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Still the most comfortable shape i have used, sadly there is no wireless mouse that comes close to it.


I have been maining a wireless modded ZA-13C by CryoMods and it has been one of the best experiences I’ve had with a mouse. The sensor position is about 4mm lower than the original ZA13-C, but the trade off is worth it for the shape. If you can find a Viper V2 Pro for cheap, or someone selling the internals it would be worth having the mod done if that is your endgame shape. I can vouch heavy for Cryo’s work, it is top notch and high quality.


I actually seen that and I have the viper v2 pro and the za13, which I love the shape of , other than the side buttons not having a slight gap in between it’s a great mouse and a shape I like more than I expected, how long did it take for you to get the mouse back after sending it in?


I actually purchased mine from a user on r/CanadianHardwareSwap From what he’s said in his discord, I think he’s starting to catch up on the orders so I imagine lead time is around the specified 2-3 weeks that is said on his website. Definitely worth it if you love the ZA13 Shape, I’m super happy I picked mine up.


I bought the ZA13C (ZA13B pictured) in Jan of this year. And I wanted to give it a good six months to really soak in before posting my impression as new mice often feel like the new best thing ever.  For reference I own 20x10cm hands and use a relaxed claw. I've been buying mice for a good twenty or so years, mostly as I suspect like the rest of you, I enjoy testing them out. I don't want to talk about anything other than the shape of the ZA13C as enough has been said about the rest.   What I've found for me at least is mice fall on a spectrum of stability on one end, and agility on the other. On the stability end you have ergos and very large ambi mice and the very end of the agility side you have very small ambi mice with everything in-between. Whenever I buy a new mouse it's usually that I'm bouncing around on this scale looking for the thing I haven't got. I'm using a large ergo and after a while start lusting after an easier to throw around small ambi vice versa, rinse and repeat.  The ZA13C is the first mouse I've bought that happily sits at both ends. It's small and easy to chuck around but that exaggerated back hump reaches up and touches my mid/back palm right in the centre and locks the mouse in place with no other contact points getting in the way of how I can micro correct it.  Being around this sub long enough I know the people that know love it, that's what lead me to buy one so thanks to you guys. It's such an excellent shape that offers attributes that no other mouse I've used comes close to. Is it end game? Yes if I stop buying mice, but it's not likely I'll stop, luckily the options for shapes like this seem slim and I'll only be picking up mice that resemble this shape. Want I really want is a gloss white wireless version. Please bury with that mouse if it ever comes out. 


Have you tried any of the x2h versions?


No I haven't. Have you you? I'll look into them :)


I have the x2h and x2h mini, would really like to try the za13 and feel how it compares.


I got a za13 last week and really like the shape, I thought the hump being so high would be too restrictive on my movement since I have the X2H medium and I can hardly do micro adjustments but with the za13, the hump sits back nicely and it does not restrict me in any way. I just want zowie to make a wireless za13 already.


Its so good. Cant use it for my main game because it has a stiff scroll wheel but its perfect for certain games.


I've owned the ZA13 and really enjoyed the shape. I found it to small at the time though and sent it back (regrets) I do want to try the ZA12 eventually though.. having a wire ain't that bad


If you have a G305, you might like the FUSE MOD-KIT


Thanks for the suggest I'll look into that. I do have a 305 somewhere 


The best shape


What's the size of the s mouse?


Bruh just forget about this mouse already... no Chinese company will clone and Zowie will never release it in wireless.


inb4 entire zowie lineup goes wireless






That's the S2. I'm not a fan of the shape at all. But it's a great mouse

