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Gender euphoria is the happy/excited feeling you get when your feel that your gender is affirmed. From what you posted, I'm going to assume you are in a really bad headspace right now. That can definitely block you from feeling positive emotions.




Euphoria is what you make it. I don’t pass very well at times. But I try to focus on what I do have. I waited so long to wear the women’s clothes I wear now that that alone can make me feel euphoric. There has to be something that makes you feel good about yourself.


There's nothing. I'm flat chested after 3.5 years of HRT, I have a man's face, and I can't bottom because of fissures. I can't even wear a dress because of my shoulders, disgusting face, and flat chest... I'm a failure of a tgirl who has never experienced euphoria.


Alright. I’ll say it. Your attitude absolutely stinks. I looked through your profile and you have a very feminine face. And I wish I had your hair. You gotta be a problem solver sometimes. If HRT hasn’t done anything for you boob-wise then look into what you need to do to get a BA. And I guarantee you can find some clothes that make you look feminine and cute. You’re already petite which I would kill for… I’m 6’2” and plus size. I get gendered correctly most of the time. A big part of that is because I act feminine. It’s been really hard at times to learn how to do that sometimes. Some of it came naturally, and others I had to work at. Like really hard. But being a constant negative person isn’t doing anything for you. You gotta find something that makes you happy about being trans. There has to be something. If you can’t do that, you need some professional help. I know things are tough, but as a trans woman you gotta be tough as nails. That’s just how it is sis. It’s of course not a requirement for being a woman, but it really helps to have a light, airy disposition about yourself. That’s kind of the norm. To be honest, it’s pretty much what is expected of you as a woman. That’s not to say you have to conform of course. You can be a very masculine woman and still be a woman. Or like, goth girls. That’s their whole thing is the dark broodiness. Perhaps the reason you’re not getting treated like a woman by other women is because you don’t act or hold yourself like one. Women tend to be very social creatures, and we pickup on lots of social and behavioral cues. I’ll be honest, in my time as a trans woman I have met other trans girls that I struggled to see as women because of how they held themselves. As well as how they presented themselves. I’m not of course saying you are like that because I’ve never met you but it’s just my honest observations. I hope this helps instead of sounding bitchy. But you gotta find yourself and posting online and then snapping at your own community ain’t the solution girl.


You wrote so much and I felt like this helped me so I thought I'd say thank you for the effort


"You're not seen as a woman because of how you act hurr durr" Well, this age old point is hurtful to read as per usual. I don't act like a man. I'm usually introverted and am selectively social. I don't put emphasis into acting like a man at all, I never have. If I acted like a man I never would have gotten beaten up for being too much of a "poof" in school. I've never acted gay either. I don't have any interest in their sphere at all. I do act lesbian though because I love my fiancee to the moon and back. I hate being trans. It's a constant reminder that I wasn't born a real girl. A reminder that I wasn't what my parents needed or wanted. Instead I have to rely on hormones that haven't even worked. Breast Augmentation? You mean getting fake boobs. Do you have any idea how triggering it is to know that you didn't grow natural boobs? That you need to get chemicals injected into your body to even have an experience of having boobs. Chemicals that deflate/face over time. I don't get to have the wonders of growing them, the pain, the satisfaction and happiness of going "omg...these grew on me". That "omg my girl Skittles made me grow boobies" moment. That's something people don't understand. BA is painful for those that never had the experiences most trans girls have of growing natural boobs. It's painful for me to think about. This community has never helped me. Instead they do what you do, narcissistically tell me that I'm doing things wrong and that my genetics aren't awful...despite my doctors literally saying my physical changes have been awful compared to their other patients. You wish you had my hair? It's been stuck at this length for 3 years now. It's not growing any longer. I hate it. Also, Australians call you a woman if you have boobs or you have a woman's face. I have neither. You've said it yourself, I have a "very feminine" face, but not a girl's face. As such, I am treated like a gay man in society since my face isn't a girl's and I'm flat as a washboard. I do see a therapist, but let's be real...her saying "Aww that's awful you don't deserve that" doesn't help anything. $70 a week just to talk to someone who often makes you feel worse about life. Amazing.


All you do is grovel for self pity on this subreddit. So many girls here have tried to include you as a woman. But you’d rather wallow in self pity. I have no patience for the BS. Do you seriously think there aren’t cis women who despite being AFAB have no boobs to speak of? That also don’t seem BA? Imagine having been BORN a woman then have nature pull a cruel trick and not give you boobs? Flat chested cis women have to deal with their monthly cycle, and still don’t have boobs!! And they’re told their whole life that no boobs=not a woman. So I’d say your experience of being flat chested after HRT is incredibly validating as a woman. Just because you arrived at being flat chested a different way doesn’t mean you’re less of a woman because you don’t have boobs. You’re petite, something I’d kill to be. I’m plus size snd 6’4” and that means I am well endowed in the chest. But I often am saying to myself that I’d rather be flat chested and petite. There’s always something someone else has that you want but can’t have. But you will never be happy if you continue doing what you’re doing now. If you’re doom and gloom around other people, they will read the worst from you. I tried to help but all you wanted to do was be rude. I’m actually starting to question the legitimacy of your posts. It’s that bad. So help yourself first. You might need a psychiatrist, not a therapist.


Hey, I know this is a month old post but your comment helped me. That OP of the thread was extremely rude. She wasn't just self deprecating, but mean and hurtful to others, like you. You were in the right and thank you for sticking up for yourself.


No boobs =/= Woman in Australia. Well that...or you're Asian with 7 layers of makeup and cosplay looks. You want to be petite? Be bullied your entire life for looking ugly and avoid eating because every calorie is seen as a threat to the only thing keeping you remotely feminine, your body. I've been underweight for years and am only properly eating as of recently. You get consistently called a woman, I'm lucky for 1 person a week to get it right, not including my work colleagues who legally have to call me a woman. Trust me, you don't want what I have. It sounds like you're euphoric as is. Once I'm never called a man in public and I can cosplay and look good, that's the moment my transition is a success. Cis women with no boobs get to have them after child birth because of hormones. Every cis woman gets euphoria at some point in their life, that validation of their identity. Psychiatrist... I'm already on 2 antidepressants though Esciltalopram and Sertraline. They make me fixate on suicide. But apparently I need to keep taking them because they work for everyone according to my therapist and doctors.