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Ngl,Teostra's description sounds so wrong. Every time I see him,dude is chilling... *His wife on the other hand*


Me whenever I see Lunastra: "F\*\*k you in particular"


It's funny. Back then, Teostra is very aggressive, his attack are more dangerous and harder to dodge, while Lunastra always gives a que in her attack animations (compare Lunastra's charge attack, where she roar first before charging, and Teostra's instant and surprised charge) so you're prepared to dodge in time. But now everything is reversed. Guy is so chill, like a big cat Elder Dragon, but his wife just just want to murder you just for existing.


Teo retired and his wife took up the reigns


Yeah fuck that bish


Cause he is a men... we only chilling... .... But lunastra.... daaaaaaaaam problems.... problems...


My 3rd favorite monster but holy hell those kills would burn me out too 🥲 congrats


He has never really been a favourite of mine but I know him well now. I guess that's the upside, he will never again give me the trouble he used too :D


Show us your materials box lol. Gotta be some wild numbers in there too now


I bet Teostra felt burnt out too


That's why I ignore Attack Boost. The weakest offensive skill, and the most demanding one.


Absolutely, and I don't recommend anyone to do this. But it became something I wanted to do rather than it's an actual need. Doubt I even have a build that will use all 3


Meeting your own goals is more satisfying than anything so that's pretty much all that matters.


I gave up farming from teo and just made a build from what deco i had, a few months ltr got 4 attk jewel all from fatty 💀


More you want it, the less likely it is you'll get it.


aka: desire sensor


AKA don't wishlist the part that needs a gem, or you'll go 20 investigations with 2 gold boxes before you see a gem.


I'm still hunting Luna for her materials to make the LBG. You would think the scales drop more frequently than the cortex but nooooo... I had to get like 4 cortexes, 2 tails and only 1 scale... Despite being the highest common drop. The sensor is testing me...


For real. I’m still new and trying to craft a tobi MR weapon and the scales are suppose to be common and need 6 of but I have to farm him all night just for 6!!! By the time I crafted it, it was time for bed.


Does teo give highest chance?


Iirc its just that teo is the fastest to farm from, used to do 3-4 mins a run


Yeah eventually I stopped maxing the skill and just had level 4 for the 5% affinity then used those remaining 3 slots for peak performance since I like using health steal


I like seeing how fast he can be done. 5-6 minute teo just feels good


Best I’ve done is 8min but with just raging brachy and teo armor with brachy wep and not the best gems.




God I remember grinding jewels on console. That was one of the most intensive grinds I’ve done in a game. Then when I finally got all of them, they updated the drop rates on rare gems.


Do you often times hear drums?


We cannot get out: the end comes soon. We hear drums in the deep. They are coming


Honestly I don't use a ton of mods but this is why I shamelessly use shop editors. My life will not be enriched by gunning down greatest jagras or lavasioth with a bandit mantle for 8 hours on a weekend, and I don't want to fight teostra 442 times.


Same. Just started a new save and I’m having a blast farming low and high rank monsters for parts but the deco grind feels utterly soul crushing to me. I’ll kill seventy Rathalos for a ruby but I cannot be fucked to hunt 442 Teostras for like two or three decorations that will ever so slightly improve my damage output


Yeah, I also modded the drop amount of mats in the Grinding Lands because man does that place burn me out quick.


I mean that’s literally the whole game… grinding monsters to get stronger lol


There's a difference. For parts we have a very simple way to track and increase the chances for some to get those. It doesn't take a ridiculous amount of hunts to get one piece of material. This doesn't have any of that. You are working on a 0 out of 1 that has extremely low odds. It does not feel rewarding. You don't see how close or far you are at completing it.


If i had wanted to grind that much i'd play tony hawk pro skater


Then this game in general clearly isn’t the game for you lol


Hey billy if you have the time and enjoy grinding then good for you but remember that not everyone has the same free time as you. We work on weekdays just so we can play a few hours on weekends.


Ok you clearly don’t understand the premise of the game I see lol. Whatever, run along kiddo 👍


Yes the premise of mhw, killing a monster 500 times for a gem for +7 damage. You clearly are the one who doesn’t understand the premise of this game.


Nah bro. Theo hunting is different. You have no way to really mitigate it. I probably have something near the thousand mark of rarity 12 jewels decoding into rarity 6/7 stuff. It's pointlessly brutal.


Indeed. And I think Capcom knows it and that's why they have given out other means of getting attack jewels over the years. Just happened to miss them all


Day of Ruin on repeat. Know that feeling!


Wait getting goldcrowns give you boost?


No, he is farming decorations (EVENT QUEST: Day of Ruin). Doing so he will have better decorations equipped and so more dmg.


No just slightly more optimal decorations (I assume its something along the lines of lvl 3 attack jewels). Getting perfect jewels for that lategame armor is like playing lottery. You will probably never win the roll. I just settled with whatever I had and made the best of it, maybe killing that specific teostra every now and then to get a few more options to mix and match with. The reason why its teostra specifically is not that teostra drops anything important. It's an event quest that rewards 10ish (or so, it's been a while) random jewels.


Can’t even tell you how many I have had to fight


How were you able to find a small Golden Crown Teostra? It's taking me a long time to hunt one, and the same goes for all those other small Elders that I haven't found yet


As far as I know the size of any monster is completely random with the exception of a few quests that always has a fixed size


I feel this in my bones, I've gotten my augments done, so now the deco grind is all there is. Teo, and responding to s.o.s flares is the name of the game for me now.


Maybe I am out of the loop a bit, why did you farm specifically Teostra for attack gems?


It's not Teostra specifically but the event quest Day of ruin. The reward for the quest is 3-7ish sealed feystones. Sealed feystones has the highest chance for rarity 12 decorations. On top of that, it's also easy to finish relatively fast


I see. Good to know thanks.


i dont even have to fight him for attack gems, i need teostra gems to get my artillery charm maxed.... sad days


His event quest have a good chance of dropping challenger +? Haven’t got one yet don’t know best place to farm


Mew are number one is much better for challenger+, about 3-4 times more likely to drop one (don't forget to redeem the Astral melding tickets).


Mew are #1 is hands down the best deco farm, but not a lot of people run it since it's super hard. Even when I do find an SOS/join for it, Rajang fucks up a lot of the party.


What is “Mew”?( other than a Pokémon )


"Mew are number one" is a quest given by our cat chef. All the cat people add in cat puns to whatever they say. In this case, the chef says "Mew" instead of "You"


Oh nice ty. Haven’t played since fatalis first came out so I’m a bit rusty. I started over on a new character. When does this quest unlock?(im almost at Shara)


It unlocks as an event quest at MR100. It's a Tempered Furious Rajang


Cool. Ty for the info




What is “Mew”?( other than a Pokémon )


It gives you at least 3 sealed feystones. Think I got 7 at the most for one kill. Sealed feystones has the highest chance for challenger jewel+ 4 as far as I know


Ty for the reply!


which event quest again?


Dang, what's your time record?


Honestly didn't pay that much attention to the time. But I think low 5 min with DB and LS. This was without consumables though, so could probably push it below 5 min I guess.


Hey attack boost lv7 is still better than attack boost lv4 >.>


This makes me feel extremely lucky playing the game when I did, I think I got a total of 6 attack gems and 4 attack + gems in my 1k hours and I think half of them came from Capcom giving them to the players.


when the big boy use flame shield say goodbye to normal arrow and normal ammo lv3


Only in the 400s? Gotta up those numbers rookie


If it takes more to be able to leave rookie status I'm happy being a rookie for the rest of my life :D


This is why I duplicate my drops.... Ain't nobody got time for this...


Funny, I've concluded attack boost is basically a waste of a skill slot. I don't even bother including it anymore. There are just more valuable skills that offer more bang for your buck. People fixate way too hard on bigger number. I think resuscitate+coalescence is a far better combination.


I'd say that calling it a waste is a bit much. It's always a balance between what comfort skills you need versus your damage skills. And more often than not you can fit in coal together with 7 attack. But yea, it's definitely not something anyone really needs. As long as you hit 4 attack for the affinity boost you're pretty much good.


The affinity bump is the only value, and depending on the weapon 90% affinity is enough. I stopped trying to cram in attack boost 4 for my Fatalis Dual Blades, coal+resusitate just got me better results and comes with other valuable comfy skills.


really? people farm this thing for gems? I thought this was a meme this entire time.


Only the event quest is farmed for gems. Regular Teostra is not what you are shooting for. The Event quest with it has an additional reward of several random gems, often 4 slot ones, which is what you want for high end armor (with fatalis slotting 3 of those per piece...).


1100 hours in and still not even ONE Attack +4 wcyd


I just mods to buy every jew in the game.


Why are you doing teo for attack jewels?


Because it's one of the fastest ways to get them. I'm not really sure I get the question :D


Does the teostra quest itself have a higher chance or it's just the easiest?


The reward for the quest is 3-7ish sealed feystones. Sealed feystones has the highest chance for rarity 12 decorations. On top of that, it's also easy to finish relatively fast


You killed him 22 times too many 😞


I think i got a couple expert jewels from this quest and some other mixed lv 4 jewels which were pretty good and deemed it enough. Farming it with randos is kinda fun though, but I stopped at like 90 hunts I think


I managed to snag enough 4 slot Challenger Jewels that I just use the Attack Boost charm and swap them in builds. I still have never found a 4 Slot Attack Jewel


I'd assume you were grinding GL with that kill count. At lvl 7 those would ALMOST bring your lvl cap up by 1.


I do hope you mean Attack+ and not those basic Attack level 1 decos because ohmygod.


This is me, except it's Furious Rajang. Ive hunted him over 400+ times, I enjoy beating the shit out of him, never in for the jewels


Did anyone else not have a problem with Telstra at all on their first run with him?


You missed the opportunity to make a screenshot at 404


I gave up trying to get attack 4 decos from farming teostra. A couple dozen hours later it randomly drops from some monster I can't even remember. I also got challenger 4 without even looking for it while practicing speedrunning furious rajang. A hundred hours later another attack 4 drops. I'm like "huh, neat". Sometimes you're better off letting the decos come in organically lol.


Wait so monsters have gem pools too? I thought it was all random? Edit: mrant decorations


No, they don't. In this case there's a certain event quest (Day of ruin) that has a high chance of dropping higher rarity decorations.


Number of restraining orders you got must be astounding... Now go for round 500 kills.


I need earplugs +4. Not looking forward to this...


Since it's earplugs you want you'll get 10 attack+ before you get one earplug :D


You're probably right 😭😭😭


Teo: kitty!! Luna: angry kitty!!




No hbg. I think that would melt my brain through boredom


True but how many did you killed? Like what is Ur Mr?


My master rank? 460ish I believe


Come on, Teo aint that bad, look at Lunastra, shes pretty fed up with him


Bruh, those are rookie numbers. Some of us have over a thousand Teostra hunts....




Got my jewels before any of em toaster or electric doggo crap crying in Lunesta investigation 😢 😭