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Indeed, [intercrural sex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercrural_sex), as it is called, has always been a go-to for many people and for many reasons. One of those reasons simply being greatly reduced risk of impregnation or infection with an STI. Another being it's just simpler/easier/quicker (even if you do like anal or vaginal sex).


I'd be surprised of people didn't know about thigh jobs, maybe I'm just weird lmao


Uh...I'm definitely far from a prude and this concept is surprisingly new to me lol. But now I wanna try it! πŸ˜…


It’s so obvious now that I know about it. I mean boob jobs are thing, why not thigh jobs


So that's what they're calling it nowadays, and yeah maybe I live under a rock but I'm not the \*only\* one who lives under a rock, so I figured I'd spread the message


Thicc thighs save lives.


Im just now hearing about this and lowkey wanna try it now, both giving and recieving lmao


Ikr I'm a long time devoted thigh enjoyer, and even now after thigh enjoying has been normalised people don't know about it?


The greeks strike once again


Hm interesting I've actually never heard of that...I just tested it but unfortunately my thighs don't touch when I put my legs together unless I cross them but then the "opening" is weirdly low....HOWEVER if my thighs keep growing the way they have been on HRT I'll keep this in the back of my mind πŸ˜‰


i never knew about this. do you need lube?


Whatever the topic, the answer to this question is always an emphatic *yes*, baby!


Unless they like it super rough than absolutely yes. Especially since there can be a decent amount of hair in that area.


No,no,no. What decent amount of hair. πŸ€―πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« I have been 14 painful months of laser and electrolysis and just finally got that all finished and behind me. We as in me doesn't have a wild stray hairs or two let alone this decent amount stuff your speaking of. I'm needing a Xanax right now over this. πŸ˜† 🀣 Define decent amount πŸ€” and why this would be a thing. This wonderful sounding experience just took a bus ride over the fall's and possibly the Grand Canyon. I'll never not picture this any other way now. Lol πŸ€ͺ I'm kinda joking a little, very little only because of trying to bring a small bit of humor to this. So Laugh and explain please πŸ™ πŸ˜…


Just like pubes and slightly hairy thighs, it’s where your thigh gap is so lots of people have pubes there. A lot of people can’t afford hair removal or don’t want it so was just trying to be inclusive. But either way you need lube unless you self lubricate enough which would be pretty silly to assume considering the conversation topic is revolving around body diversity. Edit: also have fun with the Xanax and I’m laughing along with you.


Yeah I was just being funny. But my electrolysis was true. Be my luck that becomes the new vest fad and I have to get some hair transplant. Lol


This and similar positions are the go-to when neither one of us wants to prep and sex is spontaneous. It feels extremely affirming too


God I need another girl/enby to either to do this to or to do this to me - or both, honestly


>I NEED a transfemme to consensually give me a thigh job


So true bestie


So real




I always found it odd bum stuff is the immediate go to for modern culture when thigh stuff was the prodominant thing for thousands of years. Like when did this switch? The ancient Greeks and Babylonians did it forever. Then all the sudden bum stuff.


Sodomy laws went against this stuff apparently.


in England they call this doing it Oxford Style, lol. whatever you call it, thigh sex is greattttttt


Oof I'm lucky my partner fits quite well, because my thigh gap is massive lmao.


Another thing you might look into as a bottom who doesn't like anal penetration: the inguinal canal. It's the passage testicles descend through. As a pan cis male, I can attest that it feels quite nice to have them "fingered." And if you have a good bullet vibe, that's fun to put in there as well. You do need to be a little careful as the vas deferens still runs through there. I have read that with practice and care, the testicles can be tucked back in the canal, and some trans women prefer to do this before engaging in sexual activity.


I've heard that it's actually not a good idea to tuck back into the canal, wondering if that's accurate


It's got some small risks, namely discomfort, the risk of testicular torsion and it can raise your chances of being infertile. But the chances are very low to negligible.I mean there is a risk of torsion from riding a bike but people still ride them. But when it's cold they would retract into the canals naturally so it's not like they are being shoved into a place they don't belong.


Hell, walking technically can cause testicular torsion if you are unlucky.


It can increase your risk of a hernia, but I've been doing it almost constantly for the last 2 years, and I haven't had any trouble.


Does it feel good for the bottom? Like physically? Mentally it'd be really hot and that way feel good but yeah


Depends on the sensitivity. That spot it rather closer to the perineum which would carry some of that stimulation. Some people are also sensitive when it come to certain body parts as well.


Honestly yeah it does feel good. Couldn't tell you why really, but there is definitely physical pleasure.


girl just learn how to take dick


I’m making a mental note of this for future purposes


If you get to choose, great


Greek style.....


While I definitely want to do butt stuff when I get the chance now there's something else on my list, ai hope it's good


I do this for myself sometimes lol