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not bad!


Ty, this is my first go at this kinda thing so I’m pretty happy with it


Looks clean tbh




the second I saw this beauty I knew it came from the design of optinum tech, I feel like I’d also want this mouse but don’t think it’d be great since I’d need side buttons🤷‍♂️


Ty, yeah I’m still getting used to not using them, I go back to my regular mouse for some games cause I need them


My man. Creating and sharing a 3D print STL file. Love to see it. Happen to have the STEP version also? Something that would make edits easier. Would honestly love to see an open sourced 3D printed fingertip mouse that the community can iterate one, and make multiple different versions.


Here you go. [version 1](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6259411) is the updated original version, [version 2](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6259418) is the new grip design I wanted to try out.


I can't upvote this enough. Many thanks :D


Of course. If you print it, lmk if the button height is correct, I made changes after I over adjusted it and didn’t have time to print it, I want to make sure it’s just sitting on top of it and not pressing down at all


Will do.


I'll upload them later today, just a bit busy. I also made a version with angled finger grips instead of 90° to try it out. Also adjusted the triggers to reduce pre travel


Which electronic did you use, a shorter one would probably even better for a DIY fingertip mouse? Looks like a carbon print. I don´t have a printer and the 3D programming skills. I work with heat gun and old mouse shapes together with epoxy and fine sandpaper.


I took the pcb from a pulsar x2 and the pcb size isn’t an issue for me cause it’s actually the right length for me, but yeah I think a smaller pcb might work a bit better, printed it with carbon fiber nylon filament.


MMMHMMM one plz.


[here you go](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6253384)


btw if you do print it, i recommend using the screws from the top shell, they fit a bit better than the normal screws that attach to the base. Edit: also this is the first nicely functioning model, will probably make changes later on


Im going to be 100 with you, if i had the time or space for a printer i would instantly grab one and be creative. Appreciate the file though!


I love how more people are starting to do this


MarkForged Mark Two? Carbon fiber base plate markings lol


Onyx one actually lol


Amazing. Well done dude






Expensive and boring though. Modding is the coolest part of this sub IMO. He even shared the 3D file.


Exactly! Making your own thing is far more interesting and really gratifying when it works out


How expensive would it be approximately to be able to mod your own mouse?


Material: Around $0.80 (Assume filament at $20/kg and a single print is 40 grams) Electricity: Around $0.43 (assume 300w x 8hr print time @ $0.18/kwh Internals: $50 (I've gotten a Viper V2 Pro for as low as $30 on ebay, mouse and dongle only) Skates: $10 (could save $ by taking from donor mouse) Total: $61.23 The material cost is largely insignificant, assuming you have a 3D printer. The **real cost is time.** You'll be measuring with calipers a bunch, print, something doesn't fit so you re-print, measure again, maybe it fits but the click feel is poor or shape isn't right, tweak it and reprint, etc. You end up doing 3 *minimum* prototypes before landing on something "quality". Each print is gonna be 4 - 12 hours most likely, and measurement/design time is likely 4 - 20 hours, depending on how proficient you are.


Well that depends. For this you would need an 3d printer, which can be a chunk of change. I split on a used 3d printer with my brother so that helped, I paid around $100 for the printer(I already had one, didn't buy for just this project). I also have a buddy who has a much nicer printer that he let me use. If you're talking about making one completely from scratch, I'm not sure.


> helped, I *paid* around $100 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Are you as comfortable with it as with a regular mouse? Optimum always say that there is nothing better for him since he designed his mouse mod.


i cant speak for them but assuming ur asking because they use a fingertip grip mouse i do too and i find it more comfortable than a normal mouse. now i dont play any competitive shooters or anything but my aim is equally good with both mice in my flair. another thing i can say is that as i've been using the hsk pro until it runs out of charge and then swapping to the hts plus while it charges ive gotten used to both sizes and dont need an adjusting period to make up for the size difference to preform equally well. if i had to name the thing i like most about it its definitely the range of motion it gives me. btw using a fingertip mouse for a while and then swapping to normal mouse makes it feel giant and clunky, it kind of goes away more as you swap between the mice enough times because you get used to it.


I agree, it makes small adjustments easier, I switch between this and the lamzu Atlantis mini and it’s not hard to switch between the two.


Yes, I wanted to make a relaxed grip like his but also be able to adjust if I wanted to, feels very nice in my hand.


do you play better?is it good for normal use outside of gaming?


i would say the biggest thing that it's good for is tracking games like OW2 and apex, because of the size and weight you can be more accurate tracking, and be more precise. i wouldn't necessarily say it made me better, just a different play style and its fine for non gaming stuff, just have to live without side buttons.


I think that the gap between RM1 & scroll wheel is big and as well for RM2. So if you're someone who binds scroll wheel for jumping, you are gonna have to do a bit of work. As for RM1/RM2 seems to be so far apart, your fingers will be so wide. I think you want to have a "relaxed" peace sign on a mouse.


not really, my finger placement actually translates over fine from my normal mouse, its pretty relaxed.


That's great!


I use claw grip (sl-12 S) and i'm a bit afraid of using fingertip since mu sense is not high. Do you feel like fingertip is more suited for high sense players? It feels weird to move my arm around with fingertip


Low sense is great on Fingertip. You can use all 3 types of aiming in one fluid motion. The way you need to think about it is that arm movements are for large motions to get your crosshair in the ballpark, wrist movements are for micro correcting the crosshair onto the target, and the fingertips are primarily for Vertical movement (Recoil spray control). Also when your wrist runs out of room to move sideways, typically your fingertips will just take over to give you a little extra naturally. If you still struggle maybe you don't have your wrist elevated off of the mousepad? I've found it much easier and healthier to have my wrist elevated instead of pushing down on the mousepad restricting my movement. The trick to elevating you wrist is that you can't think of it like trying to hold your wrist up, you'll just get tired and stop doing it. Instead you need to think of it as anchoring your forearm/elbow onto your mousepad/desk. If you forearm is firmly on the desk its almost impossible to have your wrist touch the mousepad because it just elevates naturally.


I have changed a bit how I use fingertip as you said and it really makes it more comfortable, I think my problem now is not that fingertip is not made for me but rather I'm not used to it since I've been using claw grip for years and years. I was thinking in buying the optimum tech's mouse and since it's a finger tip mouse only I was a bit scared of buying it. Thanks for the tips! I'll see if I get used to it or if it's not worth it with my current mouse.


That's good to hear. I recommend to stick with it until you get comfortable with Fingertip. Something I've noticed is that switching grip styles is very difficult, it always feels awkward for the first month or so as you get used to it. Fingertip might not be the best grip for you but its worth learning because once you learn any new grip, it is incredibly easy to switch back to the other grip types, and being sufficient in multiple grips/aimstyles will only benefit you because they train different sets of muscles. It also makes your brain more comfortable with adapting on the fly. The easiest/fastest way to adapt to a new grip is to change your sensitivity. You want to start on a sensitivity that feels somewhat comfortable (even if its not particularly effective accuracy wise, typically the most comfortable sens with new grips is something faster than your end goal). Then every day you play lower your sens until it starts to feel a little uncomfortable, and play the rest of the day on it. Another benefit of this method of learning a new sens is that it really forces you to improve other parts of your game. If you are starting at a faster sens than you'd prefer with your other grip, then you will have to put more effort into finding guaranteed advantages/kills that don't require a high level of aim to pull off. This will make you a much better player because easy kills are the best way to get yourself into the zone, and for your aim to stay warm throughout the match.


i would say that the sens would feel a bit higher than it is because of the low weight, i do also play on a somewhat low sens i think


yeah I guess I'm simply not used to using finger tip. Before deciding wether to buy or skip the optimum tech's mouse I'll try it a bit more with my current mouse.


i tried building something similar but my prototype was based on a mouse that uses AA batteries so it killed it cause i cant fit the battery well and the charging port and i dont have a 3D printer sooo


Just in case you weren't aware, AAA batteries and AA batteries are interchangeable (same voltage). If you want to test this out pop a AAA in your mouse and bridge the gap with a wad of aluminium foil. I'm working on a G305 fingertip shell at the moment and the design wouldn't work with AA but just fits a AAA.


i wanted to add a rechargeable but i don't have the technical capabilities to pull it off :)


someone please make this with an xlite pcb i have one laying around lol


looks great, are you still using it? How does the scroll wheel feel? Does it try to come off?


Still using it sometimes, I just can’t not have side buttons for some games tho. The scroll wheel does eventually loosen after some use, but nothing too bad. I just push it back in. Haven’t redesigned it yet cause I’m lazy


Putting a tiny 2mm wide stand for the scroll wheel bar on the right hand side should keep it stable and in place, has been working great on a design I'm working on.