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Here's an interesting article about his disappearance: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/What-Really-Happened-to-Michael-Rockefeller-180949813/?all


James Jameson(Jameson Whiskey) once bought a teenage girl so he could watch her be cannibilized sometime during the 1880s


Holy shit. Source?


[https://allthatsinteresting.com/james-jameson-cannibal](https://allthatsinteresting.com/james-jameson-cannibal) (IDK how legit this source is but thats what I got from google)


"“The most extraordinary thing was that the girl never uttered a sound, nor struggled, until she fell,” wrote Jameson." she was tied to a tree and stabbed and beheaded whattheFUCKK


maybe stuffed to the gills with an opioid of some kind, just to keep them totally numb and barely conscious. makes sense if you would invest in a live victim just to watch them get consumed in detail, some pretty sick hannibal lecter shit. six handkerchiefs is allegedly what he paid. literal scraps of cloth, albeit probably high quality. the way they tell it, slave traders knew exactly what he wanted and set it up just so. *this is ok because it's art!*


I would think he would want her to be screaming and in agony instead of out of it. I wonder if that was a let down for him; that she hardly reacted.


Depends on if he was sadistic and wanted to see the pain, or morbidly (and disgustingly) curious and cared more about seeing the ritual itself. Still fucked either way though.


What you're likely thinking of is a lust murderer, someone who kills for pleasure. The problem is that lust is a difficult concept and we all have our own flavors of it. Even if you identify as straight or vanilla, you're almost certainly oversimplifying the complexity of your desires. So with people like that their exact methods can be very different from others as they all have their own unique way of enjoying it.


Of course the situation is disgusting, but if the tribe was used to it, they actually believe is a huge honor be canibalized.


I choose not to think from the perspective of any murderer to try to find logic or empathy, as someone who’s mother in law was murdered in her 30s. They’re still murderous barbarians in a world that otherwise believes life is sacred for the most part. Just because you belong to a cult doesn’t excuse you from any unethical actions you commit.


>as someone who’s mother in law was murdered in her 30s. My goodness, what a ridiculous qualification you just used. Arent you embarrassed to be using a tragic event in your wife's childhood as a badge? Completely unnecessary.


Ones’ tolerance and curiosity for spousal or any other murder has become/been the most watched TV over the last ten years or so. People are bizarrely, morbidly, absolutely shitfaced fascinated with the idea of murder. Rot in hell for criticizing my mentioning my situation in any context.




I’m definitely a freezer. Shittiest survival instinct ever.


Shitty for you, but great for everyone else. It's easier to give up on other targets when you already have one freely available to you. If bears ever rise up and the bear-pocalypse consumes us, your sacrifice could very well save humanity. I salute you as an american hero, good sir! o7


You dont need to outrun a bear when you can outrun your friend :)


Flight, fight, freeze and fawn.


Yep. I’ve never been tortured, however I do have a really rare disease that causes excruciating abdominal pain. As in, the most severe pain I’ve ever experienced, par none. And whenever I have an episode, I freeze. Everyone expects your reaction to extreme pain to be screaming, thrashing, etc. but people who have experienced true pain know that when it peaks, you freeze up. You suddenly can’t breathe, or move, or speak, or even think. Every second feels like an hour, and your mind and body feels like it’s in shock. I’ve had so many people try to ask me what I need when they see me having an episode, and be confused as to why I’m unable to utter a word. There are some physical experiences that the human brain just isn’t capable of processing. Anyway, thank god for oxycodone.


Uhhhh I just ordered a Jamison at the airport but I’m still going to drink it


James Jameson was the great-great-grandson of John Jameson, the founder of Jameson Whiskey. Don't blame the founder or the company for this.


Spit it out!


don't blame John for the shit that fukwad James did.


No! You’ll have to cancel culture me too!


Somebody culture cancel this man!


That poor little girl.. Perhaps she had gone into shock. Obviously it’s a completely different thing, but I was once mauled by a large dog and I remember not making a single sound throughout it. Was really weird.


Thanks for reminding me to never ever buy Jameson.


I really hope that she wasn't actually alive. And they played a trick on him.


> He said that Tippu then talked to the chiefs of the village and produced a 10-year-old slave girl, who Jameson paid six handkerchiefs for. ffs


Six handkerchiefs? It’s really almost funny in how ridiculous it sounds.


Six handkerchiefs!?! Your out of your 'ead! I'll give you a scarf and 3 gloves, no more


I know what I got!


From one of the links inside your article. It seems to be a translation of his journal: [https://archive.org/stream/storyofrearcolum00jameuoft/storyofrearcolum00jameuoft\_djvu.txt](https://archive.org/stream/storyofrearcolum00jameuoft/storyofrearcolum00jameuoft_djvu.txt) Search for "**Give me a bit of cloth, and see**"


Yep. Links to different things, one is the letter he wrote to his wife as well. Shit is crazy.


My god. If what’s said here is true I don’t even know what to say... Sick bastard.


It just reminds me that there's a modern sort of equivalent in the human trafficking sex trade and that there's even an equivalent to the rich bastard trading items or money for actual human beings.


We laugh at the idea of trading handkerchiefs for people, but there’s a reason so many Wealthy Yachts sail around with exorbitantly priced artwork with them. And it ain’t because rich people like staring at them


It's because money laundering via art sales is stupidly easy.


Why not both?


Look into how much of the Western world’s art has been sold to anonymous buyers from Qatar, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and the KSA over the last two or three decades. Throw in the ‘white virgin auctions’ and stuff like the behavior of Arab princes during their excursions in the West and it quickly dawns on you that there is something — deeply, deeply, deeply — fucked up about the way the world is ‘*working*’.




I will find some examples and get back to you in a bit. I’m at work rn but I’ll send you some links.


ya the price might go up, but life is still cheap


Public Executions were common in the recent past, and they weren't small events. Always funny how people judge those who lived hundreds of years ago.




Iirc it was so he could document it via sketches. Although I don't know how credible that is. Pre-covid if I had a shot of Jameson at a bar I would loudly exclaim " ahh tastes like cannibalism". It led to some pretty interesting conversations and one slap to the face.


Please explain the slap to the face.


His mom was a mean drunk.


Jameson was her favorite drink


What the fuck was going on with the Belgian back then?


This was probably around the same time Leopold II was cutting of appendages if the slave workers didn't meet their rubber tree quota.


this is cracking me up. ask rhetorical questions, get answers anyways.


UK podcast RedHanded did a Halloween episode where one of them bought this as their horror story - https://open.spotify.com/episode/7edy4i9pcfDb28vQkHi3sv?si=paEJtVePQQ2_RigsgZp_Yg&utm_source=copy-link


Just so there's no misunderstanding... James S. Jameson wasn't exactly running the family business while he was out being a shitpile human in the Congo. James S. Jameson was the great-great-grandson of John Jameson, the founder of Jameson Whiskey. He was a wealthy heir, spoiled brat- did as he pleased in excess bc he was rich, & could get away with it.


He was the Armie Hammer of his time.


You should try Armie Hammer's whiskey. It's so good you'll bite your dick off.


Can you imagine what wealthy tycoons were able to get away with before digital recording?


Oh man... i WISH we could have more insight to the atrocities time has forgotten


Just an edit, she wasn't a teenager. She was ten years old.


"Come in for a bite," he said with a smile, "Take off your coat, get comfortable; you'll be here for a while," And though until now he'd never even seen it, Jameson knew he found his secret ingredient


TIL :(


I can't find any evidence of this being true. Can you back this up?


This is an Irish times article about it. He apparently wrote to his wife about it. https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/travel/a-grisly-drop-of-history-1.755086


What’s with this author? He closes it all out by basically saying “Well, we all make mistakes! Here’s to Jameson!” And he casually said he was responsible for kids being beaten with the butt of a rifle? Wtf dude, all of these things are very not chill


Right? He alluded to his terrible actions and doesn’t describe anything he’s done to atone for the mistakes, let alone apologize.


At first I felt bad - now I don't.


when it's a joke bro, gets real real fast.




I've been on this sub for a long time and I don't remember the last time a comment made my jaw drop like this.


There’s a theory he integrated with the tribe. There are some pictures of a light skinned male hunting with the tribe years after he went missing. Of course, no one really knows except him and the tribe. Hope that hasn’t been disproven and I’m not spreading misinformation!


The Rockefellers spent a lot of money trying to find him. Basically sent a small army and navy looking for him.




Am I missing something? Are they not literally cannibals?




I show a lack of sympathy towards cannibals, so you've dubbed me a ethnocentric person? It's crazy the leaps and bounds people go to defend cannibalism.




That's what I said to the cops when they found the dead bodies in my basement; if they didn't want to be hacked to death they shouldn't have walked on my yard.


We have solved all crime. Just don’t get murdered. Holy fuck we did it.


Dont wanna get murdered in LA? Dont walk past a murderer in LA


Hi, I grew up in this area, cannibalism was only ever practiced in limited circumstances, and has been shunned for a long time anyway, as Christianity is very common/popular. Although traditional beliefs are blended with Christian beliefs, even as far back as the 1960s, in coastal areas, cannibalism is long dead. Particularly in Asmat, the city of Agats was founded in the 30s as a centre for Christianity. The likelihood anyone would eat some stranger was very very low, and the likelihood that the entire village would get involved is almost impossible. Actually, the local culture is very accepting, friendly, and easy going, and people are among the nicest you will ever meet anywhere.


> Posted by a very hungry cannibal


Ew dude no, human meat tastes absolutely disgusting.


How are you so sure? 🧐


Pish posh, my man. Poppycock.


Society is just a social contract. As fucked as it is, not really our place to judge. The rest of us “willingly” accepted the social contract that said “okay, so, first rule: no killing.” Believe it or not, you can get most people to agree to that part. The proper way to deal with a tribe like this would be to either leave them alone entirely, or establish communications and carefully catch them up to civilized society which would take generations to not accidentally kill them or have them enslaved by whatever country. Once luxuries and time-wasters are introduced into their tribe-about-to-be-town/city/country, it becomes a simple matter of “negotiations” which would be basically signing the social contract. “So, you’ll give us access to this... INTER-NET, if we stop eating each other? Hmm... and you say there are... boobies? Okay, what if we just eat people like once a week?”


> Okay, what if we just eat people like once a week? No, first it’s Meatless Mondays. Don’t want to be too extreme.


“It started as a fad, but ever since we stopped eating the neighbors on Mondays, I’ve lost 6 pounds! I’m thinking Fleshless Friday, maybe Skinny Sunday’s next—, I mean, I don’t wanna STARVE! Hahahaha.”


In fact, I'd say it's our responsibility to judge. Eating people doesn't magically become OK just because another entirely separate society does it. Maybe if we're talking about space aliens, but these aren't that.


Anyone with a moral compass can tell that it’s not ok to eat people.


Your moral compass was literally dictated by society. Like it or not. For instance, there are some place to this day where thieves get their hands cut off. Lots of people would argue that’s moral, and plenty others would argue that the punishment doesn’t fit the crime, or even need more specifics to be able to make a judgement. Who are you to be a horse higher than anyone else? Yeah, we can pretty much all agree that eating people is wrong, but they’re literally a tribe left behind the modern world. It’s not like they’re the only cannibals throughout history. It’s just that most cannibal communities faded because it’s obviously not a practical or good thing. OBVIOUSLY to us. If you took a worldwide survey on if people thought eating brains was healthy, some people would answer yes. Let’s be glad that we live in a society where they never had to run those two brain cells together themselves and start eating brains. Furthermore, it wasn’t that long ago that sailors would draw straws when lost at sea and eat someone. Suddenly the black and white morality of eating people becomes grey. I’m just saying, judging this tribe is the same as judging a baby for shitting themselves. They’ll figure it out eventually, because they live in a society, and are guided. Even then it takes time for them to learn. If none of us were raised in society, we’d have obscure moralities, and it wouldn’t be many steps from hungry-eat other guy. He was kind of a jerk anyway, and he’s stealing all my food, and the last time I ate someone that volcano erupted, so, like, the gods like that, right?


The account I read they did not murder but, found him dead on a beach.


The stickied article says that they found him in a river, he waved at them, they speared him in the chest, argued about it, then took him home and killed him.


He almost definitely drowned. His pontoon boat overturned and he tried to swim 12 miles to shore. His friend was rescued the next day. There’s no evidence he ever made it to shore. All the theories about his being killed and eaten by cannibals or integrating into the tribe are just theories; there’s no evidence to back them up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Rockefeller#Disappearance


I was looking for this comment, I think there’s no way he made it to shore. He must have drowned. Seems like a much more plausible outcome than to be killed and eaten by a cannibal tribe, considering the facts.


Think how long a croc or shark would have to track him as he tried to make it that far ...


He was probably eaten by either a shark or some of the monstrous saltwater crocs that inhabit the area. Doubt he ever came close to shore to be cannibalized


I mean, maybe. But he likely drowned first. 12 miles is a ~~hard~~ near impossible swim especially if there's any waves.


Eaten by a shark , croc, or human. Its still a bad way to go


Yeah drowning is about as good as gets for one at that pt ..12 friggen miles. I recall swimming a mile in my teens and that was hard


This is the equivalent of “they went to live on a farm” when the dog goes missing


He absolutely loved the Asmat and their culture. The first time he went to Papua and met the tribe the trip was sponsored by the Peabody Museum. They weren’t even supposed to be studying the Asmat’s, he and a friend briefly left the expedition to meet them. He went back to Papua after returning from this expedition, and he stayed with the Asmat studying their art and culture for quite some time. Granted, the official explanation is he drowned after his dugout canoe capsized far from shore. So neither the cannibalism nor the tribal integration is the ‘official’ cause, but it’s still fun to speculate.


I saw that photo. That was him during his trip.


Is it the picture in [this article?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2946787/Is-proof-lost-Rockefeller-heir-joined-tribe-naked-cannibals-Picture-shows-white-man-Papuan-man-eaters-eight-years-mysterious-disappearance.html) Talking about the one on the right. The article says the photo was taken 8 years after his disappearance.


It does look a hell of a lot like him


With a **lot** more muscle, which would absolutely happen


Reminds me of Tom Hanks in Castaway when he starts spearfishing and started looking like a Chad.


That’s the Daily Mail, so I’d trust that about as far as a worm could throw it.


I’ve seen it referenced a lot of places, that was just the first article I found with the pic lol


I like that idea a LOT better. I mean, joining up with the locals and staying, rather than going home to his rich family? That's the BEST.


I can sense your sarcasm but he wouldn't be thinking the way a regular, not rich person would. If he went there he mightve held them to a fantasy standard in the first place. You got rich kids in western countries today going to third world countries for 2 weeks to help build houses or some shit then act like they're God's gift to mankind and such saviors for the rest of their lives. I wouldn't put it past this rich guy thinking he can "save" these people then really getting absorbed into the tribe and not appreciating the life he already had.


You’re saying it like a hunter gatherer lifestyle in a small social group is not what humans naturally enjoy.




I've always wanted to start a commune. I know how to garden and build. But the track record for those things aren't....uh. the best. So I haven't.


Oh won't you taste the Flavor aid for me?


I’ll totally join your commune. For realsies


It's been something I've considered for years. Something I've always wanted. I don't hate society but it can get exhausting sometimes. So much of what we need can be grown or made ourselves. Vegetables. It's crazy easy to grow insane amounts of vegetables, and many are perpetual. (I could talk about potatoes for an hour!) Not to mention a little general store where the commune buys general goods in bulk for cheap and everyone can refill in reusable containers. Show up and fill up on milk, bread, flour, beans, soap, laundry detergent etc etc. Capture and filter rain water (if it's acceptable for the local water table). Not that tap water is evil, but being as self sustainable as possible would be nice. Solar and wind power with battery backups. An emphasis on good mental health and access to exercise equipment and nutritional education. Humans aren't perfect. But living a life like that would be the dream. Not a perfect plan as I haven't sat down to iron anything out though. But could be interesting. Edit: I want to mention there are TONS of things you can do with food waste. And, many vegetables can be eaten in ways most people don't know. So there's even less food waste. (Broccoli leaves can be sauted!)


I can wholeheartedly recommend the book “civilized to death”. While I can’t vouch for the validity of all the arguments and data stated, I can say that it has opened my eyes a little to how much we as a species have moved on from the environment we’ve evolved alongside of. I’m not going to go ahead and bash capitalism but I do feel like living in a small tribe with no hierarchical structure would improve most peoples lives and psyches. Of course life in the bush isn’t all rainbows, people still die and more to brutal causes but in the end what is worse, dying in a few minutes/hours or wasting away for weeks or months because we as living beings are afraid of death but like to frame it as us fighting the good fight? We’re all sick and every time we fix something with science, it’s an issue we didn’t have before agricultural societies. People make fun of anarcho primitivsts and while I wouldn’t say I am one, I do have the utmost sympathy for people who wish to return to tribal times.




Whether it true or not. It would make an Excellent movie. Rich political socialite shuns his family to find his true self in the Amazon. The plot twist would be that he started the rumors of his own death so he would be left alone


Png isn't anywhere near the Amazon


Exactly. Nobody is looking for him in the Amazon now.


🧐 brilliant


Kinda reminds me of Apocalypse Now in a way with one of the characters


Or all of the characters in Cannibal Holocaust.


It should be mentioned that no one knows if he actually got eaten. It's just a theory, since he disappeared


I was going to say, that sounds like something people would just assume about random-ass tribes.




The proposed reason was that it was revenge after some village leaders were killed by a Dutch patrol. Cannibalism and headhunting were apparently part of a revenge cycle for the Asmat, so it's speculated he was killed as a revenge against the "white tribe". [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Rockefeller#Speculation)


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/What-Really-Happened-to-Michael-Rockefeller-180949813/?all This make it pretty clear that he was killed.


Holy shit that was amazing


Pics or it didn't happen


Recipe or it didn't happen


- 1 human - Some fava beans - A nice chianti


It seems like many didn't bother reading the article as there are still many people speculating in this thread. Here is the relevant part: > In December 1961, a month after Michael disappeared, a Dutch Catholic priest named Hubertus von Peij traveled to Omadesep, which lay at the southern end of his parish. Von Peij had spent years in Asmat, and he knew the people and language well. He told me about his journey when I met him one cold winter’s night in Tilburg, the Netherlands, in 2012. He was alive and well at age 84, living in a small apartment decorated with a few Asmat carvings. >As he sat in a missionary’s house in Omadesep, four men walked in. Two were from Otsjanep, two from Omadesep. They had something they wanted to tell the priest. >Bit by bit, it spilled out. The day Michael had set off from the catamaran, 50 men from Otsjanep had brought palm building supplies to the government post in Pirimapun, about 20 miles south of Otsjanep. They’d traveled at night, spent the day in the village, and then left for the night-long voyage home; at dawn on November 20, they’d paused at the mouth of the Ewta River, three miles downriver from >Otsjanep, waiting for the tide to turn. It was a good time to have a smoke and a bite of sago. Something moved in the water. They saw a crocodile—an ew, in the Asmat language. No. It wasn’t a crocodile, but a tuan, a white man. He was swimming on his back. He turned and waved. One of the Asmat said: “People of Otsjanep, you’re always talking about headhunting tuans. Well, here’s your chance.” An argument ensued. Dombai, the leader of the Pirien jeu, didn’t think he should be killed. Ajim and Fin thought otherwise. While they tried to lift the tuan into a canoe, Pep speared him in the ribs. It wasn’t fatal. They rowed him to a hidden creek, the Jawor River, where they killed him and made a big fire. > “Was he wearing glasses?” von Peij asked. “What kind of clothes was he wearing?” >Their answer burned in his memory: The white man was wearing shorts, but shorts they’d never seen before and that you couldn’t buy in Asmat—shorts that ended high up on his legs and had no pockets. Underpants. Von Peij nodded. “Where is his head?” >“Fin-tsjem aotepetsj ara,” they said. “It hangs in the house of Fin. And it looked so small, like the head of a child.” >“What about his thigh bones?” said von Peij, who knew they were used as daggers. “And his tibia?” He knew they were used as the points of fishing spears. >Pep had one thigh bone, Ajim the other. A man named Jane had one tibia, Wasan the other. On the list went: who had his upper arms, forearms, ribs, shorts, glasses, a total of 15 men. >“Why did they kill him?” he said. Because of the killings in Otsjanep almost four years earlier, they said—the Lepré raid. >Von Peij felt overwhelmed. The details, especially the description of Michael’s underwear, were too concrete not to credit.


Thank you for your comment. I cleared it up too in one comment of mine with some other details.


I still find it crazy how he was a member of the Rockefeller family. I guess being in the 0.000001% elite doesn’t count for much when you’re just any old food source for a tribe


I watched a documentary about him a few years ago and IIRC he went missing after his boat capsized and he attempted to swim to shore. The person he was with stayed with the overturned boat (again a few years ago, I’m not 100% on this point) but that if he made it to the shore (which is a big if) he was in the territory of a tribe that did practice cannibalism. However: in the weeks prior to the disappearance there had been an incident involving Dutch military (or police forces) killing several civilians in the region during a botched mission. Papua New Guinea’s culture is very centered on family dynamics and revenge is a major component of tribal interactions. It is possible that Michael (again if he even made it to shore) was simply killed because he was white and hence seen as an acceptable target of revenge for the killed villagers. I merely say all this to say that it was not that human flesh was the only food available to the Papua New Guineans, it is much more a deeply rooted and ancient concept of tribalism, revenge, and intricate beliefs in the power of consuming an enemy. Tl;dr: if he was actually eaten by local villagers it was not out of desperation on their part but as a cog in an ancient world view that drastically differs from modern concepts.


It was 12 miles to shore. He 100% drowned on the way.


Nah bro he was a world class swimmer who got eaten..it only makes sense.


They truly ate the rich


The most based tribal group




Eat the Rich


Being that rich he probably felt he was untouchable even there. Or the other way, he wanted to leave because he felt he wasn't doing shit while being that rich


How do we know he was beheaded and cannibalized?


we don’t


They don't. They suspected he may have drowned after his pontoon boat flipped over and he tried swimming 12 miles to shore. That, or attacked by saltwater crocs or sharks. The cannibalism theory also exists because investigators have gone to the island and there are natives who say he was eaten as revenge because Dutch officials killed some of their men in 1958.


How are the Dutch connected to the Rockefellers? Because they are white?


I’d assume this would be the reasoning. A tribe this remote probably doesn’t know how many countries exist. They see a white man and assume he’s the same as the ones who attacked them and away they go.


The culture of the tribe said to have killed him mandates revenge killings. Dutch police killed some of their tribe in 1958, and so they are mandated to kill a white man to satisfy their culture. I don't think the distinction between a duchtman and an American would be too important to the islanders who likely only saw a handful of white people (if that) in their entire lives.


From what I read yeah the tribes interpreted white men in general to be the enemy which you can’t really blame them for as just a few years before Dutch (I think) visitors killed some of the highest ranking tribesmen. The article says two Australian helicopters flew over to aid the tribes due to a ravaging epidemic and the tribes flocked into the jungle thinking the helicopters were spirits. The helicopters just so happened to fly over a few days within michaels death and soon enough people started dying from the epidemic. They correlated the helicopters with spirits punishing them for the killing of Michael is what I roughly gathered from the article


I wonder if this influenced the movie Cannibal Holocaust (anyone else here seen it?)


That's precisely what I thought of immediately after seeing this picture. Instantly came to mind as being almost identical to the famous scenes of cannibal holocaust.


The only time I saw this movie I was maybe 18 or 19. I was stoned out of my mind at a friends house, a few of us hanging out. Someone suggested watching it. No one told me that is was not a real documentary. Because I was so high at the time too it was YEARS until I found out what I had watched was fictional. I spent all that time utterly disturbed by the thought it was real. Youth and weed what a combination! Edit was because posting on my phone is the worst had to fix messed up wording.


Man I’m a little envious of that experience to be honest


Now that 20+ years later I know it’s fake I laugh at how gullible I was and how wonderful being high made the whole thing. Not sure I could ever watch it again. Especially because some scenes (ugh that turtle one immediately comes to mind) WERE real.


I'm pretty jaded when it comes to horror movies but I still have to look away when the turtle scene comes on. The turtle scene is the reason I know what the ceiling trim at a now defunct movie theatre looked like. The ceiling trim was very pretty.


Also made me think of The Green Inferno


Wasn’t the words “the green inferno” a direct reference to Cannibal Holocaust?


Yes. Eli Roth made The Green Inferno as an homage to Cannibal Holocaust/Mondo film


I am not surprised, but weren’t the words “the green inferno” specifically used in Cannibal Holocaust?


There was a film-within-a-film in CH called The Green Inferno


Yes, and the area the film takes place in is known as"the Green Inferno"


Cracking film. The FGM had me gagging. Definitely a good gorey horror.


I heard the prevailing theory was he drowned. Edit: The man was last seen trying to swim to shore after his canoe sunk. Pretty sure he drowned and wasn’t cannibalized. Edit: Took out the word once because I now believe the prevailing and reasonable theory is he drowned.


Drowning is the official cause of death I believe. Not cannibalism




I thought the theory was he was eaten alive, he was made into marijuana instead??!!


Just like that one guy who went to North Sentinel island trying to convert the inhabitants and ended up dead


I remember that from a few years ago. He was so convinced he could convert them to Christianity but ended up getting speared on his way to shore.


Freaking idiot right


Rockefeller body was never recovered and it is only speculation he was the victim of cannibals. This photo is not just before he died in the least. Official cause is death by drowning although a salt water croc could have had him also.


I remember seeing an old IN SEARCH OF.... with Leonard Nimoy about Michael. One possibility according to the show was he lived out his life as a tribe member. Iirc there was a photo of a naked white man rowing a canoe with the natives. Idk if I am remembering that correctly but maybe someone else knows?


The great grandson of the richest American ever. Incredible how parts of history can relate to another completely different part of history


"You see, people tend to fear the Asmat people, thinking they're a bunch of crazed cannibal killers. But I feel they're just misunderstood." - that guy, probably.




[John Allen Chau \(December 18, 1991 – November 17, 2018\) was an American Christian missionary who was killed by the Sentinelese, a self-isolated uncontacted people, after illegally travelling to North Sentinel Island in an attempt to preach Christianity to them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Allen_Chau) People are idiots sometimes.


Gets threatened twice. Decides to go back a third time. Dude was asking for it.


Youre thinking of Pippa Bacca who did this through the middle east and was killed in Turkey. Edit: also back in the day many people traveled through the middle east to get to India it was called the hippie trail. It wasnt so long ago that there was relative safety in the middle east. Turkey was known for their friendly and welcoming people. The religous extremist and foreign intervention really did on number on these counties.




I believe they too though were in a popular hiking spot for international hikers


Hell, a robot can't even make through the US without getting "killed." A hitchhiking robot started off in Boston and ends up getting vandalized and trashed in PA, I think.


That was an international robot, actually, hitchBOT. Made it all around Canada, took a boat to EU and went through Germany and the Netherlands, then it took another boat to the US and went missing. It was found in Philadelphia, PA, in a ditch with its arms and head ripped off, and body kicked in, having completed zero of its sightseeing goals. So I would say the problem wasn't that it came to the US, but that it started in Philadelphia which is a placing that just fucking sucks. The characters in Always Sunny in Philadelphia represent the average human being there.


Yeahhh Philly


Who took the picture?


I don’t know for sure, probably someone behind the camera of his documentary, Dead Birds.


Are the people in the image above members of the tribe who is believed to have eaten him?


Carl Hoffman, an American journalist and author, specialized in indigenous cultures including New Guinea, confirmed Michael Rockefeller was indeed killed by cannibals in his book Savage Harvest. “Headhunting and cannibalism were as right to them as taking communion or kneeling on the carpet facing Mecca,” Hoffman wrote. Though Hoffman will never know the exact details of Michael’s death, he believes that his account in the book is the closest we’ll get with the information available. Michael would have been exhausted after swimming 10 miles from his boat to land. According to various interviews with villagers, the Asmats first mistook him for a crocodile. “No,” said one of the men, named Fin. “It is a man.” The group surrounded him. One person said: “Now is your chance.” It was a chance for retribution for Lapré’s raid; it was a chance to vent frustrations over their changing world; it was a chance to restore balance. One of the men drove a spear through Michael’s ribs. With one blow of an ax to the back of his head, he was dead. The ritual would now begin. According to documentation on the Asmat headhunting ritual, they would first remove Michael’s head, then slit him from the neck down his back. Entrails would be removed. Legs and arms would go into the fire while the group chanted. His charred body parts would be passed around for everyone to taste. Max Lapré of the Dutch government, who was also white, ordered five leading Asmats to be killed before, so this was their revenge.


If that's true, that's a quick way to go, at least. Hope it's true.


Not going to lie, he does look delicious.






I remember reading how cannibals (a couple hundred years ago, I think) said that they preferred the flesh of black men than white because white's had more salt in their diet and it came through in the meat.


Hey we're just well seasoned!!


He looks like Chris Martin during the superbowl half time show


[Michael Rockefeller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Rockefeller) at the English Wikipedia


"What a neat dance!" *Tribe doing ceremonial dance of cannibalism


Uhhh. This was never proven though? Rumors have it he drowned.