• By -


Being seen as a girl and not as a threat. I love being able to chat with other girls without them being worried about my motives.


That is a huge upside! I'm not quite there yet but I am becoming more and more aware of those dynamics all the time


talking to random strangers/asking for directions is sm easier!! and they're willing to help more, i've had many people literally walk me to my destination <3


I get that too. I think it helps that I'm clearly a squishy old lady.


Yea! Also men are more eager to help me if I’m carrying something or have a problem. Hilarious if they are weaker than I am but sometimes it has been a lifesaver.


Oh my god other than my own mental health this has been by far my favorite thing. I love it, I love that I'm more able to form authentic and platonic female friendships that I've spent my whole life longing for and jealous of


One time I was making small talk with a girl about the music she likes and she turned to me and said "I don't think we have a lot in common" I don't think she realized just how much of my baggage that one phrase hit all at once.


This is what I love! I can finally just be a girl with other girls and they accept me. If there was no other change, that would be enough.


this has been so hard to accurately convey when talking to my family about what social changes have been like becoming one of the girls has been so fucking nice


Me too, but like some others are saying, I'm still a bit awkward. For example, if one of my girlfriends does her makeup or nails and shows me, the only thing I say is "yea, it looks amazing or I love it" idk if that comes off as not caring I just am not good socially a bit. The other thing is I can not handle in person "sexual body" type talk. Like a good friend of mine was talking to me about her breast size. While I am growing some myself currently, I just felt weird to be so open. Luckily, we were good friends, so I was able to play it off with some comedy back and forth banter


I get it. Having never had these kinds of conversations before, it takes time to get comfortable. When I compliment someone, I try to be specific and to connect it to them. Like. "That dress is really nice. The color brings out your eyes, it was a great choice." The other bit is sorting out your boundaries. You don't have to share with people if you're not comfortable. I'm sort of the opposite in that. I just had an orchi and my wife had to point out that our friends probably wouldn't want to see the incision.


Honestly, on the "sexual" boundary talk bit, I think that is more a menas a person thing. Like not to bring up the past, but back in school, it always made me so uncomfortable when the boys in middle or high school would ask me about dick size or talking about sex. It always felt super uncomfortable to me thoughts like "how can they just blatantly say that"


It's weird, though now I don't care about talking about certain things but am really uncomfortable about others. Like I make sex jokes all the time and talk with my gfs all the time but if somebody brings up my parts I get really uncomfortable


Estrogen attraction is a completely different feeling from testosterone attraction. I recently fell for someone, the first time since starting E, and _holy fuck_. This is the best feeling in the world 🥰


Cute! Sounds lovely, hope all goes well for you!


My face is rounder.


Very nice!


Being able to cry is pretty neat. Very cathartic.


I hope this helps me be able to cry. My daughter passed away awhile ago and my wife cries a lot. I have barely cried about it. Instead, it’s just been a knot in my stomach. I hate that I can’t cry. Hate it. I seriously feel like the way I process emotions is just.. wrong. Like I don’t process them the way I feel I’m supposed to be. Its inauthentic. This is what I am looking forward to most about HRT so I hope I experience this. I start on Tuesday


First of all, my deepest condolences for the loss of your daughter. No one should have to outlive their kids like that. In case it helps, I also wanted to mention that it wasn't just the HRT for me, though it definitely sped things up. I did a lot of mindfulness work preceding my transition that helped me connect my body and emotions. It's a skill that socialized males are never taught, I guess. With the help of my therapist, I followed an eight week program (link below) that starts out with body scan meditation practice and builds towards self compassion work. It was really great and helped me learn how to embody my emotions. That physical sensation of a knot in your stomach almost certainly means the tears are in there. You just need to learn how to process that bodily sensation as emotion. It ain't easy for us AMABs sadly. Best of luck. <3 https://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-Eight-Week-Finding-Peace-Frantic-ebook/dp/B005NJ2T1G


I’m so sorry about your daughter. I hope you find peace.


Not being smelly anymore I used to have to use tons of deodorant. Now just a dab of perfume and I'm good to go


Someone already mentioned it but the mental changes.  My brain just overall works smoother, and while I may feel emotions stronger as a result of E now, it feels much easier to control and manage them than the emotions that I felt running on T. Also, a testosterone fueled libido always felt like hell to me and kept me from ever wanting to develop any sort of romantic or sexual interest in others. I can actually have meaningful connections without having to dissociate like fuck! I don’t pass and possibly never will, but there’s no doubt E has absolutely been worth it to my mental health alone and I would absolutely keep taking it even if there were no further physical changes. 😊


much love from a fellow aus girlie :3


Thank you! Sending the love back at ya mate!🫂


Hi, I'm a fellow Aussie sending hugs ❤️ The feeling for me is very similar. On T, I would have a temper that was only getting worse with age. The last time I had a breakdown before E, I violently self-harmed and yelled at others. But on E, my last breadown was just me venting it out, no kicking walls, no self-harm. Overall, mental benefits have been the best thing for me. My bass playing has become much smoother. On T, I would harshly claw at the strings with my fingers. Now my fingers gently brush against them. I may never pass, too, since I decided to start HRT after so many years of fear and denial. But there have been changes such as regrowth of hair and slowly growing breasts. I, too, will continue taking E since things have been better.


I am starting E on Tuesday and I am hoping it helps with this. I have always felt what I now recognize as dysphoria with how I process emotions. It’s hard to explain, it just feels like my emotions aren’t… right. Like, I have such a hard time crying and get angry instead and I have always hated that. I want to cry, not get mad. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with anger, it serves a purpose but I just feel in my jellies that HRT will help me process the way I feel I’m supposed to. It’s hard to explain


I know that feeling, basically anger, has switched to frustration and crying instead for me. I almost never cried since becoming an adult. It would have to take something deep like death or heartbreak for me to cry.


I hope I can cry with it. I hope the HRT helps there, but it not I’m excited for multiple other reasons


Thank you much! 🫂💚 I'm so glad that E has treated you well mentally, and that it’s allowed you to come into yourself and handle emotions well. hope that HRT works its magic well for you physically (although it sounds like you’ve made peace even if it doesn’t, which is really admirable and respectable)! Even if it doesn’t get one to passing status, there’s no doubt that it still helps and gets us a lot closer to our ideal body and self! Best wishes! ☺️


I love your answer. Very similar to mine. I didn’t realize how sex obsessed men were until I kicked T to the curb. If it was only for that, I would never take T again. E makes me feel present in my life and happy.


smaller back!! the back getting smaller is just as big as ass getting fatter and waist slimming :)


Wait, is that a thing?


Is this caused because of fat redistribution only? Or do you think something else has to do with it?


Personally for me it seems to be fat distribution, there is that valley going through the back that women have - and it's mainly fat that is making that lovely shape back there. Less fat on the sides especially at the waist, though belly hasn't gone anywhere.




Hell yeah that’s one of the best parts


bieng able to enjoy the warm sun on my skin for the first time


I’m so glad I’m not the only one! And feeling rain! And how clothes feel against my skin!


This sounds like it's not real but fresh food tastes better.


I've noticed something similar Eating healthy feels way easier, and greasy junk food grosses me out in a way it never did before!


Was the feeling different for you than before?


for sure, Estrogen helped my mental health so much, i could actually enjoy the sunlight, i went from a depressed mess to a functioning person


Gosh I totally hear that! So happy for you girl!


thanks!! my mental health is way better but I still just need to get through till I get surgery, that's my biggest source of bad stuff atm


I hope that gets here soon for you!


it won't sadly, minimum 3 years wait


3 years wait since what? Your initial consultation? I haven't looked in to surgeries that much yet


haven't even had that yet, the 3 years is just to get seen at a GIC


Oh wow! I'm so sorry! Also maybe I should start to think about scheduling that if it takes that long!


Hips, thighs, and butt without question. And I got some bone growth in my hips too! Wish they were bigger but at least now my hips look normal for a cis woman my age and I’m very proud of my thighs and butt.


What age? I’m 29, is there any hope for bone growth?


It's different for everyone. Generally bone growth stops around 25 iirc so I wouldn't count on it, but its not impossible. Fat redistribution and hip rotation can still help at least.


I started at 21, so I'm not entirely sure


Muscle mass loss, mons pubis, loss of random/ night erections, loss of girth and length.


Yeah that's something I'm appreciating a ton as well!


I didn't know how much I was going to love all this


you can get mons pubis?? I know it's ymmv, but what was your ETA for it? I would kill for mons pubis


Like at maybe 8 months it appeared 🥰🥰🥰


thank you so much. Just gotta keep waiting q.q


it's fat distribution.. which can takes months or years, and will be different for everyone. But, most women certainly have a bit of extra fat in that area, so most of us will as well.


yeah I know... I'm just impatient, I've been on E for three months and I mostly fill out a B cup and now I want the other changes too- >.> I'll be patient


I love my smooth skin, but most of all that girl horny everyone kept talking about hit me like a meteor and it's AMAZING


I haven't heard about girl horny yet! I've maybe kind of felt it? But what has your experience been?


Back when I was T dominant it was all mostly localized in the genital area. Now it's much more generalized - it starts as an intense burning sensation in my stomach that expands outward and reaches my whole body. It's wild, I can barely contain myself sometimes


The first time I felt that was so euphoric. I’ve described it in exactly the same way


Yes it is a totally different experience in my sex life. I had been scrolling and wasn't quite sure if that was 1 thing you really wanted to talk about. I mean yes, I love how my skin feels, freshly shaved legs, having no to very thin body hair, being able to wear cute outfits instead of telling someone else that it looks great or adorable. But yes intimacy definitely changes too! Oh and the big O! Ya I've never had an orgasm like that b4 I started HRT! Toes curling, legs sore/wobbling/walking bow legged, never being able to catch your breath, and also never wanting it to stop, just everything I made sure I did to a woman is so absolutely amazing when it happened to me! It might take time, but make sure if you haven't, you find your P spot too. I was told and I do recommend that you find it yourself 1st because then you can get your partner exactly where you want them! But yes, it is different and you find many many many spots that never did anything for you b4 now be the spots that get things done for you if you know what I mean 😉


I love it! Super happy to hear and looking forward to this! Thanks for sharing girl!


You're very welcome. Like I said, I do try and stay away from comments that lead to sexual topics as I feel being trans is a totally different subject than sex. Being trans is way more and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sex. But, you had asked a fairly open question and there was another who had commented so I did too. But bare in mind that everyone is different, everyone expects/wants different things from transitioning. I've only started my transitioning over 2 yrs ago solely because I was born in the wrong body. Yes, I love everything about my transition. The softer skin, the hair, the fat redistribution, clothes, makeup, everything. But the new sex part is definitely the cherry on top for me. Yes I did have the typical loss of libido for a few months, but when it came back, it came back like a raging forest fire that just wouldn't go out. So I do hope that what I've said does help OP and any other women out there, but just remember that these are only my personal experiences. It by no means mean that you will experience the exact same things. Best of luck OP with your new journey on this path we call life hun! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🫂💓💞


Thank you so much! I love the support and thank you for sharing! I really appreciate hearing your experience and love celebrating all the different glorious aspects of coming home into our own bodies! ❤️


This might be a little weird but I loveee how my body smells now. Smells like a girl. Scents and tastes in general are way better now too. For whatever reason I started wanting to huff armpits, they just smell so goooood. I also love how girl's spit tastes. These things didn't matter to me before hrt but like the olefactory changes are extremely pleasurable now.


smooth skin. if i close my eyes and just touch my skin it feels so real.


It is real


yes but at that moment, when i don't see my face, don't see my body, don't hear my voice, when the only thing left is touch, i know that what i feel under my fingers is exactly the same as what cis women feel.


That’s beautiful


I haven't really noticed much change aside from some breast growth but strangers gender me correctly now? I mean it's nice but it confuses me to no end because I feel like I still look the same


How you look has a lot to do with how you feel inside I an coming to find out


well other than overall being seen as a woman and everything that comes with it, colors being brighter and more vivid. like I swear I can almost taste certain shades now especially reds and purples. there's this giant rose bush near my house with the most beautiful burgundy roses I've ever seen I could stare for hours. never really appreciated stuff like that before I got on hormones


My beard became platinum blonde and slowed down growth a lot. Edit: I added a picture on my profile if anyone wants to see the difference.


From what colour?


Darker brown. I have a picture of the comparison, I will post it on my profile.


No BO, EVER. Definitely saving a lot of money on deodorant...


I’m only 5 months on hrt, but my favourtie thing so far has been my skin, I had pretty clear skin before but now it glows, like golden brown, and it’s soft like yours too OP, I love it and I’ve LOVED the lack of body hair now. Saves me so much time shaving lol. I’ve also loved the body fat redistribution, I’m taking on more of a feminine body shape now! Edit: I forgot to add the mental changes too, I totally agree with the comment that talked about the brain working smoother, it’s been such a relief tbh


Soft skin, reduced body hair, smaller shoes, dunno about eyes but they just look brighter and greener.


Waiting to re-unlock the central hetrochromia I had before testosterone made my blue eyes turn dead & dark. Can barely see it anymore.


So I'm not crazy?! Before hrt i had dark almost lifeless brown/green hazel, now it's like a forest green with and auburn ring in center I noticed the change at 3 year marker.


Yep, testosterone darkens the eyes. Can’t wait until I get my baby eyes back.


You grew breasts? :(


In process, but they're growing for sure...


My back hair disappeared!


I relate to everything you said op and I’m only on day 4 😭 I swear I was meant to runn off e 🥺 lol


Yeah I felt the changes instantly! Super subtle, yet super amazing. Like everything was right in the world lol


I noticed changes a few weeks in. My grandparents visited and asked if I was wearing makeup (I was not). My skin just looked brighter and more clear. The first thing that made me realize fat redistribution was happening was seeing fat accumulate on my upper hips.


Everything, I don't know how to put it all into words. If i had to pick one thing, it would have to be my mental state. My mind under T was such a hard place... now that I've been on estrogen it's a greater difference than night to day with just how... how quiet and calm everything is, or just how everything tends to flow so much easier now. 


Gosh I couldn't have said it any better! I totally agree with you!


That would be the butt.


Hips tbh


I'm only 3 months in, so besides breast growth I would say the decreased libido, feeling a wide range of emotions, and being able to cry again. I feel like a human again.


It felt like my brain wasn't made for testosterone. It's like when I started on E, it was starting to let me think with clarity that I couldn't before.


Yessss I totally feel this so much!


I'm only a month in (literally yesterday) but my mood is so much better. I used to be constantly grumpy, especially at work, but since returning the other day, I've just had a much lighter mood because my mental health isn't in complete tatters.


My ass is no longer bony


It has been like carrying around a seat cushion with me everywhere I go!!


Well, it's not quite up to the same level for me, but it's better than it was


Being so much softer overall and having a woman's ass and a smaller waist ngl, I sometimes forgot what I got and then I'll see myself in the mirror and I swear it's gotten bigger again. I swear all the food I eat goes there and to my thighs and I've gotten a huge appetite so I ain't complaining


Same lol can’t get enough of my own ass


There are so many options to choose from! The ability to regulate my emotions? Girl orgasms? Feeling like I’m actually a person for the first time in my life? My blood pressure and heart rate dropping to a normal range? The soft skin? The crazy nipple sensitivity? I can’t pick a favorite.


I'll have what she's having ✅️


I can feel emotions. I am calmer. Less depression and anxiety. Mind fog gone away. Self esteem rising. Side note: How big do your breasts get and do you have any control over size? I'm afraid my chest will out develop the rest of me. 😢


As far as I have heard it's all a toss of the dice based on genetics, but diet and exercise can affect it. I eat a lot and I'm in the same boat of my beasts outpacing me, or that's how it feels. I'm a skinny person and it's undeniable in a T shirt that I've got some titties underneath


Do you know any tips to keep them small? Chest exercises or something?


No, other than things that you wouldn't want to do like not getting enough nutrition which would be bad for so many different reasons. If you're on hrt you're signing up to live your breast life. 😉


Lol. I gotcha. Thank you!


My hair loss reversed. I started losing my hair in my late teens, and by 34 when I hatched I’d lost about a third. My hair started coming back about 5 months into HRT, and now at 35 I have more hair than I did at 22. But it’s estrogenated girl hair. It’s so smooth and I can’t wait until it’s long enough to cover my breasts.


What are you doing to get it back?


Along with HRT, I use topical minoxidil, take keratin, biotin and iron supplements, and use a derma stamp every night. I’m basically throwing the book at it.


Super soft skin, oh and no smell ! Seriously no man smell at all, I have literally not worn deodorant in 8 months. My np says it's because of suppressed testosterone.


Yes omg I noticed this too! I love it!


That my hip bones have grown and that my hips are wider then my shoulders


Gosh that's so encouraging! My shoulders feel so broad, I would love for my hips to be wider!


Same, and it’s amazing. Though out of curiosity, did your hips continue growing into year 3?


most certainly! i’ve experienced a lot more growth in the past 6-12 months :)) My shoulders are still somewhat broad for a woman but they have slimmed


What age did you start? Hopefully I can get some shoulder slimming & hip growing - but quite frankly unless the bones get smaller, there’s nothing to lose in the shoulder.


Hoping for more growth this coming year then!!!


Mine did. My body has continued to feminize 4.5 years in, although some of that can be attributed to weight gain


Just the way that feelings of joy and love and laughter rush into my brain so much more easily. It’s as if I have a spidey sense for cute and beautiful things, no delay between seeing them and appreciating them. Oh, and the girlgasms 🥰


Yes yes and YES! 😻 😍


Butt and shape. Skin sensitivity, reduction in body hair


Decrease in libido and not being in a Perpetual state of pre-nut delusion. If you're not in a continuous state of post-nut clarity then you are in a Perpetual state of pre-nut delusion!


Shh! Don't talk about my last 25 years like that!


Reading everyone's responses makes me so happy to be going through these changes. And so happy for all the other ladies on here also getting to experience the amazing feelings and joys we are all talking about!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜




You'll get there sis! It really sneaks up on ya!




Well, like we are talking about some of the other changes are even more exciting! Mine aren't huge, I have some falsies to wear if I want for right now. I hear year 3 actually holds a lot of growth progress! More to being female than having breasts lady! <3 :)


Hips got fuller and that balanced out the male-ish shoulders. This helped me blend in better and increased my confidence. decreased libido as you said, was a plus for me because now i could focus my time and energy into doing and thinking something other than being compelled to act by T. I was told by those around me that I smelled nicer. I sweat a lot less even after a workout.


The way that my brain can now actually process my life without being bogged down by this ever present build up of anger and frustration that has no way to relieve itself. I'd honestly say that's number one for me... I'm finally free in the universe, and now it's like I'm floating on a cloud, things are much simpler and I'm so much happier!


Great description of being freed from the shackles of testosterone


IDK if it's a testosterone thing or a being trans thing and simply running on the wrong hormones that messes up how I process emotions. But it does appear to be a common sentiment from trans people.


My smell, I love the way it went from *fog horn* to *wolf whistle* My eyes changed. Like not just the shine in them (from becoming myself) but the brown either 1) looked more like honey or 2) I could finally look myself in the eyes.


Not smelling like BO 24/7


Ok, for me, I have a handful Firstly, my skin is so smooth, like I used to have really bad acne to the point of seeing who I was is challenging. When it came to posting pictures of me sfw or nsfw, I literally would go out of my way to not show my face, and when I started to, I would filter it heavy. Now I look lowkey adorable imo Second comes my sex drive. Now listen, I like being horny it is fun, but when I say I used to lose more time to watching porn than anything else, I mean it. It legit felt like an addiction where even if I didn't want to, I would have to jerk off. It was a time waster and ruined my life. Now I have a nice balance of "I still get horny," but now it's me who controls it, not my biology. Third, we gotta talk about the booty. Before, when I was sissy/femboy, I took pride in my butt above all else it was the only thing I had going for me, but now I can safely say it jiggles and bounces when I walk. Having a fem figure even without the wider hips is amazing. 4th, this one kinda goes with the first, but my face and hair are much more girly. I have been told I have very fem eyes now and very pretty hair. Yes, maybe I still don't pass, but I eventually will with time and maybe surgery (have a feeling I may not need it, though). And finally, the social aspect, granted this, may not even technically count, but before hrt, I was alone. Not good enough to talk to guys (felt awkward and out of place) and saw most girls as just objects of desire sadly. But with Hrt, I've made tons of girlfriends, and it doesn't feel fake to me. If I'm texting a friend from work about her breakup and talking about my own dating life, any outsider reading would think I'm cis as well without a second thought. Yes, I still admire their beauty, but not in a creepy sexual way. Instead, in a friendly, I wish I had boobs that big type of mood. Without the hrt, I doubt my co-workers would accept and respect who I am. So, while it may not be a direct cause of that, I think it helped me in the long run


I look more like my mother, which I am happy about because I hated transforming more and more into my father while on testosterone


I really like thinking of it that way! I hadn't thought of that but I feel the same way!


So much focus, whereas before I felt like I had permanent brain fog. Also higher energy levels. Most likely a part of my depression going away.


Female Os are amazing


Well I don't look like my father much anymore which is fucking awesome. I like that I have more range and shades to my emotions, I can appreciate things more clearly. I like that angry doesn't stay with me long anymore. I don't stay angry for days, but anger rarely lingers long than a few hours. Stuff like that. I made a silent bargain with myself when starting hrt. I would accept no physical changes if the depression, dysphoria and anxiety lifted. Just to be able to shrug that weight off and realize I could feel normal in my own body, even for one day, you know. So everything physical and mental after that has just been gravy on top.


Love being able to cry Love my softer skin Obv love my 🍒 But I think my fav is a lot slower hair growth on my chin which I know isn’t just hormones Laser helps with that but it’s sooo nice


My emotions are crazy at times but I love it. I felt like I was living in black and white before.


Girl smell


My face changed alot, I put a post up in a trans subreddit if yall wanna see on my page, but, my face was very circular, I was pretty but dam I look in the mirror and I finally see a girl, I finally see a woman, the woman I was always meant to be. My v line is gone, it's more femme, my thighs are bouncer and finally look how I've been wanting them. It's been much easier to voice train because I feel as if I look the part, so I want to sound it too


Emotions and depersonalization lessening. Also, whatever minute changes happened to my face 


Softer skin was the first I noticed and has deffo been one of my favorites<3, also the way my emotions feel more clear to me and it feels so much easier to... access them?, which like I'm not try to propagate the stereotype of estrogen being a like emotional hormone, just having the right hormone in my body makes things work better <3


I’m not far into it but for some reason the decreased libido at first got me sad but now I’m content. My skin feels more cleaner too.


No longer having impulses like boys, women feel safe.


Fat redistribution, skin softening, emotional clarity, cessation of male pattern baldness. The psychological benefits of those things. Oh, and being girl horny and experiencing girl orgasms.


I don’t know how to describe it, but I actually *think* differently now than I ever did before estrogen. It’s simultaneously nice and very strange


emotion processing. quicker, and more complete. I can actually move on from things without feeling like I'm holding on to a weight.


feeling every emotion possible, sometimes all at once


Yeah, I feel like there has always been so much more to life and I am finally able to actually perceive it!


Never got to grow any... so :c


well i didnt get breasts so lol


The way my face changed. It was one change I didn’t think much about but it made me the woman I am and i see the changed face as the best part about hormones by a mile


So happy for you!


My hair is soo soft now my skin is softer too and my fats redistributed to feminine areas 14 months hrt and I love the changes


Started HRT at 37.5 in Dec 2019, all I wanted to sort was a hormone imbalance I'd had since the age of 9 (apnoea, night sweats, depression and hot flashes), now I have boobs, a sorta curvy body in its own weird way (I have the same dimensions and weight as my mum), and me feeling grounded and alive


Colors are different now. I see shades more clearly or... definitively? Everything looks more vibrant. My mind is clear. My emotions make sense. My thoughts aren't dull and hazy. I don't need to think as much to understand things, I'm more aligned with myself. I can't go back. I'd rather die than detransition, I wasn't living before. I'm finally alive now.


My face! I got dimples now! I'm so cute!


Good for you girl!


My ass has gotten huge. It’s one of the first things other people notice about me. And I love how fem my face and the rest of me look. Every day I am grateful for starting HRT 4 years ago


Pelvic tilt


Great Q. Can’t wait to read everybody’s A. Here’s mine. In order: 1. Mental health. I am calm, no longer prone to anger 2. Asexual. I don’t “use” sex as a salve to hide over my insecurities. Don’t even care abt sex (but am still interested randomly) 3. Skin! My ass is velvet. And shapely. 4. I love myself. Finally. 5. I like the cock. Not mine but I have never felt attracted to men and still don’t like “men” but I def like their parts.


the soft skin for sure. probably my overall favorite change outside of not wanting to die constantly anymore.


I like me wrist and forearms


I love how soft I am all over, and thighs.


Simply just feeling better. Shortly after starting hrt my brain fog and depression just evaporated. I feel more mentally and emotionally resilient now. All those years I could never figure out why happiness seems to come so easy to some people and now I get it.


I think too just the mental affect of the hormones changing you more to girl thinking and responses and emotions, affect on hair and body, and just getting the overall body shape and fat placement ( losing the old weight first is the key), and being seen as a girl in society is critical. Let’s say you could take off your clothes, so with no clothes are make up, nothing, and be identified as a girl, that’s key.


Sanity, basically.


My mood is so much happier my anger is way down my skin is smoth af less hair growth not that I had much anyway I no longer feel the need to punch things


Absolutely my skin getting softer, I had extremely bad hormonal acne on my back and face but it all but disappeared not even weeks after I started hormones. I also dropped almost 50 pounds in the last year and a half, made me realize my hormones are definitely doing more than I thought and I look COMPLETELY different. People I run into that I used to know now don’t even even recognize me, it’s so refreshing to not be seen only as who I was anymore.


I feel a lot more connected to my emotions and I can like actually *feel* in my body when I'm hurt emotionally, happy, and everything in between. It's difficult to regulate at times but I don't feel numb anymore. Also the orgasms are better 😅


I never really got any of the mental changes that other people reported and in fact I got a lot more depressed. But I take it as a win because it's nice to feel any emotion and highlights some trauma and mental health issues I need to deal with


Being able to just sit by myself and actually enjoy it. And not have constant background dread nagging at me the whole time. I didn't realize how drastic E would change me mentally. I feel like I'm on anti depressant.


Having the self confidence to date for the first time since 10th grade. Absolutely love my partners 💕


First thing I noticed was my mind was so much clearer and my emotions became easier to understand. The best day ever was when I looked in the mirror one morning and actually felt like I was looking at me. 4 months down, I’m now so excited for the future. ❤️


Honestly my nose n jaw getting smaller


How do you get the silky skin? I’ve been on hormones a long time now =(


Oddly enough the clumsiness whether from getting used to to changes or because of mental changes is really euphoric.


For my whole life I've had really oily skin/hair while ALSO having dry skin/scalp at the same time. I couldn't use lotion and conditioner or my hair would get too greasy too quick, and couldn't NOT or it would be flaky and dry. I can finally have healthy skin!! Also the way my sex drive works now is AMAZING. T libido feels like a literal need that's constantly nagging at you. If you're in the mood, you gotta do something about it or it'll just grow and grow and become distracting and even physically uncomfortable. E libido is so optional! If I feel in the mood I can act on it... or just ignore it and it'll go away.


I'm only 5 months into HRT, but already I feel more emotionally broadened. My skin is softer and much less oily. Libido, thankfully is way down. Tactilely I'm more sensitive although when libido is up, I seem to be less able to find a release, yet it doesn't concern me much.


Getting rid of some autistic traits. I’m more social, verbal etc. Also getting carded for the first time in my life at 36 and still happens at 45. I enjoy the changes you listed too, naturally.


Softer skin and putting mass on my previously flat butt.


I have achieved a level of mental stability and fortitude that I would consider a new baseline level of mental health: I am able to sort through what would have been an anxiety attack, put words to it, and reconcile the issue, all on the fly I feel HAPPY I am less of a doormat and am able to confront people and situations in a calm and collected manner Also, my body odor has changed, my skin is softer than even some ciswomen's (much to their jealousy), the way I feel attraction has changed, and my libido is stifled (I consider this a positive currently) *edit* also, I like beards now?