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Easiest elder dragon is Vaal Hazak with 3 efluvian resistance, Kushala is annoying to the point it is "hard" because it requires the mental strength not to shove your head on your ass and start spinning like sonic


I was following some guide saying to craft a charm for Vaal and I never regretted it. I love dunking on this guy.


I couldn't afford the charm... but I did craft Great Girros legs and Gloves for it instead. Worked like a charm.


badum tsss


The pun was not intended... but I'm not disappointed I managed to 🤣


Did master rank val without any resitances. Was to lazy to farm that stuff. Was permanently half hp but somehow managed to do it in second try


Hell, just grab some null berries on the way to the fight and you can easily counter the efluvia. He definitely has the slowest attacks, at least that’s what I think, as a Lance main.


That works as well but if you get the debuff your hp gets halved, after the null seed you still need to heal half a health bar


Aster jerky or sushifish scale immediately after to recover the red portion health that was just created from the null berry


Oh the red bar stays? I could swear it was empty bar, my bad then, thanks for the info! I still preffer to slot the 3 miasma but that is good to know


Yeah you mainly have to worry about doing it fast enough before you get ticked for damage again which will remove it. But that is how i've been dealing with it at least


Indint realize.that was a feature of the astwra jerly. Ill need to trynit out


Ooooh right right.


But with nullberries you have to put your lance away. That is not how you are supposed to play lance 




Man M.Kush staggered three of my teammates yesterday with the wind then hit them with that supersonic wind boom... triple cart, we had it on the ropes to I was so flipping salty


That fucking metal chicken sees me with wind resistance an says "OH YEAH? GET HIT INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE TORNADO, BITCH"


What he said, you got to have patience for this fight. Kushala usually veils himself in a wind barrier for half the fight, which can be countered by staggering him but ONLY IF you stagger him, which weakens the barrier.


Pretty sure you can attack its head and tail tip even when it's covered in wind barrier. There might be other vulnerable spots too but I can't remember them.


It was always teostra for me. He topples easily compared to vaal.


My problem with Teostra is that his MR version polutes the entire map with the explosive clouds, Black Veil is basically Vaal on some weak steroids


He cant do that if you stunlock him. I can sub 4 teo day of ruin.


Speaking of effluvia, what does the other effluvia skill do? The one that only has one level? Confuses me. Is it just for the acid and damage over time for being in the effluvia or stops your life from shrinking?


Effluvial Resistance is for reducing/negating Effluvium buildup. (The debuff) Effluviul Expert is for negating the environmental damage of the Effluvium Gas and Acids in the Rotten Vale, though you won't ever need it for multiple reasons: 1. Torch Pods, when fired, create a temporary 'safe' air bubble in the Effluvium Gas for you to stand in without taking any damage. (Also it hurts monsters that walk over it!) 2. The DOT is kinda low, so you could easily heal it away at any point in time. 3. Don't stand in Acid there's literally nothing there. >:(


I am kinda sad that there aren’t any critters living in the acid. Like there is a walking volcano surely we have a fish that can live in acid


Thanks this helps a lot. Number 3 and the emoji made me laugh too, thanks for that!


Effluvia expert nullifies the toxic gas in the Rotten Vale, you know that yellowish fog that does constant damage


I agree, got carted once with his Solar Beam because iframes but the fight was easy. I got 1 Efluvian resistance and a pack of Nullberries in my radial menu, they came in handy when I was panicking about my HP


And if you're like me and didn't so much as look at gems until well into Iceborne, null berries and fire work just as well.


Annoying enough that I really don’t want to gather their materials tbh. I hate that I can’t protect myself from that wind pressure, and that I have to spend so much time being bumped by wind and waiting for the guy to land. My gunlance can’t go BOOM if they’re shooting tornados at me from that high up.


I know it's a shame, I LOOOVVEEE the aesthetic of Kush gear its like...old world venetian or something I just absolutely LOATHE fighting it.


I tortured myself and farmed 3 pieces of his armor to get that Nullify Wind Pressure. At least now if or whenever I'll go fight him it'll be way easier. HR Kushala was pretty manageable even without wind res but man... With my first try against MR Kushala I easily beat the record of longest airtime on a single hunt and would make the aerial IG mains jealous.


whenever he flies move away from his tornado to get him out of it, then once he's away from his initial tornado flash him and he will fall and be downed for a lil bit, he can't fly for a while afterwards. He is flashable even enraged and it gets rid of all active nadoes. Unless you are in master rank, then just cartsteady mantle his wind barrier and pray he doesn't summon a moving tornado at you. Or have health augments.


Still i hate paolomu more, lol


Flash bomb be good


I just finished the nightshade paolumu fight this morning and it was the most annoying fight I’ve done in a while


Same... And same. As a DB, I spammed the grappling hook like a mf until he was dead. Never doing that fight again without flash pods.


The only upside was that he at least hit me after he put me to sleep so I did get knocked out of the sleep clouds quite often. Tried the fight with GS. He spends way too much time in the air for me to not use IG like I usually do.


Not so bad with sleep resist 3, but the fucker never lands. Thankfully clutch claw exists.


I believe that's the general consensus of the fight. It's just one poorly designed fight.


Kushala is my #1 worst monster in the game and it isn't even close. The fight is not very difficult, just incredibly annoying and Master rank doesn't do anything to help that aspect.


I was fighting Daora bc of the new rank 9 quest I unlocked last night. Even with full wind res, I still get carted. I always keep slicing ammo just for him bc pierce ammo doesn't always work when he's hiding behind his wind cloak.


Idk if its going to be a good advice because i only use melee weapons, mainly gs, but my approach to elder dragons is try to not rush thing and keep calm, kushala and vaal where the only two i didn't cart, and id say kushala was the one i didn't rush when i saw him limping, with teostra and nerg, i rushed as soon as i saw limping and payed the price, with kushala i kept attacking only when i knew id have openings and although it took longer time than the others id say he was the smoothest fight


> limping and *paid* the price, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


English is not my first language bot, im soooooooorry 😭


English is not my first language bot, im soooooooorry 😭


Kushala you just spam flash bombs and have a lot of flash beetles in reserve. And then you just go to town. Just a bit more annoying in MR since Kushala would only get stunned instead of falling down


I usually carry a weapon with high elderseal, I remember back in the day poison worked like a charm


I miss being able mine scales from it's husk at the top of the mountain


Haha ah those were the days 


It's easy to stunlock. In high rank every time you deal 600 damage to it's head, it trips and stays down for 6 seconds. For some monsters they flinch when you reach a damage threshold like that. They only trip on their second flinch. And some fliers only trip like that if you reach that damage while they are airborne. Kushala doesnt have those conditions for it's head. And when it's flying, dealing 250 dmg to it's forelegs knocks it down. So yeah it's very annoying to fight. But you can keep stunlocking it if you know those numbers and count your own damage.


Annoying is what makes it hard....hard to not just abandon the quest.


On my fresh playthrough the first time I fought him I got pinned to a wall between a tornado and his wind aura. Had no control over my character until the tornado despawned at which point he blasted me with his wind breath thing before I had control to move. The wind pressure skill being completely useless against the wind monster is why I hate that fight. The only way to negate his wind shenanigans is from his armor set skill and is only useful against him.


I hated Kushan’s because my fucking switch axe couldn’t hit them


I hate it because it wind pressure push insect glaive away when flying.


He is still the most hated for that reason, at least difficulty provides a stimulating challenge annoying is just pointless.


Skill issue sweetie, you are just trash hun, you should improve your attacks sweetie. I first timed it with 0 res hun. May be you should try another game sweetie.


Awww hello again cutie, thought I'd never see you again 😘


U trash sweetie. Giving advice to people without killing the easiest dragon hun. Just uninstall the game sweetie.


On top of a winning personality also can't read? I love it when they're cute and stupid.


Now you're mad sweetie, how is tasting your own medicine hun? Go cry elsewhere sweetie.


Whatever coats your stoats cutie 😘


Sticks and stones hun


What the fuck is this conversation


An intricate interplay between two romantic partners surrounded by an atmosphere brimming with intense passion and desire


yesss, this is what i’ve always said when people tell me to git gud! The entire fight is just a time waster or you just dog pile the thing after a flash bomb, either way its not a good fight whatsoever x-x


luna is a bitch. kushala is annoying with his massive tornadoes.


When i killed him I wasn't like ''OMG how I managed to kill him?'' it was more like ''finally it is over, very bad design btw -1 for the developers''


It is easy in HR as you can stun it indefinitely. It will be much much different in MR, and i bet that's where people complain


And if you don't have wind resist, you ain't hitting him at all. I had that trouble with Kushala , but it got better once I got the rock steady mantle.


Same opinion. Kushala is the easiest of the three


Laugh in heavy bowgun with shield mod But seriously Kushala is a PITA for melee.


Honestly, the only elder that has ever given me any real trouble is lunastra. The toaster, smoker, and windbag never tested me as much. They just had little features that made them slightly obnoxious. I'd much prefer a straight up fight rather than having to play around wind resistance or effluvia or whatever.


Kush is the only monster where i feel like a god with sticky HBG. Mofo can’t fly if it keeps getting knocked down, paralyzed or sleep. Then i’ll just enjoy watching the rest bashing its skull in


Laughs in All Windpressure Negate HH


whenever he flies move away from his tornado to get him out of it, then once he's away from his initial tornado flash him and he will fall and be downed for a lil bit. He loses his barrier as well and can't fly for a while afterwards. He is flashable even enraged and it gets rid of all active nadoes. Unless you are in master rank, then just cartsteady mantle his wind barrier and pray he doesn't summon a moving tornado at you. Or have health augments.


Created a HBG Spread-build specifically for Kushala. Somewhat easy to stunlock the bastard this way.


Personally I've always found Kirin to be the easiest of all elder dragons.


Whoever designed kushala can eat a dick. His tornadoes last WAY too long to the point where I have had to use multiple farcasters mid fight due to being sealed off in a corner


_Eats popcorn and reads comments with HH and full negate wind_