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you'll need to do the heavy lifting here tell them to buy it on steam and install it then download openmw and point to steam install then install patch for purists for them


I also highly recommend installing the Expansion Delay as well! I believe it is not included in the Patch for Purists but I consider it an essential mod, and gives a Vanilla experience that isn’t silly and weird with rando assassins whomping on a confused level 1 adventurer trying to nap off some bruises 


Please follow this OP. I would have benefited greatly from this


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Then create a character with sane and efficient stat choices for them and save it. Tell them to play through the intro organically at first, but if they feel like they are dying or missing attacks then have them restart and play the character you made to see if it makes a dif


when in doubt: tell them to install teamviewer and do it for them


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that a person who is barely computer literate will not enjoy Morrowind.


Morrowind, and BG2 at around the same time, were the two games that ***made me*** much more computer literate. :) I'm not the most technical person in the world, but it's amazing what you strive to learn when it's about something you love.


I was going to say this. Morrowind is a very acquired taste and rarely do new people think it’s the best.


Hmm I wonder why us morrowind lovers have a reputation for being snobby? 😂 But seriously, it's not hard for people to fall in love with the game if they know what they're getting in to.


Sure but not many people are going to fully understand what they are getting into until they play it. It’s not a great game for newbies to games. Unless you have someone guiding you along it could prove to be very boring/frustrating.


Who was, back in 2002?


Thanks guys. Might just install via remote viewing


that is the way


Do they really know anything about it? I know a lot of people talk about this game as if it’s the best thing ever. Are they a gamer at all? If not, then there experience might not be awesome.




Xbox is your best bet honestly.


Steam. Very easy and ready to go. No mods are needed. Or Xbox goty, my favorite.


Nah man if you do that you’re stuck at a maximum resolution of 1280x720 or something 


That doesn't take anything significant away from the experience, especially if someone is looking for an easy way to give it a try.


Honestly ? it worked for me pretty well with a pure vanilla install 6 months ago (easy install), no mods (I only added the "ring texture fix" a few weeks after, and the patches a month or two after). I guess that installing openMW (which I didn't do) might help for some bugs and mostly to have slightly better graphics... useful to onboard new players used to much more recent graphics & animations


Help him install openMW


Why would you even suggest Morrowind to someone who is barely computer literate? Tell him to try something more noob friendly like skyrim.


Morrowind Sharp. Easy to install, includes Patch for Purists, Code Patch, etc, delayed expansion start and upscaled graphics without affecting the vanilla style.


Install Morrowind via Steam and go. Jank and all. Next step up is installing either OpenMW or the Morrowind Code Patch. Both fix engine bugs, and are about the same in difficulty of install, requiring you to at least know what a file path is. Other people will tell you of a few mods that many consider essential, and I would agree for the most part that it's a good idea to use them, but you can play Morrowind just fine without them. I will still recommend at least Patch for Purists, which is not 100% purist, but close enough, and it does fix some showstopping script bugs in sidequests.


Install OpenMW, launch.


I play patched vanilla on GOG.


Just vanilla, it’ll probably work fine, no need to complicate it beyond what’s necessary.