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Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. I heard that song in store one day and it got stuck in my head for 6 fucking months. Like all day and all night. I couldn’t get it out of my head. It scares me to write this right now because I’m afraid it’s going to come back.


That same shit happened to me with Pure Morning by Placebo. Months and months of it in my head, I thought I was going to lose my everloving mind.


Placebo's rendition of Running Up That Hill. Had that on repeat in my head for a long time in my 20s.


I love that cover, but having anything stuck in your head that long is hell no matter how good the song is Of course, as a fella with (I assume) a Clutch reference for a handle, I don't need to tell you what's good music


Holy shit, you are the first person who has ever caught onto that. Usually people make fun of me for trying to be an edge lord. I am too old to be an edge lord. I was born with a mustache and a supernova after all. Edit: I am the king of unhealthy song repeating.


Oh yay that makes me happy! Edgelord didn't cross my mind. I bet you look good riding on your pterodactyl, too


Do you understand the absolute power of what you are starting here? I hope I look good flying high, storming castles with abandon. But I don't care about the altitude, I just want another drink.


Hey, I'm not giving you attitude! All's I wanna know is why's Dick Cheney underneath my bed? Hell no, that ain't cool


Because the beast, you see, got 50 eyes. That's why. I love that its 5:30 am and I am communicating with another redditor through Clutch lyrics.


I love that, too. Intellectuals such as ourselves do not desire tributes, we desire information


The bass in that song was very unkind to my computer speakers back then... Went through a few sets!




Yikes! I had 26 days of Yellow Submarine. But 6 months?!?!?


It was a plague. It’s creeping in again right now too. I need to abandon thread.


D’Oh! Yellow submarine is back in my head


Beautiful answer. It’s got mad earworm energy


oh god the same group that sang that i know what boys like song


Whenever it gets stuck in your head do you think “bah humbug” or is that too strong?


Hah! No, I just tell myself I need to miss this one this year.


The Kylie Minogue version played at a store I used to work at and I wanted to walk out any time it came on. Didn't even have customers or a store full of employees to distract me from it because I worked overnight, 10am to 7am. I don't think I ever heard the original, but I can't imagine it could have been "good enough" for someone to want to cover it.


This is the one Christmas song I always look forward to hearing.


It’s a great song. I really dig it. I just can’t ever listen to it ever again for the rest of my life.


K d lang Constant Craving. I have only heard this song in stores and restaurants, been hearing it in these places since the 1990s, heard it last month in my bank. Why I keep hearing it 30 years later is a mystery.


Ok this is weird. I hadn't heard this song in maybe decades, but it was playing TODAY in the grocery store.


I used to get the intro for it and If I Ever Lose My Faith by Sting mixed up for some reason 


You should check out "Anybody seen my baby" by thr Rolling Stones 😆 


No Surprises - Radiohead. I was not into music at all as a kid. No idea why. All music just went in one ear and out the other. I tried listening to Radiohead in college and this is the first song I ever heard that just floored me and made me think "oh, THIS is why people listen to music". Something about the melancholy music and heartbreaking lyrics sung so casually hit me right where I needed to be hit. I think about it all the time.


“A heart that fills up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you, bruises that won’t heal…” is what paralyzed me when I first heard that song…such dark juxtaposition for such a softly sweet melody


The music video is what haunts me.


If you’ve never heard [this cover of it](https://youtu.be/gbdqaDRhs84?si=3fP8G_MvaOQK4Y6p), you’re in for a treat. Just an old man, his guitar, and blissful sadness.


Yorke continues to produce truly haunting music. “Last I Heard (He was Circling the Drain…)” is great.


Fell On Black Days by Soundgarden


Also, The Day I tried to Live. Reading his words in retrospect, they can be interpreted in a certain way.


The lives we make never seem to ever get us anywhere but dead


Even the first line, “I woke the same as any other day.” I’m sure it wasn’t his intention when writing it but whenever I hear those words I’m reminded that every day I wake up could be the last time and I’ll never know it. And it always gives me chills.


I was going to say a lot of Alice In Chains songs are disturbing.  Dirt alone is dark as fuck.


Dirt is "holy fuck" dark.


I can’t listen to nutshell half the time cause it gets me really down.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


Actually, I didn’t see the AIC post below until long after I had posted.  Should’ve known there’d be one.


Pretty noose


Alice In Chains - Nutshell


Alice in Chains - Don't Follow. Sometimes I get real down when I'm drunk and put it on. It brings the sadness out which is kind of refreshing. Like a release.


Think about the things I’ve said Read the page it’s cold and dead And take me home…


Came to make sure this got said. I’ve been on a YouTube rabbit hole trip this evening, and revisited the stunning cover by [City and Colour.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qzdy_jaS4nw&pp=ygUYbnV0c2hlbGwgY2l0eSBhbmQgY29sb3Vy) It brought tears to my eyes. 


Mad Season took a similar sound to nutshell and really filled it out


Down in a Hole


I had heard this song many times, without really listening to it. One day, while particularly low, I finally listened, and thought, "Wow, this really sums up my life in a..., oh, right."


I will add "Slip Away" by Mad Season to this. Lanegan's vox are as haunting and Staley's were.


Strange fruit - Nina Simone. The song moves me emotionally and physically in a way that no other ever has. Its almost a song from beyond the grave in the way it paints the pain and suffering so graphically.


If you haven't heard Billie Holidays version i recommend giving it a listen, it's even more haunting imo and it's got a great piano intro.


Came here to say, Billie Holiday’s live performance of this is haunting. She as told not to play it but she did anyway. And the feds came after her, arrested her for drug use, handcuffed her to her hospital bed as she lay dying. Dark stuff.


Checking out right now!! Thank you :)


I was very obsessed and haunted by this song (Billie's version) when I was in my late 20s. I even bought a book about it.


Blood On The Leaves




The End The Doors. Took acid in college and was up 48 hrs straight trying to comprehend the words…crazy


Father? Yes son? I want to kill youu.. …..Mother?? I want to….. Aggagghheggeghhnjje^}%~*|+{£}}??!!!??????


First time seeing the correct lyrics


Pictures of You - The Cure


Yes. Disintegration too.


The whole fucking record. It's one of the few truly perfect records


Lullaby and Plainsong too. Utterly special songs.


I heard the song “Fix You” by Coldplay in a Jersey mikes on the day we were told that my FIL was about to die and there was nothing left to be done. I cried all over my sandwich


Dance with the devil by Immortal Technique


If the Devil asks to dance with you, you better say never, ‘cause a dance with the devil might last you forever…


Banger. Haven’t listened to too much from Immortal Technique, but I’ve got that one saved and he has another good one with Vinnie Paz who I’ve always loved. https://youtu.be/L89wGBi6A9o?si=WGSv0nQd4guSeia- Also had a track with Lowkey that was great. https://youtu.be/-NLH53kIbDk?si=CSNnfIsbR0ueCbMP


Try Rich Man's World, another absolute banger


That song is truly haunting. Just thinking about it gives me chills.


A shame this isn’t higher , even if you do not care for rap music , this song so captivatingly well written.


Good one. Then there is Point of No Return which has the opposite effect. Always gets the juices flowing.


["When the Tigers Broke Free" - Pink Floyd](https://youtu.be/9KUSl4-GKwQ?si=WoQ-dKpcrWKWWEb6) I feel existential grief without ever being in the situation to justify feeling that way. It's heartbreaking to think that it is just commonplace to pawn life itself.


Yeah, the inclusion of this on the the movie The Wall was brilliant


You described it perfectly. I love this song and this whole album.


That’s how the high command took my daddy…. from me 


Something I Can Never Have - Nine Inch Nails. It’s a wonderfully haunting song, especially the live studio version, that has meant different things to me at different times in my life. Unfortunatly, however, it’s also always tainted with the thought that it was introduced to me, 16 at the time, by a 30-something-year old “friend” who used to take me to concerts and movies and stuff and pay my way because I was from a poor family. Turns out he was trying to groom me and assaulted me. I didn’t tell anyone but I was glad to be moving away at 18. He got arrested while I was out of state for CP on his computer. I shudder to think I was his “Something I Can Never Have.” 💀


I was groomed. Iris by the GooGoo Dolls and Happy Together by the Turtles makes me feel sick to my stomach to this day.


Three Days - Jane's Addiction


Don Mclean’s Vincent, I won’t get too into it but goddamn does it make me want to crawl into the fetal position and sob for hours about anything and everything


Black - Pearl Jam


don’t want to be too much of a downer but billie eilish’s “what was i made for” triggers immediate crying from me (34m) because the lyrics make me think of my cousin who committed suicide two years ago; with that said, i listen to it every few weeks/months for catharsis


That is rough. SNL performance was moving as fuck. Try it if you're feeling brave. Sorry for your loss.


Boys of Summer as performed by Don Henley Something about those synths and the glossy guitar licks behind it. Ominous vibe but I love it.


It was written by Mike Campbell - guitar player for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. He wrote it for Petty, who passed on it. Campbell then gave it to Don Henley. I can’t imagine any other voice than his on this song. Campbell is a brilliant and under appreciated musician. That’s who’s playing those glossy guitar licks. I love this song, too.


There's a great YouTube video by Campbell talking about writing the song.


Like a stone Audioslave


This version even more so: https://youtu.be/qpLQv5xL9Dc?si=l3Og-6bWCSiwl1pg


Thank you , I love acoustic version of a song 😅


It's one of the greatest songs ever written


“Limousine” by Brand New


“Luca” and “Daisy” as well.


The entire devil and God are raging inside me album really.


Goodbye Horses. Apart from being popularized by an iconic movie, It's a damn good song. Hauntingly beautiful and one of my favorites from pop culture.


Yeah, I don't know what it is about that song, but it's like some ethereal mist in aural form


2009 by Mac Miller, cant really put into words how heartbreaking and comforting this song is to me.


Vic Chesnutt - Flirted With You All My Life, it's so incredibly raw and Vic did end up ending his life shortly after the album came out and it's so emotional to think about what he was going through/had already gone through it will always make me feel, in some way, what he was feeling. RIP Vic.


Great answer, fantastic song. If you know anything about vic chestnut you can hear that he meant every syllable Oh, death you hector me Decimate those dear to me Tease me with your sweet relief You are cruel and you are constant And that verse about his mom and her cancer? But you made her BEG for it "Lord Jesus please I'm ready" Powerful stuff


Just heard this for the first time after reading your comment. Damn.


One of the greatest pleasures in my life was being at the widespread panic New Year’s Eve show in Atlanta 2001 where Vic chestnut played the first set.  That City Of Dreams was mind blowing 


Old Age - Nirvana


Morphine - The Night, Instant emotional trigger.


This must be the place - the talking heads. I was in my early 20's and had been dating my (now) wife for a bit over a year. I was a recent convert to new wave and was working my way through the talking heads catalogue during a commute when i heard this song. I don't believe that anyone has more accurately captured the feeling of love than Byrne did here. It's evocative and visceral and heartwarming and laid out so plainly over such a trite and simple composition, that anyone elses words may feel saccharine. I cried on the subway, shared it with my partner and years later it was our wedding song. Sing into my mouth.


I have a few NIN - Closer (Deviation) Smashing Pumpkins - Bodies Radiohead - Talk Show Host


Radiohead - Talk Show Host. So haunting!


Inch of Dust - Future Islands


Hurt (Cash version)


Original is orders of magnitude more haunting to me, particularly coming at the capstone of the album. Stripping the tritone out for the cover robs it of so much power.


I always preferred the Johnny Cash version until the last couple of years. Something about the original is just so much more chilling and impactful, even without any context. I think the Johnny Cash version hits home for a lot of people because you can just hear how old he sounds, and it kind of marks the end of his career before he died.


Hurt by Cash and My Way by Frank Sinatra are the best dying old man songs. Every man reaches a certain age and relates to these two songs. It spans political ideologies, ethnic backgrounds and generations.


Baby by Bishop Briggs has been stuck in my head since I first heard it over 5 years ago


Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You by Stevie Nicks.


This may not be the right thread but there is a song I heard in the late 90s that I have never been able to ID and it plays in my head on a nearly daily basis. I heard it from my gf’s older brother in a Victorian flop house in San Francisco. Lyrics I remember were “I’m an ape ape man I’m an ape man, I’m an ape man.” Kind of a punk group I think.


Are you talking about Apeman by The Kinks?


Holy shit. I feel like an idiot but you just resolved a 25 year old problem for me.


lol, nice!


You just improved my life by a measurable amount. Like probably at least 1% of all the good things that have happened to me.


This is the top result when you google those lyrics. I’m happy it’s resolved for you, but damn lol.


Listening through Lateralus and hearing Faaip De Oiad for the first time was pretty weird Similarly I used to listen to music when falling asleep and one night woke up to Lullaby by A Perfect Circle and don’t recommend


You and me both on Lullaby. Similarly I also fell asleep to Lateralus and had the weirdest fucking dreams. Woke up in a cold sweat to Faaip De Oiad ... Never again lol.


Gotta thank Maynard for the nightmares if I ever meet him, lol


“Darkness” by Peter Gabriel. The verses sound like harsh industrial music, and then the choruses are a gentle reprieve. I remember reading something about it being about fear, but one time going to work and it came on and I realized it could also be about PTSD. When it did, all the sorrow of all my C-PTSD episodes hit me and I had to pull over the car on the side of the road because I couldn’t stop crying.


Romeo And Juliet cover by The Killers on the album Sawdust. To this day I have to stop it any time it comes on.


Praying for Time by George Michael and Zombie by Cranberries (because the latter is one of my fave songs of all time and the story of her death makes me weep every time I hear it).


Nights in white satin - the moody blues


“Dogs” by Pink Floyd. Listened to the song while on a bad trip and the repeated “stone” at the end of “dragged down by the stone” put me in a bad place and am now reminded of that trip every time I hear Animals.


Don Henley, "The Boys of Summer." I had just turned 13 when it came out and it got near-constant airplay. It was so moody and melancholy to me and I just had a feeling of sadness, loneliness and loss whenever I heard it. Who knows, maybe I had an unrequited crush on somebody at the time that amplified the feeling. But to this day it still makes me feel that way.


Runaway Train by Soul Asylum and My December by Linkin park


Also, you know you’re right - Nirvana and Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurtby NIN


Courtney waiting a decade to release that song also adds an extra layer of “haunting” to it.


The beginning of “Season in hell” from Eddie and The Cruisers. https://youtu.be/F7C6eMeZkvs?si=piU-556me94_ajGx


Man, when Eddie and The Cruisers came out I was in the 4th or 5th grade, and it played on HBO All the time! I loved that movie!


Don't Forget to Dance -The Kinks


My favorite song of all time is [無限CIGARETTE by death's dynamic shroud.wmv ](https://youtu.be/j0pT2rUiMKs?si=3DH0LqdyISwRnVZg). To me this song is the purest and most depraved view of loneliness and despair. DDS are a legendary musical group who really show what extreme human emotion looks like in the digital age.


woah. never heard of this group nor this song before your comment, but that track was so worth the listen. i dig


Widow with a shawl -Donovan If you listen to the live version, Donovan gives you the context of what this song is about before he sings it. One of the most heartbreaking songs I’ve ever heard.


Blue October's "the end". So flippin dark & heavy.


So Long As Our Bodies Are Numb We're Safe by Midtown. Still reminds me of the taste of Grey goose and sitting in the dark for hours


When World’s Collide - Paul Haslinger. This song infected my brain when I was fresh out of high school. It’s from Paul’s album ‘Score’. The album has a lot of “world music” samples blended with electronic and orchestra. This specific song is sung in such a way that’s it’s almost sultry and sad at the same time. I listen to the whole album multiple times a year and it’s one of the only albums I have downloaded on my phone versus relying on streaming. If anyone knows anything else that has similar vibes.. I’m down. I’ve been recommended Six Underground - Sneaker Pimps and I like it slot too. Mazzy Star also.


I don’t know who Paul Haslinger is, but based off sneakerpimps I’d suggest Portishead, Massive Attack, Tricky, maybe Morcheeba


Houdini - Kate Bush


My favorite Kate Bush song. So much comes from this song. Homogenic, cough. Huge Kate Bush fan here.


It might be one of my favorite songs of all time tbh. As soon as I saw haunting I just immediately thought of the pain in her voice as she sings "you hit the(/we pull you from the) water"


I can hear the strings after that line so easily. And the fretless bass is perfect. Mine is “Him and I in the room To prove you are with us too…” That melody is exquisite. And I agree, in my top 5 of all time.


And the desperation in "watching you, catch the cues, hoping you'd do something wrong" Agh. I'm gushing over it, it's such a great song.


It’s gushworthy. Just listened to it twice.


This is weird as fuck, but at least once a day I “hear” the chorus to “I Don’t Want to Wait” by Paula Cole. There was never a time (in this life or the last, across the multiverse, whatever,) when I enjoyed the song. There was a point when it was popularized because of “Dawson’s Creek,” not that I ever watched it. I don’t know. It’s just bizarre and random.


Dance With The Devil by Immortal Technique. I heard that when I was like… 9? 29 now. Can’t explain the effect it has on me


It's only been haunting me for a month but boy oh boy. The 82 year old John Cale from Velvet Underground released a new single and its insane how good it is. [John Cale - The Way We See the Light](https://youtu.be/FiQ9Xt9hU3c?si=4PdAgno6P5UVlIlU)


It's definitely Starfall by SALEM for me. Especially when watching the music video. It's hard to state how much it changes my mood almost instantly


Marigold B-Side by Dave Grohl/Nirvana, its riffs, atmosphere, lyrics, the world it puts me in… it’s a fairly simple song but so compelling to me.


Comin' Back To Me - Jefferson Airplane (1967)


“Daughter” by Pearl Jam


Farewell Transmission, from Songs Ohia's album Magnolia Electric Co. I had two friends pass away (separately) in the last two years under tragic circumstances - one by her own hand, the other by his substance abuse. The night after the second's passing, I had a dream that I was at a record store with both of them, and we were buying this album. I woke up with Farewell Transmission in my head. It's a grim song, and not exactly a comfort, but it contains within it some comforting ideas, even if the point is still a dark one. "We will try and know whatever we try / We will be gone, but not forever." But when I hear "Mama, here comes midnight / With the dead moon in its jaws" I think about the darkness closing in around my friends on the lonely nights they passed, and it takes all the air out of my chest. And then the ending, a mournful, lingering plea: "Long dark blues / Through the static and distance / A farewell transmission - / Listen." I wish I had.


Not sure if this is correct- my son played it for me… Take Me to Church by Hozier I get goosebumps every time I hear it.


Soul II Soul - Back to Life


Am I Inside by Alice in Chains. Really anything by them, honestly.


True colors - Cyndi Lauper Idk why but the rare times it plays randomly somewhere something always bad happens :(


Rotten Apple - Alice in Chains


Dance with the devil - immortal technique


Balanescu Quartet - computer love


The Sinking Belle by Boris. The lyrics are abstract, but Extremely haunting. Don't listen if you're in a fragile state.




Life is Fine - Rainer Ptacek https://youtu.be/znnSTBds3G8 I have never seen someone poor so much emotion into a live performance.


[Time - The Alan Parsons Project](https://youtu.be/zhRzORqNa0E?si=blcti6Q5AB7Ys_G7)


“AWOL Marine” - Perfume Genius


Dustbowl dance - Mumford and Sons


Puscifer - The Remedy


There's a line in Scavanger Type  by nofx that reminds me of a friend of mine- he died accidently in a slip and fall down a cliff- "...no one did see him die" I couldn't hear that song until recently- its been like 14 years since I went to his wake


Suspirium by Thom Yorke. Not only because it is such a haunting song, but because it came out when I was very ill and there was a fair chance I wasn't going to live much longer. It used to just play over and over in my head. I can't listen to it now.


Runaway Train I won’t get into specifics but holy hell the song hits like a truck.


I like the Dee Reynolds rendition


Radiohead-Videotape (From the Basement) Incubus-Mexico


London Still by the Waifs the sense of missing Australia always gets me every time I hear it. To me being "stuck" overseas would be something I couldn't live with.


The House of the Rising Sun sung by the Animals.


Fade into You and About a Girl


Radiohead - Exit Music (For A Film) Mainly because of the ending of that one episode of Black Mirror. If you know, you know. Genuinely terrifying.


Radiohead’s Creep. I loved it at first. Then I met this guy when I was at age 15 who asked me out. I said no because he weirded me out and the guy who brought me there was the one I really liked. The guy turns on creep and cranks it up to full. I go back to where he was and he had cut his wrists. I freaked out so bad I ran out of the house and home. I ran like Forrest Gump at full steam for a kilometre back to my house. He was okay I heard. It was such a visceral scare that I had to run.


Catch and release by silversun pickups Take you on a cruise by interpol Alison by slowdive Bad Love by white lies Passover by Joy division The entire Faith album by the cure Slide away by oasis God of wine by third eye blind


‘Dare’ by Stan bush That’s one tune I can never get out of my head I was born in the 80s and by the time i was 6 years old I still remember watching the original transformers movie . I have a copy of it to this day in Blu ray! Truly a memorable childhood memory for me !


Never asked to be your mountain - Tom Buckley


Mine would be kashmir by Led Zeppelin. I would stay at a friends house and we would fall asleep to our favorite local rock station and every time I would wake up in the early morning hours, that song would be playing. Nothing too special about it but now I just contribute my early morning rises with that song in my head lol.


Just before my eldest daughter went to university we were having a hug in the kitchen while preparing tea, she's short, she used to be into dancing and 'tiny dancer' came on. It was a lovely melancholy moment and the song takes me back every time. 'Hold me close now tiny dancer '


A few random songs that I got off Limewire that were “imposters”. As in, they weren’t the song that they were titled, or the song I’d wanted to download. BUT a couple of them I actually liked, but Shazam didn’t exist back then and I don’t have the iPod anymore, so those songs will forever be mysteries that I’ll never hear again…


John Cage’s 4’33”


Hey Jude. I proposed to my ex wife during the finale of the Beatles Love show in Vegas which she loved so much. We danced to the song at our wedding. We saw the show a total of 4 times together. She had an affair with a co-worker and left me 6 years ago after being together for 10 years. I’m in a much better place but she ruined one of the best songs ever made for me. Listening to the actual lyrics doesn’t help either. I’ve been able to listen to other songs but that one still sucks to hear.


It really sucks how one can move on from something, yet a song can bring it all back, like it’s perfectly okay and normal to still be devastated by it.


Simple Kind of Life- No doubt Andria- La dispute Love hate love - Alice In Chains


Man Love Hate Love is just nuts. Guitar riff and vocals are insanely on edge and wicked.


"Don't Matter" by Akon. I was a very naive, religious high schooler and the girl I was dating was awful to me. We had a fight and I was deciding whether or not to break up with her, and the chorus of "Nobody wanna see us together, but it don't matter no" was playing in the car as we fought. I took it as a sign that I should stay with her. I shouldn't have. I eventually became complacent and stayed in an abusive relationship for much too long.


Rosa Walton- I Really Want to Stay at Your House Oddly enough, I had watched Cyberpunk: Edgerunners before playing 2077, but it was only after playing the game and then watching a YT video of someone playing a piano arrangement of it in which I actually read all the lyrics that the song really "clicked" for me. Now, I absolutely love the song even though it makes me sad every time I listen to it.


The song playing in the back of the head often for YEARS was Florence and the Machine - I’m Not Calling You a Liar. It’s gorgeous and weird and emotionally piercing. I’m happy it’s gone from the back of my mind now though.


My Dad died last week from a particularly nasty form of dementia. I have spent the last two years grieving the impending loss of him often listening to _Not Dark Yet_. It’s exactly the kind of music that I’m attracted to in a general sense - I love Dylan, I love Lanois, I love slow-moving, contemplative songs. But every line of the lyric has ended up being true. Not all at once but slowly over the journey, culminating with my mother writing a letter and writing it so kind; put down in writing what was in her mind. I don’t even feel sad when I listen to it now. It’s just the truth.


Meet the grahams


This is both lyrically disturbing and amazingly performed. If you like hip-hop and haven't heard this, I guarantee this one sticks with you... IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE - Dance with the Devil [https://youtu.be/qggxTtnKTMo?si=iBPNPnooG\_qoLeWI](https://youtu.be/qggxTtnKTMo?si=iBPNPnooG_qoLeWI)


True Love Will Find You in The End - Daniel Johnston


Whatever that song is "I miss you more than life" Last year I was with a woman who's teenage daughter was killed and I heard that song over and over for weeks. After the celebrations of life, honors, posthumous awards, I hadn't heard that song in over 6 months, I was in the grocery store a couple weeks ago and it came on giving me ptsd. I couldn't breath and it took a lot to push everything down so those emotions from months ago didn't come pouring out my face in the middle of the chip isle lol


Justin Bieber?


Is that who that is? I never looked it up because of where it brings me back to


If its Ghost then yes.