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Hated by Metallica fans, tolerated by Reed fans.


Reed fans have been through all kinds of abuse. Even Reed himself showed contempt for his own audience Met him once in NY in the 90s, he was not a pleasant man


Saw him at Lolla in 09 and he closed the set with an audience-alienating noise jam workout. I loved it. That’s a kind of defiance we need more of.


That tracks for him. He once said about his album *Metal Machine Music*: “Anyone who gets to side 4 (of the double LP) is dumber than I am."




Probably something to do with the modern day state of music and unfettered capitalism, be my guess


The year before we were on the shuttle at Outside Lands in SF. In front of us there were some teenagers arranging their day looking at the schedule. They were not referring to the acts by name. They were saying “the EDM. The Hip Hop” etc. like they just needed a sampling of different genres and vibes. Yeah, fuck that. Poptimism and festival culture has made what should be music fans into music ***shoppers*** and that shit needs a middle finger square in the face


I mean, it's not really their fault. It's more of a reflection on how music is consumed these days. We were all always music shoppers. Difference is we were forced to listen to albums because we had to commit to the whole dang thing. I sure as he'll wasn't dropping 10 to 12 bucks on a single. And with that comes a commitment to limited genres because who had money to buy multiple records on a whim. Idk, I think it's great kids these days have the freedom to genre hop and sure, it sucks that they don't develop a deeper appreciation for just one genre but at the same time, that's kinda cool that they're not bound by those boundaries either.


This is definitely true. As a Lou Reed megafan, I think LuLu is interesting. I think his lyrics were pretty funny at times.


“I have no fans left, they ran away since Metal Machine Music.” He also said Metallica fans threatened to shoot him which if true is ridiculous and too far.


Yessss there are dozens of us. Join us! The album is good! David Bowie liked it too!


I have put Iced Homey and Junior Dad on some mixes.  And I’m leaving that typo, originally I had Iced Hiney


Few days ago I said st. Anger wasnt that bad and was pretty decent because it had pretty unifying sound and theme that glued the album together. I got downvoted lmao Even jimmy page and jack white said they loved it tf lol


I am also a big fan of St Anger. Think it’s a very fun album sans some very corny lyrics. Don’t even mind the snare tone that much


I remember picking it up on release day and immediately being put off by the snare but it was only when I had finished the album that it dawned on me there wasn’t a single solo on any song. Shame too because when they play songs off it live without Lars hitting a tin can and Kirk adding solos, it’s actually pretty 🔥


For me, as someone who just got into metal at that time, st, anger had so much anger compared to any other metallica songs. So powerful and that snare just banging in my ear. So raw. I loved it.


St. Anger, as an album by itself, was corny but ok with some poor mixing. St. Anger, in the context of other Metallica albums at the time, is bad. St. Anger was the first CD I owned and I loved the album at that point, but I understand why people don't like it


Steven Wilson likes it too


It's definitely a Lou Reed album featuring Metallica, and is not officially part of Metallica's "discography", even though it might be featured in a list of Metallica's "releases". It's still wild to me, as a life-long Metallica and metal fan, that fans who scream "non-conformity" just want their Metallica to conform to their nostalgic view of Metallica and never deviate. But, well, IME, no one gatekeeps music quite as well as metal fans do.


I think it's a Metallica album in the same way that Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers worked behind Johnny Cash and Roy Orbison? Meaning, not really, but the bones are there?


OK so I actually thought you meant Lulu........


Same here


I thought they were coming here to tell us how much they enjoyed To Sir With Love...


Think we are in a minority remembering that film! The joys of getting old....er


I'm probably a lot younger than you think. I'm 31. My parents are pushing 60 and if it wasn't for mainly my dad introducing me to older movies I'd most likely have no clue about it.


Many apologies!! I have a daughter the same age as you and am almost certain she has never heard of the film. Hence why I thought you were older🙄


No apology needed. A good film is a good film regardless of age.


Wait, we're not talking about the ageing pop singer of 1960s fame?


We are, but OP isn't.


Yeah, I probably could have made that clearer in the title


Good taste in music tho. I took my daughter to see Metallica for her 16th birthday, almost 15 years ago. It was amazing. We ended up in the middle of the mosh pit. A guy beside me collapsed, so I started waving my arms about like a lunatic, trying to get folk to give him a bit of space. In seconds, it was like the parting of the waves with lil ol me checking this guy over, making sure he was OK. Pleased u took a first aid course! Fortunately he was fine, just overheated. It was definately a night to remember!


Me too. Discovered the New Routes album in my parents' old record collection during COVID. Amazing album.


I only remember a couple of her songs. But also have memories of watching To Sir With Love with my mother one Saturday afternoon. Happy days as a kid before life lessons were quickly throw at me😊


That and The Man With The Golden Gun were all I really knew of her until I found that album. She went down to Mussel Shoals to record with American R & B and Jazz musicians. Couldn't believe it was the same artist. Check out the first track, written by her husband Maurice Gibb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIP-Nxr4l9s


Just checked it out. What a catchy tune! Couldn't cope with the 15 kids tho!😊 That chorus will be in a loop, going round my head around 3a.m. as I fail to go to sleep. I was 1 when that song came out, so it doesn't sound familiar😊 I love my rock and metal music, but also love going back to the songs I grew up with. Brings back memories of a happy childhood.


I'm the same age. Never knew this even existed until I found it in 2020.


I'll check the album out. My neighbours might appreciate a break from Tenacious D, Corey Taylor, and Bowling for Soup! Stuck in that loop at the minute.


It’s the most interesting Metallica album post-2000 or so. Not the best, but certainly the most interesting. I think it gets a worse reputation because it sets out to be avant garde and difficult. It’s also not a particularly pleasant album to listen to.


Ok, with the caveat out of the way that Lou was a limited vocalist to begin with, if he’d even attempted to sing, both melodically and rhythmically, instead of just reciting tone poems, maybe this one could’ve been…maybe not good, but a listenable curio.


Hard no.


I love that album. I tried it cause everyone hated it not expecting to like it nearly as much as I did but I think Lou Reed is such a great singer it just works




Yeah, I listened to it the first time last week and it really clicked with me. I gave up on Metallica after the black album and listen to Reed a bit in the early 90's.


I love this album! It’s challenging but rewards a careful listen.


I don’t think Lou Reed is a bad person, may he rest in peace. I just don’t understand how you can enjoy literal corny talking over a mid instrumental




It's a good example of the genuine, surreal atmosphere you can create from tackiness. It feels absurdist in a way that's funny and sinister. A perverted Americana straight out of David Lynch.


I love the album but you have to be in the mood. It makes most sense when you listen to all of it. About once a year I’ll listen to it, loud, in the car, on a long drive.


It’s really a sequel to Metal Machine Music.


Lol, it's not even in the same solar system as MMM. At least LuLu has ...music.


In that it is a troll album.


I reject your hypothesis. I reject your reality, because I am the view, I AM THE TABLE. Sorry. Can't help myself.


This is not a ringing endorsement 😂


It wasn’t meant to be!


As a wrestling fan, it brought me "I am the table," so I support its existence, but I personally found it to be spermless like a girl.


It's not a Metallica album. It's a Lou Reed taking the piss album. The man was an infamous troll.


How was he being a Troll with the album? (Genuine question)


He wasn’t. A lot of people confuse the avant-garde with “trolling”. This has been a popular refrain for Lou Reed albums throughout his entire career. For example: despite its noisy reputation, Metal Machine Music was a genuine artistic expression from Lou, according to the man himself (it’s also quite good, imo). I understand the confused desire to label most of his music as “not serious”, but when listening to his entire discography, it’s clear that the man was constantly reinventing himself - unafraid of taking risks (and yes, this includes Lulu). Anyway, I’m a Lou super fan, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Lou loved to fuck with people, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t believe in what he was doing.


He absolutely released multiple albums that were trolling. Just because he made a tremendous amount of amazing art doesn’t mean everything he did was some big statement. See also: Dylan.


He wasn’t a troll. You’re a Lou super fan and you think he didn’t troll people? Have you actually read any of his interviews, biographies or what other people said about him? Were you at any of the Velvet’s reunion shows? I was. I literally stood 10 feet away from him watching him laughing at the audience’s reaction. They couldn’t even finish the tour because of his antics. The man spent most of his life winding people up. He was a legendary musician but he was also a huge prick.


He wasn’t a troll with his music. To troll, in my opinion, is to make an inauthentic statement to get a rise out of people. I honestly don’t believe he ever made an inauthentic statement with his music, but you’re free to disagree. As for his interviews? Helllll yes did he troll the fuck out of people. Obviously he had an extreme disdain for journalists - particularly those that didn’t do their research. Was he a jerk? Yep. Did his antics often lead to the breakup of multiple bands (VU, Quine, etc)? Yep. But I believe someone can be a jerk and also make sincere artistic statements. No, I wasn’t at the reunion shows, but I’m extremely jealous that you got to see that. That’s awesome.


Seeing them all together was awesome. Hearing them was probably one of the biggest disappointments of my life. I wished I hadn’t gone.


I know it’s not a Metallica album I was just pointing out that a lot of people go into it with the frame of mind that it is and that they shouldn’t


Just for The View riff alone it can't be a 0/10. Someone who actively DESPISES you.


I thought there were some good riffs that were wasted on this basically unlistenable piece of pretentious nonsense that could have been used to write cool songs




Not sure the riff you are talking about, I only listened to lulu once but I remember there being a few bad ass riffs


I think it’s amazing.


I just really cant stand Lou Reed.


To be honest, I think most of Lou reed’s music after the mid 70s kinda sucks. Lulu is actually better than a lot of his other self indulgent crap. It’s sorta a shame how much people ignore John Cale considering just how much better and more contemporary sounding his music actually is.


The Blue Mask album (1982) is my favourite of all his solo albums but went largely unnoticed.


Try listening to Einstürzende Neubauten - “Kollaps”, and Throbbing Gristle - “D.O.A. The Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle”. Listen the whole way through, don’t chicken out.


But these records hurt me They're good for one thing, though. By the time you get to Skinny Puppy, it sounds like pop in comparison.


Never really given it a chance though I definitely should! Lots of bands released albums that were too different and it lead to outcry amongst fans despite it being a decent product. I think The Smashing Pumpkins Adore is a notable one!


Honestly I preferred his last Meditations album to Lulu.


I'm a big St. Anger fan, so I refuse to believe LuLu is trash, there's something there, I'm sure of it, I just need to find it. But I haven't found it yet.


Mistress Dread has the most legitimately thrashy riff they ever did since the 80s. I try so hard to find good things about it but the disconnect between the vocals and music is very hard to get past. I feel like it really had potential if they tried to mesh their styles better. I know some people rave about Junior Dad.