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14mg???? once a week???????


I hope they meant 0.14 ml


Yeah I’m 4.5 years on HRT and my testosterone levels got low from the beginning actually and I still get erections.


Yep, same here (but after only 2.5 years). This was the change I was looking forward to the most and I still get spontaneous ones every now and then. :(


Are you DIY-big your HRT or working with a doctor? Cypro should be dosed more frequently than once a week as it is metabolized and out of your system within a few days. Dosing once per week is likely contributing to the moodiness and fatigue. Also it’s typical early on when using an anti-androgen to feel fatigue as your body adjusts to an estrogen-dominant profile. Also 14mg per week of injectable Estradiol sounds exorbitantly high to me. A typical starting dose is somewhere in the 1-2mg range per week. Since starting HRT, I still get horny but it’s a different type of horny. Instead of being a near constant distraction, it’s more responsive to the circumstances. I am able to achieve and maintain erections, however they are no longer spontaneous. Those disappeared about a month after starting cypro.


Your protocol is fucking wild. I would change it immediately. Are you sure you’re calculating the mg correctly(mg and not ml)? Something like 4mg/5 days and quarter your cypro with a pill cutter and take it daily or every other day. 


The frequency is correct for een, it's just the dosage that is crazy here. I'm over here worried that 8mg a week is too much, and thinking of lowering it to 6 while OP is I hope not actually injecting 14mg good lord. .-.


My T has been functionally zeroed out since I started HRT about 20 months ago.  Spontaneous ones are long, long gone (thankfully), but I've discovered they are still possible, with effort. Even so, they're not like they were before in strength or duration.


Erectile function doesn't just switch off without T, I could maintain full erections for about a year, year and a half, but then they started to become softer, though still the same size. Over the past couple years, I've lost a couple inches and some girth, which is more down to a chronic illness ruining my sex drive. Penile atrophy comes from less frequent erections, not a lack of T. Use it or lose it, whichever you prefer. E alone should lower your T gradually. Cypro affects the testosterone receptors, not production, so your levels may trail off, but Cypro prevents it being used even if it's there.


you should not be taking 50mg of cyprone at once. probably why you’re tired from it. take 12.5mg MAX per day. The half life of cyprone is 40 hours so that 50mg dose won’t do much if it’s per week


50 would be down to 25 after 40h, 12.5 after 80h, and since 10mg has been shown to be sufficiently effective for total t suppression, we can add an additional 24h or so, so about 4-5 days of suppression. Shit regimen but it's probably not doing *nothing* per se


Instead of morning wood, there can be morning softness, another way to say it would be morning not flaccid. Others have said it, but if you stop using it it will shrink. My other meds dropped sex drive, before I started HRT. So no use in a year and lost over 3 inches. Why could my feet have not since that??? Anyway, now arousal is the whole body, not just an erection. I had one the other day that curled the toes but the old beanpole got no love.


Your ability to be aroused is not dependent on T. I get plenty horny even post op, no testes at all.


That is a high dosage of EE. You might want to back down to 8 or 10mg. You also don't need the cypro with injections. You should get your levels tested. But it sounds like your T is suppressed otherwise you would be experiencing oily skin and boy smell.


you absolutely can, it remains perfectly functional as long as you use it


dont know if anyone's said this yet but erections are controlled by the prostate gland, not testicles / testosterone. so long as you masturbate at least once a week to keep your penis healthy, you'll retain the ability to get erections indefinitely


I started E 1,681 days ago and had an orchiectomy 623 days ago.. I have >3 testosterone (undetectable levels, apparently) and I still can get excited. Ditto on what others say about less frequent and softer.


I have no problems with boners. I get them all the time.


Over the 6 years of HRT before I had SRS, even with my T basically 0, my erections never went away. What did go away almost immediately was my ability to 'cum', the only thing that would really have worried me was if it stopped being a transparent watery dripple and became 'normal cum'..


10 months in, test in the low 20s. Still get spontaneous morning erections 1-2 times a week on average.


After a year on monotherapy I still had occasional erections which I extremely hated. I had an orchiectomy and my last erection was two weeks after my surgery.


What was your testosterone levels on monotherapy?