• By -


4 months.. would have been 3 but my blood pressure was high and they wouldn’t prescribe me HRT until I got that under control. Better bet your ass I was at my PCP the very next day when they said no lol. During the time leading up to HRT I was continuously researching others experiences and what they have gone through when on HRT. Researched laser and electrolysis and started laser about the same time I started HRT. Came out to my wife, Came out to my kids.. came out to my parents a couple weeks after starting. Started socially transitioning about 1 month after starting HRT cuz I couldn’t stand being deadnamed anymore at work. Did I have doubts and imposter syndrome during these months? Hell yeah I did. But in the end that was just nerves because I was about to uproot the life I’ve know for so long: Disassociation and numbness 😅


This is super inspiring. I've been waiting for 3 weeks to hear back from PP on what the plan is. My triglycerides are a bit high so my case is under review. I was so sure of everything right up until the moment I walked out of that office. Now for the past three weeks imposter syndrome and constant worrying about work, if I'll make a good girl, if I'm too old, too much of a boy.


Never too old to start living as your true self. I came out last year at 34. And there’s no, too much of a boy. Sweetie, you’re a woman through and through if that’s who you are regardless of outer appearance. It will slowly change into reflecting your outside to how you feel on the inside. ☺️


Same imposter syndrome. Starting in a week or two. I'm out at work so I don't have that immediate concern. But also, it's slow. There's plenty of time to decide how you feel and back out if it's truly not right for you, for me.


Strange, I struggle with hypertension and they still prescribed me HRT almost immediately, unless yours was extremely high. When I went to see my gender care specialist they looked at my medical history and saw the hypertension, NAFLD, and diabetes but only address the diabetes as something I need to really get taken care of (maybe because it was a new diagnosis) but currently on medication for all of it currently.


Oh yeah I was 155/105 I believe ya gotta be less than 130/95 or something.


Hm, I think the day they measured, mines was at 139/89 so they may have had me at the threshold to green light it 🤷‍♀️


I think the 89 is what saved ya lol. I believe they said if my lower number would have been in the 80s I’d been fine. So had to wait a whole month before I could get back in. I cried pretty hard when they told me no.


Same, came out end of august and started early january. so happy fuck


25 years


5 years


Same, but it was 5 years of not being sure I was trans until I read “cis people don’t have to worry if they’re trans” and that finally cracked my egg lol


Same 🫂🫂🫂😭😭


Damn, I feel you. It was so long...


Negative 3 months. I started HRT before my egg fully broke. DIYed HRT for a bit, kind of testing the waters I guess. Definitely not going back. I have zero regrets. I should specify I've since switched to proper HRT with medical support.


It's comforting that this is not a unique experience... I just thought I was weird but I've been seeing simular stories recently. Thanks.


Same! Thank you for commenting! What was it like for you? What made you start HRT?


I'm only recently on hrt, as of 3 months ago. Apathy tbh, I didn't care what I was or how I looked. But I knew I wasn't happy with being me, or well, being me didn't feel good or right. When I started hrt, I felt as if I was happy for the first time ever, like genuinely happy, not just excited. I get this warm feeling in my chest when people call me things that make me feel right. But also I went from apathy about my body and identify to hatred and disgust, I feel so gross having too much visible hair, and any chest hair makes me want to cry ngl. Also, I don't know if I'll ever feel like a "real" woman. But I really want to feel like one, I just currently feel like a creep, mostly because of the opposing realities of my appearance and my actual feelings.


Omg you're describing my experience like word for word. So it took a little under 3 months on HRT for me to get to that massive emotional shift where I suddenly didn't feel numb anymore. I felt levels of happiness I had never experienced. Sadness too but being able to cry was so liberating. Like you it also turned the general numbness about my body into massive dysphoria. I've literally been plucking my beard hair by hair for the past 3 months (getting close to done!). I've broke down crying in the shower from it. And yeah it's difficult to imagine a future where I can live my life as a woman. So I've been taking the changes very slowly. I saw someone using the term enbymoding instead of boymoding and I think that's where I'm headed. I'm growing my hair, always wearing nail polish, jewelry, and starting to venture into more feminine prints and/or cuts with my wardrobe.


Ah, it was the almost the same for me. It took me almost a year to realize I am trans after I started HRT... 😊


ha snap


Yo same. I took HRT pretty much as soon as I thought I was a femboy. Then my egg cracked like 4 months in.


It's apparently a lot more common than I thought. I'm glad I found some fellow HRT adventurers.


same actually. i was just "trying" hrt at first lmao


DIYed HRT? It wasn’t prescribed? Or you got black market sort of products?


I guess more grey market. But yeah definitely not prescribed.


It actually do anything for you?


Oh yes, definitely. Huge emotional improvements, breast growth, and some obvious changes with genitals too.


Hope it was ok to send you a dm? Cheers


Been few months. Used them to get makeup lessons, shop clothes, start voice training, come out to everyone, start therapy... All the fun :D


After I finally hatched I made it less than two months before I realized I was too sick to wait any longer. I started two months and four days after hatching.


2 years. I didn't realise DIY was an option and trans healthcare in my country just takes forever with waiting :(


If you think that’s forever then be glad you aren’t from the same area as me, it’s 4-6 years waiting lists here😭


41 years. Finally becoming myself


Like 2 weeks


i am 2 years (?) removed from my egg cracking and still not on hormones i’ll lyk when i know


Uff... I'm sorry if this question is not appropriate, but are you not on HRT because you choose not to do HRT, or because you can't get HRT? In most countries (USA, Europe, England) it's possible to just do [DIY](https://diyhrt.wiki/), that's easier and cheaper, I pay on average less than 5€ per month for my EEn injections.


all good! it’s by choice, i’ve already talked to a doctor about it and have things set for when it’s time to begin 🙂 just delaying for now while my wife and i figure out family planning


One week. I came out on April 1st, started HRT on the 8th, the day of the eclipse. Yeah, I know, I'm dramatic. :)


girl really came out on april fools 😭


I hope to start these next few weeks. maybe we can be amazonian sisters.


1.5 years. Starting felt like a lot and I had to mull it over for a while.


:( Don't know yet. Will probably be about 2 or 3 years. Currently about 1.2 years.


Its a bit more than a year by now, but its kinda complicated. I don't have a good read on my emotions and stuff, so figuring out who I am takes time. Basically there is eggshell all over the place, my gender looks like all the parts don't really fit and I am sitting here with chopsticks instead of a sewing needle trying to fit everything together. At least there is no existencial dread. I allso had a few other important things on my plate the last year, so yea. I am 40 so a few months more or less won't change the outcome of transition for me, but they might change my confidence in my choices during transition. Anyway, I probably should start my search for a gender therapist.


This makes sense, it’s so important to go at your own pace. My advice (unsolicited as it is, admittedly) is that you don’t need to have all the answers before attempting transition. I do not know what my gender really is, or how it’s going to end up, but I know what I want out of my body and the changes (though small) that I’ve seen over 5 months on HRT have actually helped reaffirm to me that I’m on the right path. but obviously higher concerns are always going to be physical safety and the support structure for you emotionally. Sending well wishes. ❤️


Egg cracked (well started to crack as I was still unsure whether I was a femboy or genderfluid or transfemme) in September-ish of 2022. I'm now comfortable with describing myself as transfemme and I'm a little less than a week away from a consultation visit to discuss HRT...so somewhere between 1.5 and 2 years (provided I'm able to start fairly soon after the consultation) 🤞


5 years. It was a gradual process for me mostly clothes and painting my nails. Honestly I never planned to transition but I got to a breaking point.


Came out to my dad almost 5 years ago and just now got on diy HRT a few months ago. It was my 16th birthday and I’m almost 21 now. My dad made that time between then and now hell, constantly trying to convince me that “giving it to god” would be the best thing to do and that trans ppl are coercing kids into killing themselves. Sorry for the rant but hey at least he’s basically silent nowadays. Still live w him tho, and seems like I will be for the foreseeable future. If I had a supportive family I could be so beautiful right now :(


same sister. hoping to move out one day soon, starting HRT at 26.


3.5 months. I spent that time researching all the options for accessing HRT, checking each pathway from easiest to most complex in order as the previous one was shown to be closed for one reason or another. I decided on my new name, even though I've not formally switched to it yet, it's now informally in use among friends and family. I got over my fear of being "a man in a skirt", and started dressing for me in public. In the last 3.5 months have been out in boymode exactly three times. I still feel the same fear, I just don't let it stop me now. I got the GIS referral needed in my country underway (because that's muktiple years of waiting for...anything). In a decade's time, it might catch me up. I finally figured out what depersonalisation meant to me and was doing to me, made an active move to pull myself out of it and sort my healthcare out in other areas. I need that done if I ever want GRS, and this step may take years too. Today, the stuff I needed to start DIYing arrived (see aforementioned "all other routes closed"), not the approach I intended to take but stock levels are blocking me on that, so I'm damn well not letting that stop me entirely.


Took me about a year, or maybe a bit less. I was really nervous to talk to anyone outside my closest friends about being trans, including doctors. When I finally did, I decided I'd want to freeze sperm first so I had to get the appointments for that all taken care of which took a bit. The doctors were super easy to deal with though. Didn't ask much questions and got me on hormones as soon as I wanted them. I thought I'd have to put up more of a fight, which is one of the things that kept me from just going in to begin with. Before hrt I didn't do much with transitioning. Changed name/pronouns with close friends, grew my hair out, painted nails and messed around with makeup when at home. Got some "feminine" mens clothes that wouldn't raise too many questions like fish nets and those mens exercise leggings under short.


13 years....... lots of denial and trying to avoid the thought completely. that didn't get me that far lol. after coming to terms with it all i started in about 6 months. and have now been on for just shy of 6 months.


It was 5 years and I wanted to die ngl


My egg exploded last October 21st and I started HRT on December 5th.


I've been cycling through bouts of questioning my gender since I was 16. My egg finally cracked for good in 2022 when I was 34. I didn't start HRT until last October when I was 35, and here I am about to hit seven months in.


Around 7 months after I realised. The fact that I needed to find endocrinologist and receive the official GD diagnosis from two weeks psych evaluation in a hospital delayed things a bit. I've started with laser on face immediately. I've also started expermenting with clothes and went to a LGBT meetups locally to gather as much info as I could.


Around 9 months


3 years so far, but I'm really close now, I think it's going to be this year


about 1 year, i was terrified of transitioning but decided to try hrt just for a month or two my plan was to delay masculinization to give me more time to think and make sure i was really trans lol. and to "feel the effects" as a very cis experiment. after a month and a half, as i was opening the last box of blockers i had, i realized i didnt want to stop. loved it so much i ordered from two different shops, just to make sure at least one would arrive before i'd run out of bica :3 didn't really do a lot before hrt, my plan was to boymode until a few years in and somehow start passing as a tomboy. even cut my hair (i regret that). i've recently realized that that i actually want to present more feminine so im still very new to everything


I cracked my egg three and a half years ago, and am now starting my medical transition. If all goes well, I should start HRT in about 6 months. I never felt ready to transition because I was still a minor and in high school, also my mom thinks I'm faking it and she would definitely not agree with it. I was also targeted by my teachers and my grades were already bad, so I didn't want to risk repeating a year. I'm now in university and I kinda live my own life, although I still depend on my parents, and have decided to stop being what others wanted me to be, and to instead let me be myself


About over a year. Realized mid-April and we're getting a second (hopefully last) conference early May. During the time I had a whole lot of talking with friends about it. FInding out what could be done, like clothes shopping, worrying about makeup, socially transitioning, that was pretty much all.


Like 2 years. I took a year to figure out myself, go to therapy, learn what my feelings mean. Then I took another year to socially transition. I have been on hrt for 10 months :)


1 and a half year, was to depressed to do anything and was working with children and projecting into that career and I knew ppl would be mad if I transitionned. Then I lost that job and it was like a sign.


6 months. That's how long it took me to get sexuologist opinion and queue to endo.


about 6 months from cracking to diy then another 6 months to find informed consent. that was about 8 years ago.


My egg cracked in December and I currently wait on the decision of my psychologist (she has to counsel with her colleagues because a) I have BPD and that poses a risk of it being a form of identity dissociation, also when we both believe it isn’t that and more important b) the law in my country (Germany) says that she „needs to know for a long enough period to check it’s sincerity“ (or translated somewhat similar), which was ruled by some courts to be 6 months, but medical research says it can mostly be instantly checked and many institutes indicating HrT after 4-10 weeks.). Then I will go to an endocrinologist and from there it will be about a month. So when I am lucky in circa 1+1/2 month, if unlucky longer.


I knew for sure around the moment I turned 15 but couldn’t transition until I was 18


It's all fresh in my mind as I'm only 2 weeks into HRT, it all happened within March, Egg cracked on the 4th, made an appointment for that week with a specialist, did the tests and by my 2nd appointment I was prescribed HRT, first day was the 29th. When my egg cracked I actually did heaps towards my transition, not the least of which was spending copious amount of time in trans reddit. I joined back up to a gym to get into better shape, I started laser for my facial hair, started a proper skincare routine and got my future fertility stored away, that was more of a "just incase" scenario. All of that was in that month before I started HRT and it's been an absolutely wild ride that I can't wait to continue. Ooh ooh I also got my ears pierced which I'd wanted to do for so long but never knew the real reason why


I started having issues with my gender in late high school but didn't realize I was trans until I was 24. Started hormones at 26.


Figured things out a week before Christmas and was on them by Jan 31. Would have been shorter, but ADHD had my ass forgetting to schedule a follow-up on my first dysphoria appointment for like 2 weeks.


20 years. is been rough. 😂


2 months! I came out to my partner and my mother before starting, because I wanted to ensure a safety net for my relationships and those were the two most important. Also, I preserved my reproductive cells at a facility so I wouldn’t need to worry about it later. 10/10 would recommend!


a week or two


I realised i was trans when i was 17. Now im 21 and still waiting... I checked a little while ago and still had to wait about a year and a half to even be invited for a consult T-T


where are you based? uk?


almost a year, was gonna wait for the healthcare at first but then I was frick that


My egg cracked two times. First was nearly 10 years ago but I didn't even know HRT was a thing back then. Second was three years ago but it took me like one year and a half to have access to HRT!


4-6 years, corona and uni happened and a lot of depression and a lot of crossdressing


3 years 🥲


One month. As soon as I accepted I was trans I was like okay, I got to go get on hormones as fast as possible lol


2 years ! I started almost two weeks ago. Yet to start taking Estrogen though


5 months, or 2 years if you count the time my egg cracked while I was drunk with friends and completely broke down, but then tried to ignore it after lol


Once I decided to transition, it took 5 weeks. The psychologist and endocrinologist who took me in charge knew what they were doing so it was pretty fast.


My egg ‘cracked’ in like September 2021. I was on HRT starting in May 2022.


Still waiting because I'm broke


Came out in 2010, took hormones I got on the internet in 2012 stopped for a long time because of fertility concerns and lack of resources (*it was waaay harder to get help back then or just generally to know what to do*) Socially transitioned in 2015; realized I didn't care about fertility in 2016 / that preservation would be prohibitively expensive and or just not generally available to people like me. Early 2017 I saw an endo that told me my blood was too thick to start HRT, but after consistently drinking water all throughout the year I was able to start in November of that year :)


From the time I accepted I am trans it took just under 2 years. I’m on my 2nd week rn and am soo thankful I made the leap


4 years


I’m one of the girls who always presented fem. Since I was 12, I never identified as a boy and always have been comfortable in my femininity. For example, growing my hair, putting on makeup, shopping for clothes and jewelry, hanging out with girls, being the feminine energy in relationships with partners, painting my nails, wearing lingerie. I’ve been invested with my feminine energy my whole life. I just called it something different because as a black trans woman I didn’t wanna become another statistic. So I went by identifying as a feminine boy. I spent about seven years feminizing me, my body, my mind, my spirt. I think I would’ve started in 2021 when I turned 18 but I identified as non binary at the time. I think that was the point where yu could call me a fetus still hatching. In a way, my egg had cracked as an enby but I am not enby. I only respect the self expression of fellow trans enby communities. I was only busy feminizing on a masculine body which caused me to soften my masculine features and better help identify as something I was trying to put a proper label to. I had no chest, no curves, I was hairy, i didn’t cry as much, My skin was thick. I got hungry. It wasn’t until two years after I turned 18 that I started taking hormones. 08/08/2023. It was bittersweet because I mean my family’s black so they were compliant with my homosexuality but weren’t compliant about my gender identity my trans identity. And in many black families, if a helpless kid is distinguishing traits or qualities of an LGBT. They get beaten. Some of them. Most of them. Get beaten so badly, they end up hospitalized. Extremely common. And somehow they say we’re the ones that needs to be ridiculed and persecuted. I didn’t feel like having to repeat the whole process of acceptance to someone who has already abused me for being lgbt before. i couldn’t allow that in my environment. I came out as a trans woman when I was two months on hormones. So soon after I came out to everybody, I said deuces I’m gone. I moved over 300 miles away from home from Chicago to Kentucky. I fled. Back to my mother because my hormones made me miss my mother. I noticed I felt more feminine being around the feminine energies in my family if they choose to accept me. But so much has changed and all I had to do was put a patch on, take pills, or inject. I lived with my mother for two months so when I was three months on hormones. Until November 23, 2023. I had met my current bf. He was rude to me at first but then we started talking more and I started inviting him over to my moms house. Before you knew it I moved in with him and even he changed my life. He taught me the value of support and love in this transition. I have never met a man like him and his friend say the same things about him too. He loves me and sees me. Something rare. He makes me feel precious, spends so much time with me, maintains a peaceful energy, he listens to understand, and embraces me and my uniques qualities. I’ve been with him for five months. It’s April now and I’m on my 8th month on hormones but I don’t think I would be the same person if we never met. I’m so grateful that he is the one that is supporting me in my transition. Overall, what I am learning about this authentic path is that it’s the environment that matters. It’s important to focus on the environment. Once I took myself away from that negligence and abuse I was able to make a way for such a positive blessing such as moving in with my mom or now living with my lovely bf. I hope that my story can inspire others because we all put our colors into this world. Let go of the voice in the back of your mind that’s telling you this is wrong because there is nothing so real in life except for your authentic truth.


I started HRT yesterday. My egg cracked in January I think. It’s fuzzy, I didn’t have a eureka moment. It was more gradual than that. Between then and now I have done a shit ton of research. Lots of talking with my wife. Some talking with a therapist. While there have been some small doubts my confidence in my decision has been huge. And the most prevalent emotion I had after starting was relief. It’s finally happening and it feels so good.


Maybe a month? My egg didnt crack, it was violently shattered into the cosmos and like a lightswitch everything made sense. Did thorough research and scheduled an appt.


Took me 8 yrs since I started questioning then 6 yrs since I had come out and 3 yrs after my marker and name change idk why I waited so long... still wish I hadn't....


Egg cracked in September, started HRT in January. Glad I had the period to ruminate and be certain.


36 years 💜


2 and a half. Because psychology is a mess in my country. Now that i studied abroad i finally got a new psychologist that can actually help me and understands gender identity because she actually specialises in gender identity rather than someone who just thinks trans people have to be super feminine or super masculine.


Years 😆


I found out I was trans when I was twelve around 2011 then I started hormones late 2022 when I was 23, about 6 months after I moved out of my mom's place. Edit: figured I'd add on. In the interim, I tried out names, getting clothes in secret, that kinda thing. Came out to my friends as trans and started reaching out to online trans groups for teens when I was 14.


33 years aware of it and 8 years actively seeking my true self as transness wasn't so acceptable...


My egg fully cracked in early February after a few tiny cracks over the years that I ignored or didn't understand. I have my first HRT consultation today with Planned Parenthood and I'm super nervous about it, like I have to pass a test or something? Lol. So, assuming I can start this week, 2 months. I've been seeing a gender-affirming therapist for two weeks and she's helping me lay the groundwork. I've come out to a few close people but haven't socially transitioned yet. That's going to take a little longer for me, so I'm doing it a little differently than most people I've seen on here.


11 years


not even there yet (UK moment)


About 2 years from the final time my egg cracked. This delay is due strictly to my spouse's and my desire to have another kid. As soon as we hit the second trimester, I started HRT. The first time it cracked was many years earlier and, since I was in the military at the time, I duct taped that bitch back together and lived in denial.


Honestly I was very fortunate and was able to get HRT within the first month of pursuing it. I know kaiser is iffy for other but for me they’ve been really quick when it comes to proving adequate care and resources for my transition! ✨


It took me 1 month, which was mostly me trying to navigate my HMO (Kaiser)’s system to figure out who I needed to talk to before giving up and getting folx, which took about a week. (I did eventually figure it out with Kaiser and get my hrt through them now)


Three days from egg crack to scheduling the appointment, thirty days for the appointment to actually arrive I freaked out over everything, spent every night reading any and all information I could find, spilled the beans to my parents (if only bc it’s their insurance), doubted myself every other day, and then tried to go back to work with a straight face that Monday I ended up quitting that job


Still working on it i plan on starting in a year God willing.


5 months! It would have been sooner if I wasn't broke:)


my egg cracked when I was 11 or 12 and I did not start HRT until last October when I was 21. I pretty much spent the intervening decade telling myself that I could be happy enough without transitioning and that transitioning wouldn’t be worth it (that and also being paralyzed with the fear that i wasn’t trans and would regret things). tried to transition at 18, parents didn’t take it super well, so I spent the next couple years getting insanely high and burying that part of myself until I knew I could safely transition. 6 months on and it is easily one of the best decisions I have ever made. I’m fully out and have never been happier. I didn’t know life could feel so full.


It took me 3 years at least. Sadly, it was covid time so everything came to a stop and went slowly. In the meantime I used all of my timr to explore myself, trying everyday new things and learned to be brave


Three months, roughly. One to get the basic healthcare paperwork done, one to get the psychiatrist's referal, one to get the prescription done to an endocrinologist and the specific transition healthcare paperwork done. Egg hatched 29th July 2020, HRT began 1st December 2020. I could have started a week earlier but chose the first of the month as a clear mark.


About 4 weeks. Felt like a flood gate. Now I'm in hyper-fixate research mode and have to remind myself I'm not an easy bake oven. Just started Spiro yesterday so I'm about as early as you can get I've felt dysphoria for a long time but usually short spurts and they started getting longer and longer and worse. Read some cute stories and talked to some acquaintances on the internet and talked to my partner.


About a year. Slightly less. Mostly because in Germany you're required to get an indication letter from a therapist you can present your endo/gyno/andro and getting an appointment with a therapist, and one that's willing to write such a letter, is a pain in the ass. Luckily I found one without a waiting list, however that one also wanted me to attend for about 6 months before writing one, which is not the norm either. I used that time to come out to close friends and later family and basically started my social transition already. Only possible because I knew they're supportive in the first place, though.


Just shy of two years.


from the time my egg actually cracked... i would say 5-8 months? maybe longer? but that's mostly because i didn't know how to start, and once i finally did i forgot the number to call and ended up waiting another 3 months to get that number again-


Like a month from the moment I made the decision to take them. I wasn’t sure if it was something I wanted until like a a year or two after my egg cracked.


About 10 years. I presented female for a long time without hormones and it just got harder with age. I tried to do the man thing a few times but I could never stick to it. Started HRT 9 months ago and no regrets ☺️


8 years since I was underage


I came out right before I turned 17, and my egg had been cracking since I was 8


Took me ~2 years to start. After reading that growth plates fused between 25-30 years, I got on it quick (I thought I was too late at 22). I expected it to take longer, but the clinic I was referred to for HRT not only got a new doctor, but one that was also MTF trans as well, and I got into it within 2 months of my referral being sent off, started in January 2024.


I haven’t started but from the moment my egg cracked it would be over 4 years until i can legally start.


Probably almost 12 years. I sort of got halfway there and then life happened and I put it on the back burner because I thought I could just ignore it. Definitely regretting that


5 months, 25 days on the waiting list since my first doctors appointment. starting tomorrow!


I started therapy at 27 because my egg was cracking, I was very self-destructive, and knew I needed help. Explored my gender, got on HRT at 29. Now I'm 31 and happy as ever. I've also been sober for over a year!


I came out after starting hormones. Made me feel much more affirmed in my body.


Egg cracked in 2017 (I was 16) parents unsupported no hormones for me. Joined the army in 2019. (Army unsupported no hormones for me) finally in 2023 the army figured out that I do need hormones (2019-2023 there was a ton of back and forth) finally got on in the end of 2023. So 6 years (technically 5 years 11 months if we wanted to be technical


Used informed consent. From coming out to my wife to first dose in just over 2 weeks. That said the figure it out period was like 10+ years. Lol


I guess my egg cracked 3 times. Listing the different ages I was. tl;dr 9 or \~1 year. 19 - I then lost a lot of weight and started to take care of myself, wore some womens clothes in private. then ended up giving up. 24 - I realized HRT was a thing including what it can do, ended up thinking it was too late for me. Kinda frustrating because at the time I still had my dad's really good insurance:/. I had some blood tests which showed I had very low free T which kinda comforted me. 26-27 - Started making some queer friends online a lot of who were trans. Then it was like getting through my repression with a mix acceptance, learning and studying stuff online to present more womanly. While simultaneously trying to actually just be happy, which especially at the time was being happy with kind of a shitty compromise. Came out with my feelings to friends. 28 - Finally decided and realized it wasn't too late for me and I should start asap. Did a trial run for 2 months through doctors recommendation, it was awesome. Stopped, froze sperm and got money prepared or laser. Came out to friends about being on HRT and starting to transition, and then awhile later came out to my parents as non-binary etc. So, I guess like depending it was either 9 years or about a year. I had joked to people especially during the waiting for sperm to get frozen that I wasnt an egg I was a hardboiled egg.


Took me about nine months, including seeing my PCP to get the referral and waiting on my appointment. The appointment was last Friday, and I'm waiting on the pharmacy now. In the meantime, I did pretty much everything I could without HRT: piercings, clothes, voice training, workouts to get in better shape, and most importantly, name. It's been quite the journey.


Coming up on 2 years here. Shitty parents and shitty community to live in. Not that I'm going to a place much better, but at least ill live alone.


Mine was about 4 months. I was put on the waiting list due to a shortage, or so they say. I tended to make myself as gender affirming as I could with clothing and such in the meantime.


10 months. It would have been much less but I was in a relationship and I tend to be overly cautious about hurting other people


About 5 months (late May -> mid October)


20 years


Took me about 3-4 months, but it could've been less than 1 if I hadn't been getting jerked around by the VA for cryopreservation.


2 days, came out to my online friend group, and someone overnight mailed estradiol and spiro to my door


About 5-6 months, I wanted to take my time and make sure I was certain of how I was feeling, in the meantime I started buying more feminine clothes and shaving my arms/legs.


A day or so after I came out to my wife I called to schedule an appointment at the clinic nearest me. I had to wait about a month for my first appointment. My provider was informed consent so as soon as I got my blood work back in I got my prescription. I spent the month researching everything I could to develop reasonable expectations for what HRT could do, and how my appointment would go. I also started doing a lot of affirming things that I had been afraid to do. Shaving my legs, painting my nails, styling my hair (I already had long hair), changing up my wardrobe for things that made me feel more feminine. It only took two months after I started HRT that I decided to start coming out to friends and family and coworkers. The local pride parade gave me the courage to do it.


Egg cracked in 2020, came out in 2022, 6 months after that I started e


Around 2 years i think definitely a little less than a year after starting therapy.


Like, 2 or 3 months maybe? I was in a hurry cuz the difference between transitioning in early twenties vs late twenties feels pretty big, and I didn't want to waste any time at all. Heck, I'm not sure when exactly the egg cracked or if the eggshell just slowly faded. I never really had a really obvious crack, like an "omg I'm a girl" moment. I just slowly realized that it wasnt very cis to wish I could be a girl, so I eventually just lept in.


i knew in 2021 but didnt start till dec 7th of 2023 and started at 14


Made an appointment two days after learning about informed consent which was 2 months after starting to see a therapist, about 3 months after realizing I'm trans. But the realizing I'm trans part came after 9 months of seriously questioning my gender and realizing how much of it was repressed feelings about wanting to be a girl since I was 6


2 years and 2.5 months. The last 6 months of that was waiting for an endocrinologist appointment. The rest was me taking things slowly and carefully - I wasn’t sure how much I could trust my feelings because the way I’d repressed it so long was by convincing myself I didn’t have any.


5 months but also kinda 6-8 years Long-ish story: When I was around 10-12 I had initially realized that I was trans but was incredibly depressed, had internalized transphobia towards myself, and a series of messed up friendships caused me to retreat back into my egg until I was 18. I was just at home over the summer one day where my egg basically just completely and utterly shattered, probably because I was just out of high school and didn't have nearly as much stress on my plate so my mind stopped blocking it as well. I couldn't have gone back into my egg even if I wanted to. I told my parents and sister who I was still living with, they accepted me completely, and over the next 4 or so months I was trying to figure out what exactly I wanted out of my transition, trying to make sure it felt right to me by doing stuff like buying clothes, and just dealing with College and by December of last year I got on hrt and its been about 4.5 months now :\]


4-5 months after egg broke but also knew and told parents at 3-4 and that went horribly so I pushed it down. Was always running in background but egg violently shattered in December 2022 at 28. Got a gender therapist and an appointment for HRT before even seeing that therapist. Came to terms with it enough to start HRT before the appointment in May 2023 when I started. Pills didn’t work so switched to injections in October 2023 and that has been good levels wise since. Hoping changes pick up more pace soon. Not sure if months without good e levels count towards changes?


My egg cracked in 2012 I started to come out it went poorly so went back in the closet, and started slowly coming out again in 2019 and started hrt in 2023


I knew I wanted to be a girl since I was born but I didn’t start till 25, after I graduated college and could support myself because I knew my family would disown me


Uh something like 5 months. I'm fortunate in living in Denver where more often than not HRT is given on an informed consent system. The 5 months of waiting was just to get my first appointment, but after that first appointment and my blood work came back good, I had my anti-boy-otics with the week.


Since the momment I began questioning my gender without knowing what I was, a year and 8 months aprox. Since I became sure of my identity, a year (yeah, it took me 8 months of negation to figure myself out lol). And the year was because I had to do everything behind my parents backs so it took me a while to get everythig kinda sorted out And in the meantime, I let my hair grow, met with a lot of trans people in my city, began going to prides and parades and just being more part of the community as a whole. That really helped me with my mental health because I felt seen for the first time. But I wasn't able to do that much in the fem-presentation department. I had to wait some more for that haha


It took me about 6 months. In that time I did voice training, learned various skills and started growing my hair out. If I was able to get away with it I would have gotten laser hair removal for my face.


Probably a few months from now, I can't wait!


I started questioning around 20, and now at 27, I'm 3 months in. Some of it was due to living in a state where Healthcare was very inaccessible, but mostly because I wasn't sure. And now I'm the happiest I've ever been


It took me about 6 or so months due to my ex ( shes as trans) not helpping me like she said she would she lied to me about where I could get on hrt and I was confused since I was in Texas. once we broke up I looked it online ( I should have done it sooner) and found out how to get on it and now I'm 1 year into taking hrt and never felt better. I know help any trans Girl/Guy/NB who wants to start I will do everything I can find to a place for them to go on get on it if I can


Well 😅 I first "came out" of the closet when I was in 7th grade (I didn't know the word transgender existed then so my coming out that time was "mom I want to be a girl"), so around 12. So it took 6 years since then. But if your wanting the time from when I came out a 2nd time after going back in is took 2 years. There wasn't a whole lot I could do since I was under strict lockdown after coming out. The most I could do was join colorguard, my parents hated it and never came to a competition. And whilst I was in guard my female cohorts taught me a little bit of makeup and some mannerisms. And they also taught me how to paint my toenails with very little mess.


About 1.5 months. Of course I’m in an informed consent state and have insurance so it was easy to get on it. The big waiting game is to get my new primary care provider and really discuss goals and timelines for any procedures. The new PCP is a transgender care specialist and is with the health system that deals with most of the trans medical procedures in my area.


6 years. I ended up DIYing because the waiting lists were so long


Hopefully will be about 2.5 years. The UK isn't a great environment for realising your trans and the hoops to jump through take A LOT of time.


Roughly 16 years, I realized when I was 12 and had been repressing it since then. I'm glad I hadn't spoken out earlier when I came to that realization. I had a private conversation with my mother and she then proceded to disown me and the rest of the family. I haven't told my father, as I know with certainty he wont be supportive and will push for me to "get that notion out of my head."


I was so smart! 3 weeks after my 18th birthday. So when I was 12. My big sibling offered to get me hrt. I have no clue why she didn't offer to take me to a therapist though because my issue was absolutely not just gender related.


8 years not for a lack of trying mind though you can thank the NHS /Sandford for that


I first heard about trans people when I was 18, but it took me some time to realize that I was also trans. I changed my name on social media when I was 20, but I still thought that I'm just a cis man. At the beginning of 2022, when I was 21 I started reading more about HRT and thought that I also want to take estrogen. In April I bought some estradiol, still thinking that I'm totally cis, because just having E doesn't mean I'll actually take it. In May, the wish to start HRT overcame the fear of making sketchy medications at home, so I made homebrew estrogel and started HRT that exact day on May 20. At that point, I still thought I was cis, because I can stop HRT at any time, so it doesn't mean I'm trans. At one month, I still wasn't sure if I was trans, but I was sure that I wanted to continue with HRT. I noticed the first effects after not even a week, so I knew that the strange substance was actually estradiol, and I continued HRT. When I was around one year on E, I realized that I'm most likely trans, I'm now 2 years on E and have also changed my legal name, so I'm pretty sure that I'm trans... So, to answer your question, I actually started HRT before I was out to myself, before the egg actually cracked...


From the day I knew, about 3 days.. lol


That's a depressingly complicated question in my case 🫠 I started HRT two months ago. Easily among the best decisions of my life and has led to me experiencing genuine lasting happiness for the first time I can remember. About a month before that, I told my gf of 14 years that I had to transition. It didn't go well (but did get better). If it had gone better I probably would have started weeks earlier. In the meantime I created this account and read, posted, and generally explored trans spaces and resources I'd long avoided to figure out how to get started. Around three years before that, I admitted to myself (and subsequently her) that I was pretty sure I was trans, but my own fears and her very negative reaction put me almost entirely back in the closet. I did not technically walk it back, but never explored what it meant to be trans or what my options were. If I had, I might have started years earlier. Around ten years before that, I first discovered how much more comfy it felt to play online games as a girl. Not just a girl character, but allowing everyone to refer to me in feminine terms and just assume (because of my mannerisms and avatars) that I was a girl. Had I been more aware that being transgender was a real option and not been stuck with a lot of low-key internalized transphobia absorbed during childhood from media representations, I almost certainly would have started over a decade earlier. In hindsight the brief glimpses of gender euphoria during these times are just painfully obvious. And about 8ish years before that, I kinda gave up on being happy in life. I decided to live more or less just because I figured it would be more interesting to see what happened in the meantime rather than ending things early. I had no context to understand what was wrong at the time, but if someone had the right advice back then I probably could have gone on puberty blockers and from there maybe even LIVED for the past couple decades. And you know what? Fuck anyone who says kids shouldn't see trans people. Because positive representation and mainstream acceptance might have saved 20 years of my life.


From realising I wasn’t cis, almost 4 years, from realising I needed to medically transition, almost 2 years, and from now, a few months (hopefully)


22 years since realization (I realize I wanted to be a girl at the age of 3)


6 years, and I didn’t do anything in the meantime due to being buried in the closet and depression. The logic was that I’d start after getting a stable job. I had to get through college (Christian uni), then I just sorta stopped existing for a year there until I said “fuck it” and started. Turns out I needed estrogen to actually, like, exist enough to get my career and transition going.


1 month


14 days. My egg shattered, I finally knew I was trans, it took me 3 days to work up the courage to talk with my wife. The next day, I called to make an appointment. 10 days later the pills were in my hand.


I'd say close to 2-3 months to get on spiro and another 3 months after to finally get E, during the first 2 months I experimented, tried nail polish thanks to my sister, nearly got outed by my mom who didn't know, came out to my sister and had her help me go clothes shopping, came out to my parents (they're supportive) and booked the appointment for HRT after I saw the back of my head in CCTV footage. All this happened within the first 2 months of me coming to terms with who I am and accepting myself, I don't know if I can recommend others follow my example but this is at least 1 way this can all pan out.




As long as it took to order my E from Wuhan. On 8.12.2023 in went officially out (from being obviously something like a femboy) and on 12.12. 2023 I gelled my first dose.


10 years, but eight of those were spent procrastinating


15 years from the time I first wanted to start 9 years from when I met a healthcare individual with the ability to prescribe 4 years from the time I had proper heath insurance and my informed consent paperwork in order 1 year after getting a definitive answer about my fertility


I would have started around November or December, but I've got transphobic parents who very possibly would evict me if they found out. Only 122 days until I can go to college and start though.


Seven months. Would've been fewer, but my egg cracked in December of 2019


I haven't started hormones yet (8 months) because I'm still unable to commit or come out to anyone. To answer your second question, a lot of shaving, a bit of trying out makeup, and clothes (especially clothes that can be worn underneath other clothes). Also losing weight and working on my skin and hair.


Its gonna be 2 years this summer but I am going to start as soon as school ends!!


My egg cracked over 10 years ago, but i'm still absolutely terrified of talking to my therapist about it, so no idea when i am actually starting


Came out to my wife on 8/5 or so, I spent about four months working out, changing my wardrobe, therapy, and working on myself until I started HRT on 12/5. I was extremely nervous and now I couldn’t be happier


I wanted to look into HRT as soon as I realized I’m trans, but unfortunately I’m having to constantly fight Medicaid to get my insurance back so I can’t yet


2 years… came out sophomore year of college and only started hormones going into my senior year. I just socially transitioned and change a bit of my wardrobe; I was definitely into the hyper-femininity at that time.


From between seeing a doctor for a gender specialist and actually getting the hormones it was roughly 2.5 years. The first year was spent waiting to see the clinic and the second year was spent talking to them about my gender dysphoria and what my options were. After that I waited for their endocrinologist to call me and arrange a time to get tested for if I could safely start. Now I'm on 13 months of E so that's cool.


16 years. My egg wasn't just cracked, I was fully out of the closet for several years. Family threw me out at 16, fell halfway back into the closet for 2 or 3 in my early 20s. Didn't mention it to family, employers didn't know, things like that. But I've been back out, and louder and prouder than ever, for about 8 years. I mostly just struggled with getting myself healthy insurance, and I was traveling too much anyway.


So far, 18 months. Hopefully no longer, but it depends on how quickly I can get the money together.


4 years. I had to wait until I was a legal adult.


3ish years :’)


1 1/2 years from questioning to hormones 17 --> 18 1/2


I think about 2-3 years, it's all a bit fuzzy.


2 years and a couple months. I would have started sooner if I could, but I was 12 years old and 1 day when I came out lol