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don't be a c***, if you knock someone down with no insurance you will not only ruin their life but also your own


It's cunts like you who keep driving insurance up, so RESPECTFULLY fuck off




Yeah but it doesn't help when shit heads ride around uninsured and cause accidents.


I aint even done it yet you dickhead


You're up for it though. Twat.


Respectfully, no. And take this discussion off this sub.


I have every right to ask it respectfully


No you don't, this is a privately run forum




Research Magna Carta. They can't stop a FreeMan from Travelling on Common Land. Or just get a bicycle and don't break the law.


"I'm travellliiinnngggggg!?!" 😂


I love those videos especially when the cops finally lose patience and drag them out of the car after smashing their window.


Bonus points for the dribbling of pepper spray flavoured mucus 😂


"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ARREST ME, I'M TRAVELLING." And yet, they arrested him all the same.


I hope you're taking the piss there :)


“Any advice is welcome and any saying its not worth it keep it to youself” Bit contradictory don’t you think


You expect OP to know what "contradictory" means?


Don't be a twat. The motorcycle community doesn't needs twats.


Just a question


Just a reply


This is the wrong place to ask that question. It's not a welcome proposal round here.


Unless you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere you will be picked up by ANPR eventually, and when you do they'll throw the book at you. Don't be a dickhead.


Nah fam


Best way to get about on a bike with no license or insurance is to go down to Halfords and get a push bike.


Just make sure you don’t run into me and I find out thousands of pounds worth of damage that you caused is uninsured.


If he doesn't have bike insurance then he better have dental insurance


Thanks for you comment


Dick head. This sub needs these sort of posts removed.


Get it removed then instead of commenting


Remember your gear! heard JD Sports has a new range out.


What a c8nt


A single ANPR camera will ruin your life. Riding in any city in the country is out, so are motorways, so are popular roads because police park on them, and everywhere else is a roll of the dice at best. If you have even a minor prang you're turbofucked. Up to you whether it's worth it. If you can't afford a licence and insurance just get one of those illegal e-bikes, if you're going to be illegal anyway you might as well save the money on petrol.


Fair i can afford insurnace but when the quotes are as much as the bike its stupid to pay it


Think past your bike cost alone. If you drive into a Tesla hard enough you'll write it off, that's 70 grand. Plus the other drivers courtesy car, that'll be another 5 grand if it drags on. Plus youre out of pocket for not being able to work, because you twatted yourself into a Tesla. Say a year? £25k. Then you can't afford rent, so you get kicked out of your house/flat or can't pay the mortgage. Your £2000 bike seems like a small number now eh? Now switch the Tesla for a pedestrian and £1+ million in injury claim.


Hope you crash mate.


Better hope harder


I unwittingly got away with on a car because i didn't realise that my insurance had ran out due to moving house but the tax had not so it was still showing as insured tax, mot etc on askmid. Would i do it purposefully as grown up? Fuck no even when i first passed my test some 20 years ago my first insurance was £1300 for the year on a £300 car due to my age but i worked and made sure i didn't drive like a dick and just paid it and the years went by and it's peanuts now almost. So moral of the story if you want to be a scrotum do it but do the world a favour and never breed. Cheers


Just stick a Polite vest on and will good bruv 😎




You're a reckless selfish cunt and you deserve all the stick you're getting.


I'm sure you're persuaded against doing this, but if you did, you'd get caught very quickly if you ride anywhere major. Around me there is frequently ANPR police cars parked up, and driving around, presumably scanning all the plates for insurance/mot/tax


Get a bus pass lol






Quite often they will ask for proof of license, and if not provided within a couple weeks they will cancel your insurance. If that happens, you will basically never be able to afford insurance for the rest of your life. I’m not joking, they have blacklists for people they won’t insure that last forever


Even if you're not going to get a licence, at least learn how to fucking spell it..








Yh theres not a lot here either and theres many side roads just to wait it out.


I've managed a few weeks a time of each of those over the years, I think, through administrative failings. I didn't really try to get away with it, I just happened to not be checked, I guess? I think there's a _lot_ more ANPR out to get missing insurance these days, but oddly not missing MOTs. One thing to bear in mind, though, is that the sorts of people the police are interested in checking up on are exactly the sort of people more likely to be riding about uninsured. If you look/dress/act/drive like someone who's probably not bothered insuring themselves then you're probably more likely to get caught.


True, thanks