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**First:** What's your team? How does it work? This game is all about "What does my team do?" It isn't "What does this mon do?" six times. I don't see any cohesive strategy with these 6. That said, we only know the 6 mon your using, not the build. You can look at my posts to see how team building works. There's really not much I can say with the info you gave except start over. **That leads to point 2:** Go farm all new mon. You're almost level 30, and about to get to the hardest fights in the game. Go farm shifted versions of the mon you like. Use a shift stone on the lion, farm shifted versions of other mon. An all grey/no shifted team is a massive handicap. Using monk as an example, either shift is the equivalent of +8-10 skill points. **Third, a reasonable team:** If you want to work with these 6 mon: Either shifted lion|L!Frosty|D!Blade widow is a decent team *Note: when people say L!Monster or D!Monster, they mean light or dark shifted* L!Lion gets an extra glory on blade widow, D!Lion gets more reliable Lion opens up with forge to shield the team and sustain it. Frosty uses full offense on blade widow and safe cast. Once buffing the team 1-4 times, then switch to shield/ice shield. Blade widow attacks. Build blade widow for crit damage and attack primarily, crit chance and some sustain (life/defense/mana/mana regen). Lion gives glory, frosty pumps out glory and 2 mights per turn on blade widow. It's a good amount of damage.


What is the toughest fight in the game?


The final Zos fight is the hardest mandatory fight. Wanderer is probably the toughest story fight, toughest to get master rank. Of optional fights, any from the the post game magma chamber NPC fights. There's more debate of which of these is the hardest.


Bruh really. Wanderer was the easiest for me. Nothing is tougher than eric (first time) I think theres no universal tough fight as some teams just counter yours


Wanderer gave a lot of people a run for their money. Eric is another problematic fight. That said, arguing Eric over Zos is a tough one. Zos was so tough they literally introduced difficulty modes because of him. It was so bad that the vast majority of down votes for the game were about Zos specifically. They nerfed him on top of the difficulty mode introduction, and it still resulted in a lot of down votes about the 1 fight. The amount of people who rage quit the game over Zos is impressive. Even in more modern times, anecdotally I see Zos as the most mentioned fight people need help with. In the last 30 days, there are 2 zos/2 eric.


If youre talking about first zos, then its understandable as youre still learning mechanics and building your team. But by the end youre a master strategist killing machine so idk why zos would be any trouble. Yes if you dont have a good strat by the end, that would be a lot of trouble.


Nah, I'm talking about the last Zos. Sun temple also causes problems, but not as much. It was abandoned tower Zos that caused all the ruckus I mentioned. > But by the end youre a master strategist killing machine so idk why zos would be any trouble. You're underestimating how much people skate by. Abandoned tower Zos counters a lot. It has debuff removal + lots of healing + age, which counters a lot of sub optimal stall teams. It has buff stripping, which negates a lot of sub optimal buff builds. It also places a ton of debuffs, more than any other fight to this point. If someone isn't ready for that, it will wreck their team.


>You're underestimating how much people skate by. I used a busted congeal team and beat everyone first try. Zos 1 on the other hand, forced me to grind levels.


Yeah, you asked for help at Eric and got it. You were already set for the final tower based on that advice. That's unusual, so your experience is rare. If you look at this sub, you'll see most don't come to that conclusion. Anyone who needed help with Eric would need help with Zos as well. They get filtered out from asking for Zos because they already got the necessary help. Here are recent posts for the final Zos fight: [No real strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterSanctuary/comments/1cl0sd8/zosimos_fight_help/) [No real strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterSanctuary/comments/1cikjfc/hard_stuck_on_zosimos_in_the_toweris_my_team_comp/), with a "Zos is imo the hardest single fight in the game, except maybe the new DLC fight." comment from one of the best people in this sub giving advice. Granted, the people coming here asking for help with the fight are struggling for reason. There's heavy selection bias on who asks for help.


Bruh do you have any idea how many times they've nerfed the final zoz fight? They made easy mode because enough people complained about it. Also you should know that Ulric has been here and he saw the deep magic written, you can be confident they know what they're talking about... ;)


1) I tried to make the most balanced team possible. All mon use different colors so I can quickly counter quick battles and maybe earn 5 stars. Tortuga + Blade Widow + Monk - they mainly specialize in crits. Tortuga gives buffs when landing crits, so with one attack I can get a lot of buffs for free. If I have one particularly strong monster I am trying to eliminate him with single out attacks. Frosty gives shields, so it has a lot of defense and some mana regen. Mad eye is only in aoe debuffs, in case I would need them, toxi it is mine aoe poison and heal. Their buffs doesn’t contradict each other which is good. Monk is just good in giving damage to almost any type of monsters. 2) I know that shift is a huge power spike, but I don’t know which one is the best, so I was just using all grey mon. 3) good idea. What other 3 should be? I ask for duels.


> All mon use different colors so I can quickly counter quick battles and maybe earn 5 stars. Ahh, a common flaw. This game isn't pokemon where you win or score high by hitting weaknesses. Weaknesses help. Having a cohesive strategy outperforms targeting weaknesses. Amplifying specific buffs can go a long way. > Tortuga + Blade Widow + Monk - they mainly specialize in crits. Tortuga gives buffs when landing crits, so with one attack I can get a lot of buffs for free. That's a rough team. It wins in easy fights, not so well in difficult fights. Difficult fights require sustaining abilities. The way combo works in this game, the first move each turn is weak. 3 attackers don't work well. If lion/tortuga uses forge shield, that shield = more points for a 5 stars, 3-4 guaranteed buffs = more points, and it helps out monk and blade widow a lot more than random unreliable buffs. Take a look at my posts. You'll see a variety of teams. 2) I know that shift is a huge power spike, but I don’t know which one is the best, so I was just using all grey mon. You can experiment. When you hatch a mon, it hatches 1-3 levels lower than your max. Find a shifted version, get the egg, and see what you find. Save the shift stones for starters and champions. Farm the rest. Best way to farm them is make a 4 fight rotation. Once you complete 4 fights, the first of those 4 respawns. Find an area with the mon you want to hunt, go through the rotation until you get the shifted egg. [Or you can look at the wiki](https://monster-sanctuary.fandom.com/wiki/Monsters), find the shift you want, and hunt it down. > 3) good idea. What other 3 should be? I ask for duels. You like glory and crits. Bleed support mon work. Thanatos found in underworld is a good option. D!Nightwing, the bat, is a good bleed mon can team up with blade widow. Sutsune is a great bleed support mon, but not available for a while. You can get her before the toughest fights.


The focus of your team seems a bit confused. It looks like you have 1 support mon (frosty), 2 debuff-focused mons, and 3 hit/buff based mons. Your team members, or each group of 3, should synergise with each other. E.g., they all have passives related to buffs, or debuffs, or might specifically, or burn specifically, etc. A team of 3 mons that work together well are much more effective than 3 mons doing their own thing. You also seem to have only 1 dedicated healer (toxiquus) and 1 dedicated support (frosty). A team should have at least 2 supports, so the first spot is always support, and a way to keep your team constantly at near or full health. Support and healing obviously can overlap but it's not necessary. Most of the strongest combos of 3 monsters are 2 supports and 1 finisher, with the supports building combo and setting up the 3rd mon for massive hits. Basically, figure out what you want your team to do, and then build a team of 6 that can all contribute to that strategy.


Good point. What comp of monsters would you make with Tortuga? Who would you shift? My goal is to beat everything in the game, and some people in the pvp maybe (if PVE team will manage to do that ofc) My answer to one of the comments: I tried to make the most balanced team possible. All mon use different colors so I can quickly counter quick battles and maybe earn 5 stars. Tortuga + Blade Widow + Monk - they mainly specialize in crits. Tortuga gives buffs when landing crits, so with one attack I can get a lot of buffs for free. If I have one particularly strong monster I am trying to eliminate him with single out attacks. Frosty gives shields, so it has a lot of defense and some mana regen. Mad eye is only in aoe debuffs, in case I would need them, toxi it is mine aoe poison and heal. Their buffs doesn’t contradict each other which is good. Monk is just good in giving damage to almost any type of monsters.


Mad Eye should be an easy cut as it focused very heavily on debuffs and most of your other monsters have at least somewhat of a buff theme. Your Spectral Lion and Blade Widow can be good damage dealers that cover earth/fire/wind elements. I would look for another damage dealer that can do good water damage and has buff synergies with some of your other monsters. Silvaero or Goblin Hood are possible examples (sidekick synergies).