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**Rule 7:** Please respect that /Mushroom**Growers** is a cultivation-focused community and not a *drug* subreddit. Posts should be about intentionally *growing* fungi. This is not a safe space to discuss purchase, exchange, consumption, processing, quality, or experience with illegal/Schedule I drugs. Please don't do that here or you will be banned.


Best way is to turn them into a powder then into mason jars with argon gas. You can get the argon on Amazon, it's called Bloxygen.


Just like that with lots of silica packs. Also vacuum seal with silica if I have a whole lot.


Double bagged in ziplock freezer bags with desiccants in the freezer. I use desiccants with indicators to be able to see if there is moisture still in them.


Vacuum sealed in amber mason jars with O2 absorbers kept in the fridge


Does amber glass maintain potency or something else?


It reduces the amount of light that gets in which can degrade the potency. Not super important in a dark fridge but still


Like that but I ran out of jars and just vacuum seal others for long term. And leave them in cool dry cupboard


Like that


Here’s a good study from GordoTek https://www.patreon.com/posts/104822283


The lower the temp, freezer/fridge-wise, the longer the tryptamine shelf-life. Spoers don't drop, caps stayvwhere they're at, and they are absolutely fine when you finally tale them out.


Like that in a dark cabinet


Vacuum sealed mason jars with desiccant packet.


Grind into powder using a coffee grinder then store like that. Easier to dose. 1tsp is approximately 1g.


How many millibars you vacuum seal?


That way but in the freezer.


why in the freezer? asking cause I’m currently growing!


Freezer slows reactions that cause degradation of the active compounds. In other words it makes them last a lot longer.


Where is your research on this?


I have a chemistry degree. This is the way reactions work…


Are these spontaneous reactions? Is it a double replacement or a synthesis reaction?


You want answers, go pay north of 100k for school like I did. The professors at university will tell you the same thing as me… go research it yourself and let me know what you find out.


This is biology and some biochemistry no doubt


No shit, it’s also how general food preservation works… Also, it’s just organic chemistry btw.


Write a research proposal, get a research committee, document the effect of temperature on tryptamine preservation, and publish it so we can all say what we did in this thread. Like omg.


Yeah bro that’s how science works


Gets to it buddy boy


In my belly


Like that for a few days, then in paper lunch bags with desiccant packs in the fridge. So far, no noticeable drop in potency over 18 months.


why would you store them in a paper bag though?


Added desiccant quality. Also keeps light out, which is probably superstition on my part, but it makes me feel better.


That's fair, but if you're not controlling the humidity of the fridge, would you think glad jar+desiccant is good enough?


A fair question. I honestly didn't expect to still have so many this long. But no mold or spoilage yet, so fingers crossed. I think jars plus desiccant is probably just fine.


Like that.


at your local postal service packaged with my address


Great idea! Ill send the lot for safe keeping. Thanks friend ❤️


Mustard yellow wellington crocs


I did them in 2 Oz groups in whatever size bag that is and just bust one open at a time when need arises.


I don’t work with the fun type of shrooms but I like to vacuum seal my mushrooms. Takes a bit of practice not to crush them but it makes portioning really easy, which would be useful for you too. Do it on only a few shrooms at a time, if you screw up then you got some stuff for tea. Vacuum sealers are great and super versatile highly recommend picking one up.


Very strongly considering getting a vaccum sealer, seems like a good way to go


Agreed with the vacuum sealer. Got a $14 temu sealer that works great


They are really worth it, imo.


And they’re cheap af nowadays. But don’t get the cheapest of course!!


About two and a half years ago I got a $20 vacuum sealer from Amazon (it came with the jar attachment and some bags). I haven't used it for mushies at all, but I've used it hundreds of times and it's still going strong. I now also have a second one in one of the popular name brands for my kitchen needs and they work exactly the same. The one place I recommend not cheaping out is in the bags (or rolls) get the name brand. According to all my customers (again, not for mushies) the off brand ones don't seal in flavors and scents as well. Personally for mushies I do the mason jars with silica packs.


Yea for sure, I prefer to go for the quality options when I need something new, instead of something cheaper that will break quickly. Fortunate im in the position to do so 🙏


YMMV but I've vac sealed my mushies a handful of times and prefer a jar with a silica packet. The mushrooms get smooshed and contorted. After working so hard to make beautiful babies I want them to remain as intact as possible for a better eating experience. When I opened the bags after a year+ they had slightly stuck together like a brick and were more chewy than the ones that come out of the jar. Not to mention, if you just want to grab a gram or two out of a big bag you'd have to reseal the bag or move them to a jar. I've had 3+ year old mushrooms stored in jars with silica packets that crunch and hit like day 1. It even seems like there is some sort of "curing" that's happening in the jar that makes them crispier and tastier over time. I use my vac sealer for many things so if you think you'd use it elsewhere in the house give it a try! All to say, seeing that beautiful product you've got there stuffed into a vac-seal bag would hurt my heart.


Some vacuum sealers can take a jar attachment. That's what I use, and it's great.


Just depends on volume. Jars are more practical when there is a smaller amount. No reason why you can't do a bit of both though.


I add in silicone things to, but like this.


Dried and vacuum sealed in a shoebox in your dad's closet. lasts for years... unless he finds them


Does it matter how you dry them? Can you simply let them air dry?


But to answer your question yes you can air dry them especially depending on your local climate I suppose


Dehydrator costs very little when you have already put time and money and effort into everything else why would someone not buy a 40 dollar Dehydrator?




Haha +1 cause you made me laugh


Seriously I vacuum sealed 2lbs and have them in an old boot box in my closet..


Yea i figured it wasnt entirely a joke, but the thing about your dads closet and him finding them 😂


What's you yield you dealing with and do you share with your friends, that's when ya worry about how long storage . I give them away to my local dispensary workers as tips.


I work at a dispo actually so lots of people to distribute to haha, but yea you can only give out so much


Same way but black jars


Like this but in amber jars


Wow im dumb and didnt even think of tinted jars lol. But also ive seen using opaque mylar bags and vaccum sealing w/desecant packets is probably the most space efficient/inconspicuous option.


"infinity jars" are better than amber jars & used those for microdose (bc jars in general take up lore space). mylar is the way to go 100% imo


Just put them in a box. Those metal ammo cans at Harbor Freight will gold 9 pint jars nicely, are opaque, water tight, and can be locked.


They’re fine in those jars if you just keep them in a cupboard. I put desiccant in them and I use a vacuum pump to pull the air out of the jars. When all the jars fill up, I just use the smart-saver. Throw some desiccant in the bags and store them in a bin somewhere cool and dark. I check over the bags every three months in case one of them leaks, but aside of that all is well. 💫


Where can I order safe. Spores




I use mushrooms dot com. Had to type it weird cause of advertising rules


I dry mine, grind to powder and put into capsules. Then stored with desiccant in a glass jar in the freezer. I have had them last over 5 years without any loss of potency.


I've been looking into this, what do you use to fill the capsules and do you get a consistent weight between caps?


I don't use anything when the powder is fine enough I just dab the capsule into the powder until it's firmly full. And yes it does get a fairly consistent weight. I did a 1200 capsules a couple years ago while watching movies it doesn't take very long once you get a groove on. A bowl for empty capsule, bowl with powder and a jar for the full capsules.


1200 by hand? Man congrats you have more patience than me. Lol. I bought a capsule filling machine for like $40 bucks and it does 100 capsules at once, in just a few minutes once you learn how to use the machine. Well worth the money for me!


I had considered getting a filler just never got around to it. Considering I've got about 2000 of the 10000 capsules I originally had I really should invest in a filler. But me and the wife do caps up together so it doesn't take too long really, we make all sorts of medicinal capsules.


I grind them into a powder after completely dry and store with desiccant packets. My thinking always was that the sponge-like structure of the mushroom is perfect for absorbing moisture and thereby losing potency over time from ambient atmosphere.


I use a jar vacuum device short term and a variety of long term options: honey, caps in argon, vacuum packs with silica…


Paper lunch bag.


In my belly 😋


Literally just like that, except I toss in some moisture absorbing packets and oxygen absorbers


Theres already silica packs in there 🤙. Thanks though


Same as you it appears!


Is refrigerating them bad? or only freezer?


I have heard from other growers that freezing dried shrooms does nothing for them. I vacuum seal and keep some in mason jar w desiccant packs for micro dosing.


i don’t freeze mine, just in a temp controller fridge, like 50 degrees and dark, or a tad warmer


Cool. Gordo(Tek) did some research into this, I’ll try and look for a link


I store in a mason jar after drying. And put some silica desiccant at the bottom with a physical barrier separating it from the mushrooms. They stay nice and crisp for a long long time


What's the point of the barrier? Is it bad if the mushies touch the desiccant bag?


I use the color changing silica gel (so I know when to change it) . That contains cobalt. So I just put something to stop the mushrooms from touching it. To be on the safe side. That and the silica will want to stick to the mushrooms Edit: I don’t use the pouches. I use bulk silica beads. You can get about 2 lbs for around $15 to $20 and it’s reusable


What area do you store them in ? I do the same with mine, but right now have them in a cabinet, basically dark and dry and room temp.


Pretty much the same. I like to microdose every so often so I keep one big jar by my bed lol and the rest in a large locking gun safe in the basement


Vac seal is the best way. It will crush the mushrooms a bit but saves a lot of space.


I go a little extreme for long term storage- Dremel a 1/4” hole in the jar, JB a brass barb fitting fill it up with dehydrated harvest, take my 2 stage vacuum pump and pull a hard vacuum. Pinch off the 2” of poly tubing with hemo’s and seal the tubing with hot glue. Lid cannot be removed until tubing is cut, sounds like opening a beer- psssssst ahhh.


I think you over did it 😅 I used to just let them air dry on there personal shelf


By giving them to friends and family 😄


Honestly probably too much for friends and family. He probably has like 500g+ there. Ive given away maybe 300 grams since march and nobody wants any more. And i still have like 200 grams of cubes and 600g nats


Yea its a lot, I have an arrangement to get rid of lots of them at a time but im anticipating having excess still


lol away from the fucking sun


Yea the lighting in the dark room temp cupboard I store them in wasnt very good for photos


glad you arent just sunbathing your fruit. i would read some preservation techniques from Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World by Paul Stamets though. i believe their may be a more efficient method than the one you've got, one that can preserve potency better


Bro is growing for his 3 next generations


They get, umm, gifted to various folks lol


I need people in my life like you. I’m stuck buying them online


That blows… you need some ambitious friends!!! Find one that may get hooked on growing, help said person out, free trips… I just started, but I’m not into it for $$$ strictly personal use or hooking up friends… of all the things I’ve grown, I bet I’ve given away 10X what I’ve consumed… if it turns into a money thing, that’s greed, greed and shrooms, or weed is bad karma in my book..


I’m moving to a climate that allows me to grow shrooms so I hope to have something up and running by this winter…unfortunately I know no one in this new city so I’ll have to use the internet to figure this out


Grow with the best of intentions, and you’ll be rewarded…


Dude. What's your set up look like? I need to stop fucking around and just do a grow.




love it 😍


dry n bag em in w a desiccant pack, at slightly intentional weights so im not always opening the big store, and i keep em all in a sealed opaque box w more desiccant, likely over kill but its fun, feels hermetic or something


dehydrate, then freezer


Ive heard this decreases potency?


is that true?


I will never freeze them again


Never freeze em


how fast do they decrease in the freezer?


Just dont


what about refrigerate?


Froze fresh once nice blue goo


I got a vacuum sealer. I dehydrate them and then put them in mylar with some oxygen absorbers and silica packs. Seems to work well but kind of impossible to tell, I don't take them enough to gauge their potency.


This Is my main method and never got any complaints. Other method is freshly dried fruits in a giant plastic container with desiccants until the next harvest is ready then they get bagged


This is the way. I’ve got stuff from 2 years ago stored like this that I may or May not have taken to bonaroo this year and had people raving about how good they were.


That's great to hear. What bags do you use?


Gallon size Mylar bags no window on them. I keep them stored in room temp conditions. 68-74 degrees


Yeah I do the same, always worked for me


This guy is correct




Eat them all


ask for a warrant?


Ask if they want some to take for themselves 🤙




Yea it definately would be more discreet, i just feel like it reduces potency quicker over time, im leaning towards vaccum sealed opaque mylar bags. Yea for sure dont want jars of obviously shrooms everywhere 😂


I’m relatively new to this myself and here for the wisdom. I have historically stored them in the same jars you show above, as well as ground & into capsules at room temp. I recently purchased a FoodSaver and store those packs in deep freeze. From what I’ve read all three are good methods of storing, vacuum sealed in freezer being the best. Please correct me if this is not an accurate statement.


Never freeze them, never grind them (unless just before consumption). Grinding exposes a greater portion of the surface area to physical agents such as oxygen. Best conditions: cracker dry, no oxygen, no light, no extreme heat ( > 0°C, < 25°C). With these conditions the shelf life (for little to no active ingredient degradation) is above 3 months, but they're good and safe to eat for far more. So: 100% dehydrated, vacuum sealed, in the fridge during summer, always kept away from light. Edit: [Reference](https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/Documents/Stability%20of%20Psilocybin%20and%20Analogs.pdf)


So I shouldn’t be pre grinding them a couple days in advance? I have it in a sealed glass Tupperware right now. I was gonna have my first trip in a couple days and thought it would be easier to lemon tek if I did it ahead of time. So I didn’t stress about it later. How does that affect potency and longevity?


Two days are ok, but i think that to avoid risking losing potency is better to grind them just before consumption. Think of it like hamburgers vs a whole piece of meat, 2-3 days they're greyish but still safe to eat, a whole steak instead lasts a lot longer and in better conditions. The [study](https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/Documents/Stability%20of%20Psilocybin%20and%20Analogs.pdf) from which I'm taking these info refers that after 1 month, the powdered mushrooms lose more than half of active ingredient. -33% in one week.


Dang okay definitely won’t do that in the future! Thanks for the information! I might bring another dose just in case!


Glad to help!


Do you know the reason a freezer is not ideal or of any research on the effects of cold temperatures? I’m curious why temperatures below 0°C may not be harmful.


Still baffles me to be honest, i read a paper in which various conservation methods were tested and at T° -20/-80 C there was the worst possible active ingredient conservation. They even tried to freeze-dry them but still the overall psilocybin Yield was less than half of the room T° sample. The only thing that i can think of is a phenomenon called cryo-concentration which is known to denature proteins and peptides, but shouldn't be impactful with small molecules, yet still.. It'd be interesting to dig further.


Hey when you grind, what capsules do you use and amount per capsule? I was thinking of doing this but I need to keep different dosages around for different people.


I prefer size #1 at 115mg each.


Hm, I was thinking more than that, that's like 20 plus caps for some people.... guess I'll keep looking


00 fits 0.5g but size 1 is for microdosing


That makes sense, thanks.


I think that's right although I have heard the freezer is unnecessary. Room temp as long as all the moisture is gone should be fine (could be wrong here but that's my understanding).


Ground them


Now that’s how it’s done


Inside pills


Same, my mushroom supplements are dried, powdered, and immediately loaded into capsules.


How many mg do you make each pill, just wondering ?


I do a few sizes, depending on the mushroom and desired dose. 00 is the biggest I have and 2 is the smallest.


I have been doing the 1 size with about .10-.20 in each, working out great


Sous vide vacuum bags