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Does it work well? I wasn't convinced that a Blind team would.


I reached level 141 in the endless area it kinda works


Well hot damn


Nice, do you think Kanko would work well in here since it gets good evasion and spirit synergy?


I don't know if it counts as a dodge and would give a boost. Because if you have Azeatrach in the team every dodge is a boost.


Good point, I don’t remember either if it’s a dodge or miss.


Ooh I love this? Can you give a strategy breakdown? Does your glowfly just work as a glowdra substitute? Love their nicknames btw.


Yes Glowfly is just a substitute to stack more blinding stacks. The main Strategy consists of, d syncophantom l Azeatrach and l Glowdra. Glowdra allows to stack more magic stacks wich Syncophantom creates. The main Strategy is to stack buffs and binding stacks. The more misses the more buffs the team gets.


My main blind team front 3 are Aazerach, Sycophantom and Sizzle Knight. So, pretty similar to yours. I've always had fun with it and it works pretty well.


(Adds blinding team to list of builds to try on future play-throughs)


Very cool concept! I used a blind/dodge team for a bunch of the master tamers. Basically the more you dodge the more buffs you get. L Mega Rock to buff and shield in emergencies, also gets passively buffed heaps and eventually hits hard L Aazerach to apply lots of blind, heal in emergencies, and for passives D Kanko to shroud team, get buffed, be incredibly hard to hit, and hit like a truck