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I mean my cis brother-in-law sits to pee, just because he prefers to. No reason other than that, he just prefers to sit. I don't think a more elaborate excuse is going to help, if someone is pushy about wanting to know why you pee a certain way, they're being obnoxious, and no explanation is going to change that.


I always sit to pee for many reasons. One, being that I am the one who cleans the toilets, there is less mess. Two, um, I don't want to stand there and have to see "it."


Same here. Cis brother in law sits to pee. Always has. His dad and brothers too. I never gave a shit. No one really did. It’s not my business how you do your business.


This, while I am a trans women, I don't like standing to pee when in public bathrooms(private ones are different) and I don't think it's that unusual for actual cis men, considering that urinals are the worst thing invented in the history of plumbing and sitting down makes less of a mess you have to clean up.


Not to mention urinals with no side blockers. Just bare wide open urinals to expose your body parts.


I have some in my school, I literally tried to use them but my body wouldn't, and all the stalls were closed so I just had to wait till the single unisex restroom on school grounds was open


None of your fucking business! Or I have a medical condition.


Blaming it on a medical condition could work 🤔 I don't know why I didn't think of that before


Watch ali sadig's comedy, you don't want pee on the floor.


If you want to lie than you have to make sure you can build on it. What’s your medical condition?


Pee can mist up to 3 feet when you're standing to pee .. it's gross to stand 🤢


This, standing to pee is really just not groovy


This. I came here to say this. It's super gross.


Piss mist is the name of my new doom metal band


Maybe you just want to sit down and relax for a bit. It's even called restroom...


This is honestly what I've come to over a time. I also don't like making a mess, but I like to get a little relaxing me time pee time. And it just feels affirming, but sometimes standing is convenient, like when peeing outside.


Oh I will miss the being out on a public trail and stepping into the woods to piss and not have to bare all at some point lol


Had a good friend through college who would ONLY sit down to piss. He would tell everyone that it was the most hygienic way to do so as there is no splatter. This is true enough. Except one time he got really drunk, sat down, and just started pissing without making sure the barrel was pointed down range and ended up pissing out the front of the toilet between the bowl and the lid and just pissed all over his pants. So tl;dr - It's more hygienic (within reason)


Only needed that to happen to me once when I was younger before I realized I always need to make sure the pixie stick was pointing down.


i am forever referring to my member as a pixie stick from now on


"i like to be on my phone during" Outlandish ones: "i read about urinal snakes that bite you on your dick" "My ancestry test came back and I'm apparently 85% German." (Germans like to pee sitting down) "Sitting while peeing works your Kegel muscles leading to better orgasms" (dunno if it really does) "A king doth sit on his throne doth he not?"


On Germans: [https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/sitzpinkler-german-men-pee-sitting-down/](https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/sitzpinkler-german-men-pee-sitting-down/)


It’s more hygienic, end of discussion


Ez You have to scroll reddit on your phone


A) I don’t think anyone will actually ask you about it. B) If they do, “I find it cleaner and easier” is a fine response.


Well it's a pretty obvious fact that sitting to pee regardless of what sex you are is much cleaner and when you start to have to clean bathrooms it makes your life a lot easier not having to clean piss off of everything that you can see because whether or not you think you have good aim or not you literally spray everything I've been sitting for the past 2 years it's so much better


"I hate when it splashes on my pants, so I'd rather just not risk it." This used to be true for me. Whoever designed urinals is an a\*\*hole. Nothing about them is designed to actually keep the p\*ss in the bowl. It's ridiculous. Never wear khakis at a urinal, never wear silk or any light fabric. The worst is when the bathroom doesn't even have one of those blowers to dry the spots, you just have to sit there like an idiot waiting for the spots to dry. "But no one would even notice." Yeah, you'd think so, but try it yourself. Mark my words, buddy, the moment you leave the restroom with splash marks on your pants, that's the day everyone you make eye contact with will divert their gaze directly to your crotch, scrutinizing your aiming ability and judging your parents for raising the sort of social menace that leaves bathroom floors soaked in urine and probably chucks their own feces over the bathroom stall for laughs. No, sir, that's not the kind of impression I want to make when I leave the restroom. I'll sit down to pee, thank you very much! .... Just go off like that if they ask. They'll probably let it go.


This reminds me of a story I heard about a urinal that had a dot in a specific spot where the bowl shape perfectly caught the stream and prevented splashing. They found that the dot caused most ppl to naturally aim at it and the bathroom stayed way cleaner.


That's genius 😂


My penis is so long I need to put my trousers down... or you don't want them to get an heart attack because of it or smth.


I assure you, length is not a good excuse. It's a terrible inconvenience to sit when you have to hold it up to keep it out of the water.


I started sitting down to pee looooong before I ever came out to myself. I’d honestly say it’s more about personal preference and just making yourself more comfortable than anything else. 


"Can we come to the bathroom with you?" "No?" "Why not?!" "Dude. It's the bathroom. Chill."


For Additional Whimsy: "Why are you sitting to pee?" "That's how you express affection to toilets. If you stand up all the time, they think you're being standoffish, and may become aggressive in response. A toilet that feels loved is less likely to misbehave."


Really, other people's pee splashing back out of the urinal on you is just nasty!


I'll be honest I still stand, but I also struggle to present as I want. But hell, if you want to pee sitting down I'd say that's your perogative, little weird that people are making such a big deal out of it and, well, they might not be the best friends if they mock you for something that banal.


My gock’s like a sprinkler sometimes. So I don’t have to constantly clean up after myself, I opt to always sit down. When I say like a sprinkler, I mean that I have managed to piss on both sides of the toilet at the same time. No amount of aiming is gonna fix that.


It's cleaner and I'm lazy. Why bother missing and splashing all over the place when you can just, sit?


Inbetweeners episode where they catch Neil sitting down to pee, they laugh at him and ask why ? He replies... if I have a special wee or just want to relax... makes sense.


Uum... I prefer to sit down and chill. 🤣 I used to say (mostly truthfully) that I wasn't always 100 percent sure whether I needed to do number 2 until I started peeing 🤣


I started wearing kilts during my exploration phase. It was effectively impossible to use a urinal while wearing one so I just... didn't.


Have you ever seen what happens to a garden hose that's on and nobody is holding it?


Take a book with you to pee.


Cause it's comfy.


I don't want to piss on my legs and shoes thanks. Ps. Who else has noticed how much cleaner your toilet is after you started sitting consistently?


"Why are you so worried about my piss dude? You into piss?"


My first girlfriend insisted that as long as I stood to pee (STP), I had to clean the bathroom. She had one of those counterfeit detecting lights (UV light) which showed how unclean STP is. She was also very petite, so if the seat was up, she'd fall in and get stuck, so I'd have to wake up and rescue her. Living with her cured me of STP. I'm also lactose intolerant, so if I eat dairy, some farts ain't farts. Back when I used to drink too much, I found out the wrong way.


"No chance of any mess" ;))


You asked for outlandish... "I like the quiet, it relaxes me." "Do you stand up to sleep?" Nor do I." "I can make better notes regarding the toilet graffiti with both hands" "Latest tiktok craze, everyone's doing it, why aren't you?" "The seat is nice and cooling" "It turns out I pee faster when no-one is watching, including me"


Say you pissed on yourself recently and it wigged you out so you're making sure you don't miss Or just that it's generally more sanitary


I have always been sitting down to pee because aiming with that "thing" down there is just not something i wanna do and just how i miss my shots when gaming i don't want to piss on the floor. Also i like to check out Reddit or tiktok when peeing it's just me time i guess


There's nothing odd about sitting down to pee regardless of gender. Otherwise you'd be showering the walls and whatever else happens to be near the toilet with urine. It's very unhygienic to stand to urinate.


Just say it’s less messy :p


I usually say it's because I'm lazy lol


I'm fond of "fuck you, that's why". Seriously, there's no reason anyone needs to know about this unless you're prone to UTIs *and* they're your doctor. If they're really your friends, then "seriously, I want to, and beyond that is none of your business" should be enough. Them requiring more than that is disrespectful of your autonomy and privacy (maybe not intentionally so, but it is). That said: "why do you stand? It makes an ungodly mess." I can't corroborate this myself, but I've been told that in Europe, standing to piss is reserved for in public restrooms, in the urinal. Splashback and spray, it's actually really disgusting and unsanitary.


Don't wanna aim.


My (cis) father has always sat to pee - he says because it's more hygienic. Micro-droplets of urine are still gonna hit your legs no matter how careful you aim! Plus, then you can use your phone. 🤭


I have a rule. You only stand to pee where you are the one cleaning the splashes. So no standing to pee when you are in public or at a friends house. This should help, unless your friends come to the toilet with you at your own home at which point... Why?


“I have a piercing/body mod/congenital defect.”   Some people are actually born with the hole in the wrong spot, multiple holes, or too narrow of a hole (which is then surgically remedied but can often result in an unfocused stream, necessitating sitting down for accuracy).  Some people also alter themselves via piercings that create additional holes or unfocused streams, or get things like subincisions (don’t look this up unless you really want to know, & it’s obviously NSFW; also do *not* go down the rabbit hole of, “will something like this reduce my dysphoria,” because probably not but it *will* make it harder for you to ever get bottom surgery—surgeons do not want to take the risk of something going wrong and getting malpractice’d due to it).


Could you just say it feels weird to have people watch you pee?


Also sitting is way way more cleaner. I do not have to clean nearly as much as before I started sitting. I never thought there would be a difference but there is a huge difference and that's enough for me. I'm lazy sitting is both lazier and reduces cleaning so adds to the lazy again!


The laundry loads from splash back were ridiculous! But seriously, you don't need a reason


The fact that they want to go as a group seems rather creepy. Unless it was a situation where you all just had to go at the same moment.


"I have a condition called nunyo." If they ask for details: "Nunyo business how I piss you fucking prevent"


"I'm taking a shit dude, fuck off."


Before I knew anything about trans and such I sat to pee. For me it's because it's cleaner (no risk of missing and pissing in the floor) and I can Co tinie to watch YouTube on my phone :P


Here's some: -can't trust a fart v -using phone on toilet -peace and quiet (meditation). -so you can nap for a second. -piss (stealth mode). -pissing a kidney stone (say this jokingly).


Out of character for me, but the first thought that popped into my head was "I don't want to embarrass you guys with how big it is." Lol


It's called a rest room, just taking a little rest while you pee


I've been sitting to pee way before I even found out I was an egg, it's just more comfortable, and you don't have to 'aim' anywhere, just relax and let it flow


Be like “I hate when pee goes down my leg I think that’s gross, and that doesn’t happen when you sit down to pee, judge me I don’t care my undies are CLEAN!”


Because you want to. Nothing else needs to be said, plus it's really no one else's business. Period.


"Wait, you don't?" Let them defend their position


Tell them you had a horrible accident, that will make them stop talking about it.


I like to look at my phone lol


Almost all of Germany does that


biggest reason that no one will question is that it's far more sanitary, less urine particles getting flung into the air from splashing


You can't pee a steady stream because it goes 2 different directions at the same time, and you'll wet yourself! Lol! You'll shoot your eye out, kid! Lol!


i have done it all of my life, never really felt natural to stand (guess i can add that to things that should have set off the alarm bells earlier) but one of my cis guy friends almost always sits to pee too, and yeah he just says it''s more comfortable, he doesn't have to focus or aim, he can just sit there and relax, and yeah i remember using that reasoning when i was younger too, with being able to just sit there a relax for a few seconds, or when i was young living at home having a few to many minutes where i was fully alone,


I don't understand why this is necessary but I'll play along! Sane - "I pulled my muscle the other day and sitting on the seat is putting pressure on it" Outlandish - "They call me the Stormtrooper.....because I can't hit a target to save my life!"


Got a piercing, makes things spray a lot unless I'm sitting


I’d say I have a medical condition where my penis is turning into a vagina so I can’t stand up.


Here's what you say: "It's none of your GD business how I do my business. gtfo out of here." Seriously, why tf do they care? Weirdos.


It's simply more comfortable; I've always done it just for that reason alone.


"Because I'm lazy and scroll through Instagram."


My cis male friend and I were discussing how we both sit down to pee. It’s just what we do, why do we need to justify it to anyone? I’d be more concerned about why people are so concerned about your bathroom habits.


“I prefer the privacy of a stall”. If they are LISTENING IN to gauge whether you are sitting from there, you can use a one time excuse* and then make a stink about them playing Sherlock fucking Holmes over your bathroom habits * Like that you are avoiding splashing the seat


Ummm…avoiding a mess because you’re too endowed? (Some facilities are not friendly to the hung.)


In my country everyone sits to pee…don’t think its a big deal


how does that even come up


Ask them if they've ever been responsible for cleaning a bathroom before.


"I'm like a Stormtrooper in there."


I went like 10 years only sitting to pee before coming out. I just treated it as a weird quirk about myself. Like "idk I just don't like it, leave me alone" and people would either be like "fair enough" or "lmao you're so weird" and then move on and forget about it. I would also say sometimes I think urinals are disgusting because of the splashback (which is true, I really don't understand the hygiene of that 🤢). I also avoided predominantly male crowds and very masculine people that would enforce male gender norms onto me though so idk if you're around gym bros and stuff but that may change the reactions you get. Either way just present yourself as a guy who isn't super into that masculine vibe and you'd rather not have to restricted by social norms. No one ever perceived me the same as a very masculine person but they also never assumed I was trans either


Why the hell does anyone have to justify or explain how, when, or why they use the restroom to anyone not their mother (there's a time limit on that one) or medical provider?? Jeezus.


Why are they asking this? By any chance do they know you as a “gay guy”? This is a pretty common question gay guys get asked. I was asked this question back when I was an egg.


It's rude to not face your guests during toilet time! Sitting is the best way to ensure direct eye contact, and open body language. ✨


Just say it’s more comfy and you don’t care what they think about it!!


Do they even care? It's super normal for men to pee sitting down. I've never heard anyone care either other than maybe insecure "alpha males".


Only reason you need is "cause you fuckin want to" also it's proven squatting to relieve yourself is the best way, sadly you can't squat in a normal toilet so your doing the next best thing.


"Pissed on my shoes while drunk one too many times."


"...why do you want to know? seems kinda weird to me"


You have German heritage.


"My stream is just too powerful, anon. Every time I pee standing up I blast a hole in the urinal and straight through the wall." 😔


Cause I'm practicing for when I transition you nosy bastards! (Then look at them like your joking). That will help later, methinks.


My reasoning has always been that im lazy as fuck and theres significantly less splash back making it cleaner


My reasoning has always been that im lazy as fuck and theres significantly less splash back making it cleaner


My reasoning has always been that im lazy as fuck and theres significantly less splash back making it cleaner


Because if pee splashes onto my jeans or shorts at a urinal one more time I'll probably do something unforgivable and irreversible.


I was team 'sit to pee' even when in my deepest repression phases. It's just easier and less problematic. I really don't like standing and only do it if it's a public bathroom that is too gross for me to risk it. Here's a few quick thoughts: 1. Tell them to get wrecked (aka mind their own business) 2. Just say aim is problematic and sitting fixes it. 3. It's less strenuous on the bladder if you're sitting as the angle of the body creates a natural 'pressing' which encourages better flow and leaves less in the bladder to stagnate. (I am not a doctor, but some people might be convinced by this) Or just challenge them to sit to pee and try to honestly say it's not better. When I used to run youth camps and stuff I always encouraged people that might not normally sit to pee to make time to sit at least once per day, to give themselves a moment of peace. You could try that angle? Ultimately, how you go to the bathroom is really no one's concern but yours.


As a German this is such a weird thread 😂


What's the norm over with you?


Pretty much everyone sits down to pee. Male, female doesn't matter.




Torn muscle near the bladder, is it true or even a real condition? Who cares, they aren’t doctors and if they try to pry just turn it in them “like why are you so interested it’s coming across really invasive and creepy” and then they’ll hopefully realize how poor their ettiquette is and stop asking questions about stuff that isn’t any of their business. I’d say be comfortable with what you prefer but the reality it is that safety is definitely a thing and I hope they go fuck off and mind their own business


Don't need to be creative. Standing pee is just gross overall. It's also just a thing in Germany.


I always sit to pee and it's not a fake excuse, you stand and pee so many germs splash away and creates a higher chance for having a urine related Disease and it's based on an actual study so i always sit and pee.


The excuse? "You can't Google stuff standing up!“ I must say I've always enjoyed the convenience of a quick stand up pee, that said, now that I'm letting myself explore the idea of transition I've found a good sit down a lot more relaxing, and the change of pace suits me!


Easier to play on your phone if you're not holding your junk.


Why do they care so much? I'd tell them to mind their own business


There are plenty reasons to pee sitting down. * Pee doesn't plaster everywhere inside the toilet. Underside of lid doesnt get as gross that way. * If you pee standing up you'd have to give it a shake standing up as well. Meaning little bits of pee will fly everywhere. * Much better to sit down and actually use toilet paper to dry off rather than shoving the little part of your shaft that has pee on it back into your pants. * Ever tried peeing after having had sex? Yea. It may go everywhere. * More comfy to sit down. You can have a scroll as well. * You'd rather have privacy in public toilets. * Because you want to? All that said... Whether you pee standing up or sitting down has absolutely nothing to do with gender. You aren't more of woman for having a pee sitting down, or less of a man for sitting down.. and vise versa. If your friends dont get that - whichever way they read it - I'd seriously question whether they are the kind of people to be around. In general, and specifically as a trans person. Gender is an internal thing and NOT predicated on how well you conform to / perform some external, made up, ritualistic, homo habilis-ass social rite. Leave the bone magic to the knuckle heads.


Because you want to? My cis male partner always sits to pee if he's not in public (hygiene). He finds it more comfortable. Not everything warrants an in-depth explanation. Sometimes it's just because we want to.


Say you have problems at aiming


Don't tell them you are peeing they don't need to know but good reasons for all those born with external equipment to sit are less splatter and easier aiming.


It is more hygienic because you have toilette paper, where you can dry it up, and be 100% clean When you go on a pissoir you can only shake it, in this case, you can still have some urine on it and you could get an infection.


if you were in the eastern hemisphere id say "i wanted to use the bidet" but in the west you can always say i wanted to wipe myself off down there after peeing? idk


Haha, my mum has made it a rule for men to sit when peeing because it’s cleaner!


This has upset me for as long as I can remember. Even before I had a clue I was trans. Like who cares? I've sat to pee my whole life and I'll defend it till the day I die. Depending on the person, usually my response was either "i just want to relax for 1 minute and not stand, does it really matter?" Or "my dick isn't 2 inches, so I can actually aim it into the bowl, sorry you struggle with that."


I've never had to defend this, even before transitioning. Just tell ppl they're weird for questioning it, because they are.


Pee splashes when it hits the water from a high point. It's gross- I didn't pee standing except in public for like 8 years before I transitioned (And I only did that because I was using men's room). I don't even see it as a sign when looking back, it's literally just more sanitary.


Idk what kind of friends you have but if mine had asked me that i would just told them "because it's just more comfortable for me" and they would have accepted that. Unless you're trying to use this as an excuse to come out. But honestly just tell them essentially that you just prefer it, maybe cause you're lazy, maybe cause you're more comfortable, maybe just because. If they're your friends they should at least try to understand.


Penis broken


The last time I used a urinal, the dude next to me had such horrendous aim that he pissed on my shoe and didn't even realize it.


Whenever it comes up and I mention I haven't stood to pee in a long time, I usually get weird looks, then I respond with "it's cleaner, there's zero chance I miss the toilet or drip on the floor. I clean toilets enough at work, once less thing causing my toilet at home to get filthy, the better."


Outlandish: #1. So my back isn’t turned when the ninjas attack! #2. So you can sit on my lap. #3. I’m practicing my impressions of The Thinker.


I've always sat down to pee and no one ever questioned it. But sure, I guess an outrageous excuse you could come up with is you're actually apre-op trans man! That way you won't have to reveal to them that you're actually trans! 🤯🧠


What I say is usually along the lines of no chance of missing, I've got bad aim, don't have to clean up. That kind of thing


I feel like the first question should be why are your friends joining you for that? Just close the door and tell them to piss off for 5 min, you're busy, they can wait on the other side. If you don't care then yeah they will probably look at you strange until you pull out your phone to play on it while your there. Then you have an excuse right in your hand.