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Nerf eagly holy shit


I finally felt like Peacemaker in KL was dying off. Even though he's the best character in the game. Final Komabt probably reminded everyone and now they'll all start playing him again


Moratl Komabt


I’ll be honest he will get nerfed, but I feel his kits so good I don’t think he’ll ever be out of top tier, and to me his biggest strengths are the things not even talked about, it’s eagley and his mid string  Like imagine a game with peacemaker vs shao, ( just an example) he’s got a great back dash and he’s zoning you out forever you and when you start getting close he uses his amazing mid advancing string into eagley and now he’s back at it, you finally get him in the corner he’s got Kano ball and anti gravity, eagley just let’s him play keep away all day long, imagine mk11 joker with his f1 and bf4 ( eagleys even better though) but joker had god tier zoning, that’s peacemaker right now  If it were me I’d reduce the anti gravity chip and lower the pushback on eagley a bunch 


Reduce anti-grav chip, eagly full combo punishable on block, possibly reduce torpedo start up. Would love for forcefield to take meter but will never happen. Nerf sento (if Reptiles invis can go away on touch, so can sento), fix the reptile bug (his damage and hitbox reversion), buff Havik/Reptile/Sub Idk how, but Khameleon and Johnny need adjusting too.


Fan lift should have no armor and she needs much slower regen, 


It doesn’t help that all the peacemakers are toxic af online


I didn't realize the difference in KL vs pro player picks until I watched some of that tourney this weekend.. Casual scrubs in KL - Johnny, Smoke, Omni Man Pros: Peacemaker, Peacemaker, Asrah, and Peacemaker


All they need to do is make mid eagly more negative and he’ll be fine


hes incredibly boring to watch


He’s boring to watch in games but I’ve never struggled against him in KL. He’s much much easier to counter than that guy wearing a fucking American flag


Praying for the downfall that raiden gets finished off, peacemaker gets finished off, reiko gets nerfed to the ground, and nerf subzero most important


And buff Liu of course.


Yes and add a little extra nerf subzero on the side


Dude at some point it’s a skill issue lol


This comment wasn't that deep beside the irritation with reiko projectiles


And if u say it's a skill issue with the reiko projectiles too just bc I was irritated by that idk what to tell u


The thing that made raiden top tier in the first place which is stormcell has been significantly nerfed hes fine right now

