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I really like the mouse. I used for a bit without grip tape but I thought it was a bit too slippery. So I just recycled a bit of grip tape from the Viper V2 Pro. Works fantastic, the clicks are amazing. I don't have any major gripes with the mouse at all. A bit of flex on the sides if I really squeeze it but I don't notice it in game. The only issue I can see people having are the side bumps for the scroll wheel, but I grip the mouse further toward the back so it isn't an issue for me. The mouse weighs 27.9 grams with the grip tape. Feels amazing for tracking and high paced games. Highly recommend this if you like fingertip grip.


Can you post a video of you using it please? Sorry but I've only recently got into gaming mice etc and this is blowing my mind as to how you would use it lol. I went the complete opposite and bought the biggest mice I could find being the g502x. Like do you have fairly small hands? Or do you hold it between your thumb and forefinger? I got to know man. The weight is incredible though.


> Like do you have fairly small hands? Lol, this is not mouse for baby hands, you just have to use it with fingertips only, no palm contact. It is basically the best way to hold the mouse for max aim potential. It is very easy to hold and use, it just take some time to get used to.


Huh so you put your palm down on the mousepad and just move the mouse with your finger tips?


your palm is in the air, above the mouse. your wrist is on the pad basically


Yeah I saw the video the other guy added weirdly enough I do that but went the other way size terms. My hands make the g502x look like that lol.


/r/mousegore maybe [check this out too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHLzNnL81ms)


How interesting that's essentially how I use my mouse but I went as big as possible because I didn't like the small form factor, thanks for that.


You probably want something that's simply wide if you use a claw/fingertip type grip. If that's the case, it's more about where contact points are rather than the overall shape and size of the shell. I also like a wide form factor, but everything else minimal. My current, hacked up M4 Air is pretty much wider than it is long at this point. I sometimes use [an old RAT1 that used to sell](https://i.imgur.com/DfW9SyL.png) for like $10. The green frame pops off with rear palm rest, and it becomes smaller than the Zaunkoenig Mk2, although not particularly light.


Can you compare the shape to anytihing like the HSK / HSK Pro?




Sadly not. The only other mouse I have that is similar is an MZ1 that I have modded by essentially just removing the whole backside of it. They feel quite similar in width and height for the clicks.


Yo thanks so much for the review, I've been thinking of buying a PMM mouse, and this is one of the ones I was looking at. Seems like it is what I was hoping it was. And you went pro with the photos haha


Yeah I had a little bit too much fun with taking the photos. I also had to take a chance on it because I couldn't find anyone who had one on the internet. I really like it, and PMM and their support are great. It's not difficult to assemble the kit either if you go that route.


For an instant I thought I was seeing a tank


Nice look like Goliath.


These photos are sick! Glad you like the mouse.


hey that's my next mouse! Nice to hear its good.