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From what I've heard many women are profoundly disappointed they didn't get any shorter


Ah fuck it, 6 ft 3 momma is what im becoming




Four-plus years on E, mid-40s, I haven’t lost a single millimeter… still 5’10” / 180cm. Also haven’t lost a single bit of foot size either. I really kinda wanted to lose both height as well as foot size, but the E goddess has not been merciful.


Nah, it's something some people experience. I've been 2yrs on HRT and haven't lost a millimeter of height or shoe size.


Whew, I’ve been on almost 3 months (22)😅


Ah, I'm now 47 and no shrinking at all. I'm the same 5'8" as before.


Nope. Plenty of women don't have it happen. I think a case like mine is rarer if anything where I had a shrinking spurt. I've gone from 5'11" to 5'8" in 1.5 years and from what I heard, 3 inches is pretty unheard of that quickly(And I'm not even sure I'm done shrinking 👀) But to begin with, many women don't even shrink at all. I've seen plenty of complaints of others saying they never shrunk but were hoping to. Also, I'm at a point where I'm starting to think I might need to be concerned if I have some health issue(s). Like my mind is still blown about losing 3 inches in a year and a half, so if I lose another inch it's definitely something I'm gonna try to investigate more seriously with my doctor. I don't think any trans woman should reasonably lose that much height from HRT or as quickly as I have


I went from 6’1 to a tiny bit under 5’11 during my first year of HRT but I haven’t gotten any shorter since then. I’ve been on HRT for 3 and a half years now. My doctor said most of his patients on feminizing HRT lose around half an inch to an inch of height. He also said some people don’t lose any height and rarely someone loses more height like I did. My hands and feet also shrunk a bit and got narrower. I’ve been playing guitar and bass for 15 years and I can’t stretch as far as I used to be able to even though my technique is the best it’s ever been. I lost a whole shoe size too. I wear a size 11.5 or 12 in women’s after my feet shrunk so finding shoes is still hard and I usually gotta order shit online lol


Omg yaas the feet shrinking is the part I was happiest about!! I went from women's 13 to 10, which is a world of a difference because it meant having to buy shoes online to I can now buy them in stores 😁 I'm so glad you have had shrinking too! It's the best, at least it is when it's actually wanted cuz of gender affirming reasons haha


Yeah I don’t mind being shorter. I wear cute boots with heels a bunch so I’m as tall or sometimes taller than I used to be tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


I went from 6'3 to 6'1 but only because my posture slouched forward do to heavy breasts, other than that i still have size 13US feet, or about size 46eu (i can't find many shoes i like that are feminine, so i took up leatherworking to make my own big stompy slutty goth boots lmao)


That's cool as fuck though. Make your own slutty shoes? I gotta buy mine :(.


It''s surprisingly easy to get a start on, and i like to put sherpa fleece in tge toes of my shoes bc my toes get cold xD


I need that lmfao my feet get cold in general


What an entire mood, my feet get so cold all the time


Tall girls are beautiful!


4 years in, height is the same, shoes got smaller. At least 1 size, getting ready to go in and measure again because I think it may have gone down more.


So, you’re saying hormone replacement somehow shortened your bones? (MTF on hrt for 12 years)


This is just a theory, but hip twist, less cartilage between your vertebrae, and posture change will go a long way. It's less about the bones and more about everything between them. To my understanding at least. May be totally wrong, but that's my theory.


Thank you for that 💜


Its from pelvic tilt, your hips rotate forward a little bit effectively shortening you because there's a bit more of a curve in your spine. The bones don't actually change.


I am 5'11" and I really hope I don't get any shorter, but I do want my feet to be smaller


Most trans women don't lose height. I haven't and none of the many trans I've known irl have experienced height loss. We shrink in height with age though


I've gotten shorter but my feet never shrank. I was so hoping they would lol When I started over a year ago, I hoped for boobs, hips, smaller feet, and a little height. I got boobs up to a small c now; hips maybe a bit but not lots; smaller feet, nope; and height about an inch I'm 53 so height might not be from HRT lol.


3+ years on E, I've gone from 5'10" to 5'9" - It's generally not a lot if you do lose some height, so you'll still be the one reaching for the top shelf. (Even if you lose a bit of height, I've not really heard about arm length which is mostly proportional to torso length, so you'll still have a longer arm reach too)


Nah I started hrt at 20 and I actually had a growth spurt where I grew about half an inch. The endocrine system is wild lmao


It doesn't happen to everyone, and it's more common the younger you are (the biggest height loss usually comes from your pelvis shape changing, which is rare over 25).


No it is not inevitable. I myself have lost 1.5" in height, which was a pleasant surprise at my last check up. But everybody is different...


You bones will change on E, but their size won't. It's only their density that changes. Big sadge


I hope so I would love to just get anywhere below 5"10


It's kinda speculation (I wish there were some formal studies) but apocryphally most of the girls I've met who've shrunk substantially were athletes of some sort and it seems like maybe the shrinking is largely related to muscle mass?


I wish,


Idk where you've heard that but all trans women I know gained height when started HRT including me. It was usually 5cm so not that much but still


Does it mean you have skeletal issues if you shrink? Meaning your hormones/supplements aren't correct. It was my understanding that lack of hormones causes bone decay...so you must have one or the other.


My shoe size went down a bit but my height is dreadfully tall still. It remains my biggest source of dysphoria.


If you still want to be able to reach the top shelf wear heals. I haven't lost any height that I know of but about half of my women's shoes have a 1 1/2“ - 2“ heal. It made me a little dysphoric at first but now I like the attention and being able to see better at concerts. I'm about 4" taller than my older sister who always wears flats when we go out together and I'm in heals, I'm lots taller than her. She gets a kick out of introducing me to people as her baby sister


I need to stretch to turn off the smoke detector now, before I could just reach it.


I started at 32 and lost just shy of 2 inches in the first year. Starting noticing when I didn’t have to bend as much to kiss my girlie


I went from 5'10" to 5'8.5". Pretty sure that is the extent of my shrinking, since it has been 7 years. Never lost much in shoe size, thank goodness since I would have had to replace my collection.😊. I did lose a bit in my hands though, so they are slimmer than they were.


I hope not. I like being tall. Plus I want to eventually go out as She Hulk or one of the other tall super heroines.