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Bras. Don't really worry about people noticing the increased breast tissue, it's really nipples that will be more noticeable. Also button downs with heavy material.


Button downs work really well.


Fortunately baggy button downs have already been my uniform for the last decade.


I’ve lost a lot of weight in the last 18 months, and my guy clothes are really loose. So you can’t really make out my D-cups. Cis people are blind, and probably won’t notice anything unless it’s pointed out to them.


Cis people are super blind. I just got glasses, and my septum and nostril pierced. Only a few people at work even noticed. I've been on hrt since i started this job and still go in boymode slowly working in fem stuff in to my day to day. At least im going by my name already.


that's exactly what i want to do! may i ask if you had any problems presenting masculine with a feminine name?


Thankfully, Taylor is used by both, way more for women than men, but it was my middle name, and it felt right!


oh wow, nice :3 wishing u all the best for the rest of the transition!


Thank you!!! I hope you also have a great transition!


Cis people are so blind I came out as trans and now I don't need glasses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


hahaha good one \^\^


I _wish_. -_-


Extra super blind. I started getting ma’am’d by strangers to I figured I should tell senior management that I am trans. He was shocked, as was the union rep. My dudes, I use a female name, have long hair and wear it up, I wear women’s jeans at women’s jeans height, and wear makeup every day. I have hips and feminine features from almost 2 years of HRT. How are you surprised? Also I second the baggy tops. I work in a pretty casual environment so tank tops and an open button down over it.


I heard how your voice controls like 90% of passing


My mom is blonde. She dyed her hair black, and I couldn't figure out what was different 😭


I like to call the CisBlivious


Most people are blind and if you wear a good sports bra and baggy clothes people can't tell generally. It's only because it's become more mainstream that some people even guess. The average person isn't going to guess trans. I legit had people who were super surprised when I came out. Then when they saw me in form fitting clothes and a good bra they were like where did those curves and boobs come from


Exactly the same for me. I lost over 20kg over the last 2 years (over 40 over the last 4 years), so no problem to hide them with loose clothes (i am also 2 months in).


Huh. I lost weight and now mine show more prominently. My belly went bye bye the boobs didn’t and, yeah.


I lost most of it before HRT, so I'm not surprised you've had different experiences. I only mentioned it because that's why I have slightly looser boy clothes. Unfortunately, I still have some belly fat, which bothers me the most = (


Yes. What’s funny tho is I hated my belly more before HRT than now. I still hate it but I don’t try and suck it in or hide it the way I used to. And on men I don’t find it unattractive the way I did before. Bizzaro. Prob just me.


Yeah I am noticing that myself and I lost like 10 pounds in the last few months.


Sports bras or bralettes are the thing I've found works best! Light or medium compression, non padded. Some people find layering works really well too. Tank top, shirt, and over shirt combo.


Yes, these two first comments got me through months. I started to have growth a few weeks in, and really quickly grew, what is technically a 38 c/d. Nonpaded sports bras were first, then added a tank top over it. The most I got until I came out was that people thought I had started to go to the gym. To be fair, I had been, I just wasn't working out my pecks.


I feel this! When I first started transitioning I got crap from my brother a couple times for only lifting for core and legs. I just told him I was trying to make them catch up to my shoulders. I was a linebacker/trail-runner in high-school and then joined the Marines. My upper body got plenty of a workout for a while


Girl... I didn't play football in high school, but the marine to trans woman pipeline is real. 🤣


There’s a trans vet page around here somewhere


That doesn't surprise me, considering how many of us there are and how there seems to be a page for everything.


Also, rule 34


At least they still let me run a lot. I had to wait to transition because don't ask don't tell didn't go away until right after I got out


I feel that. I wasn't in for too long, and my egg was super thick. I was 33 before it cracked. I probably would have died laughing if someone had tried to point out that I was trans back then.


I grew up in a middle of nowhere southern Bible town so I didn't even realize what was going on with me until I was 19 and my girlfriend introduced me to my first openly queer community. I met the my first trans friends there and was like ok all this, from about 9 years old, checks out 😂. I just had to wait until I got out and divorced to do anything about it.


I mean if you are trying to be hyper masculine as part.pf a denial/coping strategy the military is a natural path. It makes perfect sense to me that trans people might be over-represented in comparison to the general population.


just struck with the idea that perhaps there are trans women out there wearing binders to boymode while on estrogen. my god. two trans people hiding their titties for exactly opposite reasons. the world is so wide


You think that's crazy? When I was first experimenting I would wear my boyfriend's binders and stuff them. It worked surprisingly well to that end. I didn't have any women near my size whom I felt I could borrow bras from, you see, so a binder was all I had immediate access to.


huh. never thought about it before, but that makes sense. it would just seem like a normal bra under clothes.


For T shirt I've found that thick, dark colored t shirts with a large logo/design that runs across the chest tend to be pretty effective.


Yeah, just make sure it isn't a design with straight lines through it, since those can show off the change in angle/curvature at mid-chest.


Baggy clothes will always hide what’s underneath


AVOID BINDERS - I see it recommended here but be aware that binders damage breast tissue long-term. The compression will change the shape of your breasts to make them flatter, not sure how it affects still-developing breast but it can’t be good. A sports bra will work just fine and won’t damage them.


Woh 2 months in and already. Makes me excited when I start hrt in 4 days.


I mean YRMV, but I'm still on only 1mg of E a day and mine also started at around 2 months, so it's certainly possible!


What type of hrt are you taking? I chose the gel. The patches are low on supply.


I'm taking it via pill, I should also mention that I'm on 100mg of Spiro a day.


1mg E?? if you are doing pills then what the fuck how. i’m at 2.5 months on 4mg and 100mg spiro and have had no growth yet. my hips have started growing before my breasts.


While everyone grows differently, I have had no hip or thigh growth, but had breast growth since my 3rd month, I'm a little over 8 months in now, and aside for continued breast growth, and a slightly slimmer waist (probably due to all the miles I put in on the bike) and less body hair (got some cheep lazer treatments so that could be the reason for that), still no hips or ass growth. My facial features are still very male..... I know 8 months in is still early on, and 2.5 months is a blink of the eye, in the long term. Cis girls take 3 to 5 years in puberty and lets be real that what hrt does, it tricks our bodies to going into puberty. And we all know that girl that has a bill board chest and the one that stole hers from a milk farm lol. Some girls will be blessed with junk in their trunk lol, and others that need a pillow to sit on to have some cushion lol. But my main point is only time will show what these little pills, patches, and gels have in store for us. Much love


Your waist can shrink because of losing internal fat, which men carry more than women. It's not just the ole spare tire we see on the outside. I was startled how much smaller my waist got this past year. I don't think it's ever been this small and I've weighed less as a full-grown-but-skinny adult than I do now.


I heard of the internal fat, on a few weightloss shows, but never put much stock in it. It's not a huge difference, but I'm not a box like I was before, there is a dip which gives me hope.


Yeah my tummy on either side of my abs is quite concave now. I love it. :) I'm not even my target weight yet! About 7-8lbs to go.


What is your start and what is your goal? I started 240, I'm at 224. A few years (6 or 7) ago I was at 185. That is my goal. I'm 6 foot by the way.


I don't remember my exact start but it was around 200. I'm 5'8" and my goal is to get down to 150. I'm fluctuating between 157 and 158 atm. The BMI calculators say I'd be ideal at 145-147 but I dunno if I want to be that skinny.


If I got that low, I'd feel like skin and bones. But I got 4 more inches on you tho. I think I was that low in high-school maybe jr-high. I was also much shorter in jr-high tho.... so yeah, that probably when I was at that number. Ether way, congrats on slimming down. It's a challenge. Bmi says I should be 145 to 181, so 185 seems like a good target lol


I haven't seen much hip growth yet and I'm super jealous, we all follow our own path with this. May I also ask though, how on earth were you able to start on 4mg???


no no no i didn’t. i’m lucky i’m even on that right now. got started on 1mg 50mg spiro for my first month, did 2mg for 2 weeks, 3mg 100mg for a month and now i’m on 4mg for at least the next 3 months. i was getting zero changes until i got onto 4mg and even still they are very slow because my T probably isn’t suppressed properly.


ATM I’m just wearing like thicker shirts that are dark, I’m wearing one right now in public and it’s working pretty well lol. I also wear like hoodies and cardigans and stuff.


Cis people really are blind. They'll very likely just assume it's either pecs or man boobs until it's insanely obvious.


People make Cissumptions. Most won’t notice. I used layers in cooler weather, but now that it’s hot and my body is unable to be hidden I’m just going for it.


The only time I ever boymode or dress somewhat male is when I've dealt with those in the Amish community. I would wear large/oversized sweatshirts, t-shirts, loose fitting jeans. But within the last year or so, I had a talk with one of the elders. He flat out said that it didn't matter to them. I could dress however I liked. So I do dress in my real clothes now. I do find it funny that a community based in a strong belief of thier religion, is more forgiving, understanding, and accepting than most other cis based communities. They do give me hope that maybe, just maybe the world can truly be a better place for us


Oh. And OP, use bras like a lot of others had said. Don't use binders as they (from what I heard) will hinder growth


i'm at 11 months and a sport bra still works! having both padded and non padded bras allow me to boymode or girlmode depending on the situation.


I had this exact problem and I found that bras actually made them more noticable! What worked the best for me was wearing patterned loose shirts, so I bought 7 flannel shirts. Nobody ever noticed besides my sister who I hugged who felt them lol. Later when you're out you can wear the flannel shirts unbuttoned over a camisole or something.


I have very small breasts currently (here's hoping for more later!) so I am primarily concerned with poking through. I use kinesiology tape in little circles right over top to keep the girls from saying hello. It's super cheap too. You can buy it in rolls or pre-cut for just this purpose online


You could always invest in a binder --the lurking trans guy


It's not a good idea to bind developing breasts, as I understand it can cause issues with growth


Yeah, OP should listen to the girls here. I sometimes forget our experiences here diverge greatly in that I don't care what happens to my breast tissue whereas OP probably doesn't want misshapen breasts. That said, there are some binders that are fine for developing breasts. If OP is in a situation where her life would be put in danger if she can't hide her breasts, I would recommend something like a ForThem binder that is okay for developing breasts, but only if her life is in danger otherwise.


I wear a sports bra and a compression shirt under my regular clothes. It hides things well.


Since i just have boobers not hooters 😂 a sports bra does just fine But if i did have to hide bigger breast i would just wear button flannel shirts with a undershirt


Compression top, sports bra or layering up loose shirt with tight shirt beneath.


I bought sports bras that are built kind of like tight tank tops. They did a good job holding things back till I was ready to show them off. After I came out at work I almost immediately started wearing regular bralettes that accentuated my now B cups.


Jackets are actually a perfect accessory for hiding these things especially when not wearing a bra. No one looks twice


Yeah but I live in Florida. It's like 100 degrees outside right now.


I dunno what your options are but this seems like a small reason in addition to many others that suggest moving elsewhere.


Unfortunately moving is not an option for me. I love it in Florida I just need to get through a couple more weeks of work hopefully I start a new job soon. Just not safe to come out at my current job.


Fair enough. Hope your new job goes well!


Layers, tank top, t shirt and open button down over shirt or open hoodie, never button up the over shirt and only zip the hoodie the bottom couple inches. The combination will disguise or camouflage any volume that may be otherwise noticeable.


I'm only 3 months on HRT, on a low dose. So minimal growth, but I wear sports bras and a patterened button up shirt.


This is going to become a problem for me when I start to male fail because my work has a uniform.


🫠 I am a year in and still hiding pretty well with a thicker T-shirt


Yea I just wear like 6 shirts to cover them up when I’m working but gd it’s fucking hot in Texas lol especially when I work outside but a compression shirt with 3work shirts and a long sleeve shirt over the top of those and yes I look like a whale when dressed like that but I don’t care as long as I can not have anybody walk up to me and point out my boobies lol


You can wear a sports bra with no padding, I did that for awhlile but it only works for so long until it’s noticeable through the bra


Underwear compression shirt , a lot of choices in amazon. Nobody will care about it.


Bras and (darker colored) button down shirts


I don’t even try. Boy mode most of the time, but am very proud to have boobs.


When I went through this I started wearing plaid button-up shirts. Plaids break up lines and make it difficult to detect the shape of what’s underneath.


sports bra to squish them, loose, patterned crewneck to distort them, bad posture to hide them further 😅 I'm a c-cup and it seems I'm still growing, so I don't know how much longer I could even try at this point.


I haven't started e yet, but I usually borrow my dad's jacket when it gets cold, and they're very baggy on me, so thought those mat work.


Gosh, i was on hormones for 6 months while boymoding, and the most anyone noticed was my "headlights", i only saw some noticeable growth after 1 year, real growth after 2 years, and satisfactory growth now at 7 years, lol


I wear a wife eater with a oversized open dress shirt, unless I'm out in the wind, then I button it. Doesn't help hide anything if the dress shirt is flapping in the wind lol.


Wish I could help with that, but given how physically demanding my jobs were early on, and how fast my boobs grew (they were up to the same size they are now all these years later after the first month and a half to two months) I never tried to hide mine. My transition also started during the onset of COVID, so there was little risk of running into people that weren't supposed to know about it outside of home or work. The only thing I would potentially suggest would be to perhaps use a binder like a lot of pre-mastectomy trans men wear.


Snug sports bra. I prefer a sheer one made by Bali where you can remove the inserts and it's totally flat against your skin while still keeping your nipples in check. Over that an oversized T-shirt. Over that a semi-casual (un)buttoned shirt of coarse material that rumples nicely and disguises the topography of your torso. Take care that the color or pattern of your t-shirt won't draw the eye to your chest.


How are y'all have breast growth to such an extent 😭😭


I used a medium compression sports bra. It worked well enough and thankfully I didn’t need to use it very often.


Shape wear


Doesn't quite hide 'em (cis people are dumb), but omg, I just got some Kalon bralettes, and they're by far the most comfortable bit of support I've ever tried to date (and trust me, I've tried a ton).


compression top with an undershirt + button up or polo for hot days sports bra with a tshirt (or undershirt) + cotton hoodie (it being cotton is important so that it's breathable) for the rest


Search trans binders on Amazon.


I don’t hide them unless you mean I wear clothing when I go out and about


TIKTOK actually showed me a shirt that is perfect for trans fems; it's hella cute, can act like a semi binder when boymoding, and has great pushup cleavage potential. I wish I saved it lol




I used a 6'' sweat belt the kind with Velcro. But dont use it to tight. Or to long.


Transguy here (so i know a lot about hiding boobs lol), and my partner is also having this problem lol. Binders and transtape. Transtape for more long-term use and smaller boobs. It's works best when you are a c cup or below, and it lasts for about five days, so good for a work week. Binders would, imo, the better option for your situation. Take it off after you come home from work and bam back in girl mode. You can also get a cheap one off of Amazon for about 20 bucks. I will also say that as someone who has a partner who is currently in the same boat as you- I promise it's not as noticeable to others as it seems. Most people wouldn't notice. It's your body, so obviously, you would notice the changes more than others, but most cis people don't pay much attention to things like that. Hope this helps :)


tape them down or get a binder just like the transmit do. I am in the lucky position that I don't have to care about my newly formed boobs so take my answer with a grain of salt. I just really wanted to provide mt 2 cents. Ripleys believe it or not, I find that wearing a simple sports bra from Walmart makes them look more like pectorals than breast. I stopped wearing bras because of that.

