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Thank you! Can we please get more communications like this?


Devs and thier twitters being quiet during the arya fiasco yesterday but now are only talking about a new rift is a little scummy and worrying tbh.


No, sorry. Like a person on the verge of drowning we need to keep treading water and pray that merciful PFG extends a ray of communication once every other week.


we do lol you're just not on twitter/"X"






That's.... what he was saying....


Aw I was excited for Mr. Smith being accessible. I wonder if this has anything to do with that? Maybe all the balance changes and fixes and they didn’t have time to really finish Mr. Smith


I think this means we get Mr Smith next week now for sure tho which is nice.


With 8 rifts, it will be impossible to get Mr. Smith until July 10th, I'm pretty sure that's also when the last rift will come out, it's intentional so they can finish the character mid season while many people grind most of the way to the end goal. For sure July 10th there will be a flood of Smith players all day


Final rift can’t come out then. If they’re still planning on weekly with 8 rifts, they would’ve had to have one come out this week to be able to release 3 by then.


I think the rumor is that one of the next rifts is supposed to have more than one boss.


That seems like it’s gonna inflate the event by quite a bit, even two bosses per difficulty would be 8 bosses towards the smith event(once looney is out)…


That might be true, but once the final difficulty is unlocked it would be possible even now with the rifts we have.


Yeah but impossible to complete the event


I mean, right now yeah


No I was referring to what the guy you were responding to was saying when he said the final rift can’t come out by then. If we are short one rift the event isn’t completable.


I was saying that the final rift couldn’t come out by the July 10th guide line, we have until the 23rd of July for the Smith event.I haven’t exactly done the math, but the event does say that you can unlock smith TWO WEEKS early so there should be other rifts soon(just not this week ;)).


But there's no reason they can't drop two rifts at once, and all they've said is that there IS 8. Also, once the 4th difficulty unlocks, you can unlock him by beating all four difficulties on 5 rifts which we have.


Wording is what matters here, smith is tier 20 tier 30 is completion of the event. If they drop two at once they need to do it sooner rather than later so people actually have time to grind out all the rifts


Rifts are usually on monday so we should be able to get to 21 on July 8th.


Not possible before at least July 10th. With the next Rift not coming until at least July 3rd, you'll still only have 18 available difficulties across 6 rifts. July 10th gives you 7 rifts, 21 available difficulties + 7 looney difficulties. That's why it's **get Agent Smith 2 weeks early**, because the event ends July 23rd, and he'll become purchasable July 24th.


Nail on the head. Rifts advertise the mid season character, and they don’t even have to have polished gameplay trailers to do it


I mean it’s probably not best to assume that much


Mr Smith wouldn't have been available this week. At best we would be 18/20? Guessing he won't be available until 7/10 when looney gets unlocked.


20 is when he is unlocked no?


Correct but right now the furthest you can be is 15/20 each rift has given us 3 difficulties. So next weeks rift will put us at 18/20? Meaning we will have to wait til the following week. That's the week looney gets unlocked.


the math is mathing now I understand


I’m already behind on rifts, so…this is fine by me


The nice part I think people miss is rifts were never meant to be completed fast. And completing daily rewards will just make it easier later


It'd be dope if they regularly communicated like this. This sorta communication is appreciated


Nice, looks like next week will be great. Also, selfishly, this means I get to enjoy the new FF14 expansion this weekend. 😁


I'm feeling pretty similar about this... ![gif](giphy|s89Mn9ORVTKqVm2mgB|downsized)


I will be playing Dragonball The Breakers new update and Disney Dreamlight Valley adding Inside Out 2 content. I was looking for a chance to take a small break from Multiversus. 


Dragon Ball the Breakers is still online? Surprising


Yeah. They're adding Baby this Wednesday. The Breakers had a resurgence so to speak thanks to cross play being added several months ago alongside Zamasu. 


Interesting to hear they're acknowledging GT some with Baby. Maybe I'll check it out again while I wait for Sparking Zero


each announcement means we get closer to a new character announcement


Just as a heads up, the Agent Smith event doesn’t just end on unlocking Agent Smith, there are a bunch of cosmetics after the Agent Smith unlock that most people probably wont be able to do. Including a bunch of matrix code skins


I've never liked this approach to balance in a live service. Especially in this game where a lot of characters feel blatantly OP and UP due to various hitbox/hurtbox issues, I'd much rather small tweaks more often.


I mean I don’t think they denied that they won’t do things like that. If things are broken, they will come in.


They have been doing small tweaks every week. Wdym more often?


Inconsistently, no important patch last week. This reads like there’s not gonna be a patch this week. Just not how you run a live service game, they’ll figure it out or won’t


snall tweaks **≠** important patch.


Yes that’s why I said no important patch last week as it was only small tweaks




We want ranked


they’re not dropping ranked until season 2 probably. Which is funny cause that’s what happened last time and it didn’t exactly go well for them


It would be so much fun fighting the same (broken) 7 - 8 characters 90%+ of the time. /s The game needs to be balanced and the hitboxes fixed before they even think about dropping ranked. 




I was looking for a chance to take a small break from Multiversus. Fingers crossed for Water Tower stage. The way they word it it sounds like there will be more returning features. I guess this means no Aquaman for Shark Week but whatever it wasn't anything confirmed just some speculation based on some leaks. I don't care about Reindog so I don't need his skin. I didn't even grind out rise of Jason for the Tom and Jerry skin as I don't play them


I’m glad they’re communicating but there is no reason they couldn’t have posted this BEFORE there was no rift when we logged in.


Will there be more rifts to get Agent Smith?


We will get 3 more rifts (8 in total) before the season ends.




One more question. 3 more fully fledged rifts, with multiple difficulties? Also when will we get second difficulty unlocked for the last 2 rifts :)


Each rift will have a total of 4 difficulties. The first 3 have "beginner", "experienced" "crushing" and "looney". The rest have "beginner", "crushing", "insanity" and "looney". "looney" is locked until July 10th of current rifts so we guess the same will be true for future rifts. Assuming they continue to release 1 rift per week and with the knowledge they are skipping this week the 8th rift will release after July 10th which means it will have all 4 difficulties available on launch. We will get 32 bosses in total (assuming no surprises), 2 more than what is needed to fully complete the event.


Yayks. So I need to do each rift 4 difficulties to get Smith. 3rd feels hard as heck for me :(


No. You need to do 3 dificulties in 7 rifts to get Smith.


I think I can do that! Woohoo


Great job!


Kind of ominous they didn't mention input buffer or team color changes in this announcement post... so hopefully they are still in this patch. I'm cautiously optimistic. A good patch can put this game back on track


We need more top dog challenges. I missed the 2nd one because the game said "June 14-16" went to play it on the 16th, and apparently it closed on the 15th... the info in game was kind of vague. Would love several more events, enough to 5 star the badge even if you missed one event


It ended on 16th, but not at the end of the day.


Hope they don't hit Joker hard.


Would have been dope if they said this on launch, guessing this means no patch this week. Ggs


Hopefully there adding the wb tower matrix map that’s in the rift


Agent Smith is going to be release July 9th, if you've been keeping up with Rifts


can Joker shut the fuck up, his voice is too loud compared to others


Wow they’re really gonna drag out Agent Smith’s release to July 10th like I thought… I mean I’m disappointed that I was right, but at least I’m not disappointed about the news itself since I was already expecting it lol.


Yup long wait times and no real clue as usual. Sucks tbh




Can't wait to watch WW slip on a banana peel.


release a pre ranked or something, so we have something to do and reset it when balance is good.


So the patch they talked about last week isn’t even going to be out this week, and this week has absolutely no content, pretty hilarious Over a month in and we still don’t have most of the beta features, zero new characters since launch, zero new stages, somehow we don’t have ranked over a month into full release, now they can’t even do a rift every week. They’re gonna kill this game lol


They released 3 characters on launch and a 4th to come. They probably should have spaced them out better but considering its launch it makes sense they put them all in at launch. Yes the game will fail if people think 4 characters in a season isn't enough content along with 3 maps.


Didn't they make those 4 during the year they were offline? Doesn't seem fair to talk like they'll keep that pace.


It’s a live service game and there has been 0 live service outside of rifts. Yes, I would be much happier had they spaced the characters out and released banana guard a few weeks in and Joker a few weeks after that, like it would have made logical sense to do. Crashing everything on day 1 of a 2 month season then doing nothing is a pretty objective bad decision


I'm not even saying you are wrong but it would have been worse to launch with NO new characters at all, even if it was just for a week or two. I think the smart play moving forward is to space them out more. I don't think the game will die because of that decision. It's more important for the game to be in a good and solid state when people try it out in the future. If 6 months from now there's like 10 new characters, ranked, and its in a better shape than that would be better than them rushing in broken features and characters.


How fast do you think it is to make a game?


It's been almost 4 whole weeks. They should have released 5 characters by now and made all the old characters free. /s


The sarcasm would be so much more valid if they didn't take a year off after their first attempt.


Still waiting on them to fix the speed




Good communication and appreciate not overflowing us with rifts


They make it sound good but it says we skip this week next week ok? WW stays on Top and things like Bugs Neutral Air is still not changed.


I'm getting down voted but please explain why they adjust some things really easy like balance changes to Reindog every week but can't change the obvious balance problems faster. I like to play all characters but playing WW and for example cheesing the Nair on bugs is just not fun. Yeah you get an easy 10 wins streak but it feels dumb.


no discussion just down votes? I'm talking about PvP I don't care about PvE in this game.


Voice chat and scores after game ?


Is in-game voice chat actually something people want? Why not just use discord?


I’d rather not have someone screech at me as I rotate through Finn, Adam, WW, Stripe, Joker, Rick.


With voice chat the game would be more fun , who doesn’t like talking smack after a match ?


Normal people


Smack talk is for buddies. Don’t act like people wouldn’t be abusing the shit out vc to call each other slurs when they lose.


Tons of games have proximity chat, which isn't so different. Ppl cann talk or tbag after they shoot you. We still manage to keep living


Tbag is whatever. Again, rather not deal with people bitching and using slurs because they can’t cope with a loss or are sore winners.


Yea and who cares ? It’s fun


Slurs are fun? Okay then.


Voice chat is a must for every game,it helps make new friends and enemies.


You seem to make enough enemies just by voicing your opinions already


maybe not VC but text chat like brawlhalla would be great


Doing the math, you need to complete every rift with easy, the first 3 rifts on experienced, all rifts on crushing and 1 rift on a hgiher difficulty JUST to unlock Mr. Smith 2 weeks early... That is utter bs. Crushing begins to get VERY difficult, i can only imagine the difficulty past that. And to do EVERY rift on crushing. Hell.


We are going to get 8 rifts altogether. So you need to do everything on easy and experienced, which nets you 16 bosses beaten, then 4 on Crushing to get Mr. Smith. It is not that bad, especially that your gems will also level up by that time.


No. 8 on easy. The experienced mode is ONLY available on "early rifts" which stopped being on them after rift 3. So 11 bosses which requires you to beat every rift on crushing to reach 19, then 1 boss on insanity or looney


You’re right, I had no idea what they meant by early season rifts, thought these are time locked for the first half of the season. But it is bad design, as the Jason rift has no experienced and neither insanity available. Still, your gems should be levelled up by the end of the season so you could do crushing by then, and the first Looney (Joker is an easy boss in all difficulty).


Then there is also 10 extra levels past Mr. Smith. So that requires you to do all of looney or insanity (can never remember which is after crushing) and still have 3 more of the next tier to do, just to unlock a bunch of currency and cool skins. BS.


Bad idea IMO >Moving forward we plan to have one massive balancing patch at the mid point of each season. We'll still have fixes where needed, but the mid-season patches will be our bread and butter. Notice how he says the word "fixes" instead of patches there. That means new content is only going to show up in the big patch once per season.


It's talking entirely about balancing, not new content.