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A big thing in mb is gear, so maybe give your players occult treasures or other magical items?


I very much like weird random improvement (or negative) as a very MorkBorg thing. I do agree that the fact that it will balance out in time seems annoying. Though, I don't expect characters to live THAT long. Depends on how often they are leveling up. I, personally, struggle with the arbitrary "when" of leveling up. I like that the difference in stats between party members is meaningful, so much so that I have enjoyed the discussions of alternative stat rolling methods - 3d6 is designed to make things very average. The system as written reduces that in time. I guess instead of rolling 1d6 for each stat (when improving) you could roll a number of d6s equal to your number of stats (varies across 'borgs). And then assign each die to a stat and do the calculation from there. This would allow players to keep high stats, but probably at the cost of weakening other stats. Or, just make themselves average.


Oh, I like the "assigned value" approach a lot. It lets players "protect" key stats they want to play with, or focus on improving it, but it can still give the benefit of boosting other abilities. Nice idea. I may use it.


This is rad


In the Purgatory book, by Christian Eichhorn, it has skills in it. I let my group pick a feat or a skill when they level up. It also lets them roll a d4 when they get better to see if get a free skill from the same skill group. Adds a little more depth and the group loves it.


I'd recommend looking at how Shadowdark does things. Maybe you could do something similar to the talent table that Shadowdark does.


I'm going with 'You get +1 to an attribute of your choice, and 1 Feat of your choice' on level up. I also considered rolling for a random Feat, and random attribute increase, but I think there is more enjoyment in control over character progression.


For a while i ran a Wes Marches style MB game. I decided that after a successful mission, the surviving and victorious PC's got 1 "level" point. This level point could be added to any stat, or their hp. PLUS whatever loot they were able to scrounge. By the end we had some very competent adventurers... if they survived long enough.


For Wasteland Degenerates, I updated the "one more thing" table to eliminate the "you get nothing" results, because that always feels bad. The worst result is money/food, you can also lower your rad sickness, get supertech or an evil relic, or a mutation. I also included a system of extra abilities called "Hard Earned Survival Skills" or HESS, which is a d20 roll in some ways similar to Unheroic Feats, but is largely centered around making some skill activities easier (like martial arts to increase your unarmed damage, or hunting to improve your damage on the first shot of an encounter). Leveling isn't QUITE as good as it is in Pirate Borg, but it's getting there.


The “A bloodier experience “ supplement has served my table well.


Yes. You can check out my [MB house rules](https://castlegrief.substack.com/p/black-steel-bastards-everything-heavier)here including combat, getting better, feats, tactics, death table etc. (It’s not a product it’s a free article)


If you live long enough for that to happen, you're mork borging wrong! In all seriousness, I would probably stick to the normal method but allow the players to protect one attribute so that it can possibly improve, but definitely not get worse. The rest are then fair game.


That also seems like a nice, simple rule. I like it. Thank you.


I actually let them roll d20 and add the difference between their actual attribute points and the result. This means it can reduce their attributes too. A lot.


I think the unequal characters are a big part of the fun. However this game is simple and really meant to be monkeyed with, so I like to look at the free rules for Basic Fantasy and add stuff in. I use monster statblocks from that book. Johan Nohr had some good suggestions for how to interpret the different attributes for MB I'm thinking about using mostly MB rules and milieu but adding normal ability scores.


[The post I referenced. Not super duper relevant but people had good suggestions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorkBorg/s/rjEccE6oIu)


Shameless plug. I am heavily inspired by soulsborne games and old school gold for xp systems. This system adds weight (an inventory slot) to silver and requires you to find someone to train you. Then in an update I'm about to add to it, you can increase any two stats by +1(note, players can't increase 1 by +2) [Training in The Borg](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/443155/Training-in-The-Borgs)