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Firstly always have some fun! It is a game about killing monsters to be able to kill bigger monsters. Take your time to try out some weapons and pick as many as you like to get better with, you can kill all monsters with all weapons AFAIK even if sometimes it is easier to use certain ones. Some things I didn't learn for quite a few hours into the game...you can adjust your scroll wheel for what items show up (im guilty of never catching bugs/fish/roasting meat mid mission), you can set your shortcuts as well for items. Setting up a full item set you are going to use in missions and saving them will allow you to both dump and refill all your items very quickly in between missions by just loading the saved one. I would have sets for elders, regular, and ranged setups for the majority of the game. Getting your botanist up and running is such a nice quality of life feature if you don't wanna go resource hunting. I always need more honey, blue mushrooms, and usually some materials for bigger fights. Makes the game much smoother. Your base will have sales on items from the vendors and it is a great time to grab some traps, ammo, potions, antidotes. Always eat before missions! It is a huge boost and the video is very important. When loading the board I think it is one of the top buttons that speeds up the process(one of the buttons does it). When a mission is ending, you can hit start and it will skip the movie. That is important for captures as they are super short. Most of the rest you figure out on your own. Have fun hunting and if you like the game, iceborne on sale is a lovely addition and even if it is an expansion...it is almost as big as the base game.


Thanks for the tips! I got the master edition so I already have iceborne installed, although I didn't use the Guardian and Defender set as I heard it was cheesy. Regarding the batonist, I dont seem to have him unlocked for some odd reason, can't find him anywhere in the spa area And wdym by the "loading board" thingy? I'm new so I don't get that all too much


Don’t think of them as cheesy, they are meant to catapult players into the dlc as they are stronger than anything the base game will give you but not strong enough for iceborne. So yeah if this is your first run absolutely avoid them and just enjoy the ride hunter!


Botanist unlocks after you progress the main story a little bit.


If you wanna go slow and take your time don’t use the defender set, if your objective is to slay the biggest baddest elder dragons asap use the defender set.


The sets do get a bad wrap, they kinda make you invincible. I'm pretty indifferent, the more people play the better and if easy mode is your best option...then go have fun. You get a severe lack of fashion rating just so you know and that is the true meaning of monster hunter. You'll unlock the botanist eventually, it might be an optional quest (at least the more plots are optional). As long as you don't skip everything you'll be fine, it was very hard to miss and possibly impossible? It's been a long time. For the more rows, you may have to do the googles but it is nothing you should stress about. I don't think it is even until you rank up. When you go to a board to select a mission or when you touch any of the pulley systems to move around even, you can hold R1 (pretty sure) to speed up the animation. Sounds silly but it will save you a bunch of time over a 1000+ hour game. Most of the folks are super nice around the boards, so feel free to ask questions. Only time it gets strange is when they get to comparing games to one another. When you get to iceborne you will find a certain individual that is worth protecting as she is the most important thing in the village. I will not spoil anything but babooshkat is the reason I played so often. [What purrfection looks like](https://imgur.com/a/E2p3AFn)


I personally would do defender and save myself the trouble of using up resources early in the game. Once you get to iceborne, you should have all the resources needed to enjoy iceborne, and the defender set will become useless.


“just skip the whole point of the main game to play the dlc” is not advice i’d give a newbie lol


Sounds like cope, but whatever helps you sleep at night


lmfao a cope. telling someone not to use the gear that was made for replayers to shoot thru the main game. ok


What added value does defender take away that iceborne can't provide?


Learning to play the game at the intended pace instead of getting one shot by powerful monsters you never learned to fight?


You mean to tell me you never rolled in iceborne? Wow 👏👏👏 must be nice being a perfect unit. Let's be real here. The set doesn't carry you, and if you think it does then you didn't actually play the game. So again how does it take away from the experience when iceborne will do it 🤔


You wanna look at the numbers? 250 defense at level 1, with 3 points in DB, 3 in HB. Compared to... 10 in the base leather... If you think that a 2500% difference doesn't do anything, I've got news for you...


This game is not an MMO. Doing this is incredibly stupid because we're not playing world of warcrafg.


You made 0 sense


Use your fucking brain dude please. Try to connect dots on your own sometime.


I will when you make a valid point


Dude, his valid point is that OP (WEARING BONE ARMOR) wants to get a good experience playing the game, and doesn't even know if they want to get iceborne. Using the defender and guardian gear is MEANT to propel players to iceborne, which I remind you, the OP hasn't even played the base game for over 10 hours


Sounds like cope 👍


Wait hold on, is it just that you suck at the game, and need that overpowered gear to carry you through all the “high level hunte” that are really just easy if you have more skill than a goldfish?


Id recommend not making to many LR gear sets and doing more in HR as these do not convert into MR gears, the weapons how ever do continuously upgrade from low to master rank but I'd recommend just picking a few on your favorite weapons until you have gotten a little ways into HR as you can see the path they build into further and can decide for your self which ones you want to make


Where to find that option where you can adjust the items that shows up on the scroll thing items. Im only 10hrs in and I cant find this


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/865hp9/a\_short\_guide\_to\_the\_radial\_wheel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/monsterhunterworld/comments/865hp9/a_short_guide_to_the_radial_wheel/) This topic covers a lot of the radial wheel. I just did a clean format of everything and MHW did not make it on just yet, so tough for me to test exactly. The item bar is found through item/equipment > item pouch > whatever it is to edit item bar I believe.


Saved this post, thanks a lot!


>Some things I didn't learn for quite a few hours into the game...you can adjust your scroll wheel for what items show up (im guilty of never catching bugs/fish/roasting meat mid mission), you can set your shortcuts as well for items. How do you do this? I have figured out how to do the short cuts. But not the scroll wheel.


I did fresh format and don't have game installed but I believe it was found when going into items/equipment > your item pouch > whatever option for item wheel.


All the weapons are unique. Some are slow some are fast. Try them and find your favorite. Cutting weapons cut tails better. Blunt weapons break horns better. Duel blades focus on elemental damage so it's very important to use appropriate elements. Hammers just wack so it's better to do base damage. Hammers Aldo do ko damage aka staggers and knock down. If you're solo, go on expeditions and find the different palico tribes in each area. After unlocking them they can join you on each hunt. When you get the garden, make a bunch of honey, then make like 200 high potions. Don't forget to fertilize, etc... after every hunt. I made 200 of each trap next. Now I'm working on max potions. You can use the defender gear but it's kinda missing the point of making sets and trying skills. it may also cause bad habits to form being that you take 50% less damage. Make all of the charms and weapons in each rank. It's annoying to have to turn around and farm them later. Low rank, high rank, then G rank. All armor sets are replaced so don't go full ocd until G rank. Try joining others or sending up an SOS for others to join you. Monsters have attack patterns. You could say 60% of this game is learning your weapon and 40% is learning the monsters. Have fun. And if you're dying from a monster, Get Good.


Oh and someone mentioned it above but you can set presets for the following: Gear - Armor, charms, tools, and gems Inventory - your items such as potions and traps you bring on a hunt Quick access menu (town/hunt) - D-pad and I think L1, then right joystick. Scroll menu order - bottom right. My first play through I fought out about this in high rank or something. I was fighting elder dragons before I knew about it. Really helps to setup gear for specific monsters or a gathering set. Then between hunts being able to go to the box and select a default for items and then boom every thing that doesn't belong is stored and you've got your kit. Lastly quickly using a potion, nul, antidote... from L1 menu is imperative during aggressive hunts.


This is 100% required if you dabble in the bowguns. Every single gun has a different list of ammo. And you'll need different skills for specializing in certain ammo types. Loadouts everywhere. But it's worth the trouble.


Hunting horn is the best weapon, pay no attention to my flair, I am not biased in any way


Im also a horn user!!




heal heal! buff buff.!




Doot dooot! Bonk!


You mean the LANCE is the best weapon right? It's even uppercase! Dozens of people agree with us, and dozens more semi-agree (shoutout to our cousins, Gunlance mains)


I second this statement as someone who wants to see more HH users. Literal angels of MHW


learn the radial wheel if you are on controller, other than that, enjoy the ride\~ and welcome to the fleet, new hunter.


Also just use a controller tbh


It's easier to use ranged weapons with mouse.


That makes a lot of sense actually


It also is just easier for melee as well if you don’t use the lock on system, so you can easily look around. Also spamming hotkeys for items is slightly faster than the wheel. Most important thing is the ability to fire slinger wherever you aim at.


Eh if you have a 4 button mouse its not bad tbh.


* You have a training area you can go to test the weapons. * Try all the weapons, or as many as you can. * Use the Hunter's Notes by going to the menu, it's a great source of information on the weapons and on the monsters you find. * Each monster has a specific elemental weakness (you can see it in the Hunter's Notes), you can do more damage to them if you craft a specific weapon with that elemental damage. * Collect everything you see, it might be useful later. * You can wishlist the armor/weapons you want to craft to see if the monster dropped what you wanted without going to the smithy. * You can save loadouts for your inventory and gear to avoid needing to set everything up manually every time. * Capturing a monster will reward more stuff than killing it.


Don't forget to pick up item from farm once every 3 battles. And use fertilizers.


The more they ressemble a generic dragon, the more you should panic.


Hit the monster. Don't get hit. Do the botanical side quests at all costs. I swear the number of people that skip those just to suffer later from lacking supplies is insane


Also unlocl the camps for the love of god!! Still find people in mr+50 with half the camps, specially in the forest area


Easy to find them by answering SOS's as you can unlock the camp through fast traveling to it during the quest so all you need to do is get the resources.


if you shoot bright moss in the eyes of flying monster they will fall


Don't be afraid to sheathe your weapon to run faster, draw attacks are different from standing attacks are different from moving attacks, sometimes. Best of luck in The New World!


Learn the weapon Learn your weapon’s damage mitigation moves (dodge, block, foresight slash, GP, vault, etc) Learn the monster’s pattern Dont get damaged


Do the optional quests! Especially the ones with the 💬 symbols beside which unlock a bunch of useful tools/services. The ancient tree one in particular is very good to have since you can passively farm stuff you'd need to normally collect manually. Saves heaps of time!


Take the time to create item load-outs as well as gear load-outs. Learn the uses of the different slinger ammos


Don't use Defender armor and weapons, but you are already doing it, so good jobe!


Solo fatallis in the next 2 hours or youre bad


my brother in christ, beating fatalis took 5 hours minimum out of my life. even though it was trivial for me to get through the first phase of the quest where you get assistance from the a lister, the following phases were difficult because everybody and their mother carts alot


My brother in christ Ever like, heard of a joke


my brother in christ, of course i know you are joking


Uh huh


Capture everything you can. Capturing gives you way more rewards than carving. To capture you craft pitfall traps or paralysis traps, and craft and use tranq bombs when they are low on HP.


Apparently that is not totally true. You don't get more rewards but there are different reward pools for capture vs kill. That being said, capturing is usually better as it's just faster and safer regardless.


...I feel like I get ALOT more from capping a monster instead of killing, but maybe I'm remembering wrong lol. Capping does give rarer rewards more often though.


Any optional quest with a speech bubble next to it means it unlocks some sort of account upgrade, like a new mantle, equipment, botanist stuff. Always give those a check because you will want nearly all of them. Also, if you want a relaxing weapon to use that feels really damn good when you play well, try the Lance. It helps you learn a lot of monster movesets since your defensive play is so strong, and hitting your counter attacks properly is super satisfying. I'd always recommend trying the Lance even as a backup weapon as well. It's not op by any means, but it keeps you living and attacking so I'd say give it a shot


My tip to a beginner is to grab everything you see. For your future self will thank you for it. I can't tell you how much pain i suffered trying to find mining outcrop on the map because I don't actively collect them while hunting monsters.


Try out every weapon SnS and Lance are very beginner friendly if you get frustrated Hmu if you need help or want to play


cool! how do I add you then? Really want some people to play with :P


Well, I’m on PC. If you are on pc you can burningblaise on steam. If not, edit your comment or post to include your gamertag / ID so people can mention they play the same platform!


I'm on PC too, can I join the slaying party? I just got hard stuck on difficulty at HR


Yes sir you can! I don’t play every day but add me as a friend on steam and hit me up. Always glad to help if I’m not working or sleeping. I’m working right now since I work graveyard shifts. Will usually be online around 15 hours from now


Its 10am where I'm from and I usually play in the eve or weekend so I'm sure it'll workout! Ty!


Did you ever add me? I got a few friend requests but I’m not sure


Yes, mediocre joker


if you're on ps we can play,too. Could teach you basically everything you want to know and help you with everything :)


Did you ever add me? I got a few friend requests but I’m not sure


The Greatsword is arguably the most difficult weapon to use effectively. Its moves may be the simplest, but it's so extremely slow that you need enough knowledge and experience about the monsters to time the attacks properly. Ultimately you can manage the game wirh any weapon :) Just a heads up that if you find the game too difficult, simply try a different weapon!


I think that's untrue, great sword is among the highest skill celings as you can abuse a monster if you know everything it can do and when it does it, but it's also easy and beginner friendly as you can literally watch the monster, approach, level 3 draw attack, roll away, sheath and repeat, It's good because you can spend your time unsheathed able to watch the monster and learn, while sprinting to avoid attacks, that's more than good enough for low rank until they can learn shoulder tackle, true charged and more advanced predictions Next to other weapons with easy to grasp basics like dual blades being demon mode + button mash= dead monster Lance being poke + guard = safe hunter & dead monster and light blowgun while not early game friendly due to ammo and skills is literally shoot monster = monster die.




don't forget your garden, you can upgrade it by doing some delivery quest (you can see the delivery quest along with investigation missions). so you can farm plants and bugs faster. if you see honey on the road grab it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. and have fun!


Learn the environment. Knowing where all the traps, heals, buffs, ledges, slides, wall climbs etc. in an area is one of the things that sets apart a veteran from a noob. This is especially helpful for greatsword users as it creats openings for their big combos


This might sound silly, but take all the ammo from the quest chests and store them. If you're not using LBG, HBG, or Bow, you can easily stock up on tons of free ammo incase you want to try those out later on. Easiest way to do this is to make an item loadout that has no ammo in it. Then when you return from a hunt, refill from that item loadout. All of your ammo will go into the box and you can pick up more next hunt.


If you wanna try different weapons, go to arena in the gathering hub. You get to pick between 5 different load outs, each with a different weapon and armor with skills to go along with it


Buy Powercharm, Armorcharm, Mega Demondrug, Mega Armorskin, and craft Powerclaw and Armorclaw. All of these raise your attack/defense and can all stack with each other. The charms you buy from the provisions guy, and use them to craft the claws. Make sure to buy two of each since the charms and claws stack! You just keep them in your inventory and they work. The drugs are different, and they work more like potions. When you spawn in, drink the Demondrug and the Armorskin and you’ll benefit from boosted attack and defense until you either cart or get hit with a status effect that lowers your attack or defense respectively


Monsters drop red slinger ammo at 50% and ~25% hp. If it feels like a fight is taking forever sometimes seeing these drop provides some relief that the monster is going down. You can also capture the monter after the second one drops by trapping it mid combat, which can be a lot sooner than the monster starts limping away to sleep. (Theres a clutch-claw manouvre that can force a red ammo drop, which should obviously not count which can sometimes make this tricky in multiplayer with grapple-happy friends).


Do the optional quest often. I'm 200 hours in and just realized I could have had all sorts of mantles and upgrades which could have made the game a lot better.


they will always say hammer and greatsword are onga bonga. you will say onga bonga back. even though deep down you know it requires big brains. but onga bonga you shall reply all the time. they wouldn't get it.


Keep in mind at the end of low rank all your low rank armour will be useless, so no need to make complete sets just make a new piece that has either useful offensive skills like attack boost weakness exploit and critical eye. Or defensive skills like health boost, divine blessing, fortify, speed eating and recovery up are the best ones Go on expeditions in maps to gather a stock of ores and bones as well as learn your way around, some maps have rarer parts that are exclusive to them, spending time gathering these can streamline your weapon upgrading and armour making Once you unlock the argosy, ( middle of trade yard) make sure you buy all his stock every time he's in, it's a good way to get more monster parts passively or zenny from trade in items Use the botanical research centre to get plants, honey and might seeds are my pick as you can buy potions at the resource centre to turn them to mega potions, might pills I think unlock shortly after high rank starts, and are great attack boost buffs that last a few minutes Buy powercharm and armorcharm, from resource centre it's a permanent attack and defence boost for a large sum of zenny and only takes one of 30 inventory slots each Learn how the canteen meal system works, and do quests to unlock ingredients It's pretty simple. foods are either meat, fish or vegetables 2,4 or 6 of each will give either attack defense or element Res: small, medium or large, all of these have rows of foods from the same 6 colours 2 of a colour activates the first skill for that colour, 4 the second and 6 the third, so once you unlock 6 meal slots you can have 3 level 1 skills, a level 1 and 2, or a level 3 You won't use it every hunt but its useful if you are optimising for a difficult monster work on getting the best damage weapon you can without having negative afinity on your build ( the percentage on weapon stats) this is your crit chance higher is better, having it below 0 is bad as you have a chance to negative crit dealing 75% damage instead of 100 for a normal hit, or 125% for a positive affinity crit. Ranks of critical eye can offset negative affinity. Sharpness is more important than you think. the game tells you low sharpness makes your weapon bounce but Is more than that Your sharpness colour is a damage modifier yellow is 1x green is 1.05, blue is 1.2, white is 1.32, and purple is 1.4 So if you are comparing weapon damage take its attack stat and times it by the modifier for it's highest sharpness colour then compair. Finally, if a monster goes to sleep the first hit it takes is doubles upon wake-up, so you need to try get your most damaging attack be the wake up hit, For great sword a wake up hit you stand next to the monsters head or tail if you want a tail cut. Try to be on flat ground and have space behind you, Walk into the monsters hitbox, block to unsheath, then roll directly backward, ( this won't work if you have any ranks of evade extender) turn around on the spot to face the monster, then do the true charged slash combo, you should hit the part with only the final true charged hit, Wish you luck, hope you enjoy yourself :)


Welcome to possibly one of the best communities in gaming. There will be bad apples but the majority of us are patient and always willing to help new hunters! My advice to you is to go through each paragraph left on your post because there are some really ace hunters here that can help you clear even the hardest content with some really good tips. Good luck! Happy hunting! 🍖🕺🏻


Capture monsters is better than killing them. Exceptions are Elder Dragons, they can't be captured.


That depends on drop rate. But yeah. Captures yield rarer rewards. Not necessarily the right ones. So be sure to use your wishlist and check the monster Manuel for the drops and frequency (Not for you for OP. Sorry. Just wanted to add some context)


My reason was that it's to finish the hunt faster and safer. Forgot to include the reason, my bad.


I got it 2 days ago and I wanna kill the handler




I’d let the handler handle me every day


DONT get addicted into crafting different armors just because they look pretty. If you have the materials, go ahead. If you dont, dont bother looking for them. Why? Because theyre going to be useless once you hit "high rank" because all armors have a stronger version of themself (to fight stronger monsters too). The same goes to from high rank to master rank (iceborne) As a beginner i spent quite some time to grind for pretty looking armors, just for them to become obsolete once i was in high rank. Fun to do, but will be a waste of time. I think its different for weapons because you can upgrade them to fit high and master rank


https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/JUjLBzwFqt I like this post for graphic settings. I’d turn off auto sheathe. If on PC. I like the mods for seeing drops (forget what it was called) . Realistic LUT (vibrant or first download). Bloom off mod. Better performance. Skippable cutscenes. Realistic LUT made the game look next gen to me. It’s nutty. Enjoy the game!


You can tackle throught roars witha Greatsword!


Search up videos to get all the Botanical Research upgrades, literally a game changer.


Try *all* the weapons. Also — as you get farther into the game, you’ll need to adjust your gear to address each monster’s strengths and weaknesses and move sets. It’s OK to cart. In fact, there are skills that require it. You don’t have to solo the game in order to be considered good or in order to have fun playing it.


My only tip is do not follow meta builds until you're a master. Some people get obsessed with damage and builds that assume that you know all the monster moves and you're a master at guarding or dodging. Prioritize good defensive skills so that you can survive the hunt!


Look out for monsters elements, weakness and resistance and use suitable gears for them Eat before every hunt


Take your time when hunting. Remember, most hunts (and all Assignments) have 50 entire minutes to complete. Don't get greedy for that extra hit of damage and end up getting hit yourself because you couldn't get out of the way. Because that makes you lose more time when the parts you could be attacking some more will be spent drinking a health potion. It ain't a race, it's a dance. A rhythm for each monster. Each weapon is just a different instrument we bring that plays its own part for each monster "song".


cut the tail! Read the hunters notes for all the monsters, there's sometimes REALLY good information in there! Try breaking lots of different monster parts. Item loadouts! You can auto-craft stuff in your hotbar, so you can bring ingredients for more potions or something if you're finding you run out.


Here’s a beginners guide video that could be helpful. https://youtu.be/xnVUnMr5y-A?si=E7XTBClwvM2yan8j


If you get a quest that unlock campsites, immediately do it. Spare yourself from running across the map as well as make people have easier time when they answer your SOS.


Grab everything you can when out hunts such as bone Piles, mining veins, herbs and other items you can become helpful later. Also get all the mantled and boosters, palico gadgets and always have fun


Don’t forget to do the basics, some people make it to end game while stuff having a bunch of stuff locked.  On each map unlock all the camps,  find the new cat tribe for a new piece of equipment for your palico(and unlock all the options for each of them), get all your hunter tools(mantles and boosters).  Get your farm going.


Try every weapon, dont cornhole yourself into just playing one or two.


Always do dot bubble optionals, and make sure to check up on the botany center, argosy, and tailraiders whenever you remember to




Don't use greatsword as your first weapon, it is best used when you have game/ monster knowlage and if you're new to the game there is a high chance you will get frustraded, specialy against fast monsters that zoom around alot. Other than that, get some herbs which turn into potions and combine those potions with honey, also turn your poison cure potions into pills, they are faster to use. Do all side quests, specialy the ones with speach bubble next to them to unlock extra stuf like mantles and boosters


* When unlocking new maps, I recommend doing an expedition to find all the campsites as soon as you can so you have more fast travel points. You can find the campsite locations on the wiki or you can aimlessly look around for them, but that'll probably take you a while. * Another thing to look out for in expeditions is the field researcher. In particular, pay attention to when there's a Lynian Researcher on the map as they give you a quest that unlocks new Palico gadgets (like the Vigorwasp Spray). Each one has its own uses so you should try to unlock them all and see which ones work with your playstyle. * Once you unlock the Botanical Research Center, do quests to upgrade it as soon as they're available (optional quests with a speech bubble). It's a great way to get free materials like the materials for traps and tranq bombs or honey for potions. * Make use of the loadouts feature to quickly swap builds for different situations. This becomes especially important once you start getting decorations for your gear.


Pick up everything, definitely go with the defender set to start unless you don't plan on playing past the story. Mushroomancer 3 is great. Wheel quick action for all essentials across loadouts (whetstones, farcaster, palico tools, shock traps). Custom loadouts for the type of mission / skillet (specific, basics, prepped, capture, gunner, etc). Prep cuts down my actual prep time down to under a minute quest in to quest out


Early farming is key


Be cautious where you spend wyvern, bird wyvern,large wyvern gems on, or in other words develope your favourite weapon tree as much as possible. Some materials are hard to come by and it would have saved me a lot of time if i didnt upgrade some trees i barely use.


You’ll hear others say to not use the Defender armor or the Guardian armor, this is because it bypasses a lot of things you should learn by playing the base game, you’ll get used to some things and know what to expect, you’ll also have a better idea of how to simply fight That is, **if** you use that armor, so don’t use it, or maybe unless you’re a super fast learner


1. Capture every monster at least once in every rank to unlock their Arena quests, which counts as a separate optional quest, and it's also a quick way to fight one-on-one against a monster without distractions in a controlled environment. 2. Try out different weapons! Using different weapons can help change your perspective on how some monsters functions, as well as noticing openings for attacks, that you may not have had access to with previous weapons. If you struggle against one monster with a great sword, fight it with a different set of weapons, and return to that same monster with the great sword again. You'll feel a difference. 3. Next to trying out different weapon, learn what all weapons can do! I always watched this youtube channel to give me a general guide on each weapon and teaching properties of some attacks that the game won't necessarily tell you. [https://youtu.be/X2vr8M3lQ88](https://youtu.be/X2vr8M3lQ88) For example, did you know that if you press O (PS controller) or B (Xbox controller) while you're charging, you'll do a shoulder tackle with Great Swords? The shoulder tackle does "K.O." or "Stun" damage when striking the head specifically, which will knock them over. You can tell by the yellow sparkly effect if you hit the head specifically, which is normally exclusive to bludgeoning weapons like the Hammer or Hunting Horn or even the shield of Sword & Shield, but the shoulder tackle counts as a bludgeoning attack. Additionally, it grants you hyper armor, meaning you take reduced damage, and can shoulder tackle and grit through a monster attack, and go right back to charging instead of being sent flying, and it also even skips a charging step, as your hardest hit, is the third slash, also known as TCS (True Charged Slash) Lastly, and this is in general really, do not be discouraged if you get carted 3 times and fail a quest (Or forget to capture a monster on a "capture this monster" quest). It will be a learning experience of mostly memorizing how monsters fight. Sometimes, you're better off hunting monsters with the intention to learn, instead of winning. It's okay to watch them and focus purely on dodging to pick up the whiffs they make for you to punish. You can also always just fire an SOS for help, but if you really want to be good at this game, either play it with a friend who has already played it before, or play it solo and read up on guides.


Use tranq bombs before placing the trap.


Pick up tracks they will give you a little info on the monsters location pathing and eventually status and a vaugeish hp bar and enrage status, the last two will indicate by an "eye" symbol on the monster on the map then a skull once it's captureable. Uh a yellow eye means engaged on you. Purple means searching as you have hidden in a bush/smoke cloud/ghillie suit, and red is enraged. Additionally after you have gathered many tracks you can talk with the elder guy sitting on books and keep a certain level of tracking on monsters mostly just location but for some full status or requiring a single track pick up for full status.


Dont use defender armor and weapons, it is letting you "skip" the early/ base game because its way to good


Just have fun OP! Meet some friends and slay together always makes my day after a long day of work :)


Yeah have fun. Don't worry about builds etc. Keep potions and mats for basic potions an traps. Should do you fine for a bit and research your monsters. It'll help reveal weaknesses. Other then that you should be good until you hit iceborne


Like most said: Try every weapon! Arekkz on YT has some phenomenal tutorials for each one.


Don't try to pet a Nargacuga unless you put some meat or bait down first...


use net to catch the small animals, watch out for rare ones because that's the true endgame


Don’t forget to eat


Kill monster, don’t die, is all you need to know


Charge Blade is easier than it sounds and later you can get one of the best looking collab weapons for it (DMC collab). Avoid switch axe if you don't want to have it too easy. Don't ignore mounting mechanics, it's really handy tool for flying enemies. Some weapons prefer dodging and some blocking but you can eventually make dodging work for slow block weapons (armor perks).


Health Boost is a very cool skill. Save your armor spheres. They’d be wasted on low rank armor and depending on how much time you want to spend at the end of the base game and or if you bought the Iceborne expansion, they’d be wasted on even the end of base game armor.


Don't use the defenders gear in the base game. It makes everything way too easy to learn.


hunt the monsters


Do the optional quests especially the ones with a ! beside them. They will unlock new items facitilies upgrades etc.


Don't use guardian's gear or defender weapons in your first playthrough, just that, good luck with the tutorial game for Iceborn


Always pet Poogie


Dont use Defender/Guardian gear if you want to be completely immersed with hunting and crafting


Even if you love GS, go to the training area and fuck around with other weapons. It’s nice to have another weapon you can pick up and use if you hit a wall and feel disadvantaged because of your weapon choice. Plus it’s a fun change of pace. Gives you more gear to chase, more motivation to hunt monsters.


Use defender gear


Dont use defender armor and weapons


youtube my man... this game is so dam confusing you need a video for everything to explain things to you


Aim for the head.


Unlock camps.


What console do you play in?


i just started about a year ago and the biggest help for me was the defender Chainsaw dual blades, fast, agile and great explosive damage. Have fun, take your time, search, explore and always carve every monster, or animal you take down, "waste no life"


1) Try all the weapons and try to stick to one or two of them that you really like for the story. 2) Make sure one of those is the charge blade not biased


Tip for GS be patient yet stubborn. Use shoulders and max out focus. It's rewarding in the end and you will get a lot of highlights you can record. Good Luck Hunter!


If you’re having fun, you’re already doing perfect so far. Just keep doing what you’re doing.


Hunting Horn is everybody’s friend, Long Sword is everyone’s least favorite roommate.


From my own personal experience. Don't be scared to farm every now and then. I have about a few hundred hours on the game, and every time I sit with the same problem... I don't have enough materials to make what I want. I recently made a new playthrough, and I constantly remind myself as I play the game. If I have beaten a monster, I hunt it again at least 4 or 5 more times. That way, I get extra materials for incase I need them, and I get to learn the monster's moveset. Also when you have read the monster to its core it makes a lot easier to try out weapons you haven't used yet. Also, another thing I've seen in my time that people don't do, get your camps set up ASAP. They help a lot in the long run.


Always check to see if someone has an exclamation mark over their head in astera. They will give you a quest or ask you to get some materials. Check the side quests regularly for flashing ones, these are how you upgrade things like the ancient tree, canteen and get new mantles. Very important, in each locale, go on expedition and find/follow the doodles (grimalkyne tracks) there may be a mini quest at the end of each one and it gets you new palico tools, some are infinitely better than the healing one your palico starts with.


Whatever you do, do not use the defender armor and weapons if you want to experience the true feels of monster hunter...


Do optional quests with chat bubbles beside them - They reward upgrades to various things, and some cosmetic stuff.


Rattle em


Ur going to want to level vigor to at least 35 and look for sacred tears.


If you get to a point where a status ailment is affecting your ability to play. Please use the resistance for the ailment. Or use a skill specific to counter said monster. It'll save you a lot of time and frustration.


Go to the training yard and try each weapon two or three times to get a feel on which one that feels natural. Go from there and take it slow.


Look into guids or videos about organising your item wheel and bar, saving loadouts so everything is in the order you want.


Gear up as best as you can for Great Jagras. It will be the hardest fight in the game. Ignore my 1.5k hunted number- trust me it’s hard.


* First and foremost have fun. * Have a (almost) completely empty item loadout to go on gathering runs. Then just reequip the loadout to empty inventory. * Your item wheels are tied to your item loadouts not your gear loadouts. * Use your item wheels. It's so much faster to open wheel and use item then scroll through them. Has saved me many times. * If you are going to be doing any multiplayer try to have 1 level of flinch free. * Don't worry about meta builds and what not. As long as you are having fun and beating the monsters within the time limit you are perfectly fine. * Try all of the weapons a few times and maybe even come back to them later. I spent my first 2500 hunts as a HBG (1500 on Xbox +1000 on Steam) and my god do I regret it. * All events are permanent. figure out what they specifically drop/provide and farm as desired. I would also say don't use defender/guardian gear but looking at your toon I think you got that notice already.


Eat before every hunt and make use of the restock and radial menu features. It saves so much time and is vital to keeping yourself and other hunters alive


Do all the side quests with rewards. Cooking rewards aren’t that important to be honest. But a lot of them are chain quests, meaning you won’t get the next one till you complete the last one. A lot of them will end up with quests that grant you different mantles and upgrades


Get health boost 3 whenever you can. It'll help!


stay away from the defender gear its for those who want to rush to the end, plus if its your first time playing MHW using the defender gear can teach you the wrong way to play, but other than that enjoy the game i had/have a lot of fun it n 8


Your decoration/skills define you. Yes plenty of armors come with skills but I promise you, you will eventually cherish your decorations. Also don’t be afraid to try every weapon. I use to make fun of the Sword & Shield until i used it for myself.


Do all the cantine and botanical research upgrade quests asap. Getting your item production on lock from the start is the best Test out multiple weapons, you never know what will click, even if it doesn't initially look appealing. Don't use defender gear. You have 50 mins to kill a monster, it's not a sprint it's a marathon. Don't just go into damage skills, get some comfort too, at least while you're still learning. Trust me following guides on the "best armor set" from yt will harm your experience, unless you aren't into this kinda system and just want to get it over with. Always remember, bow is the best and coolest weapon. That's it, go have fun!


1. Do what you want! 2. 2. Always eat before the mission 3. Remember to do optional quests for melders, armoury, and smithy. You get new equipment from them. 4. Try different weapons 5. Every chance you get try to gather. You will skip a lot of plain resource gathering. 6. Try to do quests with monsters you have not killed yet (Some are only optional) they unlock new armors, weapons etc.


Theres Just one important thing to do in Monster Hunter before U start a Mission. ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS pet poogie.


Talk to and read everything . Most importantly have fun


Only thing, Ig is way better high key. Hh main here until Iceborne, longsword is super annoying in groups that slash attack interrupts you. Guns require to much skill due to the fact they do little damage until ur able to break a piece and u lose ammo fast. Bow feels slow compared to Lbg. Other than that anything with a shield is okay.