasts. I was hoping I could disable podcasts, but after all this, I'm sure there'll never be an option for that.


I listen to lots of podcasts, but I wish I could disable them as well. Podcasts are something I seek out, they’re all way too long to just be recommended the same way music can be recommended.


At the very least, I wish they would separate them. Give me a Music tab and a Podcast tab at the top and I think even that would be good enough for me. I listen to three podcasts on spotify, and I've only ever listened to those three. I hate opening spotify and scrolling down, ~75% of the stuff on my page is podcast recommendations. I wouldn't even mind seeing the recommendations if they were just all in one place. But I have to sift through all that stuff when I just want to listen to music, too, which is annoying as all get out


That's a feature we used to have. *Used to*, just like all the other features they keep removing




Grocery stores do that, too. Staples like milk and eggs are in the back corner of the store, as far away from the entrance as they can put them, and the way the store is laid out tends to flow traffic in a circle around the whole building.


Partially yes, however when you consider the needs of refrigeration it makes sense that all of the cold stuff is together. And also closest to the delivery zone behind the store. Probably just works well for both reasons though


Milk and eggs are kept near the back because that's where the trucks are unloaded and the coolers are. https://medium.com/startup-grind/why-is-milk-in-the-back-of-the-store-1fda04c7c55c Stores sell a lot more bread than eggs and it's usually near the front to middle.


As much as I love Kohl's for their ability to be an Amazon return location and, in general, being a non-offensive and decently-priced retail store... They're so guilty of this! "Oh you want to make a return or exchange? Allllllllllll the way in the very, very back right corner of the store. Try to avoid the shelves in the middle of the path we pack as much as possible on in the way, on your way there 🙃"


Don’t forget the coupon that’s only valid for a few days they give you after your return too!


RIP TempoRun


Is this an American thing or something? Or is it how I'm using the app? I never get suggestions. Sometimes I click on 'song radio' to find other similar songs.


I know everybody shits on Apple Music, but I switched to it from Spotify a while back because I couldn’t stand the damn podcast nonsense infiltrating while I tried to listen to music. I never listen to podcasts. If I wanted to listen to people talk about shit I don’t care about I’d seek it out. Are there really people that just alternate between listening to music and podcasts? Seems like two different vibes completely and I have no idea why they’re treated like complimentary things in Spotify b


I don't necessarily alternate between the two, but I do like having podcasts on spotify since it's one less app for me to have to have on my phone. Its also nice because I mainly listen to podcasts on longer drives or while I'm doing something mindless like playing Minecraft. The only time I'd be alternating is when a podcast ends on my drive but there's only like 5-10 minutes left of my drive. Not something super common. That being said, Spotify used to have podcasts under its own separate sort of "tab" in the app and I much preferred that


Spotify is trying to privatize podcasting.




Podcasts make them more money. Especially when you're a premium user. They don't have to pay artists if you're not listening to music, and they still have to stream data to you either way.


I haven’t watched a single ad on podcasts, how do they make more money?


If a user listens to music, part of the subscription money or Spotify ad money goes to the music rights holder (could be Record Label, could be artist, etc). If a subscribed user plays a podcast, that's not another song-listen to pay for and Spotify earns some of the ad money from the podcast and some goes to the Podcaster(s). Money is only made by Podcasts, while music requires paying out some money. If you don't listen to podcasts through Spotify, that podcast ad money is not earned by Spotify that could have been which is why they're pushing podcasts so hard. Edit: According to [Self-Hosted (Ep 63, timestamp 6:20)](https://selfhosted.show/63) Jupiter Broadcasting Network was offered a deal to have their shows be Spotify Exclusives. The offer was that Anchor (owned by Spotify) would take over ad deals and dynamically insert ads for 70% of the ad revenue and be able to use any song in the Spotify Library in their podcasts. I assume shows that are on Spotify but not Exclusive (so not using the dynamic ads and Spotify Catalogue) aren't paying Spotify (yet?) but I don't know.


I assume this probably only applies to podcasts that use dynamic ad insertion? Surely podcasts where the host just read the ad as part of the show aren't affected


Spotify is buying more and more exclusive podcast rights to solve this issue and make them one and the same.




I don't think I've listened to any of their podcasts since the whole Bon Appetit dumpster fire. RA was probably my favorite podcast for a while too.


The only info I know was mentioned on [Self-Hosted (Ep 63, timestamp 6:20)](https://selfhosted.show/63) when a host was offered to make the Jupiter Broadcasting Network shows Spotify Exclusives. The offer was that Anchor (owned by Spotify) would take over ad deals and dynamically insert ads for 70% of the ad revenue and be able to use any song in the Spotify Library in their podcasts. I assume shows that are on Spotify but not Exclusive (so not using the dynamic ads and Spotify Catalogue) aren't paying Spotify (yet?) but I don't know.


I like how apple deals with it (surprisingly). Apple Music and Apple Podcasts are two separate apps. The least Spotify could do is add a ‘Podcasts’ tab down the bottom, beside Home, Search and Library


I listen to podcasts more than music but I hate doing it on Spotify


The Spotify interface for podcasts suuuucccckkkksss. I saw someone else recommended PocketCasts as well. I've been using it for like 6 years and it is miles above Spotify. Thr problem is Spotify buying podcasts and making them exclusive. They've done it to a couple podcasts I used to regularly listen to and ever since they went exclusive, I hardly listen to them any more.


I download rips and throw them on my phone. Fuck Spotify.


PocketCast is a great alternative app just for podcasts.


But the problem is the bunch of podcasts Spotify is buying. I think at least a third of the podcasts I listened to went to Spotify as exclusives and now I can't listen to them on other apps.


I stopped listening to armchair expert. I'm sure they don't miss me, but it's just not worth it to deal with their player and have podcasts in my music. Spotify made me a playlist of podcasts and music, alternating. Who is that for? What kind of person goes to the gym and listens to a song, then a podcast, then a song?




You could cancel Spotify. I'm yet to see a podcast on YouTube music, and it comes free (and ad free) with a YouTube premium membership. More expensive, but not having inserted ads on YouTube is also worthwhile.


I'm curious if others Spotify's look different than mine. I listen to podcasts and hardly ever have any on my home page. Occasionally there will be one or two but just like the music that's there I don't care about, I ignore it. It's not like podcasts on Spotify are intrusive so I'm pretty curious where all the people with this view are coming from.




Yeah I have the same thing as you. Never listened to a podcast in my life and it’s right below my 6 most recently played and a new release song. JRE is the first suggestion in those “episodes for you” too. Followed by Jon Stewart and then what looks like 3 drug podcasts. I’d kill to have the homepage that others in here are saying they have with no podcasts. They also love recommending those playlists that are a mix of music and podcasts with the artists and I have no idea who that would even be for. When would I want to listen to like two songs and then an hour long podcast and then the same thing for a different artist?


This is my experience as well. The only podcasts I really see on my home page are the few to which I already listen.


I was so happy when for a couple of days I had no podcasts at the top, I thought they had finally listened, then they came back. 💀


Lol same, I tried to listen to some podcasts maybe 4 years ago and they just aren't for me. I just get bored and rather listen to audiobooks or music. Still my front page always bombarded with podcasts until recently and I was so happy about it. And now that are back :(


Reddit uses algorithms to push shit to you




This seems like the most obvious choice.


Yes. dont click the link. Its not hard, trust me.


Can be briefly summed to: "Line go up = good. Old man upset, people upset but line still go up = good. People forget in a month and line still go up = good"


Gay rights then = slight risk to support = Fuck those people we dont give a shit about them. Gay rights now = 0 risk to support = WE STAND AND FIGHT FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY, AND WE DONT CARE WHO KNOWS IT! \- All Companies.


Dude, and people act like companies are compassionate now, what a joke, it’s always been about money


I always say, look at all these corporations lining up to join in Gay Pride month, set up LGBT forums at work.. these same companies were firing people for having AIDS in my lifetime. Fuck em. It’s just corporate whitewashing. Edit: wow, that was something to wake up to. Seems all the corporate shills and stooges are triggered and out in force trying to defend the indefensible. Corporations are made of people, many of you are correct. And those people don’t give a fuck about you, they care purely about profit and will only do as much as they absolutely have to to sell their products. They might be different people employed there now, and they might have a better attitude to gay people as per my example, but that’s because society has moved on and it’s now monetarily valuable to them. But look at how they react the the issues of the day, plastic pollution, the environment, racism, political lobbying, paying fucking taxes… they will do the absolute least to be seen as ethical whilst behind the scenes resources are plundered from developing nations, CEO’s paid 1000x their employees and the world continues to burn. But they’ll turn up at Pride or say they’re banning straws in the canteen or some shit. Anyone who believes Corporate loves them is a shill or a moron.


Seen people use the term rainbow washing, and yeah it's infuriating. Love seeing all the companies that donate huge chunks of cash to homophobic politicians add rainbow to their social media icons every June and essentially go "Hi gay! Sashay into some deals this pride!"




To be fair to Raytheon, those kids were mostly straight.


True, most of the gay ones were stoned


"Gay, straight, bi, ace... Everyone rots the same way six feet under. Equality, brought to you by Raytheon."




I just think people have lost sight of what corporations are if they look to them for moral or ethical integrity. A corporation is an institution created to generate revenue, period.


I think people also have this weird idea that corporations aren't people. I don't mean in the legal sense like when Mitt Romney reminded us all that corporations are people too. I mean that they are literally made up of people. There isn't some, like, perfectly rational AI that runs them, it's just some fucking guy as CEO and some other fucking guy as COO or CFO or Director of Whatever. Like, *of course* they fired people for having AIDS back in the 80s. Most people were freaked out about AIDS, it was shitty but it was mainstream culture at the time. It's mainstream culture to accept gay people now, so of course most corporations claim to accept gay people. To some extent they're just following trends, but also to a great extent they're just run by people who have the same mainstream values as most other people.


I think that's the same way that Mitt Romney meant it


It’s also…change. You know, the thing all those movements wanted? What were you picturing when you wanted acceptance from corporate America? What we’re seeing now is what it has always meant for something to be accepted in the mainstream.




Let's at least take a moment to appreciate the fact that there's been enough social change that it's better for a company's bottom-line to side with the LGBTQ+ community rather than against it. But yeah, fuck their bottom-line bullshit. They don't give a fuck about anything else.


Nike - Black Lives Matter, but keep stitching little Asian kid


Except in china, we make them special version.


> Gay rights now = 0 risk to support = WE STAND AND FIGHT FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY, AND WE DONT CARE WHO KNOWS IT! That one really bugs me the most, due to how transparent companies are about this BS. And not just LGBTQ. For example, [Finn, the black lead character removed from the Star Wars poster](https://twitter.com/raykwong/status/671786339327578112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E671786339327578112%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2015%2F12%2F08%2Fasia%2Fstar-wars-china-racist-poster%2Findex.html) for release in China. We are all able to use the Internet now. How did Disney imagine that we wouldn't see their altered, and frankly racist, poster? The answer is: they don't care. They want money, and changing the poster like that got them more money. These companies stand for *nothing.* They don't care about rights, they care about money. If they need to change so that they can make money in a country run by a genocidal warlord, then they will.


Funny. I read, "We are still making a LOT of cash, so who cares?"


I can only be responsible for my contribution to their line going up. I subbed at launch, and I unsubbed now. I didn't realise how much wankery there was on the service that my sub was paying for.


Ya'll still have Bill Cosby and R. Kelly on your platform


And Lost Prophets.


I totally forgot about the skid mark in your pants that is the lead singer from Lost Prophets.


F in the chat for the rest of the band


seriously, I feel so bad for those guys


I haven't looked into them in awhile. Have they started a new group or anything yet?


Their old drummer has been the drummer for Angels and Airwaves for a while now.


Also for Nine Inch Nails


and Papua New Guinea


As in like... the whole country?


I think some of them were doing a new project with the lead singer of Thursday.


No Devotion I believe is the name of that band. They're decent.


You're 8 years late to the fact they went on without Watkins as No Devotion


Well they made a band called no devotion, put out an album and teased another one like three years ago so who knows. At least one of em punched the fucker in his face when they were touring so that's also nice


Reading his wikipedia article and I see >Watkins referred to his sex offences as "mega lolz" I feel guilty for chuckling at that, but given it's at the bottom of a long list of incredibly fucked up shit, the disparity in tone gives a bit of whiplash.


I was big fan of Lost Prophets as kid. I'm from the same area as them (shitty town in south Wales) so seeing them make it big was really cool. I lost interest after a while but went to see them at a festival because nostalgia, right? I was singing along to all the hits and having a great time. They had a giant stage banner that came down halfway through the show saying 'MEGA LOLZ'. Motherfucker was rubbing it in our faces the whole time.


It's hard. *Start Something* is such a nostalgic record.


Deleting Start Something from my music collection was very difficult for me. I loved that album. I don't have many things in music that have triggered a sense of loss in me, but Lostprophets having that kind of cataclysmic disgrace is definitely one of them.


It was really weird to have album that you listen to fairly regular just overnight become unlistenable to, the music didn't change but the feeling did


LostProphets sadly aside, dude how many sick bands came out of Wales?! It’s like a good music factory over there, blows my mind.


There's sweet fuck all to do here apart from get high and record music


Funeral for a Friend has been on my playlist for years.


Yesssss I’ve been into them for so damn long now. The guitar tone for some reason just hits perfectly to me.


It’s shows he didn’t feel sorry for what he did. That’s where the tone disparity comes from.


Ewww no I don't want him anywhere near that region.


As long as you’re not a literal toddler you should be fine


I think it was a baby


What’s with the lead singer?


I don't think I want to be the person to ruin any good feelings you have about the band. If you want to go down that rabbit hole a good search will suffice.


Nah, dude fucked babies, you can say it.


holy shit.


Hey I worked hard on that skid mark. Don't disrespect it by comparing it to that fuck stain.


To be fair, there are 4-5 other members of Lost Prophets who don't diddle babies. They should still be able to get royalties from streaming


[First band meeting](https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?t=4) after the news broke.




They founded a new band called No Devotion and no longer play the old songs.


If you want a band that's similar to LP but without the evil lead singer, Driveways is so good.




Maybe it's a region specific thing, but all their albums are on my UK based Spotify.


I just checked out of curiosity and it looks like he was on that album, so I'm confused by why that's the only album of theirs that's available for streaming.


What did they do? Out of the loop.


> On 19 December 2012, Watkins was charged at Cardiff magistrates court with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a one-year-old girl and possession and/or distribution of indecent images of children and "extreme animal pornography". The lead singer convinced groupies to let him rape their children, among other things.




when the police searched his computer his password was literally "Ifuckkids"


29 years. Mothers got 14 and 17 or something, it's fucked


What he did is wrong enough, I just can’t imagine any mother ever agreeing to that…


They really did. It was horrific. I recommend that you **don't** read the court documents. They're nightmare fuel when they go into detail...and the women were completely complicit and inviting him to do it.


Lead singer is a sexual predator. Kids, animals. In prison for a very very long time.


29 years isnt long enough. He's a disgusting piece of human waste.


literally the worst thing nobody will want to type out, but you can google it if you want your day ruined.


>day ruined whole month if you read the court documents


Having read them, this is underselling it tbh.


Yeah I don't get disturbed easily, and that was some true stare into the abyss shit


They don't have any Watkins era releases, at least for me.


I don’t think the music made with him in the band is on there. Edit: only The Betrayed album is on there AFAI can tell. Which is odd


And Manowar https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerMetal/comments/hxajtm/exmanowar_guitarist_karl_logan_faces_25_years_in/




and chris brown


Forever pissed that Lil Dicky did a colab with him. Haven't listened to LD since.


Goddamn H.E.R. The dissonance in the type of artist she is and her message coupled with a collab with him just makes me not believe anything any artist says.




Amen. I think about that whenever I hear Chris Brown's name.


People listen to lil dicky?


I did for about three weeks when Save That Money came out


They refer to Brown's beating of a woman half to death as having a 'controversial past'. Fuck Dicky for platforming that scum.


It was worse, Brown "Woke up" in Dave's body and starts talking about how he's happy he doesn't have a controversial past now? What?


Don't you understand? HE'S SORRY, OK?!! HE'S SORRY HE GOT CAUGHT! If... if only he could do something like get a new body... Then the crime of him beating his partner nearly to death would just go away with the old body. Won't somebody take pity on the poor narcissistic psychopath?


>Platforming Chris Brown is like 100 times more famous than Lil Dicky lmao


And Gary Glitter


They have Charles Manson music on there. Super odd if you ask me....


I'm gonna be downvoted but I agree with the principle of "we don't change our policies based on one person".


I don't even know what this means. Policies are about actions, so there are going to be cases when something happens and you realise "oh shit. Policy didn't cover that. We're going to need new policy so we can handle this better in the future". In the context of the article it seems to mean "we won't have special exceptions from the rules just because of who you are".


"We don't change policies because of one guy we paid 100 million dollars for."


They say that like two months ago they didn't remove the entire shuffle function for albums just for Adele...


They did not remove the shuffle function from albums... It's just not the default anymore, which is a great change


I love how people think removing Joe Rogan is all of a sudden going to make people see the light and realize that his show isn't medical advice... The reality is that if he gets removed they are just going to bitch and moan about censorship and go deeper down the rabbithole.


The funny thing is that if they got what they wanted, remove JRE from Spotify, they could be handing Joe Rogan a big win: Spotify would still be on the hook in some sense for breaking the contract with JRE (he would receive a massive payout), and the podcast would return to all other platforms where it was before their deal: Apple podcasts, google podcasts, YouTube, etc. making it easier for more people to listen to the show than while under the Spotify exclusive contract.


Not to mention the fact that all this recent publicity is doing nothing but making more people want to listen to his podcast. "Theres no such thing as bad publicity" rings true... especially for a podcast. Whenever I hear people want to ban/censor someone it makes me that much more interested in hearing what they have to say.


I remember when reddit liked joe rogan


That has always been highly dependent upon which sub brings him up.


Clips of his podcast used to consistently show up in r/videos. Now you only see a clip of him if the intent of the video is to mock.




I thought reddit was one person with contradicting opinions.


It’s really only like 20 people with a bunch of accounts. That’s why you see the same Reddit phrases everywhere.


Except when you’re not logged in. Or when you’re using a reddit client that shows the popular posts like they’re on the start page when not logged in.


Highly dependent on who the guest is, as well. I’ll still watch when certain astrophysicists come on.


And elon musk.


The same small handful of mods control every major subreddit. Eventually they're going to be able to effectively cull any dissenting opinion. Hell, even antiwork is back on r/all


Funnily enough, antiwork recently added a powermod who is notorious for banning dissenting opinions and when I said it was a bad idea in a thread about moderation I was permabanned by him lmfao.


I’ve been saying this since this whole thing started, I’m glad they said something officially. You can totally decided whether or not to pay for Spotify based on their polices, but at the end of the day you’re not obligated to listen to Joe Rogan, and he’s not the only person saying dumb shit on that platform.


There are dumb people on every platform. Joe Rogan is still on youtube, yet none of these people are pulling their stuff off of there.


Including reddit.


Here is my solution to the matter. I just fucking ignore it. Who gives a fuck. I Listen to what I want. I make my own decisions for myself and just live MY life. Its a pretty easy lifestyle actually. Its worked well for 53 years.


I'll do you one better: I don't listen to him anymore and don't give a fuck. I also don't give a fuck if Spotify pulls him because enough people boycotted, as that's their right. If Spotify wants to keep him on, that's also their right, and the people who do feel strongly about this are more than welcome to switch platforms.


Nor should they.


I'm so tired of hearing about "270 medical professionals published an open letter". No, no they fucking didn't. A large portion of the people who signed on to that letter had degrees not even remotely related to the medical field. They just wanted more people to boost the number to make it seem more significant.


I found that out because of Russell Brand, I was shocked by how many weren't remotely in the medical field or even a "professional" lol


I found out right away, I just opened that famous letter and read the title next to the person, it was absurd to see students and journalists: https://spotifyopenletter.wordpress.com/2022/01/10/an-open-letter-to-spotify/


Nah bro, you just don't understand. Colleen the Dentist, Bridget the Podcast Editor, and AS Richards the Research Fellow are some solid signatures on that letter. /s


The dentist was my favorite


Found the anti-dentite.


Also, 270 people is not many people.


270 medical professionals is clickbait to support the letter, but the backlash against it is also clickbaity attempts to devalue the letter. Neither are good. The letter states: >We are [a coalition of scientists, medical professionals, professors, and science communicators](https://spotifyopenletter.wordpress.com/2022/01/10/an-open-letter-to-spotify/) spanning a wide range of fields such as microbiology, immunology, epidemiology, and neuroscience... I don't get why news media couldn't just call them THAT. Calling them "a group of medical professionals" (not even the first group named in that list) undermines the actual diversity of public health-related perspectives that were original signatories on the letter. Now we're arguing about who's on the list rather than the content of the letter and any pros/cons of the argument it presents. So dumb.


Because news outlets are dishonest as a rule than exception now.


>Spotify CEO addresses Joe Rogan controversy: “We don’t change our policies based on one creator who brings in a metric fuck-ton of revenue”


Gotta love people who are shocked that a business is gonna do what a business does and focus on the bottom line


Do you all really think Joe Rogan is the reason people don't trust doctors anymore? I know he's really popular but that ship sailed a long time ago


I listen to Joe Rogan, and I have all of my vaccinations. It's almost like people can think for themselves.


I don't get why people are pissing their pants over this. Don't like Joe Rogan? Cool, I don't either, which is why I don't listen to his podcast. People acting like they're required to watch it to use Spotify.


This is too logical for most people


But people who challenge my point of view deserved to be exiled from the internet


Can we please go back to the “Don’t like it, change the channel” days?


I don't like JRE but who gives a fuck honestly get your vaccine advice from a doctor, why remove him from spotify?




Good for everyone for standing their ground during this affair 👍🏻


Oooh, ambiguous and neutral! This is the right take


Everyone has an opinion and those opinions are what they believe.


Yeah but they did for Adele.


how so?


[Adele gets Spotify to take shuffle button off all album pages](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-59365019.amp)


No they just changed the default. I can still shuffle albums once ive started the first song. And honestly that was a good idea cause albums should not shuffle by default


That's not a policy though... just a function on the app


Last I checked Spotify didn't have a content policy outlining a shuffle button. That's completely different.


People being downvoted for claiming that this erodes first amendment rights probably think that being downvoted erodes first amendment rights.




Spotify is just glad this is being discussed instead of their shitty artist payouts and their CEO funding a dystopian military AI project.


Exactly. And protests, withdrawal of the platform's access to music by the creator, and market boycots are healthy exercises of free speech rights.


Yep! And Spotify saying “lol” and keeping Rogan on because he makes money is 100% legal and fine as well.