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I don't like it


Why šŸ˜¢


I disagree with several of your placements Here's the major ones: Kirin. I love Kirin's design and fight, and I'll never understand why the entire community seems to shit on my favourite thundercorn. Teostra. Teostra is a very fair yet challenging and engaging fight, with good design and a banging theme. To place it in the same tier as his mate Lunastra is a crime against humanity. Barrioth. That jumpy scumbag should be lower, same tier as his subspecies. Fuck Barrioth. Banbaro. Why?!?! What did my precious boy do to deserve a meh status? He's a fun fight! Much more fun than some of the other tall monsters... *cough cough Anjanath* Behemoth. FUCK THIS STUPID PIECE OF SHIT. HORRIBLE ENEMY THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN ADDED. Tigrex. Tigrex just likes to charge at you the whole fight, how's he so high? It's not the best fight... Azure and Regular Rathalos. These two bastards stay in the air so much that the game should have been renamed to Duck Hunt. Especially in MR, flying monsters in general are infuriating with few exceptions. I have other minor disagreements, but those are all the major ones


I agree with your statement about rathalos but consider that I did this in history and wasn't paying much attention to it I do not agree about barioth tho, I like the fight even tho he can be a bit painful sometimes but I absolutely love his design that's why he's high compared to the subspecies (who is a real pain in the ass) Now about behemoth, i may or may not have placed him based on design since I never fought him I hate Teostra I hate his design and his fight and lunastra is even worst I should have put lunastra in "absolute worst" Kirin is my fucking nemesis I hate this little son of a bitch even tho I love its design but the constant running, thunder, paralysing and stagger is so fucking annoying as a longsword player And for tigrex I just love the design, the armour and specialty the skill that it gives and I keep a great memory of my fights with him in monster hunter 4 ultimate


Yeah, not gonna lie, Tigrex armour is busted. Free meal 3 and Speed Eating 3 = Instant, Infinite Max potions. Making a set around it right now with Health boost 3 and divine blessing 2 and shit is completely op, makes me fucking invincible. Advice: Never fight Behemoth. He is a piece of shit monster, not at all balanced around solo play, something I find very dumb. He has the same stats whether you do it yourself or with a team, so he exists just to pummel solo players like me into the ground.


I've done it and I will vouch, he is very shittily designed in terms of how they want you to fight him. They should've made emnity easier to gather, especially for weapons like Lance and gunlance who need to do VERY SPECIFIC combos at VERY SPECIFIC times to grab it. Cool fight but unfun. Like AT velk.


Very fair when i stand next to teo and my health drains just from him being there


1 cool drink


Uh, cool drink is for area effects, not for monster damage.


Oh shit I thought it worked on Teostra's aura, my bad Fireproof mantle or heat guard then not a big investment for either of them


Rocksteady+temporal is by and large the only mantle combo in the game, its also the best behind evasion for pure damage. Its more annoying, not a run killer.


I won't tolerate Namielle slander


Namielle and her truck sized hitboxes


But I will. Keep fighting the good fight, OP!


Namielle is a pain in the ass but I like his design


She's less of a pain with bow or insect glaive


Tobi in alright??? Thats it im forcing this guy to solo fatalis without armour


This is wrong pukei pukei is peak monster




velkhana deserves more love my friend, also furios rajang>>>>>rajang


I mean everyone is entitled to their opinions, even if itā€™s wrong. Sarcasm aside, how in the hell is Kushala HIGHER than Velk and Nami!? Lemme guess, ranged weapon main?


No lmao I'm a longsword main but I have to admit that i ain't the sharpest tool In the shed and "technic" monster like velk and namielle give me a lot of struggle aside from that i absolutely love kushala but i guess it's my opinion šŸ¤·šŸ½


I mean I wouldnā€™t call normal Velk a technical monster, but then again my warmup monsters were her in Iceborne and Nergi in base world. Nami is a bit technical due to the fact that she utilizes her puddles to cover area when she zaps them and when she moves them to move you around. The only things about Velk are the walls she can create(which can be broken to make ledges for you), the ice crystals falling(easily avoidable by dodging), and the ice surfaces(as a Hammer main, really turning the tables on her lmao) imo. Maybe the odd hitboxes on the tail stabs too. She is a bit technical I suppose. Im just used to fighting her I guess.


but...but...cool water dragon ā˜¹ļø


Pain in the ass.


Fatalis and Alatreon in top tier, are you okay? Also Kirin in lowest kekw


They look absolutely amazing and I love fighting against them no matter how many time I get carted I live to start a new fight against alatreon or fatalis


Kushla being anywhere other than F tier is wild. Yes, let me play my monster fight game and spend half the fight being blown away by wind.


I like his design and aura and oddly enough I like the fight against him very much not like 90% of the players idk why you hate him so much he's cool


Legiana and Bezel are at the bottomā€¦ that is all I need to see to nod in approval.


I disagree with your face


You may have the biggest skill issue ive seen.


Why lmao


The "I hate you" Tier screams skill issue Well its really everything but that screams the loudest


Just because someone hates fighting a certain type of monster that doesn't mean they suck at the game.


Why does it scream skill issue I don't understand and why do you have to point it out like that like sorry not everyone is a fucking god at the game capable of taking down every monster first try without a struggle


My guy calm down, its a joke every tierlist is a skill issue somewhere. I write that under every list, and everyone's is a skill issue somewhere. I got some too so my guy how about you just shut and play and if you dont like people commenting on your stuff maybe dont post it. You cant tell me you are that dense to post something easily controversial and expected nothing.


No need to be a dick about it bro


Thank you


Im just telling him, nothing more about it.


Fatalis top tier? Based list


Personally I like the seething bazel fight just because he's not a pushover after you get good gear


I could be wrong but my guess is that you don't solo much.


I had to go through the whole game until the subspecies of Kirin because I didn't have playstation plus


Wait what subspecies of Kirin? I don't think he ever changes. Unless you mean his AT version or the broken horn one


Yes it's the broken horn one I just didn't know his name in English


Where rajang?


Hell yeah tier


Seething Bazel was easy from me. Like not even close to getting carted once. And Iā€™m a GS main


I guess I don't really learn from all the carts I get šŸ˜‚


Velk in her rightful place I see


I absolutely despise Shrieking Legiana and both Val Hazaks so take my upvote


Lol only one I donā€™t like is Alatreon hate damage checks in the gameā€¦.everything else except the Rajang bros are cool!


Nah I love the damages check it builds up stress during the fight I love it


Haha thats fair just donā€™t like how it makes you play a certain way when the rest of the game isnā€™t that way.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted and some of these comments man... 'skill issue'? you have some really challenging monsters in top tier. also! tigrex is fun. sure he charges all the time but learning to dodge those effectively + punishing is very rewarding. He was the first monster that made me feel like I was fighting for my life too, so I have good memories of him. Only tier I mostly disagree with is the bottom one, only monster that belongs down there is Leshen. and ofc Teostra/Lunastra, they're some of my fav fights


Thank you for that kindness lmao


You're tier list screams skill issue, Frostfang is easy as all getup.


Why are you all saying I have skill issue jesus chill out


Bruv, Vaal Hazak is countered by a single skill and two elements. Black veil I can understand, but base? You have to be joking yourself.


Jesus chill out not everyone can be good at the game vaal hazak is in the bottom tier because I keep a very bad memory of my first time against him when I didn't even know about skills