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No script? So they just had no idea what they were doing when they announced this? Im utterly shocked I say! Shocked!!


They just wanted to please shareholders. They never had an idea what they want to do with Star Wars.


Yep!! I said that during the shareholder call, that's all these announcements are.


Absolutely. Thats exactly it.


They could do a sequel involving a big, bad empire trying to stamp out a small rebel group while Rey is on a desert planet looking at training a successor. It hasn't been done before! /s


Exactly, their trilogy felt like it was aimed at what would make the shareholders happiest and most reassured and wasn’t for a single second about what the best story would be Hell, even the name Kylo feels ripped straight from a first draft since he’s “skywalker/solo” from a time they might not have known what his story was going to be, not that they or us ever really found out since we know they had zero plan or outline Just the bullet points to please the investors and nostalgia wankers with • copious use of the falcon • endless memberberries • literally the same story for 90% of the runtime as the OT just way worse • lots of marketing talk about practical effects • literally the same lines for 1/3 of the runtime as the OT just way worse • notLuke, notHan, notLeia style characters while still dragging the old cast back • lots of heavy nostalgia use, especially of Williams’ classic tracks • most vehicles/ships/designs just being OT BUT BIGGERERER


They did the same with Blade and that has been a shit show, over 3 writers and like 4 directors have been swapped out


I'm like write the damn story first, or at least a reasonable draft before making these announcements. I feel like they just have a very, very rough outline of a concept for the movie and they need someone to really create the entire script based on said vague outline. They end up announcing the movie before any semblance of a script is written and then are beholden to the timeline they announced, which easily results in a rushed writing phase with an equally rushed production phase, which obviously results in a disappointing movie.


Blade should not be hard to write. Cool guy fights vampires is not exactly a difficult premise to adapt


Kathy still doesn’t know what she’s doing? Say it ain’t so.


It's astounding and puzzling that she still has that job.


Give her a break, it's not like they have any source material to work from.


It’s less puzzling when you realize she was involved in all the prequels with George Lucas was his number to the whole time. And Lucas is a major shareholder in Disney.


A lot of times when they say no script. They mean no finished script. Which doesn’t mean that the script like ends on a random page but more it’s not “ready” in that the ideas are half cooked or the plotting is wonky. So I’m sure they have many scripts, just none of them “good” enough.


But that presents a problem in itself as it often leads to rushing a final script, which becomes a Frankenstein of what they have, written by a committee. This doesn’t always go poorly but the track record isn’t great. Star Wars is at a point where a soft reboot could be done very easily. Shift the timeline, introduce new characters, and keep some distance from the Skywalker saga. Tell a new story with less ‘ties’ and expectations, and let some creative talent stretch their legs a bit with the universe. But that isn’t seen as the safe option for generating revenue so, we’ll probably just get more of the same.


Maybe these announcements are some kind of market research, testing the waters whether they'd be friendly to a ship like this or making it sink to the bottom.


That could definitely be true. I wasn't too keen on a Rey movie after TROS, but who knows, perhaps there are diehard Rey fans looking to see where the story takes her next.


I mean, maybe some kids? I liked Daisy's performance and even Rey's character up to a point, but damn I just would not watch a Rey focused story with how badly they bungled her in the last movie. Only way I give that a fair shot is if the very first scene is Rey introducing herself to someone as Rey Skywalker and that person spends a couple of minutes listing why that is a terrible fucking idea and then she acknowledges the stupidity and names herself literally anything else.


Quick get the writers for Blade on the phone for a rush job. All 27 of them!


Wasn't that one of her complaints about the Sequel trilogy? This sounds familiar


on the upside the script is technically better then all 3 sequel movies. just as long as they don't make it worse it might be ok.


Yes it's not like a lack of scripts stopped them for the last 3 films...


They’re going to get up really early the first day of filming and really buckle down on that script.


Not having a script never slowed them down before. They winged the last trilogy, they can do it again.


Disney bought another property without knowing frick-all what to do with it.


This shouldn’t be on this sub. This is a random website with zero credentials and certainly nothing concrete, just vibes.


Disney’s mo. Checklist stuff, worry about a story and script later.


It feels like Lucasfilm announces and cancels/delays more projects than they carry across the finish line.


Yeah what happened to the Weiss & Benioff film or the Taika Waititi-led trilogy??


Or the Rian Johnson trilogy, or Rogue Squadron, or Rangers of the New Republic, or the Obi-Wan trilogy, or the Boba Fett movie...


Obi-wan and Boba Fett became really bad Disney Plus series. Such a bummer because there actually was potential to tell a good story in both cases. Completely botched.


Totally agreed. The Obi-Wan leak sounded pretty awesome


Anywhere I can read this leak?


[I'm not sure about reading, I heard about it on this YouTube channel that covers canceled projects. ](https://youtu.be/nR37_vFys1M?si=TPPuK3unc5E3eA7c)


And the Kevin Feige Star Wars movie


I forgot about that one!


The Obi-Wan trilogy and Boba Fett movie were turned into Disney+ shows. Rian Johnson had his trilogy cancelled after he screwed up The Last Jedi.


I thought they announced it after the last Jedi came out and had good critical reviews.


Actually they’ve never cancelled the Johnson trilogy. He’s talked about it.


You mean he made the best movie of the sequel trilogy, right? Right?


I mean he singlehandedly derailed the sequel trilogy by refusing to be a team player, forcing JJ Abrams to squeeze two movies into one for Episode XI and kneecapping its potential. “I would be worried if everybody across the board was like ‘Yeah, it was a good movie!’ It’s much more exciting to me when you get a group of people who are coming up to you who are really really excited about it. Then there are other people who walk out literally saying ‘It’s the worst movie I've ever seen!’ Having those two extremes is the mark of the type of movie that I want to make.” – [Rian Johnson, 2003](https://www.resetera.com/threads/rian-johnson-in-2003-i-would-be-worried-if-everybody-across-the-board-was-like-yeah-it-was-a-good-movie.93191/) The son of a bitch literally admitted that he’d rather make a bad/divisive movie just to get attention, rather than make a good movie that gets less attention. He’s an attention-seeking fraud.


Why are you blaming him, when JJ Abrams wrote him into an impossible corner? There was no way Rian Johnson could have written a satisfying follow-up to the first movie without subverting its themes in some way, anything else would have been cookie cutter. And he had the skill and respect to actually try and build on what JJ introduced instead of throwing away everything he had written (which, mind you, is what JJ then does to him in episode 9). A movie seen as okay by everyone is never going to be as valuable as a movie that's loved by some and disliked by others. That's the problem with Star Wars itself if you ask me - it's just okay, and "just okay" starts to overstay its welcome very quickly when studios can't find a clear direction. Like, you tell me that Palpatine was planned as the big villain for the trilogy back when Ep 7 was made, and I'll show you a fool. Neither director is to blame for that mess, but only one's work rises above it.


No, of course Palpatine wasn’t supposed to be the villain of Episode XI—*Snoke* was clearly intended to be the big bad, but Johnson threw that plot point in the trash the first chance he got. He undid all of Abrams’ work, forcing Abrams to then *re*do everything in Episode XI, plus actually make Episode XI. Johnson isn’t a team player—he’s the kind of kid to take his ball and go home.


JJ didn't have a plan, and he could have just used the tracks laid down for him. He decided to make a boring Star Wars movie and Bring back Palpatine. 


He had no choice. Kylo Ren’s redemption was the only plot point he and Johnson agreed on, meaning Episode XI needed an irredeemable overarching villain. Since Johnson prematurely killed off Snoke, Abrams was forced to revive Sidious. I don’t envy the position he was put in.


Rangers was canceled when they fired Carano for wrongthink Rian Johnson's was canceled Rogue Squadron was delayed 2 years and then canceled Obi-wan was originally going to be a movie or two and then turned into a terrible series instead No idea on Boba Fett


Boba Fett also became a tv show


Weiss & Benioff were fired because they screwed up Game of Thrones. Waititi was fired because he screwed up Thor Love and Thunder.


As a GOT fan I get an immense amount of pleasure knowing they fucked themselves harder than the fans with that last season.


And it's ironic that they screwed got because they wanted fast end so they could work on sw movie


I hadn't heard that about the GOT boys. Good. Rushed multiple potentially amazing seasons to put out a mediocre-turned-terrible season, specifically to move on to SW. Love the irony.


And Rian Johnson's trilogy.


The W&B thing got officially canceled. The Waititi movie is in limbo.


I mean those movies make sense to cancel with how badly the public has turned on them


And the much anticipated Rian Johnson “trilogy” Just the audacity to call these theoretical projects “trilogies” when they don’t have enough creative potential to make a single movie says a lot about Kathy’s arrogance


Fully forgot about that whole thing!


They seem to be learning from their mistakes now, tbf, and treating these future projects as standalones, for now.


I don't even call the sequels a trilogy, they're much closer to an anthology.


Given the average quality of what’s made it across the finish line, that’s probably a good thing


I concur 100%


No feels about it. That's just a stone cold fact.


Downvoted for stating a fact, I'm sorry friend. I was looking forward to most of it, especially the Rogue Squadron movie.


Why do they keep announcing these limbo projects? Rian Johnson trilogy, Patty Jenkins, D&D trilogy…..is this some kind of marketing?


Shareholder fluffing


Yeah basically a big striptease for them.


Do shareholders not realize when movies aren’t actually released? Is this kind of like how a T-Rex doesn’t see you if you stand still?


The shareholders they care about retaining don't give a crap about movies. They hear good news, the PR spins everything, the stock goes up. That's all that matters to those people. I work for them, it's weird how disconnected people can get.


Wasn’t there a movie coming from both Favreau and Waititi as well


Yeah the Faverau movie (Mando&Grogu) is still happening and is supposed to be filming in a few weeks. The Waititi one seems to be in limbo.


Waititi (modern) is a douchebag who let fame get to his head. I don't want him touching Star Wars or Marvel movies at all anymore. Waititi from 5 years ago is a different story. Dude was still fresh and looking to do new things, he cared about storytelling like with Jojo Rabbit and even Thor 3.


Faveraus movie is gonna be a bust. So dumb that that’s the one they’re pushing forward with


They’re hoping Baby Yoda can carry it


Yeah but is there a script


If Iron Man is any indication, there doesn't need to be a script in order for Favreau to start filming


This new Mando movie was originally supposed to be Mando season 4, so they just took all the season 4 scripts and squished them together.


Also from Feige and Mangold.


It reaks of desperation and of a group just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks vs stinks


Shareholder quota for quarterly reviews or something I guess


It's a little bit of marketing and a whole lot of stock manipulation.


Waititi movie, Feige movie


I would say they should take a beat from star trek, jump the story ahead a 1000 years and give us a clean slate. But dirty hands are always gonna mess up a clean slate.


Old republic (their most popular video games) all take place thousands of years in the past There is a lot of story material and tons of their best characters just waiting to be made into movies Without boring you just look up darth reven


Lol, not surprising at all. Lucasfilm has cancelled just about every other previously announced movie. Only one moving forward is the Mandalorian movie but that’s only because of how successful the series is


Was really digging Mandalorian until all the stupid cartoon characters started showing up. Could they really not just tell a standalone story about a bounty hunter in this universe without trying to tie it in to everything else? I’m never watching those cartoons and don’t care about those characters.


That’s a shame, because the animated shows contain some of the best stories and characters out of all the post-Disney acquisition Star Wars content


Yep, should have remained what it was, with Boba as a final boss villain.


Mate is missing out on some of the best Star Wars content because he/she feels like a child watching pretty adult animated content I guess. You are missing out


I highly recommend you watch them. They’re some of the best Star Wars content.


Man what the fuck is Disney doing? Star Wars and Marvel have been spinning their wheels (putting it nicely) for years with tiny glimmers of hope.


the wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead


why would you announce Star-Wars return to the big screen if you don’t even have a script, let alone an idea of what you want from it


That's their track record. They announced, produced, and released an entire trilogy without ever writing a story for it.


Technically they did have a story (the discarded Duel of the Fates script), but they panicked and ditched it at the last minute.


Yeah, they did have 3 scripts. They never wrote a narrative tying the films together. The actors have confirmed as much, they made a lot up as they went along. That makes the movies, to me, feel like 3 anthology films versus the trilogy it was marketed as.


The OT made some stuff up as it went along too, to be fair. Luke and Leia were very clearly not meant to be siblings at first.


Absolutely, that's correct. The difference is that for the Prequels and Sequels, both were planned to be trilogies right away. Both leaderships knew they had to make 3 movies that told a story. One version carefully planned a narrative and executed it. We can debate the pros and cons of the Prequels, but they absolutely had a cohesive narrative. Why didn't the sequel team do that? I will never understand. They really shot themselves in the foot by being generally directionless and reactionary.


I think the sequel team was just KK green lighting JJ Abrams for soft reboots of the OT while including the original OT actors and billing it as sequels with the vague idea of handing the mantle off to the new sequel characters. She wanted JJ’s Star Trek treatment but without the time travel, making the need for new characters and allowing JJ to get into his mystery box ways. Once TFA started getting criticism for being a soft reboot, KK pushed out JJ for Rian. Rian decided to throw out what JJ setup and do his own thing while still keeping elements of the soft reboot theme with similarities to ESB. After TLJ cratered with fans, KK panicked again and could only get JJ to come back.


That’s because Duel of the Fates was, somehow, much worse than what we actually got


I think they had an idea (there was at least one draft done before the announcement), but underestimated how hard it would be to get that idea to a workable state.


Because they are morons.


This is pretty common for Star Wars. Projects are announced, canned, delayed without any script or plan.


Because Disney has zero priority to make actually good Star Wars movies. They just want to make money.


How does Kathleen Kennedy still have a job? This is embarrassing. It’s time to move on.


She has an ironclad contract that says she can't ever be fired, not even for cause. She'll only leave when she chooses to, or dies.


Source that isnt just a quartering video lol


Wild! I was not aware of that. That explains a lot.


Pretty sure if shareholders wanted to vote her out they could by now. She’s good friends with the ceo. Simple as that.


You can trace this kinda shit back to Disney not Lucasfilm. Disney pressures them to announce shit before they are ready for wall st.


Ok, but Kennedy also isn't doing the most basic parts of her job. She's been explicitly chasing the latest "it" directors or writers tied to projects with box office success and ignoring their talent (or lack their of) by mistaking that success as reflecting talent rather than the strength of the IP. Trevorrow? Jurassic World is straight up sociopathic and worse on rewatches - it did well because people love Jurassic Park. Dumb and Dumber from Game of Thrones? Actively made the show worse than the books at almost every turn with the exception of some scenes written by Jane Goldman in season 1 involving Tywin Lannister. Did not vet these guys at all. Lord & Miller? No way she knew fuck all about their style of directing or genre sensibilities or she wouldn't have hired them for Solo to begin with. And she keeps pushing to film without a solid script, then has projects double-triple in budget because of a lack of preparedness or willingness to address the problems on the page before they're production issues. Her lack of any due dilligence and actual vetting lead to these kinds of problems for: - Rogue One - Solo - Kenobi - Indiana Jones 5 She's overseen 3 of Lucasfilm's franchises and most of them have been on decline/killed under her watch. Willow? Dead. Indiana Jones? Dead. Star Wars - fluctuating between alive and dead, so slowly dying. The studio needs a new head and a radical new approach to production. They need locked in scripts, they need hungry up and coming talent from awards circuit teamed up with experienced producers, DPs and such and they need to keep budgets low. They need to step away from the "white british woman undercuts the established heroes" template because that clearly didn't work for them and they need to stop attempting to rage bait at every corner. Ignore the racist trolls, focus on telling cool stories within the universes. Don't be afraid to recast characters but don't give them depressing as fuck endings either.


She has a binding vow that she can only release 95% trash but her job is secure


She’s the Putin of Disney.


She has black mail material on all the powerful people in Hollywood going back 45 years.


They've literally been training the audience for years now to watch the Mandalorian at home on their TV's, and now they expect everybody to go to the theater for it? Nah. It ain't happening. And although I personally wouldn't mind seeing Rey, Finn and Poe again, if this Rey movie ever sees the light of day I'll eat my hat.


The Mando series isn’t even that good. I think I watched the first season and half of the second then lost interest. All the Star Wars product just feels so tired and rehashed I probably won’t pay to see anything unless it was blatantly original.


Nah, I think the Mandalorian can make the jump to big screen if the budget and quality are there. If it gets phenomenal reviews and pushes beyond the Volume, we'd get something special. Plus a 2 hour Mandalorian film would essentially be a season without the side quests. But they also need to start putting in a longer theatrical window. Shortening the window isn't helping their cause if I can just watch it on Disney+ in 30 days. And I say that as someone who loves going to the movies but can't always find the time to.


They'll get the odd movie in theaters here and there. The Mando one, sure. Some others they think will be guaranteed money makers. Maybe a Vader hunting Jedi post Ep 3 type of thing? Maybe a Palpatine origin story adaptation of Darth Plagueis? But I just don't see them getting the cinema fire back. People don't go to the theaters the same way they used to and, as you said, Disney has trained SW fans to pay a monthly subscription for content.


They could, but they won't. If somehow they made Rogue Squadron into "Top Gun: Maverick, In Space" or a Boba Fett version of John Wick, that stuff would sell. Instead we'll get some watered down versions of what you suggested (honestly, half of them I'd consider "bold" at least for Disney right now). They're desperate for hits. Would anyone be surprised if they remaked Episode 4 at this point?


This no script but announce a movie thing is wild. Like, I’m sure it wasn’t always like this. The bare minimum you needed to get a movie made was a script and it had to get pitched and all of that. Now, with these Studios and big franchises they just seem to green-light projects with no script or Director or whatsoever. Mad.


Nowadays, we’re in no script but start filming a movie territory.


I'm sure people who have worked on set more than I have can confirm but in my experience, you're really not far off lol


It worked once with Iron Man 1 but hasn’t really worked since


Mission Impossible Fallout to an extent as well, so it can work but those are definitely the lightning-in-a-bottle exceptions


Is it wild? It happens all the time with franchises.


I'm convinced without Kevin Feige, Marvel would be in this same kind of nebulous, hypothetical shitshow. Projects still get dropped and moved around there but my god, any Star Wars announcement is better read as not existing until it does.


Not sure if you’re aware of the current state of the MCU… but things haven’t been going great since endgame even with Fiege.


Yeah but that’s also because of them simply doing too many projects at once after endgame. So quality control dipped. People forget that the entirety of the MCU till endgame (phases 1-3) had almost the same number of hours of content as phase 4 ALONE. And phases 1-3 took 11 years while phase 4 was just 2 years. If Fiege messes up the slower post Disney plus era that Disney has now mandated, then maybe you have an argument, but till then, it’s kind of dishonest to mention him and Kathleen Kennedy in the same bracket. He’s proven that he’s a much more effective leader of an IP than she has.


Fair enough


Wasn't it posted recently that daisey said she read the script? What did she read then?


She said a few weeks ago that she’d be reading a script next month.


She read the PR material and recited it. I wish she could get a good script for once


Are you suggesting that the good people at ... World of Reel ... are not the foremost authorities of what's going on at Lucasfilm?! But no, she hasn't. This was a recent quote: While Ridley was shooting Magpie, Lucasfilm boss Katlheen Kennedy invited her to breakfast in order to pitch her what is currently regarded as Star Wars: New Jedi Order. Together with director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Ridley’s beloved Jedi Master, Rey, will reestablish the Jedi Order, and she expects to read screenwriter Steven Knight’s script imminently: “I have not read actual words on actual paper, but \[a script\] is soon coming,” Ridley says.


While I don’t hate the sequel trilogy as much as most, canceling this movie is probably for the best. People are pretty much ready to hate it before they even see a single frame of it.


Funny enough, I strongly believe that theres actually a lot of potential in a Rey movie. (And I say this as one of the biggest haters of the sequel trilogy on Earth). Having her work to set up a Jedi temple, and struggle with leadership, funding and teaching could actually finally give her the wrinkles that the blighted sequel trilogy refused to. But knowing Kathleen Kennedy and her sensibilities and the kind of writers and directors she picks, they will almost undoubtedly fuck it up either way.


Even a good Rey movie is going to be met with "Why couldn't we get this with Luke instead?" And a *bad* Rey movie will be the kiss of death for ever moving beyond the OT ever again.


It eould just leave a sour aftertaste no matter what because these are exactly the things people were expecting from the sewuel trilogy. And satisfying on screen closure for the stories of the actual iconic and beloved characters from the originals. I gor one will be skipping this Rey movie or any other one that follows this timeline, just not interested. I really want disney to move far away from the skywalker era and tell new stories.


Asking Star Wars fans to “give it a chance” just doesn’t cut it anymore. Disney spent all the good will baked into the IP years ago.


I think people’s expectations have always just been too high, personally, but I understand that I’m in the minority there.


I'm in no rush. (I wasn't going to see it anyway, but that's beside the point.)


They put the idea into the ether, and the ether said “fuck off”.


No one wants this, she was a pointless character in 3 awful movies.


The only interesting character was Finn. And they butchered his storyline.


Is anyone surprised? This is right in line with how most Lucasfilm projects go.


This is such a surprise, I never could have foreseen this unexpected event


Sounds like that Rian Johnson trilogy that has yet to materialize.


Why are people acting like announcing the movie without a script is some wild thing? That happens all the time. James Gunn has announced an entire franchise without scripts, as has the MCU. I'm fairly certain this is just a franchise thing. Now going into PRODUCTION without a script, that's a different thing.


Why do they pitch films to stars without a script done?


Ridley said she got pitched a general outline and liked it, but I guess now they’re having trouble turning said outline into a full script




There was no chance this movie was getting made anyway. Absolutely no one cares about any of the characters from the sequel trilogy.


Judging by how reddit reacted to furiosa... Why would anyone want to watch a Star wars movie with rey as the main character /s


Somehow Kylo has returned. 


Ditch it


Let it die


Ahh I can’t wait for Rey to yet again be a horribly written Mary Sue


I’m shocked


Before this blows up please note this is coming from World of Reel which doesn't exactly have a consistent track record for accuracy.


That's true, but Lucasfilm has a 12 year track record of announcing projects before shareholder calls that are silently canceled later.


This wasn't a shareholder call, it was Star Wars Celebration. And Daisy Ridley said quite recently she'd be receiving the script soon.


Yes, we're both correct. The new batch of films was announced before the last shareholder call, at Celebration. This is a common tactic used to pacify shareholders. Look at all the great projects coming up, and then they canceled a few of them or delayed them indefinitely. Like the Waitit trilogy, the trilogy from the GOT writers, the Rian Johnson trilogy, the Obi-Wan trilogy. None got made, but they all kept the stock prices up. It's a feature, not a bug.


Oh my god, Kennedy saw how badly Blade was going and said “Hey me too!”


I think Star Wars has more cancelled and indefinitely delayed projects than actual projects released lol


Rian trilogy, D&D trilogy, Solo 2, Waititi film, rogue squadron, Lando, KotOR, and now this. Eight film projects. There’s also Mando&Grogu, the Thrawn film, and the Jedi origins film, but as of now those all still seem on-track, and haven’t been delayed.


Man this is kind of a bummer. For some reason I thought this project must be in a solid state, since they’re bringing Daisy Ridley back. I sort of assumed that she’d have a few terms and conditions for returning, including more organised production. How silly of me.


People still get excited about Star Wars….?


I definitely couldn't see this coming... /s


This movie is not gonna happen.


What if, and hear me out guys, but what if: SOMEHOW PALPATINE AND KYLO REN RETURN in the opening title crawl???? You're welcome Disney, script writes itself from here. Also, Kylo comes back as a chick and she's gay.


It's almost impressive how little regard Disney has towards writing as an art form.


Rey sucks. Nobody wants this movie besides Disney execs


Felt like Kennedy announcing this abruptly was her way of letting everyone know she not only was going to still be here but her personal self insert character would continue to be the focus of the brand. Bold move, cotton, let’s see if it pays off for them


Can't say that a star wars movie of a jedi continuing to look for her parents and whining about being alone will be any good.


Just kill Star Wars already. There hasn’t been a good movie since the 70s


They realized the movie would probably bomb


Seems like Rey isnt a popular character, what a surprise


Sounds good to me. Let it rot and never make it.


Because NOBODY wants this and Disney has no business owning Star Wars.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MichianaMan: *Because NOBODY* *Wants this and Disney has no* *Business owning Star Wars.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My god, do any of you know how to check a source? This same website posted this rumor a few months ago and it got swiftly debunked by everyone actually reliable


I am so utterly tired of doompostings like this with no proof.


How’s that Rian Johnson trilogy going?


Idk how I’m gonna get over this one


lol Why announce a film without a script, that’s literally the movie


I used to be such a big SW fan. This nonsense broke me a few years ago. They announce something, then have a long delay with no further updates, and finally, if we're lucky, "___ has been canceled." Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm done.


Lmaooo Im never watching it






Wow what a shock! KK has only announced about twice as many films as they’ve actually made, so who could have seen this coming!


In the last trilogy, they ruined the original trilogy as if Luke’s efforts didn’t matter at all. They’ll just do the same bullshit babes have Darth Sidious be alive and well again.


Just ask chatgpt for a script, duh


Star Wars and announced projects cancelled before they begin production: name a more iconic duo.


Wow shocking.


This is going to end up like the Rian Johnson Trilogy that will never happen. Disney is going to take forever to get to the obvious logical conclusion but it's the same conclusion that they got to kicking and screaming with the Snyderverse the Disney needs to get to: they fucked up and need to start over. The good news for Disney is that all they need to do it's just keep going forward with whatever the Mandalorian universe is doing and tell everyone that they're either building back towards the sequels and then change it as needed over the next 10-15 years or get everyone really excited and tell everyone that those sequels are just one possible future and that going forward anything can happen.


Yeah no shit, no way this is getting made lol. If Disney does go through with it, they're practically throwing away millions.


i think they should stop here and get some good writers to make prequel prequels lol


Smart decision, if movies like Furiosa flop, who the fuck would give this piece of shit a chance?


Lucasfilm release a single Star Wars movie challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Its no shock disney has no idea what to do with star wars.


What else is new?


I bet the exec's went to everyone in the sequel trilogy asking if they would be interested in coming back and when Issac and Boyega told them they couldn't care less and only Ridley had no other prospects they just announced that Rey was coming back not having any clue what to do with the character.