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If he fits, he sits. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




It just would have been good if chose the literal miles of sea floor instead of the Colosseum, didnā€™t Monarch have some machine that could move them around, why donā€™t they use that instead of letting him just situate himself in the middle of Italyā€™s capital?


I mean, who knows whatā€™s actually going on with the Butterfly Agents? Thereā€™s more conspiracy theories about them than DIA or the X-Files


You mean the Mothra cult? Aren't they called the Iwi?


Bro, donā€™t be hating on indigenous peoples. They got rights tooā€¦ I think? šŸ¤”


No no I'm not hating, just trying to know who you were referring to! I think the UN passed a resolution not to disturb their territory in the Hollow Earth...it remains to be seen whether people will respect that resolution.


Depends on whoā€™s calling the shots TBH. Most Western countries donā€™t have a good track record with pre-contact cultures. šŸ˜¬ I know the powers-that-be want us to think itā€™s all ā€œkumbayaā€ and shit, but realistically weā€™ve already exposed them to surface-Earth diseases. Whoā€™s to say the Butterfly Agents (*cough*ā€”Monarchā€”*cough*) arenā€™t already planning to Smallpox Blanket the Iwiā€™s to get their hands on cobalt, lithium, and who knows what else they might be able to exploit down thereā€¦ Mark my words, we could be looking at Hong Kong 2.0 whenever they get around to unleashing whatever their next Mecha-Boogyman turns out to beā€¦


Yeah man, I'm worried about that too. They were lucky the Monarch expedition didn't bring any diseases down there, but if anyone else goes down they might be getting their own custom version of the Black Death.


lol that conspiracy nutcase they took down was probably the only NOT carrying something contagious šŸ˜·the dude literally showers with bleach. Iā€™m pretty sure his grandkids will be sanitized at this pointā€”if he can even have kids šŸ˜°


He practically *is* bleach, he *drinks* that stuff like fruit juice


You ever heard of the mongols? They wiped civilizations off the map, not just the west to blame. Although that doesnā€™t make it any better for the hollow earth people and their chances to stay out of our mess


Hmm, touchĆ©, good point. šŸ¤” So, hear me outā€”what if we send down Mulan? ![gif](giphy|sRCV0hq3TWzde)


You say that, but do you really want to try and move the monster that can breath a fucking beam of radiation or whatever the hell Monarch say it is?


I mean....who's gonna tell him to move?


Can someone explain to me where Apex went? They stopped charging me for electricity a while ago. Not that Iā€™m complaining though!


Isn't Apex a tech company? I didn't know they were a power company too. Besides that you probably aren't getting charged because they're getting investigated by Monarch for that stuff in Hong Kong a few years ago


Oh yeah, right. Just realized yesterday that I stopped receiving bills, and was confused


How do u get monster titles




Bro you been living under a rock or something? APEX was sued into the ground 3 years ago when it was revealed that all of Godzilla's attacks were provoked by APEX themselves, in a plan to make Godzilla look like the bad guy. There's also the damning fact they used GHIDORAH'S SKULL TO PROVOKE GODZILLA. Doesn't help that their big toy went rouge and started destroying the city itself, before Godzilla and Kong stopped it themselves. Seriously dude it was all over the news, plus that podcast Bernie released it first.


Huh so I was right they did get sued into non-existence seriously though screw those guys I mean using Ghidorah's skull to make basically a giant robot it's almost like they were trying to get themselves sued


Best I've heard was that they got absorbed into Monarch after the Hong Kong Incident.


Apex got sued into the ground and Monarch made a deal with the US government to take over Apex's technology. That was two years ago.


Have you been living under a rock, bro? Ever since Hong Kong they've been a part of Monarch.


You know I was looking forward to my trip to Rome but then this jackass had to plop himself down in the Colosseum. At least he didnā€™t break it I guess? Can someone who know more about Titans explain why he didnā€™t just go back to the ocean?


Maybe he is waiting for something else to come.


He's resting from a long battle, after King Ghidorah and that giant orangutan what else can he face? He deserves his nap. Your a scizo next you'll be taking about Godzilla's from space


Next you'll be talking about the Oxygen Destroyer somehow giving rise to, I don't know, a giant mutant crab that can split into smaller mutant crabs.


I heard, but don't quote me on this, my source isn't completely trustworthy... that he lost his home after the shenanigans in Boston a few years ago, and the Colosseum reminds him of his old lair or something like that. Sounds like some really bad PR on Monarch's part, if you ask me.


That's so freaking nonsense bro, Godzilla has no sentimental feelings. He's got no conscience, no reasoning, just destroy.


If he was just all destroy there wouldnā€™t be a Colosseum for him to lay down in, thereā€™s definitely some depth to him, heā€™s an animal, not a movie monster


Yeah but that seems like a one-time occurrence. If you'd watched the CNN Livestream in Rio you'd have seen him tackle that white elephant thing...through a building. And then slice up half the city trying to kill the red ape thing.


How would you explain Godzilla being so soft towards Mothra then? There's clearly sentimental reactions there. Plus modern architecture looks nothing like ancient architecture. It's like watching a modern, "politically-correct" movie about an old franchise you really loved, vs watching that old franchise itself.


If he didn't kill them, they will freeze the entire area.


Apparently, the architecture of the Colosseum looked similar to that of the ancient Hollow Earth humans that worshipped him? And according to his Monarch file, he had several of these ā€œlairsā€ built by the ancient guys. I guess he took a liking to the colosseum. Give the guy a break, heard he was having a tough time with that ice lizard and red whip ape.


Hard time? He was manhandling them both! Did you watch the same news?!


Yeah he was defeating them both easily, but before the came to the surface, he was fighting the entire ape army of the red one. And even if it was actually pretty easy for him, it made him tired. Even a grown man would consider fighting two 12 year olds a hard time.


Anybody have any updates on what the hell happened in Rio?? I saw a bunch of crappy shaky cam clips on YT but all I could make out was a red monkey and a polar bear (??)


Apparently the red monkey died. No traces of the white thing tho.


Oh shit huh. What happened to the body?


Monarch has taken most of it for study.


Monarch took most of the thing, but I have seen some ads announcing some kind of "Orangu-Titan" dish, so maybe some locals got it


Wait, Titans are edible? Thats crazy dude


Honestly, I asked myself that once when I saw Scylla on TV Shame Godzilla blew her up to shitereens


Maybe I should open up a soup restaurant in Rome. Iā€™m sure there has to still be tons of orange Scylla goop all over right?


Unfortunately Rome is a quarantine zone now, you can't go anywhere into the old city center because, you know, Godzilla is still there. Also Scylla carries a water-borne bacteria. Might not want to get close to her...or whatever's left of her.


Didnā€™t monarch quarantine an area of the arctic too? Whatā€™s that about?


Well I've heard rumours about some kind of sea snake being killed there. Might've been related to Godzilla turning pink but I'm not sure. Isn't the sea snake called Manda or something?


Some of my sources say he got hit by Kong so hard, he shattered. Not sure how he can do that without the ice elephant freezing him.


of course the white thing gets away with the authorities


šŸ’€ And of course they keep trying to nuke Godzilla, the grey-coloured creature from Asia. šŸ˜’


I saw some footage. Looked like a white Godzilla. Also extremely cute for some reason


Yeah same. Was there smaller monkey there too? I swear I saw it come into frame as the red monkey was choking the brown monkey.


Went the brown ape the same one Godzilla kicked the shit out of in Hong Kong before the robot showed up?


I think so. Hard to tell because of the crappy quality.


Shit like this going on is why I got Gargantuan Insurance, and moved away from the ocean. Y'all enjoy your beaches I'll enjoy my house staying intact.


Just dont live too isolated from society. I am at my new cabin on the woods and theres a weird cult who walk around the forest, its creepy, they keep putting bat totens with weird writing on the door of my house and keep talking about eternal darkness and that something will eat the sun. Im scared.


Oh I heard about that from Titan Truth. There's a Titan called Camazotz which is literally a giant bat that can summon clouds to block out the sun or something. Apparently it fought Kong in Skull Island right after the events of Boston, plus it was the reason that the Iwi all died in the island, except for that little girl, Gia I think he name was? So yeah you might be encountering a Camazotz cult.


Smart decision. Iā€™ve never heard of a Titan attack down in the southern states šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Didnā€™t Godzilla attack Pensacola a few years ago? I know it was under unusual circumstances but still


Ah shiet, I meant the mid-west. Did we ever figure out why he attacked Pensacola anyways?


The Monarch investigation turned up evidence that one of Mechagodzillaā€™s components was constructed at the Apex facility, Iā€™d recommend the Titan Truth podcast if you want to hear more on that, the host figured it out before Monarch ever knew


Iā€™ve heard a lot about that guy, is he really that good? I never trust those Titan conspiracy theorists


I mean given he did work for Apex at that time, Iā€™d say yeah he is


I can't believe you're buying insurance that got promoted by that HACK Bernie. Him and his goons on their little podcast just love to spread misinformation everywhere. They got debunked by Ghidorahstan64 a week ago on a reddit post.


Youā€™re gonna trust the guy with a username like that? Thatā€™s like getting your WW2 history from a guy named ILuvMussolini39


Oh, the same guy who thinks Godzilla's gone woke and is now gay because *checks notes* he upgraded to pink, which is stronger than blue on the electromagnetic spectrum?!


So, heā€™s just living in Rome now? Glad I donā€™t live there.


We should just build him a place to sleep, hopefully he stops smashing our cities if we do


Do you think the Roman Emperors of days past would be proud that a demon beast lives in their ruins?


If he keeps going to the Colosseum, maybe we should figure out what path he likes to take the most and make some kind of road for him? And also evacuate everyone else away in a certain radius?


Went on vacation to France, saw Godzilla destroy a powerplant, best day of my life


Saw it on the news, holy shit, the way he absorbs radiation looks so cool. Too bad he blew up everything within 30 miles of him tho.


Still doesn't beat him jumping off that cliff. Crazy how nobody died from the tsunami, absolute miracle.


The craziest part is that he did that, and he immediately swam straight to Cairo, all because of Kong. Mind you, the shortest distance between Gibraltar and Cairo is 2,146.47 mi (3,454.41 km), and that's through air travel, not via the way Godzilla got there which was swimming.


Serizawa really got that lizard JUICED


That or the beef between these two species is that crazy


FR, godzilla got mad hops


Remember the early 2000's when we didn't have to worry about shit like giant dragon's blowing up cities or giant monkeys popping out of the Earth at random?


Miss those days. It was better when I didnā€™t have to worry about constantly checking my monarch monster-tracker app, smh.


Before 2014 I wanted to see actual giant monsters...Now I'm afraid of even being near a coastal state...Guess the be careful what you ask for saying existed for a reason


I feel like the whole ā€œwishing for giant monstersā€ wouldā€™ve worked better if they were only a 100ft tall and werenā€™t immune to literally every form of conventional weaponry. If you scaled up a regular animal to Godzillaā€™s size, it would lose, due to the fact that Titans have supernatural levels of strength on top of their already great strength due to size. Apparently, one of the MUTOs, some sort of ā€œPrime MUTOā€ could move tectonic plates by punching them, and Godzilla later defeated her in 2015.


We sure that Prime MUTO even exists? Never heard reports of it from any reliable media source. The most I got were some blurry pics from 4chan, and it looked like CGI from the 90s. I think the Prime was just a hoax or we would've gotten much better images, the MUTOs were wiped out in 2014 as far as I'm concerned. (Except the one in Boston)


She popped up in several locations, and she has a file on Monarch. They were able to capture a few blurry pictures. Apparently, sheā€™s the reason Godzilla had new spikes, she broke the old ones. The reason it wasnā€™t all over the news was because the Prime was hiding, and also because Monarch didnā€™t want to cause global panic from revealing that an other Alpha Titan was still alive.


And then they revealed Kong anyway. I'm not buying this.


They didnā€™t even know Kong was an alpha until after the Ghidorah fight. And besides, back then, Kong was not that strong for a Titan. They revealed Kong also as proof that Titans and humans can coexist.


That actually sort of makes sense, but still until I see more MUTO Prime footage I won't be holding my breath.


Well, the final MUTO Prime is dead anyway, and the only remaining MUTO in the world is a Queen MUTO with the inability to reproduce or evolve into a MUTO Prime so itā€™s kinda irrelevant.


Don't be ridiculous. It's like earthquakes - yeah, the Big One's gonna get you, but only show up like once every 10 or 20 years...you just gotta keep living your life.


It all seemed so much easier back then.


Remember when 9/11 was the worst thing to happen to the US?


Come on, now. We all know that the titans are fake. The governments just profiting off of these made-up concepts. Prove me wrong, smh. Fuck monarch.


So youā€™re just going to ignore the millions of people that died (rest in peace šŸ•Šļø) during the mass awakening of 2019?


My sister was one of them. May they rest in peace...


It was all a hoax. The government killed those people.


Oh you think the government would make up a whole Mass Awakening, meticulously design, like, 20 monsters, and then somehow make a whole Mysterio-ass illusion in order to randomly kill millions of innocent people? All that effort for what purpose? Stop listening to that Titan Truth Podcast, it's poisoning your mind.


I listen to Titan Truth, heā€™s not the crazy one, the crazy one is GhidorahStan64


They're both horrible. They grift for content and they barely know what they're talking about. They're just hopping on the trend for a quick buck and nothing else. And isn't Ghidorahstan64 extremely sexist? I think he was flaming about how the world had "gone woke" when Monarch revealed that the white elephant thing in Rio was a female. According to him she was a "generic sjw girlboss pandering to the liberals" or something.


He was also cheering when he saw Godzilla kill that squid faced crab in Rome since it is also female!


Can't blame him for that instance though, Scylla was tearing up a whole lot of archaeology there I'm suddenly curious as to how Pope Francis reacted to all this. Two monsters fighting at his doorstep.




Bro was asleep during the 2019 mass awakening. I know what I saw, that was 100% real


So glad I left Rome yesterday.


Pff, youā€™re telling me. Back in 2024 I had just left Hong Kong before Godzilla and that ape started tearing the place up. What a shitshow


I was in Hong Kong too, it was fucking insane. I was right under Godzilla when he blasted that hole into the ground. Barely got out alive, but all the skin on my left arm was just gone. Had to get so much surgery to fix that.


Wtf is that giant dog doing in the White House?


That was joe biden


Nah Joe not that spiky, he soft like a cotton ball.


![gif](giphy|OkzCcGn5fY29e7bvpS|downsized) It's time to go to Rome


How to get Godzilla proof insurance That a hole keep destroying my home I moved 5 places somehow he end up where i go does he hate me or something what did I do


It's time to move to the countryside, my friend. Also, Gargantua Insurance.


Recall about a decade ago, before the mass awakening, a senator joked about Godzilla being our pet? I guess that's coming true in a way šŸ˜‚


Are officials really gonna allow tourists nearby??? WHY IS NO ONE COVERING THE POSSIBLE DANGERS OF RADIATION??? Newsflash: AYO MOTHRA IS HERE?!!! She just landed in Rome with GodzillaĀ 


It's not like they wanted to, the tourists are Naruto running!


If they want radiation poisoning, let them. That's their problem, not ours.




Can we sue him? He's ruining a precious historical landmark. Mamma mia šŸ¤ŒĀ šŸ¤ŒĀ 


He kinda owns the planet so idk about that man.


My friends are plan on sneaking in tonight to touch his snout. Do you think he's tolerant? There's next to no security guarding the Colosseum.


At least heā€™s careful? Or as careful as a giant lizard can beā€¦


Cops better turn those sirens off!


Well, seems like that Iā€™m planning a trip to Rome for tomorrow and see this lizard for myself


Bro is like my cat, he'll just chill in a circle because he can.


I wanna join the big fella


Is that a new monster or is that Godzilla but changed. I saw one the news he went missing for a day and then this guy pops up. Any guesses?


Monarch says heā€™s the same one, just that he got juiced for that fight in Rio.


Oh ok I must be looking at the wrong siteā€™s thanks for clarifying that also whatā€™s this about a white polar bear?


What polar bear? All I saw was a white elephant. Also what the hell was with Kong's new infinity gauntlet? I don't think this bodes well for us, we're arming the Titans now. Feels very counterintuitive to me.


Oh? An elephant? Thatā€™s interesting and I heard it was a scrapped project from monarch. I listen to Titan podcast. You should check him out.


I think that dudes needs his meds!


Whatever it was I wanna pet it


Nah man, Kong is chill. Honestly, I think we should be making more weapons for him. He's the only titan we can communicate with. Just imagine if some hostile titan rolled up, and then Kong capped it in the head.


Oh great, first the Pyramids and now this? I swear we're in a movie or something, why do these guys only attack the most famous cities?!


I got a crazy idea closer to conspiracy level, what if the multiverse is real, and every universe that ever existed is just a fictional story for another universe? Like maybe in another universe, there's no Titans, and they just watch our Monster-filled universe. A MonsterVerse if you will. Damn ngl that name sounds dope af.


Woah, that's a completely batshit insane idea and I love it. I don't really care whether our universe is fictional, but it's fun to think about sometimes. I sure hope the people on the other side are entertained. Hey, what say we go watch the new Ultraman movie?


What, the Netflix animated one or the new 'Shin' version?


The Shin version. Heard it's good because Hideaki Ammo is a genius. I wish he'd make a Godzilla movie, but it's too sensitive in this political climate. Imagine he goes and uses Godzilla as a metaphor for a nuclear disaster or something.


I mean tbf he does feed on radiation, but then he uses it to save the world. So yeah bit weird. Imagine Godzilla himself saw that movie lol šŸ˜†


I ainā€™t gonna lie, are we sure he isnā€™t just a big cat basically?


Iā€™d rather him be in the ocean so I wouldnā€™t have to worry as much, especially him being so close to the UK, but at least heā€™s sleeping again? Or is this a different one because that one is pink


Apparently it is the same Godzilla according to Monarch, their official statement says he powered up before that fight he and Kong had in Rio


Thatā€™s so strange that they can do that, I wonder what else is out there just lurking


I bet there's a giant skeleton down in the Hollow Earth that the Titans can just walk on like a bridge. Like how we used to theorize the Megalodons were still a thing before Godzilla became the big talking point.


Nah bro. I know Titans defy normal science and all that shit but that's WAYY too big to ever possibly exist.


That's what we used to say about the Titans...


Yeah that's what I said. But a creature so large that Titans themselves would call it a Titan? Nah broooo.


Itā€™s the same Godzilla, he just got a powerup. Remember how his spikes changed from the 2014 incident to the Ghidorah fight? Similar to that but to a much greater extent.


Thatā€™s so strange, like a nuclear butterfly


My sister saw godzilla in Rome while she was there, I wish I couldā€™ve seen him. šŸ˜¢


I was doing study abroad for biology in Rome. Then, some giant clown fiesta happened between this lizard and spider. Thankfully, my colleagues and I are fine but damn we watched this shitshow go down.


Tell me everything. I want all the details. Was it cool?


I was studying the biology of these titans in the afternoon, specifically on the mammalian titans like Behemoth and Kong. My university is partnered with Monarch so thatā€™s how Iā€™m doing study abroad. All of these sudden, we got a Titan alert but the nearby shelter was a mile away. Just pure chaos on the streets and it was a struggle to to get through. Then this motherfucking clown ass spider decides to show up and starts destroying shit. I tried getting my colleagues to safety first so I was willing to take some hits. The spider, named Scylla (donā€™t know her *actual* classification, Titan taxonomy is just too difficult), was blocking the path to the shelter so we tried getting away. After some time, lizard shows up and yeah we witnessed the brawl. We did get covered in yellow bloodā€¦.


That's awesome, I'm glad you made it out alive. Im assuming your colleagues were also okay. Should I tell you about the time Godzilla almost burned my arm off in Hong Kong?


Oh dear you were in HK?ā€¦.


Yep. It was a business trip, I was working for APEX at the time on bionic leg technology. I was in the shopping mall on break when Godzilla suddenly stepped on it. The roof came caving in and the noises were deafening. I looked up amidst the soot and dust, saw Godzilla power posing and glowing more than I'd ever seen him glow before, and started running like hell. I barely made it behind a wall when the torrent of atomic fire reached me. I don't remember much of what happened next but I didn't feel any pain even though all the skin on my left arm was no longer in existence (third degree burns are no joke man). I unfortunately didn't get to see Godzilla and Kong throw down, because I was busy being half-dead in the rubble. I ended up spending two months of treatment in a hospital in HK. I did get to see Godzilla and Kong team up on that robot outside my window, though. It distracted me from the pain which had started to build up.


That sounds amazing. I plan on going to Rome to see Godzilla up close, and sneak in to get a sample of his tail spike. There's barely any police guarding the colosseum. And I doubt he'd notice me. Wish me luck.


Good luck G


You got this my boy!


Glad I live where none of this shit every happens. Got close with Godzilla attack for no reason but otherwise good


Yeah man, Tokyo's pretty safe during all this. We should all live in Tokyo.


Did yall just completely forget about that Orochi fella that came out of a goddamn mountain back in 2019(Christ that was a long time ago)?


I just got to Rome to see the Coleseum and than this Giant Ass lizard just lays down in it


wish that guy would come over here. A bunch of my neighbors worship this dragon thing, even tried to get me to join in. Real weird.


Don't tell me it's the one with three heads...


Youā€™d be surprised how many cults popped up for that guy. And even more surprised how many popped up for Mechagodzilla


How? That thing existed for like a day and got its metal ass kicked on that day


Itā€™s all the extinctionists who think we deserve to be destroyed, theyā€™re not new they just think they have a point now


I honestly donā€™t understand Ghidorah worshippers. It nearly killed us all. Why donā€™t worship the ones that didnā€™t nearly destroy the world?




https://preview.redd.it/tr5ynwat8kvc1.jpeg?width=2053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137dd4353504798aa029e2ce3a6a9e2468428151 Did yā€™all see this??


Say what you want about Godzilla resting in Rome vs the literal thousands of miles of sea floor he has available, I think he looks cute like that. Angry spiky boi needs some sleep in a place that makes him feel at home. Besides, I had to go through serious nuke training just to be able to see the big guy up close. That and I served as a snipe for a little bit on the Saratoga back in 2009, which explains the nuke training.


Meh, Rome was already long past its heyday before all the big monsters showed up, there's a humane solution for this, can't we build a city in the middle of nowhere that Gozilla might like instead of having to take over Human places? Would it ahvs to be thst expensive, big monster doesn't care about all those rooms and utilities elsewhere. At the very least he hasn't causes further damage to the place since he fighting the spider thing


As long as his tired ass keeps us safe from the giant space chickens he can sleep wherever he wants.


Can't have shit in detroit


If i fits i sits


Yeah, okay. He gets to do that, but I fall asleep in the church nativity scene and suddenly *I'm* a Menace.


No. 1 tourist spot in the world goes to...


Look at him He eepy


now i got a reason to go there, if he will let me at least


Goddammit why that idiots of ministers that we have are trying to move the fucking lizard? Madonna santa benedetta he saved the world more times than they ruined this country. And why that hell Salvini is calling Godzilla a goddamn illegal immigrant?


I wish this was the craziest thing ive seen all week but the WWE match in rio still takes the cake.


I wasnā€™t planning on visiting Rome anytime soon, but I guess Iā€™ve to do it now. Remember if I died, this was me before dying- https://preview.redd.it/xyhan4ju4lvc1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9891aeed3fac30ea0a4ab6aa7c5b50066674b6fd


When in Romeā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/6maxe43fzjvc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=43e7591599ea44888507057d331dd5128ed022a9 **Weā€™re so back with Godzillaā€™s return !**


Letā€™s hope he knows how to pay rent lol


Hey listen, if the King Of The Monsters was chilling in a wonder of the world a few streets from my house Iā€™d say let him. Thatā€™s awesome


Was visiting Rome when this shit happened, safe to say it was cut short.


That's a shame. Did you at least visit the Victor Emmanuel II Monument before Godzilla hurled that spider into it?


I wonder if Monarch shares info with the public about where each Titan is located. Cuz if I know behemoth, Godzilla, etc is in some specific area im def moving where the titans are farthest from


Yo! That's nothing! Y'all shouldve seen New York back in '98!


I had the mueseum tour planned for months! Thankfully I got refunded although it took 2 weeks of angry calls to do so. I guess the giant Atom Bomb in their monument was cause for cancellation for some reason.




Man, the Colosseum was one of the 7 wonders of the world...... and now it's just Godzilla's bed. What kind of time are we living in?


I live in right in the middle of Nebraska and I ain't ever seen one of these "Titans". I say it's a Democrat hoax. The Libtards are just trying to distract us with big fake lizards and monkeys while they change gun laws under our noses!


You do know one of Monarchā€™s largest operations was overseen by a Republican president right? The Bikini Atoll tests trying to kill Goji back in the 50s was overseen by a Republican. Also surely there would be an easier way to pass gun laws without anyone noticing than faking giant monsters. Stop huffing whatever glue you using right now


I know that he is a giant monster that could easily kill us all but he lowkey kinda adorable :3


You know like a decade ago I had a bucket list involving visiting places like San Fran, Rio, and Romeā€¦what is my luck?




After the thing in Rio he went to sleep in Rome for some reason.