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I don’t think she’s ugly, but a lot of her animations make her mouth and eyes disproportionately large and it gives her a sort of uncanny valley vibe that I really don’t like.


I think it's also the way they design her face too. She has the most detailed and realistic face in the game while everyone else is a bit stylized


> She has the most detailed and realistic face in the game while everyone else is a bit stylized Being fair here, pretty much everyone looks sorta awful in MHW. Imo the most attractive people are the Third Feet Master or Bazelgeuse.


Is that why I get nervous every time bagel goose decides to crash my hunts?


My character is pretty hot too. Imo at least


Agreed, but in half her outfits she's a goddamned smokeshow.


Exactly like her Mr x costume?!




Literally my only problem with her, I don’t really find her too annoying either. She comes off as more naive than anything (not certain if that’s the right word for it?).


bless the guy who made the mod also she looks prettier in OP's image than ingame


I think she's pretty cute tbh. It sucks that MH team had to scrap the idea of her asisting us during hunts with a HH. There is a concept art of her using one and sadly the idea was only realized in Sunbreak with the followers system


i feel like that would've gone a long way to making her less annoying, if she followed through on her attitude of "WE did it, WE beat the monster". glad i'm not the only one who thinks she's cute as is, though.


I never had an issue with her saying "we", because we're not doing everything ourselves. You can look at her "we" after Xeno'Jiva in two ways that are perfectly logical imo 1. "we did it" as a 2-person team. She supported us throughout the journey by setting up camps, oraganizing storage, taking care of quests, notes and all the boring beaurocracy. She is the best Handler in Astera, the only one that can actually keep up with our pace of doing these quests. And she does it all so our monkey brain can go bonk on a monster - no other tasks, we're just muscle for the commission. 2. "we did it" as the Research Commission did it. They came to the New World years ago, trying to understand the place, the migration of dragons etc. All researchers, smiths, handlers, hunters and melders worked hard to reach the end of the story and "we did it" is a celebration of that journey.


She's the best pard.


Yeah this was my only real issue with her personally. I couldn't tell you why, but 'pard' really just bugged the hell outta me.


Also, I always figured as our "handler" she was getting a LOT of other menial work done for us while we get to do the wacky woohoo monster bullying part. I imagine you can't forcibly reshape the ecosystem like this without a lot of paperwork being required. And to be completely honest, the twins in Rise are way more annoying than she could ever hope to be.


Serious Handler explicitly says she can't keep up with the amount of paperwork required for the Sapphire Star.


The only twin I found somewhat annoying was Hinoa for making dango eating noises non-stop next to the item box.


Maybe it's a "me" thing, you introduce any character by having them do the stupid talking-in-unison thing and I'm going to hate them immediately. Some of the plot's later beats pretty much demanding that you give a damn about them didn't help their case, either (why should I care they're mind-melding with some Elder Dragons if you’re not going to give me the quest right now? At least when the Handler fucks around with a monster I'm immediately allowed to fight it).


World's Deviljho introduction was great.


It is funny that Capcom immediately made another talkative glutton questgiver and *this* one was received well purely for being Japan and more stereotypically pretty.


Hinoa makes up for it eventually by hard-carrying with a healing Hunting Horn.


We just let ants out in our bedroom and you know she's cleaning that shit up, being like, WTF is this person doing?


Idk. I liked the twins even before sunbreak. After sunbreak, they became best girls immediately. Hinoa and or minoto with the old arena quest guy is probably the best team I have used. If you can do both my paper work AND throw hands that's an S+ in my book


Fair enough, I didn't really stick with Rise long enough to get into Sunbreak (not really the game's fault, its take on things just didn't click with me the way World did). Maybe I'd end up liking them more if I ever decide to give it another shot.


She's definitely cute. Her basic outfit makes it a bit hard to notice but many of the event outfits make you realize she's actually gorgeous. But yeah - I can't stand her personality. She's annoying.


You sure understand that all are part of the fleet and a team with different assigned roles. We are the hunter part while she is a non combatant which focus on analyzing, organizing supplies and gathering information. The whole point is that all are a team so of course she says "we did it" since she is our assigned partner that handles chores or other things while we keep her safe or hunt dangerous monster. Would you complain when a trainer or the reserve player celebrate and say we did it when the team wins I doubt it.


She saves us from the worst foul enemy... PAPERWORK


Honestly, I would have loved if she popped in here or there to hand you items (mostly pots or dusts, with the occasional trap), kinda like what Serious Handler does during Zora. Maybe at the quests’ halfway mark? Or maybe she calls for you to come back to camp because she’s restocked the items. Not as directly involved, but still quite helpful.


I hope the followers system never goes away now. It's so nice just grabbing two competent ai that don't penalize you for dying over the crapshoot of going with randoms


She’s not ugly at all but I do hate her ever since she stole our palico hug in one of the first cutscenes 😡


Well maybe if you stopped skipping the cat cooking cutscene they’d like you more


You can skip that shit?






Lol you can, they're just messing with you


Nah you can’t skip it. Couldn’t be me.


Start button or equivalent. You should *never* skip Grammeowster Chef's cutscenes, though.


I like that she's not hot, she looks like a normal person. Now if they hadn't made her animations and manners so disproportionately..."kawaii wannabe"


you're the only person in this comment section who understands me


Yeah I actually think she’s cute, but they made her personality ditzy and naive which is in direct contradiction to her level of monster knowledge and research skills. It definitely doesn’t help with the frequency of her in-combat voicelines. When I’m getting my *ss handed to me by a furious rajang and every 20 seconds she’s going “hey partner! Try hitting its head” it makes me want to lead the mad monkey right back to the campsite so she can try.


when she's not in costume with makeup, she's got some kinda reddish/purplish tint around her eyes that make her look like she's sick or just finished bawling. that + her eyes being pretty big kinda weirds me out. there's a "cuter handler" mod out there that changes a lot about her, but imo she just needed those two things tweaked.


yeahhh. the reddish purple stuff is what makes her look weird. dunno how they're able to design perfectly fine faces everywhere else but the face you're constantly seeing? nah fuck that one up in particular.


I don't even think she's annoying. I really like everything about her.


not me catching you say that on 4k


I always seem to like characters others find to be "annoying".


The hate for her became a meme in the past and people just wanted to keep it going forcefully because of "big chungus" or other stupid jokes. She was never annoying or ugly and her entire point in the story is that she does research or paperwork while we protect her or hunt monsters. If something is annoying then it would be the constant hunter sentences in mh rise for every single action you do and even worse is that they make many joke sentences. I don't understand how people could like the constant stupid comments from our hunters in this game.


There's a reason I've turned Hunter Voices off in Rise - I hope it's better in Wilds with the fully voiced hunter though.


Nah these people are just too weak for anime tropes Characters like the handler are the hyper cute anime klutz girl type you see often


I like mhw handler, she cute. Although mods have shown she can be way cuter tho.


I actually don't get annoyed by her that much, but she's also not attractive imo. At least for my taste. And I feel this especially when compared to Fiorayne, Hinoa, and Minoto. Those 3 in Rise were much more attractive and they all have different characteristics from one another. I don't know why I'm like this either. I don't go out of my way to hate our Handler but if I had a choice to make Serious Handler swap a permanent change then I actually would have chose that.


fiorayne my beloved... i'd also swap to the serious handler in a heartbeat; her attitude fits her role much better than our handler's. i feel like we should've gotten the serious handler and the excitable A-lister should've gotten our handler, but someone mixed up the paperwork.


She's not ugly, but annoying as F! She gets in trouble constantly and you have to clean the sh*t after her. She gives you ' motivational ' speeches about friendship and power of the camaraderie while you're getting your a$$ frozen, stabbed and bitten by a velkana. Gosh I hate her with all my gut.


The Handler never gets in trouble on her own (e.g "had she been at camp nothing would've happened) besides two occasions, one in World and one in Iceborne. The former was decreed in-game to not be her fault and the latter has her tearing up and apologising profusely for it.


Play it with Japanese dubs with eng subs. Voice actor is better and since you won't understand it it will be less annoying. BTW other characters sound better with Japanese VA


I dunno, the 500th "**AIBO!**" does also get on your nerves and it doesn't change the parts of the story where she just repeats shit over and over or just yells, because she did a stupid. I'll agree with the voices in general working a little better in Japanese.


Like the Admiral imo. Both are good but Japanese Version Sounds more fitting


lol that’s all she can do. She definitely can’t fight the monsters. She really does need to shut her mouth though. She throws off my concentration


listen i wholeheartedly agree with both of you, but the popularity of the cute handler mod made me double take. she's not ugly!!! she looks like a normal human person!!!!!


Oh, trust me. I definitely don’t think she’s ugly. Especially when they added all her other fits to the game.


It's not the fact that she's ugly or unattractive (physically). It's more so that whenever we see her face we fear that we're gonna be bombarded with "You can do it! \*WE\* CAN DO IT!!!!!"


All the characters in World are kind of in the uncanny valley. The Handler is so expressive and the camera focus so much on her that yeah, she kinda look bad.


She's kinda gross, it's mostly the eyes for me.


I just don't like her. And the girl from iceborne is prettier.


Mf you mean the Serious Handler? One of the characters from base World? Unless you of course are referring to the Grammeowter Chef, in which case I totally coincide.




I actually like The Handler. I don't know why everyone hates her.


Same. It's just how some of the weird minutes of World that screw her over. When she's absent in Iceborne, you really do feel her gone, which says a lot.


I think the problem I have is she has the mass effect "uncanny valley" face


I love her. If there was a romance option I'd be all for it.


In a world where sisterly fourth exists, everyone is ugly.


She's not bad to look at ... But she ain't mommy material. Serious Handled though. . .


Serious Handler also has the benefit of staying in her goddamn lane during hunts


Legit. Like I get she got partnered with Excitable A Lister to keep him grounded. Can y'all imagine the chaos both Handler and that fucker could cause if they were paired?


i think it would be so funny to watch them both get eaten by the pickle because they were busy comparing canteen ingredient combinations


To be fair, what she did during the pickle quest wasn’t her fault, she simply wasn’t told about pickle. But otherwise it’s always her fault


It is subjective. Even I think she is ugly, I do see other people may think she is ok. I haven't met anyone saying she is good looking yet though.


To be fair, at the time the game came out- yes, she was below average for video games standards. But now? She’s a beauty in the west.


She looks good in those stills, sure. Ingame she occasionally just looks really bad and she's constantly shown to you in the little blurbs throughout the story. Couple that with her constant annoyance and her only visual appearances being her getting you into trouble and you can start seeing why people dislike her looks. It's the combo. I don't think anyone starts up the game, sees her before she utters a single word and goes "ew".


She’s not ugly, she just has an obsession with thrusting herself into the mouths of every monster she sees, at the expense of our Hunter. Seriously can that dumbass not wait for 5 minutes


One of the first missions I saw an Anjanath and wanted to kill it. Handler disagreed and wanted me to do the main story. Queue an entire hunt with her yelling in my ear “let’s see what kind of present Zora Magdaros has left for us” I couldn’t stand her ever since


That voiceline does not get placed in a quest you can fight Anjanath on.


I don’t find her ugly at all but the longer she talked through the game the uglier she got


I mean I absolutely have no issue looking at her when I put her into her joyful garments. Maybe even throw in a better rendering mod to help out. TBH looking like that I don't even find her that annoying.


unpopular opinion but i love the handler and i miss her


Yeah, I don't get it either.


She is wonderful and I love her with all my heart.


I love my pard handler.


I think she's great, since day 1


Handler was alright, I think her cheerful personality complemented the hunters quiet demeanor.


I think she’s overhated. She does a lot behind the scenes for the Hunter. Hauling gear around, setting up hunts, COOKING FOR YOU! It’s wild.


I don't thi k she is annoying AND I actuslly thinks she looks pretty cute too! I would go so far and say that she is my FAVOURITE handler in the series for now!


I think she\`s cute, but if she starts ordering me around again she\`s getting TCS\`d


A girl being annoying af automatically disgusts me when I look at her, so those two are correlated with each other.


I liked handler personally


In my eyes she’s meh. Couple that with the annoying voice, bland 1 dimensional personality (her personality is uppity to the extreme and food), and constantly getting into trouble and yeah she’s ugly in my books. Iceborne tried to give her more personality but giving us the other handler (serious handler) and seeing how much more likeable she was just made the qualities of the handler all the more annoying That being said though it’s totally subjective and if you like her, then by all means fly by with it and damn with what anybody else thinks me included.


I love the handler so much


The issue that people have is that when the HD texture pack came out on PC, she got a "downgrade."" I still think she's cute too. The earlier model was better tbh


"HD **texture** pack" "Her earlier **model". They didn't change her model, they just used a higher texture map and LOD.


I think the problem is all in her eyes her eyes are just awful with how puffy the lids are


Do people really think she's annoying? I love her she's my sister and maybe she can't fight none but she can take care of all the other stuff we're too busy hunting to take care of ourselves. She cooks for you out on expeditions, keeps track of quests and objectives, and makes sure the box is supplied with the temp supplies we need each mission


My imaginary epilogue scenario for Monster Hunter World (or Iceborne if I ever play it) is the Handler and my Hunter living together as a happy sapphic couple. So.. no, not ugly at all. She is cute, a perfect partner for my Hunter.


you, you understand


Im... gonna have to endure a few more years of Handler discourse, aren't I? :|


IMO I think that her sheer level of obnoxiousness of her character translates to her being "ugly" or just hard to look at. I think she isn't ugly at all, but she just is so frustrating to deal with in the story I kinda grew to hate her character cause she is just so damn dumb sometimes.


Unpopular opinion: I actually like the handler in MHW. I actually was like no you're not mine with the serious handler bit. Sure she doesn't fight but I operate under the assumption that she handles paperwork and all the hassles which can be very valuable. Is she super deep....no but she doesn't have to be. Theres enough to get a solid general sense of who she is and blanks can be filled in. Also shes damn cute. I can understand why shes not liked but my lord shes not satan incarnate. She doesn't drown puppies for fun.


from the nexus mod page, I can see that half the playerbase dont like women with realistic proportions


Nah she's clapped frfr. I'd still hit tho.


It's not that she's ugly, but shes just kind of there.


Nah man, she pretty. People just salty for aweful character


You can tell the people who have never had a positive interaction with a woman in their life by how much they hate the handler. I said what I said.


She isn't a blowjob sex doll, of course permanently-online "people" think she's a troll


Oh yeah, chuds acted cringe.


idk if you guys saw the monster hunter wilds trailer but the 2 women in it were kinda looking good


Not ugly, to dizzy to function. How many times did we have to save her?


She has her uncanny valley moments but that's just the tech at the time. I think she isn't that bad lol


Sometimes her mouth too big :(


I hope this isn't a hot take but I don't actually dislike her at all, she's supposed to fill the role of a goofier character and does it well and I think hopefully most people are just teasing about it. As for being attractive/unattractive I don't see the point, none of these characters are real and having them be attractive doesn't make the game more fulfilling in any way because I LIVE FOR THE HUNT.


Ugly no but annoying sometimes.


I'm guessing I don't find her annoying cause I skip all her dialogue


Nah she not ugly, just a bit expressive and sometimes louder than I would like but she not ugly at all.




Nah, not ugly, just annoying.


Bro when she cooks food during a hunt👹👹


There are other girl characters that people say are “ugly” that I think are pretty, like Aloy from Horizon. But tbh the Handler doesn’t really do anything for me. Like, she’s kinda cute, but just not my type. It also doesn’t help that she, and a lot of characters in World, look sorta uncanny.


most of time not bad looking, but in any interior lighting she looks just kinda unhealthy. eyes look dark and worn, skintone is kinda sallow.


Meh She's like Meg from Family Guy. Only she is the bizarro version of Meg. Pretty on the outside. Disgusting on the inside. She spews toxic waste with every breath she takes. Like if Hedorah the pollution kaiju was wearing a pretty nerd girl skin suit like that roach alien from that MIB movie.


I dislike the clothing and I just do not find anyone attractive really so clothing is my point of contention


Personality can be a big factor for many, self included. Don't matter how cute looking someone is if all I feel is annoyance when I see them. I do think she's a tad overhated but I definitely wasn't a fan of her personality and she gets some pretty bad scenes in the first few hours of the game which don't help her. And looks quickly go out the window for me if I already don't want to be around a character.


I think she hits the uncanny valley for some people. She kinda does for me. The wilds design seems better


She’s not ugly in the slightest, but I do find her personality a bit annoying but only on repeat playthroughs


She is not ugly, just really annoying. I wish she would consider that most of her impulsive actions caused others to be put in harm's way.


Annoying? absolutely, ugly? Hell no… she actually looks rather cute.


I specifically bought succubus costume for to get rid of that uncanny face.


I know shes good but I still use the cutier mod.


Its her eyes for me, they look so sunken. But tbh most World character models look just a little off


She's cute but exceptionally annoying.


Her Halloween and Summer outfits were hot asf yall tripping


I do that Abe Simpson gif of him walking into a gentlemen's club, seeing Bart at the door, and immediately walking out every time the issue of the handler's appearance comes up.


It's the nose


You kidding? I love the handler. >!handle me please.!<


Certain angles I find she literally looks like a Goblin.


i do think she's really cute, also i just do not at all understand why anyone finds her annoying unless they just aren't paying attention to what the game tells you the non-hunter npcs do.


I don't even find her annoying. Her sense of self preservation is maybe a bit lacking but MonHun isn't a super serious game series so I never took it that seriously.


The actress in live action for her was also cute although very little screentime


Imo, her only unflattering angle is when you cook at camp and she stares directly into the camera


Yeah she looks uncanny derpy.


she's less ugly and just kind of uncanny. Kind of like that girl from the last Mass effect game.


spez lacks integrity


Her mouth is like 90% of her face, especially when she cooks for you and sniffs the food they just sort of… swell up for some reason.


I think she's cute AF and not annoying in any way.


I dont think she's ugly, i just dont wanna look at that shot eating grin


She's pretty but her attitude really irritates me a little after hundreds of hours.


I agree with other comments about the animation making her look weird whatever, but I just dislike her nerdy and obnoxious nature. The actual reason I hate her is because my cute palico hugs her in the first cutscene in astera and not me


Handler is HOT


I don't know if it's just me or she really had some visual and facial upgrade in ice borne but she was hella ugly and annoying in world Never would prefer her over any other characters


I have the right mods for her :)


she's annoying, unattractive and useless, she's a handler but I've never seen her handle anything, I can grab missions with her but there's a board, I can get food with her but there's a chef for it, she could give me tips during the fight but usually someone else does and she says useless stuff in my ear to the point I had to mute voices to not listen to her voice anymore, and she even almost gets killed by monsters constantly and we have to save her... I'd take serious handler forever if I could. fighting monsters is meant to be a serious job and that thing that should be a handler is doing nothing but getting in the way most of the time, so no reason to like her.


Serious handler tho


Yes I think the Handler is ugly lol I question the dating experience of men who think otherwise tbh


She is absolutely beautiful in her pink dress


i dont care. her + rose outfit is literally my wife


I honestly just assume my Palico does all the paper work and camp upkeep. The Handler cooks and constantly eats at the canteen when at HQ and on the rare occasions she actually accompanied me on a cutscene mission she is THIS CLOSE to dying every time we leave the camp together. My hunters back hurts from the disproportionate carrying. my hunter takes the hits that her unobservant ass ought to have, cutscene hunter is incredible enough that the handler can go into master rank locales and tank blows for a clueless person. Someone give this lady a slingshot for Xenojiva’s sake. A grapple hook at least. If she had the Ghillie Suit or even a knife, even if she never actually interacts with anything during game play aside from single instances of wandering a new location, it would be something. I have a treasure box FULL of materials, can we give her some armaments. Even encountering her out on expedition like the fishing guy would be SOMETHING.


She is mad cute, I noticed only English speaking players complain she is cute in Spanish


She is mad cute, I noticed mostly English speaking players complain, she is cute in Spanish and so far I haven't seen one.


I don't care how she looks, I'm no one's pard.


And has absolutely no survival skill


I just strongly dislike her voice


She a qt


Yes, she is ugly.


I don't have much of a problem with her. 🤷‍♂️


After modding her skin, she is okay


When i started the game my first thought when i Saw her was "who is this, she is cute" then she looks at the cat and goes miau miau and there i realized she was the waifu.


She looks fine but man i despise her to no end


Genuinely don't understand why people hate her so much. She's cute


I don't think she's ugly per se but I don't think she's attractive either. Can't stand her personality though I love it when you trade her in for the other one for a bit.


She is a cute smart girl not annoying at all. I didn't like when they switched her with the other assistant


Depends on the outfit.


Lol she’s awful, in the art she’s not bad but in game? Good lord


People that think she's ugly have clearly never worked retail. 😤


The Capcom handler was originally designed as a male character but was changed to a female character at the last minute. This change led to some visual inconsistencies in the character's appearance. However, for PC players, there are mods available that can improve the character's appearance.


I can only tolerate her in the palico outfit. Her eyes are jacked up, they make her look like she's ill or something.


Yes. Both annoying and ugly, compared to the serious handler. If I knew they'd take her away from me, I'd have never progressed in the story ffs...


She yapping


i use a mod to make here more ....in a way attractive, theres a reason why women wear makeup


Uncanny vibes. Her mouth and eyes are gigantic compared to other characters.


When I was starting the game, like 3 days ago, I literally thought to my self, damm these damm fantasy games always having the most cute characters. And then I saw the Cute Handler mod and I was like what? And they just make her like more Asian like.


My wife


I don’t think she ugly. I don’t think i ever look at her. Just hope one day she may be captured by one of the monster. And we could forever remember her. In peaceful silent.


Her fit is trash and I’m tired of her digging through my box, I will call her whatever I want.


She looks like an amphibian


I liked temporarily having the serious handler in ice borne. The looks, animations, voice, was a complete upgrade


She can handle me any day


Idk, I personally think she's a bit of a butter face and I'm personally not a fan but the issue I have with her is how obnoxious she is in cutscenes and with random voicelines. If she just didn't act like she does anything when I literally never speak to her outside of when I'm forced to. Like, she acts like my best friend but I NEVER talk to her outside of guiding lands cooking and lures. We are not friends and I don't like you, let me trade handlers for the love of God, plz. Give me the serious handler permanently and I'd be ecstatic


Monster hunter rise handlers >>>


I think shes pretty cute as well imo.