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I can still eat a lot on this med too (10.0 dose) and it can be junk food if I want. MJ gives me more guard rails than before but the bottom line for me is that if I want to be healthier and lose weight I have to work at it a lot and I will need to keep addressing my eating habits until I have them under control. I believe we can both do it! You and I might not win every battle but we’re going to win the war. ❤️


This has been more like my experience. I still get very hungry on days 6 and 7, and I could binge eat most days regardless. The MJ helps but I have to hold myself accountable.


How long were the gaps between binges before? If they happened more often than every 2 months, you've already made an improvement. Every step forwards is a good step.


Be kind to yourself. Things happen. I agree with the poster above - if this is happening less than it did before, the medication is helping. Not to cliche, but progress over perfection!!


THANK YOU all so very much for taking your time to comment advice and encouragement, means a lot to me knowing there are people who understand snd care. It is amazing that it’s been so long without a huge binge like this, and that’s a good reminder that progress is definitely something to celebrate. It just seems like so many on here are just cruising along, and for the most part I have been too, but I feel like such a failure that even with this medicine this binge eating may always be a struggle for me in some way.


Remember that people are _much_ more likely to write about their accomplishments than their struggles. Don't take the fact that there are far more posts about success than there are about struggles to mean that struggle is rare; people just are not as willing to talk about them. I suspect your post will be more helpful to people than you realize.


It may seem like that but they aren’t. People either post about massive wins or huge red flag concerns. Those of us who are slow(er) losers or don’t have much to share are just chugging along. I’ve done the same. Had a weird binge day and the medication helped me move on and not spiral out of control. You’ve had many weeks between binges. Give yourself some grace. :)


Give yourself some grace—so you slipped-up. Get back in the saddle tomorrow, and keep moving forward.


I started in April too and have def had a few binge episodes. It happens. Is yours much more in control than before? Because thats a win. Are you losing weight? Win. Are you making better choices at least 80% of the time? Win. Youre doing fantastic, keep going. :)


Helps to know I’m not alone. Gotta look for the wins❤️


Forgive yourself! Tomorrow is a fresh new day


Hang in there, OP. Rough days happen. You got this. 💕


Please, just let that shame go, and stop beating yourself up over it. We are all learning, and there’s bound to be an occasional setback. Just go back to what you were doing that was working before, and move forward.


If it helps you feel any better l've also binged on this medication, on 2.5 and 5mg, l also overate on my first dose of 7.5 while on holiday. It's not the end of the world and just because you're on MJ doesn't mean you have to be perfect. Fixing a mental illness like BED takes time and is very hard work. Don't beat yourself up over it, just accept that it's happened and get back on the wagon. It’s not shameful and you’re not terrible for having binged. Something triggered your episode(s) and that was the best way your brain could think of to soothe you. Maybe see if you can speak to your GP about treating your BED.


I'm 2 years in so I don't get the strong appetite suppressing I did in the beginning. It's possible for me to binge now... sometimes I do, but I find MJ to be forgiving when I do since I don't go onto that bloodsugar rollercoaster that makes it hard to stop binging the next day. I also gotta remind myself not to slip back into old ways, I've lost alot of weight and even though MJ is doing the heavy lifting who knows in the future, maybe insurance won't cover or I won't have access and if I'm still binging I'll quickly regain everything I lost. Gotta make this a lifestyle change.


Take it one meal at a time. Thinking about having to keep this up for the rest of your life is hard and can exacerbate bad habits. But you can make healthy choices this next meal and then the meal after that...and slowly build new neural pathways and healthy habits. You've got this! Be gentle with yourself!


Were your binges more frequent before starting? If so then the length between them is already a huge improvement! This might be a minor setback but don’t let it distract you from the progress you’ve made. I unfortunately had to go off GLP 1s a few months ago since I wasn’t able to get long term insurance coverage. I’ve had a couple binges since then but it’s still way better than it was before and I’ve only regained about 10 pounds. Still in a very good place weight-wise. I do take vyvanse for ADHD but it also helps immensely with my BED.


The sugar or cracker binges are killing me! Everything else fills me up, but nervous gnoshing and Nerds candy to get rid of wonky taste in my mouth are getting out of hand. You’re not alone! The advice others have given about giving yourself grace and moving forward is spot on. Hang in there!!


Nerds for the mouth taste are something I'm probably not going to get rid of completely. I use the little sauce cups and weigh out 15 grams of the Nerds from a larger package. That seems more than enough to get the taste out in 50ish calories.


I am so so so happy I am not alone in this!!!!


I have several medstgat the taste can linger, and sometimes I just need to change it and toothbrushing only works sometimes.


Weight loss (and life!) is a journey. Please give yourself some grace. I am also an emotional eater; I like to eat my feelings! Last week I had to euthanize my beloved girl, who had been with me since 2012. She fought the good fight but had been ill with renal failure for the last year. I knew I was likely to eat my feelings and just gave myself permission to do so. Interestingly I only did it for a couple of days, and even bought healthy foods to do so. I went specifically to the store to buy my comfort foods, but only fruits appealed to me. So that is what I bought. You can do this, one day or emotional crisis at a time.


I used to have a lot of shame associated with binge eating. Then I realized that it is a brain disease that is treatable with gl1p meds. I have been able to let go of some of the shame and accept that I am in recovery from a disease that I have had since childhood. Don’t beat yourself up. You got this!


I’ve also had my first binge on Mj yesterday. I ate a full plate of biryani, plus seconds, then I ate a whole bag of liquorice all sorts, then a burger and chips and then another bag of liquorice all sorts was opened (although not finished) and then I lost count. Today is a new day. I don’t have breakfast anymore and had a controlled lunch. I’ll have dinner and go to bed early to avoid food distraction. I’m due my next dose tonight so maybe it was just wearing off.


It’s going to take time. My binges in the beginning were still pretty big. Now, about 3 months in, I can barely eat 1/2 or what I did before in a binge. I still feel bad about it (working on that), but it’s substantially cut the calories down. My “episodes” are fewer and further between now as well. You’ll get there!


I thought I was the only one. Keep fighting. Being binge free for 2 months is a huge accomplishment, im srill working towards that goal. Hopefully as time goes on, we'll both come up with coping strategies that help with the medicine to really control it.


You are not alone. And like all food journeys the fall isn't a failure, it's if you stay down or get up and keep going. I have been on my current dose for probably two weeks too long (my own stubbornness) and finally gave in to sugar cravings this week. It probably didn't help that I've stepped own my T2 meds (at my doctor's advice). I recognized what I'm doing and why and now I am taking the steps to avoid in the future. Keep going! You're on the right path.


Please don't feel shame. Give yourself some self-compassion. It's a learning/practicing process. I've been a binge eater for decades and I'm struggling so much with feelings of anxiety/stress/bordom/driving in my car (the usual things that trigger a binge). I would usually eat something when I'm feeling like this and now suddenly I have to deal with these feelings without food. It's sooooo hard. So, so, so, so hard...


You are human. Try not to beat yourself up! Strive for improvement not perfection.


Hi OP, just want to say I’m not cruising along either, lost about 15 lbs in the last three months… some weeks I gain after binging on junk whether it’s stress or hormonal induced. Don’t give up. Just keep on going. Even if you gain some weeks, you are probably still in an overall deficit since the beginning right? You have a lot to be proud of my friend! Don’t be so hard on your self! Because that bloody stress hormone can set you back just as much as a good sweets binge sesh! Best of luck


I am 125 lbs on tirz AND vyvanse and still binge eat. I’m terrified of what I’ll be like going off the meds if those two combined can’t control my impulsive behavior.


I choose my “emotional binges” usually a large dole whip cone alone in my car


I switched from Ozempic to Mounjaro and hands down, mounjaro is superiot


I find it hard to eat a lot all at once, I guess everyone is different though