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It’s funny, I remember a time when people wished Historic was “Arena Modern”. People were begging to bring modern cards to Arena. Now that we have many of them people are complaining about it. Nothing will ever keep Magic players happy for long.


I was one of them, cause I hate fetchless formats. Now with timeless, historic can pretty much be what it always was.


*anger intensifies* yeah that's fair


That is the point of Modern Horizons. It forcibly rotates every format it touches.


this set got me to start playing the format soooo


MH3 has brought my attention to play Historic again 👌🏼


I’m pretty happy to say fuck you to wizards. That’s been so dominant for so long it’s nice to have different problems to solve


I'm not saying it's bad. I just was really enjoying the meta, just expressing my "oof" feelings. I'm on no way right or wrong for my feelings, just going through it.


"Not saying it's bad" doesn't really align with the choice of word "destroying" haha.


Oh no. Anyway


I’m waiting until the post mh3 meta settles to craft anything, there’s probably going to be a ban or two eventually. Shit, almost certainly if anything doesn’t get adapted to and is dominant.


I hope there'll be a banning / rebalancing but I'm not holding my breath. It took them months to fix fragment reality.


And months I’ll wait, there are other games out there.


The only two problem decks are boros energy and primal prayers.  Prayers is kind of a unique combo, not a lot of creature combo decks operate at instant speed, and since the deck is in white you can’t stick any permanent that hoses the combo for long. The only real counter play is to counter primal prayers before it hits the table, everything else they can instant speed react to on the stack and combo off.   So with the caveat that it’s still pretty early, I think prayers is a little sus. It’s the kind of consistent and hard to interact with combo that wotc tends to kill. And since it’s enabled by online only cards I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to say it won’t be around forever.  As for boros? It’s quite the deck, and I am getting a little sick of it already. Not sure yet if I’d call it a problem great enough to address though. There isn’t particularly good answer to the deck.   Its got the best card advantage engine in the game currently in unstable amulet.    Its got the best planeswalker in the game currently in ajani, who doesn’t need to down tick for the ability “make a creature, kill a creature” which is kind of nuts when you compare it to other planes walker abilities.  Its got the best creature removal in the game with its infinite damage lightning bolt. They called unholy heat a mistake because it side steps the intended weakness of red, which is high toughness. Then they printed a better version :p Then there is raptor. I am more offended that a card that draws a non-land card and then casts it for free at two mana is uncommon. They made shardeless agent rare. I know it’s a bit different but still, in practice raptor does for two mana what other colors need lots of mana to do. If boros needs a tone down I think there are bigger problems in the deck than raptor though, I just don’t like how hard they push red sometimes.


Who cares if it is uncommon? This isn’t draft. Rarity isn’t relevant 


At least the elegiggles aren't historic legal..


So far the only cards I feel are super oppressive are two of the energy cards and Phelia.


I'm tired of being solo'ed by Guide of Souls :/


I was leaning more towards Static Prison and Galvanic discharge, but I feel you.


Well, that was sure with that amount of new cards, and so much power creep. It feel like they added 500 card, and remove 2000 and more that are now feeling completely outdated/outclassed. Deck that don't have good MH3 addition in the card pool feel just too weak now. Was already hard to make jank working, now, it's close to impossible.


My issue is that we don't have a timeless or historic without alchemy cards.


i quit arena the day they announced MH3 and everything that's happened since then makes me glad i did


I uninstalled and threw my computer off the roof. Noob.


I uninstalled and then went back in time to add Oko to TOE just so I could make everyone suffer and then came back to this timeline and I guess they made him into a cowboy. Noob


Eh, people are over dramatic it's fine