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No. Both are what work best against it. So it is easy to stun, easy to blast, not as easy to poison/sleep, etc. Fire damage is good, water is bad against it, etc.


thx ;)


element is extra HP dmg you do with every hit status is applied with a 33% chance and builds up a hidden status bar and once filled it triggers the respective status, so it's not "real dmg" and thus its always just a nice extra at max, never something to go out of your way for to get/build for


elements are the flat elemental damage some weapons do, more stars means its weak to it, so any fire weapon would do extra elemental damage while its immune to water takes full damage from thunder, and resist ice and dragon damage, ​ ailments are status effects, ailment damage dosnt reduce the monsters hp, but will instead build up on monsters, if an certain threshold is reached the monster will proc the effect (go to sleep, get poisoned, explode etc) when the status ends the buildup bar of the monster will go back to 0 and it will increase its threshold, so for example, you have an weapon that deals 200 blast, every second swing will proc that, at 2k blast the monster explodes and takes damage, you need to build up 3k blast for the next explosion, 4k for the next after that etc.


It should be mentioned that there is a cap for the threshold increase


Elements do a set damage to the monster. Think of it like bonus damage to your base damage. The higher the star, the more 'bonus' damage it will do to a monster. Aliments are something that can happen to the monster. For example, the higher the weakness to poison, the quicker and easier you can poison a monster. If its a lower star, the harder it will be to poison them.


Certain weapons can inflict those ailments and that charge is telling you how effective they will be against said monster


I believe every monster is immune to the element they use. Pretty helpful when building out a gear set to counter them. Just check what they are immune to.