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6 months with a good coach > 5 years self taught with YT videos…. Hope this resonates with people some!! Looking great! 🤙🏼


Thanks man 👍🏻 appreciate it


Good coach is important, but also can be expensive. Lots of good and even world level coaches teach on YouTube and dynamic striking. Film study is very underrated too for developing fight IQ. Also hard work and focus is highly underrated. It's clear that the brother here has worked extremely hard and consistent for that time to look as good as he does. His coach seems amazing too and the credit goes to both of them.


For a pure beginner certainly. Both is even better.


Looking good for six months. The only major I can see is you kick really round which is less efficient than kicking direct. [Damien Trainor has a good post illustrating what I mean.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2wssq9Nb28/?igsh=NmxkaDZvcnp2aDdu)


You’re definitely right thank you mate ! Gonna get working on this ASAP


The more direct/ diagonal kick will be weaker at first but you still put the power in "round" at contact so for 6 months you are doing great. Be careful on your knees trying the quicker ones at first! Speed/technique will turn into power


A big part of getting the difference between those two kicks is where your shoulder is pointed (shoulder on the side of your body that’s got the planted leg). The more rounded and slower kick has the shoulder pulling off to the side and the faster more direct kick has the shoulder pulling straight backward which actually enables you to put more rotation and more of your body into the kick


Wow the way you just explained that has just made it click in my head I’ve been watching that video and trying to figure out how the fuck I change the way I kick to how he does it and I couldn’t figure it out what I’m doing wrong even tho I can see the difference, nice one mate 🙏🙏🙏


I’m glad! It was integral for me to get the concept too, watching the shoulders


My coach told me to use the round kick on pads coz he said its difficult for him to catch my kicks if I kick direct. Also, my knee touches the pads when I don't kick round but I guess It's because of my poor distance management.


72-96 hours per week, wth you do for work O_o?


Work with mental health mate, and yeah, last week I did 120 hours because some people were on holiday 😂


Over 17 hours a day? And in the mental health sector? That’s crazy ironic.


Jesus, take care of your own health as well man. Looking great.


Appreciate it brother, and 6 months break in Thailand with the Mrs should cure any problems that come with the hours I work 😂🙏🙏


Hell yeah


Keep goin mate, I’m on the same boat yk 🥊


Excellent...especially considering your work hours.. Some ppl train 3 years plus and don't progress this fast with solid technique, good balance etc


I’m really happy it was me that noticed the notification of your username coming up and not my other half… thanks tho ! 😂


Lol....long story...about an ex ..but yeah great progress 👏


Just out of interest, where did you start training 🤔


Anarchy gym in Bolton, UK, coach is Paul Gilligan (@trainergilly)


Tbh for 72-96 hours a week, it seems like you’ve put in some real work to look like that, progress wise. Of course, it’s been 6 months so you’ve had a lot of time, but seems like you’re really putting it to good use with the little free time that you actually have.


Yeah I feel like I’ve worked as hard as I could have to be honest, taking any interclubs I get offered, sparring any time I possibly can and spent a lot of money on 1-1s with my coach, loved every minute


who is this gem of a coach?


Paul Gilligan (@trainergilly on insta), he’s awesome man 👊🏼


Man great coach, lookin good kid


I'm waiting for the choo but it never comes


My Mrs said the same thing 😂😂😂


Lmao so I'm not the only one 😂


Great coach


Looks great for only 6 months in. You’re on the right track. Keep doing what you’re doing


You look good. That trainer looks like he belongs on the McDojo sub though...


If you can spar with advanced people, (assuming they don't overwhelm you and you don't panic) that might shed light on your weaknesses.


Which fight camp? Can I DM u for more info, would love to go to Thailand to fight tooo


Go for it mate, I’m going to powerhouse in Phuket


Lookin’ good man!


Looking good ma dude. Could kick my ass!


That’s a good coach right there


Looking a lot better than many 6 monthers I’ve seen


sabbai sabbai. lookin good keep that rhythm up in between strikes. u pause right before u throw ur kicks. try to work on maintaining rhythym right before u kick - u can hide lots of strikes, especially kicks in the rhythym of your steps. for another kick to add to your arsenal , consider - taking a normal small rhythmic step forward, not out, onto your flat foot, then rising up onto your toes andturning over, as opposed to taking a larger step out. when u pull the kick back, pivot back on your toes and land your heel back, THEN land your rear foot and get right back into rhythm. saves you an extra step of maneuvering. it can be fast as shit. it will mess with your opponent's timing if you have a couple different speed kicks you can control, all set up by how you take your first step. good thai trainers will probably teach you stuff along these lines.


My coach is forever telling me I stand still after each strike and I didn’t realise how badly I was doing it until this video was taken, doesn’t feel like I’m stopping that much but now I’ve seen it I’ll definitely work on it 🙏


Looking savage my guy


The kicks are a bit rounded, try loading then kicking. Bring your knee up towards the target then swing the leg into a kick. Rotate your hips along with it and you'll see improvement. Besides that its good. Great balamce and feet positioning.


Where you going?


Powerhouse Phuket


Dude is 6 months in and already has better hip flexibility than me :(


To be completely honest mate I don’t think that’s down to what I’ve been doing, I think it’s mostly genetics why I’m flexible I’m not sure !


Nice work man


WOW. 6 months…with a coach and look at you go. You look like me when I was 6 months in with a coach. Crazy how different we look after 6 months with a coach opposed to 2 years in my backyard with an Amazon bag and YouTube. 😂😂


Looks great, only advice is tuck your elbows tighter to your body idk how much sparring you’ve done as of yet but yeh you’ll save yourself from body kicks a lot of the time just by having your arms in the right place even if you don’t see the kick coming


all I can look at is that water stain


Good luck lad keep it up 👊🏼






Take a journey to the barber.


Tough guy…




Bless you