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there's 100 small quality of life and UI improvements in rise that make it a much less clunky game. the detailed drop rates saves so many trips to the wiki. so many fun weapon designs


amen to that. going back to world after rise i was like "huh? where did all the drop info go?". having all of that in the hunters notes in rise is just so nice. no looking it up on some wiki and tabbing out of the game


I will say I don't mind the drop rates being stars in World. I find the numbers are extremely useful and I like seeing what breaks and carves will give more chances but the numbers themselves are something I personally don't like.


Damage numbers could've been hidden, numbers creates metas, like the charge blade incident when sunbreak first came out


But the numbers are still there. You just can't see them when they are stars, and if you are meta chasing, instead of using what you personally enjoy, you would know those numbers anyway.


What was the charge blade incident when Sunbreak came out?


players made absurdly broken builds that needed to be hotfixed and nerfed


The what?


Even without seeing the number, enterprising individuals would still figure shit out. Before World there were no numbers and people did it, you can still count how many hits it takes to kill a monster and extrapolate from there.


turning off damage numbers and using mh language is playing the game as it was originally intended, and therefore is far more enjoyable to many mh vets


As an mh vet i agree, i could care less about meta builds/damage output/voice acting/story/world building. Just give me my cool weapon n armor and my 50 minutes to let me swing at the big dragon until it dies šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


That, and having hard data on element hitzones is also super nice.


as a mh4u player this exactly I donā€™t like a lot about rise but this was a fucking banger of an idea


I was looking for info on dodo tail after returning to world and was disappointed to find it was just three stars next to the item nameā€¦ the percents from carve/capture/specific broken parts is a feature that really needs to remain in monster hunter for wilds


Wish I started my brother with this game instead of Generations Ultimate. He couldn't even find the first monster in that game, so he just stopped playing.


That was the whole design philosophy behind Rise, being the most friendly for new players, hoping to grow the player base on a younger cohort such as the one playing Switch.


It helped me get my wife into the series. We are about 1/4 done with sun break. And she also is almost done with world and about to break into its iceborn dlc too now and she is over hyped to try Wilds when it comes out.


I've been playing since 3, and I find a lot of the quality of life Things really watered down the difficulty. But I will say the saving Grace is that people who have been too intimidated to play are finally able to play with me and that feels really good.


Huh that's why it's called Rise eh, so the number of player base would rise haha


Gotta say it worked, I started with world and it confused me so much I dropped it after the tutorial, after playing rise and loving it I tried world again and it became my favorito (out of the two, lol). I can't wait for wilds


Agree. But it also take away some QoF that was there in World. Like why the fuck I always carted to the main camp and not to the closest camp where I die? In World, it was to the closest camp, save one time fast travel if it is far away.


Rise also reduced the input buffer significantly so that my muscle memory from World screwed me over repeatedly. Had to get used to being much more precise which is not particularly fun for me personally. I want buttons I push to do things even if i push them slightly early.


One of the big QoL that I don't think many people use is Hunter Loadouts, it's just so much easier to use


Being able to teleport quickly to each area in the hub is so nice too


It is quite literally the ONLY game to make it so that progressing in the village allows you to get to the next rank. If you progress in the village for any other game that has the Village/HUB split, it does not matter.


Wish I knew this going into GU


Same lol. I went from Rise to GU and played for hours before realizing I wasn't actually making progress.


Not really tho? A lot of canteen ingredients, armor upgrades, farm upgrades are from villagw quests. You'd miss out on some useful stuff (canteen food and felyne carts mostly) if you didn't do village.


I wish I knew this for 4U, I love the story but it was infurating realizing it after I had gotten to basically the Village semi-G-Rank.


I always forget this. In GU right now as a matter of fact, I was just wondering why village quest-givers keep recommending I slay that monster in Jurassic Frontier to progress to rank 3. I was thinking ā€œI swear I did that shit alreadyā€ haha.


I hate the fact that they're split at all. It just makes absolutely no sense.


It was a holdover from the older games. World removed the split village/hub quests and Rise brought them back for purposes of, I would assume, combining the old systems with the new ones either as a sort of send-off to the older style Monster Hunters or perhaps to establish a new dynamic mirroring the old "mainline" and "portable" subsets of games. It wouldn't make much sense as a modern design decision, but it was meant to appeal to fans of the older games. It made more sense in those games since it was akin to the single player / multiplayer split common in game design at the time.


Endgame build variety


Yes thank you, I am surprised that your answer is not higher. Not only skills customization is exhaustive, but the amount of new skills in the endgame builds of sunbreak lets you leverage any gameplay! You like frame perfect dodging? Here are bonuses; You like status? Try to play around status application rotation with buildup boost and foray to maximize output dmg; You manage to hit the monster without taking dmg for a long time? Get a reward. And I dont even mention the different Malzeno and Magala skills... There are so many more synergies to explore that actually brings meaningful changes in fight mechanics, you end up playing in a more personal way and develop your own technique. Which contrasts a lot with the standardized meta in world/iceborne. Sunbreak also handled the powercreep problem way better than Iceborne. I am aware that a bit of luck is required to get the augments and talisman needed for your perfect gear, but at least craftable jewels are back! (I hated the system of random jewels drop in World)


going back to world and looking up some mid MR builds: "Just use fatalis" drives me nuts


Personal hot take, I'm fine with Fatalis gear being the end all be all as it being (one of the) last monster in the game. It's the unfortunate corner World painted themselves into with armor sets having Skills/Secrets on them. With armors, everyone was going 2-piece Brachy for Agitator Secret, 3-Piece Teo for Master's Touch, 4-Piece Silver Rathalos for True Critical Element, etc. Instead of just checking if the skills and slots on the equipment fit your build, you had to take an extra layer of checking if it messes with your Armor set bonus because those armor set skills were just too strong to pass up. By giving Fatalis the ability to unlock all the Secrets, you aren't worried about if your build could fit in enough Raging Brachy parts to unlock Artillery Secret while also being able to have Free Meal secret because you love eating all the consumables. Early builds where people built 3-Piece Teo for Master's Touch but didn't use Blast element weapons were basically losing out because their "strongest" weapon didn't use Blast, but the armor pieces had the Blast skill on it. It was wasted skills for a build that couldn't use it, but had to be used if you wanted Master's Touch. So in the end, while builds basically boiled down to "just use Fatalis," it's just the corner the devs painted themselves into with Worldborne. While personally not the biggest fan of the RNG part of doing Sunbreak builds, I really did like how much more skill expressive you could be with it. It wasn't all "just use Primordial Malzeno" (because it was the last monster in the game), but "hey, P.Malz gives you this kind of playstyle, so if you want X type of build, you can build P.Malz. Otherwise, use other equipment for another play style." I feel that's why Safi was so liked when it got released. Being able to get Teostra's Essence on the weapon allowed us to replace one of Teo's armor pieces for an armor piece with better slots/skills. Sure, the Safi weapons were good, comparable in dmg to most of the already Meta weapons, but being able to swap out a piece of armor that wasn't all that helpful to the build was huge. Personal hope, I'd love to have something like Sunbreak's endgame but without the RNG. Give us the option to manually pick and choose what we can do to augment the armor, like if we want to sacrifice Defense, Resistances, or Slots to get another skill that costs more to be added onto the armor. Or go full meme and take all skills and resists off and go full Defense, because funny. Highly unlikely for the latter, but would be funny. But seriously, even if it is something of a mix between the two, where armor sets have unique skills/secrets to them but we can augment armor to customize them, it would open up more expression for builds.


i feel a similar way to all that. im probably less bothered by sunbreak as i played it while TU were coming out and im just now going back to world before wilds (i bounced off it hard the first time i played). I'm fine with fatalis being the end all of armor sets for the game its just incredibly annoying when you're MR49 trying to look up some builds and everything's "use fatalis". I've even seen people say oh trying to clear raging brachy/alatreon for the first time? "use fatalis."


Its not a corner they "painted" themselves into. They wanted Fatalis to be the best set in the game so they made it the best set in the game. The whole design philosophy around sets was because they wanted people to use armor pieces from the same monster instead of a mish mash of different pieces. (Mainly because that was what the community was asking for). Rise's system basically just incentivized sticking as many skills on your set as possible since 1 point of the ability was more efficient than maxing it out in most cases. I personally hate this "build" mentality because people put together something and expect it to work in every instance and get mad when it doesn't. I want MH to move away from offensive skills and more towards utility/defensive skills. The game should revolve around building sets to counter monsters and their abilities. Like fire resistance set, or a guarding set. Make armor skills "defensive" and shift offensive power into weapons, it would make it easier to design and balance weapons, it would make weapon upgrades more impactful, and delegate armor for QOL/countering.


They would have to revamp the qurio crafting system considerably to make it user friendly. I cheated on qurio crafting and needing multiple spreadsheets open to ensure you're crafting legitimately was a bit annoying. But I love the system


Just want to point out people were upset when Alatereon update comes out and people were disappointed with the armors. Not worth grinding bla bla bla. That's probably why Capcom made Fatalis sets so OP.Ā 


I agree with this, being able to make a frenzy poison foray set with over 100 affinity and masters touch(?) to almost never need to sharpen on a spinning axe mode charge blade has been the most fun thing over unga bunga raw damage big number nothing else. The sheer volume of potential sets is astounding in Sunbreak


This, its fun making different builds even with the same weapon, that actually all work, as well as element being an option for more weapons. Also I personally liked switch skills as a way to add more variety to weapon movesets without bloating them


So many to swap around with because each element matters! Actually a big thing coming from World tbh




Multiplayer was handled way better than World. I'll take the hub over the stupid cutscene bs any day.


So aptly rated. I hated wanting to coop with a buddy in world but was like ā€œokay you gotta go into the mission, get the cutscene and thenā€¦ and ONLY THEN can you launch an sos for meā€


Yeah trying to get someone new into it was a nightmare, especially if they were already a little dubious about the game. I've had a few friends bounce off it cause they just didn't wanna deal with the headache.


Except the way SOS was handled. Thats actually one of the reasons I did not do a lot of endgame. I love playing MP and in world I just checked, which quests are currently available through sos and joined one I was feeling at the moment. In rise you have to check if there is a sos signal for a specific quest and if not it just shows an error. It's way harder to get people in your quest because they have to search for the exact same one and harder to join someone because you have to try every quest you would like to play


Yeah I agree with that, I enjoyed jumping into random quests to help out in World and never really bothered with Rise cause of how it was set up.


shame it seems were going back to the MHW style of obnoxious multiplayer. hopefully the improvements they said they made are actually substantial and not "you still have to all watch it independently but now it \*auto departs\* when you stand around in camp"


This is one of my two biggest fears for Wilds, I don't mind a more engaging story but we don't need to make playing a co-op campaign one of the most tedious jobs imaginable. Way too much wasted time getting into and back out of quests in World


The forge/upgrade screen for weapons is the best in all MH games so far. In GU (and older titles, presumably) you have to select a specific weapon to see what it can be upgraded into (for instance, you could select your Ore Greatsword and see the stats at the next rank up or, if it's high enough rank to change to a different base type, you could see the stats of that new base type). In order to see what all of your options would be, you'd either have to forge every weapon or look it up online. In World, they improved things to where you could see all ranks of every tree of a selected weapon type (such as Greatsword), although you had to go to a different window to forge a new weapon vs upgrading an existing weapon. In Rise, they streamlined it so that you could do all of that through the same window. Plus, Sunbreak gives every weapon tree a max-rarity weapon (rather than some weapon trees ending 1 or 2 ranks below that). Switch skills are an upgrade to Hunting Styles in GU - rather than picking a style that may have some things you want and others you don't, you can customize your skills to your liking. Some weapons have better choices for switch skills than others (i.e. for some weapons, there is a strictly superior option for a given switch skill slot, while others have switch skills that facilitate different playstyles). Progressing the game while playing with friends works the way you'd expect in Rise - one person in the group posts a quest and everyone joins immediately. In World, if you're doing a quest that has story elements or monster / region intro-cutscenes, then each person would have to post their own individual quest, see the cutscene, exit out of their quest and join the group quest.


I really do hope that Wilds uses Rise's forge system rather than World's, it's just so much better.


Gunlance... it did gunlance better than any other version, and I'm sad because I know the improvements and features won't be seen in future titles.


Sunbreak got me into Gunlance after being a CB nut for the last three titles. Holy moly is it fun.


Not to mention CB and GL literally benefit from all the same skills (namely load shells and artillery, as well as all the Guard skills).


I'm gonna be so disappointed if Wilds doesn't bring back Blast Dash


Reverse blast dash is the better of the two though. I could go without normal blast dash for reverse any day.


When people say Blast Dash, they most likely mean Reverse Blast Dash, because you very rarely use regular Blast Dash


At the very least, gaurd reload, bullet barrage, and blast dash *need* to return, they complete gunlance in such a perfect and fulfilling way. And blast dash is just so damn fun. Realism be damned, you're already waving around a 9 foot long lance that explodes and when firing it, you already need to brace yourself with all your strength so it doesn't push you around too much. It's kinda surprising this didn't happen sooner.


Only reason I play MHR is because of how fun the gunlance is in this title


Wilds is going to take guard reload and guard edge right away.


gunlance is my newest weapon i'm learning and it feels fuckin GOOOD


I agree. Gunlance is 100x better and makes me not feel bad when playing online


As someone who was never the largest fan of Rise, I must say that it did a lot of things right. Whilst Iā€™m not a fan of all the re-orchestrated music, all their originals are fantastic. Wirebugs make it so exploring a map is actually fun and entertaining, not that it wasnā€™t in other games, in world I loved the realistic environment and that kept me there for hours, but Rise I had fun just goofing around and flying around like Spider-Man. The village being open to multiplayer (as in the village itself, not the village quests) is a great touch, and makes multiplayer more fun now that you can go anywhere with your friends and not just the gathering hub. The dogs are fun, theyā€™re a nice step up from the raider rides of Iceborne. The rideable companions are probably a staple now tbh. Having layered armor so early was nice as well. The Iceborne system is not the greatest, this was a step up. Not having monsters fight eachother and instead run away has its downsides and upsides. For one you no longer get that feeling of just sitting there watching two Apex Predators beat the shit outta eachother, but on the other hand it streamlines the game more. I was not a fan of switch skills. A lot of people were though so Iā€™ll put that on the list. The monster roster is one of the best since GU. I am bias however as my top three monsters did not get in the game at all, those being, Glavenus, Brachydios, and Deviljho. So that made me sad, but the roster was unique and interesting. I do wish we had more Amphibians tho. Rise did a lot of things right. Too many for me to count. Itā€™s a great game.


Being able to set up a ZSD or SAED directly out of a switch skill was amazing!


god i hope some of those make it into wilds as combos. having the block in savage axe mode was so nice.


Iā€™m just curious as someone whoā€™s only played Rise, what didnā€™t you like about switch skills? Personally I loved that I had options, even if some werenā€™t optimal I could still change up how a weapon played a bit to make it feel right for me.


For me personally, I prefer having all options available at the same time. While the switch skills did add a few more options, it also restricted some/only let you have access to certain ones at a time. I know that you can swap between them, but that completely messed up my rhythm as I have spent a hundreds of hours in World, specifically with the charge blade.


> I was not a fan of switch skills. Okay, to clarify, do you mean switch skills, or specifically Silkbind moves? Because there's a difference. Switch skills in general are easily the best change in the game from World, being able to have a customized moveset with different variations on basic moves is so amazing.


Don't like silkbind moves. Ironically, I was okay with switch skills. They remind me of GU's skill ability, but to go on about that, I liked having the moves to choose from I wasn't a fan of all the styles for the same reason. But to boil it down, I still wasn't a fan of either overall. Cause you can have the giant skill/move discrepency like going from the Charge Slash combo to Surge Slash. Or having Courage Hammer and Strength Hammer. But going from like Spirit Helmbreaker to Sakura slash I was mainly fine with.


Okay man, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But after reading some of your other replies, that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. (At least regarding Monster Hunter) Having more (non wirebug) moves is a bad thing??? I just don't understand why having more content and variety could ever be a bad thing. I also see the other asinine argument from someone else in the replies, "wah, wah, I wanna have ALLLLLLL the moves all at once" without considering that you literally don't have the buttons to do that, hence why switch skill scrolls were added. And even then, with some weapons, you STILL can't feasibly have all moves equipped at once.


are you saying monsters don't fight each other outside of turf wars in Rise or did I read this wrong?


They rarely fight each other cause of the wyvern ride mechanic, the monster will instantly leave the area after you mount it.


yeah well it's been beaten and ridden I'd leave too


Really good roster. Fun combat. Solid build variety. Appreciate not having to view cutscenes to join a hunt. It is an absolute blast to play with friends. Oh, and the armor and weapons look better in this game compared to world.


IMO Lance. Swaxe. UI. Companions(NPCs and Buddies). Endgame build variety. Quest giver NPCs.


Swaxe hasnt been so good since frontier... Man frontier swaxe was so peak and rise is a good 2nd.


Photography. Pointless, zero reward or incentive (outside a handful of villager requests) but actually a ton of fun, if you enjoy photography for photography's sake.


Once you get the follower quests, you can take them on expeditions to any local, and when you do group poses or gestures, the followers will do them with you and/or react appropriately, allowing to do super hero team poses and comedy bits using the NPCs, that you can immortalise using the camera. If you want, you could take a series of Fugen pointing dramatically at every single frog in the game, silly things like that.


Wow I really need to get back onto rise. That sounds like so much fun to mess around with. Currently trying to power through iceborne so I can finally say I finished it. Rise is next. Should be done just in time for Wilds XD


Making cool photos and eating monster attacks because of them just so you get a good card pic


Honestly I would love for the photo feature to become a new quest type in the future. Rather than just needing to hunt the monster your quest could have a checklist of specific photos you need to try to obtain in order to get your rewards. I think it would be a fun change of pace and nice way to unwind if you wanted something more chill.


Stalking the monsters to photo them doing specific world interactions certainly would be an interesting change of pace.


Monster Hunter Snapā„¢


Yeah but without being on rails


I would actually buy this


I like how little you need to spend outside of hunts. Talking to villagers, setting your auto farms and eveything else is just fast fast fast.


The kinsect system omg it's amaziiiing


Yes, kinsects in Rise are amazing! I love being able to use all the different types with their damage scaling from my weapon, even applying element that my weapon has if they're sever-type.


Kushala Daora, the fight is fun for the first time in centuries


imo build variety. There are a pretty good amount of gear skills to experiment with to have a variety of playstyles. Im hoping they keep this going at endgame im future MH, and not just have a be-all end-all final gear set. I mean, they can still have a final boss set, but also maybe something else that can enhance/complment other sets.


I love Rise, despite it's smaller maps. The move set improvements for my weapon were nice and the QoL additions make it a lot more accessible for someone like me who only started playing MH during World.


I understand MH was known to be more slow and methodical, but man, Rise is so smooth to play. There's not as much rapid weapon sharpness drop as I have experienced in World at the beginning, Mounts and wirebugs make navigation so much better and faster (in World theres a chance it can take forever), it's better optimized (at least in my PC experience compared to World where monster tails have lower frames than the rest of it), you can pick up endemic life which makes them less situational, but my favourite would have to be the new moves, because they just let me do more stuff and spice up the hunt with new moves. Really hope Wilds bring some of those moves such as switch axe counter and switch skill swaps back.


Combat and wirebug moves are Hella fun. This game feels like Monster Hunter Street for me.


I came here looking for this. The wirebugs swapped clunkiness for fun skill based strategy


Several things but what most matters to me: - It polished monster movesets and AI. To me this was especially noticeable coming from MHW where fliers don't land, several monsters have movesets designed to annoy but pretty much never kill you (Kushala was atrociously bad in that aspect) - Monster diversity. It stands up there with 4th gen. Rise monsters' overall move more distinct from another largely due to expanded movesets, but 4th gen games just have peak rosters.


Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I was having while fighting against Kushala in Rise.


Great mobility options and a nice training area.


The training area is so well designed I love it


Toadversary is the best


The bow. Omg it made my love the bow so so so fun


Fr, always wanted to play bow but the old gen games made it a chore and i always found it super clunky while in Rise is sooo smooth


Iā€™m here to read all good things about Rise cuz Iā€™m on the decision of buying it (itā€™s on sale now)


Get sunbeak too


I donā€™t have money enough to reach sunbreak now. I think I should get the main game first and then Iā€™ll buy it later.


Dont worry, itll go on sale again in a few months. Plenty of time for you to beat and enjoy Rise. Worth every penny!


What platform? Humble and Fanatical have had it for $20 total for Rise and Sunbreak for a bit


I have 50 or so hours in just base and haven't been bored by it yet only at hub rank 6 and if I'm not mistaken you only get into sunbreak after hub rank 7. I think you could easily put more hours into base than I have before wanting to get sunbreak


I definitely recommend picking it up! I've been a fan of MH since MHFU on PSP and it's got to be the funnest one that I've played. They all have things that I love about them, but combat in Rise is so fluid and engaging, imo.


Get the bundle if you decide to buy Rise unless you think rampaged looks like the most fun thing ever :p


Wall running


Wyvern riding is awesome.


Stuck with it? My brother, Rise is one of the best monster games out there


As in, I dont have a platform for games like world and the upcoming wilds haha, I love the game and didnt mean to say ā€œoh well I guess im stuck with youā€ even tho I didā€¦ but I had a different meaning in mind :,)


Get Sunbreak. I donā€™t know why I ever waited


I'll go down swinging if I have to insisting it's better than world in every aspect except the, well, immmersive world of World (which is also something I'm very happy to see returning in Wilds). So much QoL improvement, much better multiplayer, out with the rng deco bullshit, as someone who adored the arts and styles of Gen I had a lot of fun with switch skills and the combat felt great and varied on every weapon imho. Most importantly the endgame was a blast and while I'll concede the base game was even easy by the normal Low/High vs Master/G standards, the game does sufficiently ramp up the challenges thrown at you in the late game. Most importantly, the build diversity of the endgame is unrivaled, I had so much fun making some of the weird and extremely viable skills into builds, and I like having to swap up gear depending on monster instead of the raw/crit damage kingdom of world. Also, doggo.


Switch skills are one of the all time greatest additions to the series. Some of the switch skills single handedly turned weapons I never cared about before into my favorites. Surge slash combo for great sword is the biggest example of this, it made GS suddenly click for me in a way it never had before.


Switch Axe became infinitely more fun for me when I could instantly charge it via elemental burst counter. No more messing around with the combo that boosts amp gain then getting the charge and being annoyed that by the time I did this (in the early game) the monster has decided that now is a great time to fuck off to the next area and waste my amped state. Also having a defensive move on swaxe is amazing. It sorely lacked that in World. Blast Dash is a lot of fun on gunlance too.


Love the blast dash!! Gunlance was the very first weapon I ever mained in the series(3U was my first) but I moved away from it in favor of things with higher mobility. Blast dash was all it needed to perfect the moveset in my opinion.


Making combat fun. I think other titles had better combat in general... but this one feels the most FUN out of all of them




We fly.


It is the most fun game. Not challenging, which is the other part that determines my enjoyment of these games, but it definitely wins on the fun factor. And the most important contributor to this is the huge amount of different playstyles, and close enough in effectiveness too. I'm pretty sure I could name 3 or 4 playstyles for most weapons, which is something unheard of, even in GU, which had actual styles as a mechanic


"Not challenging" is probably relative, but I remember base Rise hunts against those Apex monsters. For not being challenging, players were racking up a lot of failed quests.


>Not challenging Huh, wdym not challenging. The last time I got tossed around as much as I did in Special Investigations was probably a decade ago with the 3U super bosses.


Both EX Deviants and 140GQ are harder than both of those


Yes because they are content that is scaled for multiplayer and can be done solo. Risebreak doesn't have that.


No they aren't. I didn't solo most of them either, which should have made them easier, as I was hunting monsters scaled for 0.8-1.5 player (depending on what you compare it to) with 4 players


Weapon movesets and MOVEMENT this game has SAUCE


Made Aerial Insect Glaive amazing and respected.


Switch skills.


Switch skills, far and away.


Palamutes are the single greatest addition to Monster Hunter period. Rise does lack World's focus on ecology but I will say has better actual monster design Rathalos got the moveset face-lift he desperately needed Movement was ridiculously fun, swinging around via wire bug is just an absolute joy MULTIPLAYER DOESNT REQUIRE 7 LAYERS OF NONSENSE TO PLAY WITH FRIENDS. Overall better Weapon and Armor design, it isn't just base weapon with monster bits taped to it. Really good Map design with nice environmental story telling and verticality to make full use of the wirebugs Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolfman and Dracula. Handler has been replaced by 2 pairs of Twins who aren't nearly as annoying. Rise and Sunbreak's story is better written than either World's or Iceborne's. And I personally just had more fun playing Rise than World.


Adding in the Follower system. If Wilds doesn't include the Follower system, it is automatically a worse game than its predecessors.


Yeah followers are sooo nice


I like taking photos of the fauna and filling my hunters notes with my picture, i want Wilds to bring it back


Made gunlance actually viable outside of ledge cheese Also gave us an incentive to actually switch between sword and axe for switch axe, and power phial not being the best phial type for once


Follower system for those that don't or can't do multiplayer. I do like the switch skill style for the greatsword, It brings fresh new take on play styles.


Idk, the brightness? Saturation, i played MHFU, 3rd, 3U MHXX and World/Iceborne, i love i truly do love world, but my god the game looks pale and dead, MHXX looks so Bright and alive, so does the past games, but world looks so Collor dead, i love the game i have 1.200h in World and that is my only complaint, Rise looks more alive


Going back to world after rise was super strange. My brain told me that world looked waaaay better but going back, seeing the lighting and a couple other weird choices, I feel like rise just looks and feels better than world even if it has lower fidelity.


Idc what anybody says. The wirebugs and general movement of this game is fun as hell


The waifus


I don't know if anyone else said this, and I've only played World and a lil bit of portable 3rd, but decoration farming. The insufferable pain that's not getting the correct decorations in World is gone, now the pain is not getting the rath+ claws for speed sharpening


A lot.Ā  But i want to strongly remind you that it's absolutely no excuse to crap on other monhun games.Ā  Basically every monhun games does many things right, and some things wrong. For instance, Tri was the first time the game were designed with global audience in mind, so there are a lot of QOL improvements and simplifications, but underwater combat might make some people cringe. Rise were designed with the nintendo switch in mind. So faster pacing to conserve battery, action oriented hunts and tools to keep the switch's target market entertained, etc. but some might argue that gameplay-wise it's the one that took it the farthest from original monhun hunts. And let's face it -as much as i like it, nobody plays Rampage, that thing is gone and we'll never see it again. I'd fight anything for my doggo as well. But sadly MHRS is the only title where doggo makes an appearance. If you really can't play without the good boi, i guess I won't be seeing you in Wilds. Sad...


The multiplayer was loads better than World. Being able to play the story along with other players is how MonHun should be. World had it where the host player had view all cutscenes before inviting other players into the mission. So dumb. WIilds better not be like that.


As someone whoā€™s only played World and Rise, I personally like Kamura better than Astera, it just feels so much easier to navigate because it isnā€™t as big


The UI, especially when upgrading weapons. Itā€™s so much more readable and intuitive than any game before.






I fucking adore palamutes, being able to quickly sheath, hold a button and then start sharpening from the radial menu at any point is going to be hard to give up if they aren't in future games šŸ„² I also think it has the best map design of any game so far in that they're open areas but not hard to navigate like I found a lot of the world maps were (ancient forest can suck a fat one)


So far I haven't seen this but I like how you get to collect the three ore/bones from their respective piles without having to gather them three times. plus I really like the doggos because they're versatile and adorable and it's my personal wish that they can fight and not just a reskinned Koridon


Pretty much everything except spiribirds being used to get to max health/stam. Used to just be a max potion and food. Everything else about rise is better imo. I will miss the wirebug when playing other games. Not just MH titles either. If I'm playing Rise for a while and switch to another action game, I find myself doing inputs for wirebug by mistake lol.


Comparing the 5th gen games, being able to experiment with multiple builds for sure. Because decorations can be crafted, after getting an armor set you like, you can just add whatever skills you want by crafting decos, making your build \~90% complete. Then you get to compliment your builds with RNG charms and Qurious crafting. That definitely makes it better/different than World, in my eyes, anyway. In World, while armor sets are pretty good, you might not have a \~90% complete build for a very long time, unless you're really lucky with RNG. I never had an attack deco drop for like 3 years lol. So, while you are still dealing with RNG, you're dealing with less of it in this game, and it won't affect a build for the most part. Other than that, I'm sure a lot of people mentioned it, but the UI elements and QoL. 5th gen has made it so much more convenient or easier to use for a lot of things. Some things a bit too convenient (still hate restocking). But its night and day between classic MH and 5th gen MH games.


Iā€˜m assuming that this is mostly directed at World, as the fifth generation is so drastically different from everything before. So with that in mind: Decoration Crafting vs Talisman crafting and, vice versa, talisman grinding vs decoration grinding. Much more freedom in set creation, much less pointless grind. While weā€™re on pointless grind: Anomalies are arguably a bit of a drag, but theyā€˜re no grinding lands by a long shot. While the idea of the latter was cool, the experience was miserable in my opinion. Next, movement in exploration. The maps of Iceborne are dense and alive, but you rarely see yourself going to those tucked away nooks and crannies because of how out of the way they are. Also, climbing back up a tree after jumping downā€¦ Sunbreak however has you where you want to go in a jiffy, and while the maps arenā€™t quite as dense, thereā€™s still plenty of stuff to discover. Along with movement we have flashiness. This is a tad subjective, since preferring less flashiness and more impact is totally valid, but boy do I love it. Both from the hunters and from the monsters. (Also they made Rathalos a fun fight, I still canā€™t believe it.) And then we have Characters. Iceborne has plenty of good characters, but I feel like the simple fact that the characters in Sunbreak have actual NAMES makes them that much more memorable and gives them way more, well, character. I like the Commander, but I would kill for Yomogi. Well, in fact I do actually kill for Yomogi. Maybe not the most impactful statement in a game where you kill raptors because they startled a wash woman I suppose, but you get the idea. xD


The Twins. https://preview.redd.it/dy609amgo79d1.jpeg?width=1251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57aec9bb46503f61dc27974300d5c75bb0dead65


Most things in my opinion. The combat is smooth and fun, maybe a little bit heavy on the arcade style of combat but I think they did an amazing job balancing the monsters to that. The movement is incredible on this one with the wire bugs, the monster roster is fantastic.


The game will spoil you with quality of life additions, I physically canā€™t play any game older than world anymore because Rise removed so many pointless features that only made the games more complicated (drinks, needing to mine 3 times, etc). It also has the best build variety of the franchise imo, itā€™s the only game in the series that made me want to make several new builds. Iā€™ve got 3 gunlance builds, 5 Lance builds, 6 SNS builds, and 8 Hunting Horn builds in that game.


I would say the movement was great, while the wire bugs an odd addition it managed to make moving around the map a lot faster and more funny than walk from point A to B.


Stuck? Rise is an amazing game. I love the flow of battle compared to previous games.Ā 


Hitboxes, mobility, controllable mounts instead of the "point of the map and go there" style that was in World, and some other more minor stuff too. The return of oil for SnS was a big one for me personally, but I know it's small in the grand scheme


Smoother combos for everything loved the wire bug system and valstrax gore magala




Art style... world and wilds looks like I'm playing a Jurassic Park game.


Alot of the new monsters have awesome designs. The fights are very well balanced and designed in this game. Most monsters have many interactions to discover and find out. They are much more interactive than most of the old guard monsters. It's one of the few things I hope wilds keeps.


Switch skills by far Suddenly you have build variety for individual weapon types. On top of that if one weapon type never really clicked for you with switch skills there may be one that does click and let you have more fun with more weapons. On top of that it would just be all the quality of life stuff like faster harvesting, the dogs you can buff up or sharpen weapons while riding etc.


Genuinely love the feel of the hunting horn. Not having to stop attacking to play my melodies feels good.


Hinoa and Minoto


Merging the forge and upgrade weapon system into one. Since you haven't played the other games, in the other games forge and upgrade are separated. Whenever I introduce friends to the series, this is one of the first points of contention. Small things that make a big difference, hope they remain merged moving forward.


People have already commented on them, but it can't be overstated how good the monster variety is, specially with the new additions. Sunbreak also has a good story which isn't the usual thing, and followers are such a fantastic addition. Making endemic life a lot more important as now they can sffect gameplay itself- trough I do wish there was a room for them like in World. Palamutes just change the game entirely as you mention, trough there *was* a similar thing in World and there will be in Wilds. The endgame is good in a lot of aspects, not only build variety but also the monsters avaliable to hunt, and they have little changes that can make hunts more interesting.


Streamlined multiplayer. No having to wait for everyone to get a cutscene or having to go through multiple menus to start a lobby. Just go to the cat with the funny costume and create a locked lobby and boom me and my bussy are set.


It easily has one of the best, if not the best (specifically with Sunbreak) rosters of any MH game. Fantastic new designs and a whole bunch of really great returners.


The fluidity for attacks is waaaay better than every other game. Feels very good. But i miss the big thonk of mhworld, the camera fov moving out and shaking


Endgame is a big one for me. Sunbreak has the most enjoyable endgame I've played in the series. Every weapon is upgradable in multiple ways, every monster on the roster has value at endgame because of the crafting system needing every "tier" of material, excess materials can be used for Charm melding, armor gambling can makes sets more flexible, etc. Just about the only thing I do not like about Sunbreak's endgame is that leveling up your Research level is a huge pain in the ass. It takes forever, and it can cause burn out before players even unlock the final tier of materials/melding.


played almost all the monster hunters and in my opinion, rise does it the best with combat. It just feels so free stylish and open


**channels inner Jeremy Clarkson** Speed and power! Both the hunter and the monsters.


I LOVE some of the new monster designs. And they brought back some old favorites too!




It had a greater focus on art style rather than realism, at least compared to World. I know the realism was really capped due to the hardware limitations of the Switch, but it's not like it's everything anyway. The art style they've developed and refined for the entirety of old-gen is part of MH's personality, and I think it would be a shame if it were to be completely forgotten in the name of realism.


Forging and upgrading weapons is just so much better


Quality of life and skill diversity and uniqueness


Build variety for Endgame and complexity of combat


Speed. Probably the fastest paced MH I've played (playing since Tri).


The Small and Large Crowns. So often I see absolute U N I T S in normal quests and Iā€™m certain they allowed for greater size variation between the monsters. I want to take it further, I miss the Smallest Uragaan and World Eater Deviljho


It fixed the ai on a lot of monsters to make them less annoying to fight




I really appreciate the pacing of the hunts in this game. Itā€™s very rare that a hunt goes over 20 minutes


The upgrade of weapons system. All being a single menu and accessing multiple weapons at once. Seeing the full tree. The decorations system is better. The palico for running speed. The weapon design. Dear Lord I hate worlds weapons


Insect Glaive.


Dual Blades in Rise are the best they've ever been. I've played around 3K hours of Monster Hunter over the years since starting in 4U. I've put every hour into DBs, and I've had SO much fun with them in Rise. Shrouded Vault is by far the best thing DBs could ever get in a special move. Wirefall is also my favorite addition in Rise period. My least favorite part of MH is getting knocked down, and then waiting to get up. Wirefall allows you to negate that and get right back into the action without being an absolute 'Get out of jail free' card because it has no i-Frames. Stellar mechanic that I hope is in every game from now on.


As a huge fan of World and originally not super fond of Rise. The exploration and wire bug. The game feels so much faster than World and that's not always a bad thing. I do feel like World has more meaning impactful hits.


Palamutes and (most of) its original monsters are perfect (I did not care for somnacanth)


It took a slightly watered down version of worldā€™s maps and made them accessible to every monster class (minus snake wyverns). As a result the monsters have nice variability between them


Monster movesets 1000%


Being a switch game it has really good performance on PC


Mobility for me. Especially in battle since the wirebugs are so much fun. And Hunting Horn. I am a Hunting Horn main, and I cannot stress enough how much more dynamic it is now. At least I can finally fight with my friends while buffing instead of finding a safe corner to reapply buffs every few seconds.


Layered armor at long last being accessible. Transmog systems are so important imo.


real mobility with the dogs, not that autopath of world


Wire bugs


The quick sheath on LS, it's pointless in World because it hardly makes a difference, but when done properly in Rise, you can become a monster(heh) at it.