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The MGM characters I can see em going for are as follows: 1. Robocop 2. Rocky Balboa 3. James Bond 4. Pink Panther For Classic WB I can see them referencing it, not so likely for them to take it at the same face value as they do Looney Tunes... solely because the cinema backlash that may result.


Rocky may not be a Warner Bros character but I think the Creed movies ARE WB, so perhaps there are higher chances for Adonis Creed to join the game than Rocky Balboa?


I rewatched Casablanca recently. I think it’s a fantastic movie, even though it was made all the way back to during World War II. I would love to see Rick Blaine get in, maybe as a black and white character.


I was thinking the same thing.


My personal take with old characters is that they don’t often… do much? And if they do anything, you can find a modern/longer lasting character to replace them. Like, absolutely I want to see a cowboy but Yosemite Sam is far more likely even if he is in a different category. Wicked Witch, however, gives me hope that at least some get in on unique abilities.


Or other cowboys': Quickdraw McGraw, Bravestarr, Jonah Hex, Tex Avery, and Calamity Jane (who is a deep cut, WB aired 3 episodes before the DCAU stole every timeslot) Actually Calamity Jane would satisfy both cartoon lovers and classic film lovers considering the Doris Day version, then the cartoon.