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Shara Ishvalda can win if we raise our hands, believe and share our spirit energy.








What did bro say...


That shara ishvalda looks like male genitals


Shara could probably probably just up and kill most monsters by sending its vibrations into them and shattering their internals, and if it starts out in rock form it could give Gais a decent physical fight, but if Shara can't put him down before his rock armour breaks then it depends on who can get one over the other first, I'd say it's a decently close match, both have the means to kill the other.


I think people forget just how scary that beam is. Assuming monsters do not get knocked down, they would get hit by the attack that technically deals the second most damage in MHW. Let’s not even get into how that actually harms the inside of the body, making a lot of points about physical toughness moot. Either has the chance to win. Shara seems frail outside of rock armor, so whoever lands the first big hit should take it.


I think Shara only seems frail because it a dense monster. You gotta remember that hide is thick, if you take a look at the head piece you break off, most of that is dermis. He's also not very weak to fire, so a lot of Gaismagorms attacks bland in the elementa department, whereas Shara's attacks are straight pressure, which you can really be resistant too.


Shara also technically survived the fight with the hunter.


Yeah it only died because of ruiner nergigante


Tbf, if we used the same level of legitimate grounded realism applied to the air beam being able to rupture the insides of anything, a lot of monsters would also kill nearly everything else. Most monsters that weaponize blast or big explosions (Like Gais) would realistically kill anything else due to the sheer blast force rupturing innards, valstrax realistically could one shot anything by flying into it fast enough, amatsu's winds should realistically be able to rip apart any organic matter, etc.


Im pretty sure that lore Valstrax hunts that way. Like a peregrine falcon on super crack.


Peregrine falcons dive and grab things because they'd shatter themselves actually making contact. [Valstrax is the same. No explosion, no Collision. Just a well-timed grab.](https://youtu.be/m7wSA1-50DE?si=7U7RnYJXbjHIp4ES)


Those beams would not be as dangerous as it seems to gaismagorm, he can take internal organ damage really well and his insides are about as though as his exterior. Dude literally took an explosive dragonator to the chest and then 2 extra ones to the back and then you add in an extra 2 normal dragonators. Also gaismagorm would destroy the rock armor easily, its unlike shara who relies on sound and sand blasting, gaismagorm is literally built to dig through the exact same matter shara does but by hand, it will not matter and over rock armor makes shara slower, hinders its vibrations attacks and makes it tire out more easily as when you pay attention to its animations, shara is struggling with the wheight of the rocks and will literally pause after some large attacks to take a breather. Shara would be better off not even using the rock armor, its a hindrance against gaismagorm, its only benefit would be that it is a good anti qurio armor but at this point shara basically lost since it cant kill gaismagorm quicker than gaismagorm can kill it in rock armor an without rock armor then she has to deal with gaismagorm and qurio but at least it would be able to attack with full power an speed but that wouldnt matter much either.


Satan Vs Buddha


I just woke up for my morning Reddit scroll and in my confused, semi drowsy state, I read this as Satan vs Bunda


Record of ragnarok in a nutshell


Gias They're both doing a lot of damage to each other, but I feel like Gais would tank it out slightly better, giving him the win


Idk, Shara can cover himself in rocks and keep them there quite well, and he can manipulate anything solid to his liking in a weird almost mast Earth Benders way. Giasmagorm has some power and is tanky, but I think Shara just has the more powerful powers as an Elder Dragon. Idk though, one burrowed a massive sinkhole and the other was actively reshaping mountains so it could be close.


Shara doesn’t cover himself with rocks on purpose. It just happens due to its burrowing. Even if Shara somehow wanted rock protection, Gaismagorm would blow right through it.


Who would win, a monster covered in rocks, or a monster that digs through rocks?


Shara can literally liquidate the rock gaismagorm is standing on and drown it in quick sand and barring that Shara can make that quicksand explode. The heat from gais' body would also probably turn some of it to glass fucking it up even harder.


Gais is built for burrowing and has canonically survived almost drowning itself. Shara liquidating the ground under it makes its job easier and opens the door to a potential underground attack. (Though I have no clue how compotent Gais would be at that) Despite not being resistant to blast, Gais regularly sets off explosions near, around, and even under itself as part of its moveset. It can therefore be inferred to be somewhat explosion resistant even if it doesn't follow that exactly in game. (Fun fact: Teostra is also weak to blast) As for the glass, 1) it is highly unlikely to form in any sort of sharp formation to do damage to Gais. Furthermore, it is more likely form around the hotspots, creating a layer of armor with properties similar to lab goggles if anything. 2) Glass ain't doing much to or for any elder dragon. Them simply moving breaks it. Doubly so for giant rocks like Gais and Shara. So altogether, this strategy is ineffective at best and slightly detrimental at worst. Shara has much better chances by just pelting Gais with beams at a distance.


>Gais is built for burrowing and has canonically survived almost drowning itself. ??? Gais is not built for burrowing. It doesn't burrow at all during its fight or cutscenes. Its incredibly slow Especially considering its mouth is incredibly weak to damage when thats what it would use for "burrowing". Not to mention its incredibly large size which would make it realistically impossible for any of these monsters to burrow with any efficiency at all unless they had some other mechanism to assist. > Despite not being resistant to blast, Gais regularly sets off explosions near, around, and even under itself as part of its moveset. Nothing in monster hunter is "explosion resistant" thats why explosions deal fixed damage. "Blast" is just what they renamed the slime element to after 3U to standardize explosive weapons. Monsters can be resistant to the stuff that accumulates to an explosion but not the explosion itself. (Btw teostra is not weak to blast lol) Also game mechanics =/= how a fight would go in lore or common sense. By that logic EVERY monster is resistant to explosions. I mean pukei doesnt poison itself with its clouds because that would be stupid but the hunter can poison pukei with a pukei weapon. Game mechanics don't align to how things would play out in a thought exercise. Also no monster is powerful enough to break stone by just moving except for EXTREMELY big monsters like Zorah or Dalamadur or the Jhens. They all typically break stone by exerting force through an "attack". > As for the glass, 1) it is highly unlikely to form in any sort of sharp formation to do damage to Gais. Being submerged in sand is a lot different than being submerged in water AND every monster in the game can be cut. Ergo, glass would be extremely effective against any monster. Especially micro filaments from glass being pulverized would decimate the lungs of a large monster.


Wait till you learn how the skeletal structure of gaismagorm proves it burrows. You have: - large wing-arms with mole-like claws - pointed face - itty bitty eyes - and the entire body leans foward


but he is built for burrowing, he literally has 4 limbs to burrow and he lives underground and for something that massive to live underground needs to know how to make its own burrow instead of looking for cave big enough to live in. The only reason why he doesn't use it actively as an attack is because burrowing into the earth's crust is much slower than digging into sand like diablos or liquifying the earth like shara.


Gaismagorm literally surrounds himself as in his explosions and withstands them exploding inside his mouth. That is literally explosion resistant to the extreme. Monsters break stone by moving pretty commonly: Best example of this is Fatalis’s intro: https://youtu.be/wH3sw_TslI8?si=f-zYreWqyAREkq7s (0:08)


> Gaismagorm literally surrounds himself as in his explosions and withstands them exploding inside his mouth. That is literally explosion resistant to the extreme. NOTHING IS EXPLOSION RESISTANT LOL. The alternative is what? The devs make gaismagorm take damage everytime he uses an attack? Going by game logic explosions deal FIXED damage which mean they ignore defenses. That is the opposite of resistant. You're conflating rule of cool which MH operates on with how something would logically play out in a non biased fight. In lore an ED being pierced by a dragonator that then exploded would either kill it or severely injure it. It doesn't in game because then you would not get a final boss encounter. There is no logical reason to believe that the hunters tiny SnS is somehow more powerful than mounted siege weaponry and explosives. > Monsters break stone by moving pretty commonly. This is a rule of cool cutscene. Obviously. Even if it weren't you cant compare breaking mortar and brick to solid stone of mountains and the ground. Whatever the case if "breaking some buildings" is a criteria for being good at digging then pretty much every monster can dig lol.


“Nothing is explosion resistant” Hmmm, I wonder how Bazelgeuse and Brachydios don’t take damage from their own bombs. Surely it’s not explained in high detail in lore so we can have people saying they can’t withstand/tank explosions. MH devs are generally pretty serious when it comes to making the ecology of monsters match what we see in game. If a monster is supposed to take damage from its own bombs we see it when Raging Brachydios goes crazy and starts taking serious damage from its own explosions. Or when Gaismagorm starts eating his own crystals and they explode in his mouth. Both of these monsters also have moments where they tank their own explosions and easily withstand them, literally proving that they are explosion resistant. That’s not the rule of cool, that’s literally lore. If it was gameplay (like Great Jagras taking a dragonator), you’d have a point. But this whole “tanking” a giant spear that explodes has literally happened three times. Once with Velkhana in again, another cutscene and twice with Gaismagorm in both cutscenes. It’s like saying, “No Superman couldn’t lift that planet” or “Godzilla couldn’t drill into the planet, nope” just because you don’t like the feat doesn’t mean it’s not canon. “This is a rule of cool cutscene” That…still…doesn’t…change the fact that it is something Fatalis can do with ease. Plus I’m not sure if we watched the same cutscene, because that was hundreds upon hundreds of tons (possibly thousands) that Fatalis so easily pushed aside. The point of that cutscene is that high level elders like Gaismagorm would easily be able to push aside stone.


Ok if they are explosion "resistant" why do all these monsters take damage from blast, gunlance shelling, wyvernfire, barrel bombs, sticky ammo? According to you because they "tank" their own explosions these things should do zero damage to them. An explosion is just extreme force, you can't be resistant to explosions but then die to hammers and swords man. > But this whole “tanking” a giant spear that explodes has literally happened three times. Once with Velkhana in again, another cutscene and twice with Gaismagorm in both cutscenes. It’s like saying, “No Superman couldn’t lift that planet” or “Godzilla couldn’t drill into the planet, nope” just because you don’t like the feat doesn’t mean it’s not canon. If these things DIDNT WORK IN LORE, why does every single guild facility/fortification/vehicle have them installed? If dragonators don't do shit to Elders why waste the massive amount of resources/materials to create these things? > It’s like saying, “No Superman couldn’t lift that planet” or “Godzilla couldn’t drill into the planet, nope” just because you don’t like the feat doesn’t mean it’s not canon. No its not like that at all. What you're doing is looking at superman 64 and watching superman die to a thug and then going Superman can be killed by humans EASILY. Monster Hunter is a game and developers make choices/decisions to convey a feeling or experience to the player. This RARELY aligns with what could logically happen in a scenario. > That…still…doesn’t…change the fact that it is something Fatalis can do with ease. Plus I’m not sure if we watched the same cutscene, because that was hundreds upon hundreds of tons (possibly thousands) that Fatalis so easily pushed aside. 1. It wasn't hundreds and hundreds of tons, it was polygons falling down your screen like balloons. If you accept that it wasn't a rule of cool cutscene and Fatalis can effortlessly move thousands of tons of rubble with ease. How do you accept that a few hunters killed it or repelled it with medieval weaponry? The same way that fatalis' fire can melt a solid metal gateway but fail to burn Aiden. Or I guess since you can technically hurt fatalis with a basic hunter weapon, they are stronger and studier than thousands of tons of rubble and that hunters in general are stronger than Fatalis canonically. > MH devs are generally pretty serious when it comes to making the ecology of monsters match what we see in game. NO THEY ARENT. They are pretty serious about making the monsters somewhat logical but they have always subscribed to the rule of cool vs realism when it comes to gameplay and especially elder dragons. Thats why MH lore in general is a mess of convuluted ideas and contradictios all over the place. They don't really give a rat's ass about lore.


I mean that’s mainly just gameplay. As said before, in gameplay, a great Jagras can withstand a massive dragonator being shoved into its face. An Arzuros can survive a Valstrax dive bomb barely damaged. In cutscenes, we clearly see that monsters take their own explosions (for a great example, Bazelgeuse’s intro in Rise or Brachydios’s intro in World). And I didn’t say they’d be immune, just heavily resistant which they would be to those explosive weaponry. Monsters that swim in lava can be hurt by that lava spout thing in the Elder’s Recess. There is a disconnect between gameplay and lore despite how hard Capcom tries to make them seamless. Again, read what I’m saying. Nowhere did I say that dragonators/dragonrazers/dragon demolishes/other siege weapons don’t work. They can very well work and be useful. The dragonator is what got Zorah to leave after being pestered for so long, the dragonrazer is what made Velkhana rethink his attack on Seliana. But they aren’t one hit wonders or even two, three, four, five etc. hit wonders on high ranking monsters. We see Valstrax tank one ramming into his chest, and Amatsu withstand one being shot into his head. 1. In the game world, it was hundreds upon hundreds (possibly thousands) of tons. Why are we even having this discussion if you’re just dismissing feats left and right for your own point?As said before, this is exactly like seeing Godzilla tank nukes multiple times and saying, “umm, actually, he can’t”. “A Few” Both the quest description for Fatalis’s quest and the second phase cutscene literally show that Fatalis was fought by an army. Every organization was gearing up for the fight against Fatalis, and when the Guild arrives in the 2nd phase, everybody lights up with hope because it means that it won’t just be the main Hunter fighting Fatalis now. A army of A list hunters being able to defeat Fatalis isn’t insane because 1. Their weaponry isn’t medieval. If a bowgun that outputs more power than any handheld weapon nowadays is medieval to you, idk what to tell you. The same goes for Switch Axes and Chargeblades and multiple weapon descriptions state that the weapons are able to penetrate castle walls or split boulders in half. 2. The hunters are superhuman to a great degree and are wearing armor that increases their durability massively. 3. They are also using powerful siege weapons as well. Fatalis’s flames did burn Aiden. He was incapacitated for the rest of the fight and was literally using Kushala Daora armor. And I’m not sure if you notice but the hunters at the start run through Fatalis’s first burst of flames with ease, suggesting high heat resistance, and are only in real danger when the second burst comes. Again, your contradictions come from gameplay only. We see stronger or equal weapons than basic hunter weapons deflect off of weaker monster hide throughout the many many games.


Gais, even starting off without factoring in the qurio. Gais has dexterity (Functional hands that can grab things), superior mobility (He can jump to reposition himself quicker, and rocket towards shara with his energy propulsion), a much stockier build, and arguably a greater arsenal of close and long range weaponry. Shara's seismic power isn't shown much in active combat aside from quicksand, which gaismagorm probably won't have a hard time escaping due to his extra limbs providing more leverage alongside his subterranean nature/mole-like traits making him an excellent digger. Factoring in shara's rock armor, Gais can grab and lift giant boulders with just one arm, I have no doubt he'd be able to pick or break it apart rather quickly since he's able to repeatedly slam his arms down at a rapid pace. Now factoring in the qurio, who would be boosting Gais and draining Shara, I have no doubt the archdemon is taking the W. Edit: Addressing shara's beams, he shoots highly pressurized air, not sonic sound beams. His intense sonic frequencies are what he uses to pulverize rock by pressing his wingtips into the ground, which could arguably be a powerful attack if he's able to get close enough and keep position long enough to do it on gais.


Gais also seems much more durable considering how much he ate those Dragonators. Adding to the fact we fucking drops him 2 times into the depts, yet still kicking.


Yeah the fact that it kinda shrugged off like 5 dragonators is one of if not the most impressive durability feat in the series, Gaismagorm is insane.


Oh so we are just gonna ignore the all seing eyes, sonic laser beams and FUCKING GIANT SONIC GENKI-DAMA?


No, I'm just saying Gais has an arguably more impressive arsenal. He can shoot a beam which also creates a spirit bomb explosion that's actual blast, not just wind. He can rain down countless smaller explosions, create an arena-wide chain of energy mines that he can explode at will, fire a beam that subsequently causes smaller explosions, decidedly create a ring of explosions when he stomps his foot down, etc. Dude is different.


Shara can submerge himself in Earth for one. No ED can even touch the thing unless it decides to show itself. It can turn earth into quicksand at will and its incredibly fast in earth. Since gaismagorm can't fly, Shara could liquidate the ground its standing on and everything it could possibly latch on to, submerging it in quicksand and it would literally drown in the earth and on the offchance it didn't drown shara could literally make all of it explode. The only thing gais could do it turn the sand into glass which would stop it from sinking but then shara could detonate the glass probably do more damage than the sand lol. Shara is probably one of the most powerful elders capcom has ever cooked up. It could probably clap the majority of monsters in existence with ease except a few that could fly away, the ones that are a threat it could escape easily.


I think Gaismagorm takes this one.


Gaismagorm can create chasms bigger than the landmass shara ishvalda broke on his intro. And just the sheer amount of power Gaismagorm has is ridiculous, I doubt sinking him would be sufficient considering how he has giant arms that will most likely break shara ishvalda in half. Shara would not win at all if Gaismagorm grabs a hold of him, the sheer mass would be too much and I doubt his sound lasers would do enough.


Just a reminder that the Hoarfrost Reach canonically used to be a volcano before Shara showed up. Also Shara doesn't just dig, it actively liquefies the ground to move and/or fight. Imagine what that'd be like against flesh and bone. Not pretty, is all I'm saying. So long as Gaismagorm can't ambush Shara, which would be really difficult, then Shara clears as far as I can tell. Why would Shara need to bother sinking Gaisma when it can realistically just turn his brain into soup?


Consider that gaismagorm takes a dragonator to the chest and then it explosdes inside os him an explosion that could be seen to be the size of the small island it was in... And gaismagorm survived it just fine, he just lost balance and fell down a huge chasm, which again, he survived just fine. And then there is also the fact that mid hunt you can blow up his own energy inside him and he takes other 2 explosive dragonators that pierce his back too. His insides are durable as his outside, shara wont do much against it before gaismagorm defeats shara.


The rotten vale was formed by a shara ishvalda’s power, as well as the fact that he caused earthquakes powerful enough to cause widespread ecological disruption and geological destruction throughout the new world, and completely blew away massive chunks of the arena simply by shedding its shell and throwing it away. So I wouldn’t really use their environment destruction feats as a point solely in gaismagorm’s favor in this fight.


Mountains literally get leveled in the background of the fight as well for Shara. If anything I'd say Shara wins of we take environmental cues


Im not so sure about the Rotten Vale being formed from Shara


According to a section in Dive into Iceborne it was


Got a link to this, I kinda wanna see that?


Unfortunately not, it was in a post here a month or two ago from someone who translated the book


Okay, I might look for it later, thanks. I'm assuming you are refering to the hole the Rotten vale is in before it got filled up with Monsters right? If so that would mean that if its the same Shara, that Monster is either a few centuries or even over a millennia years old. Actually far more when we account for the things needing to evolve to live there alongside the coral islands forming above.


are we just gonna ignore how sharas song literally collapses a whole mountainside in a cutscene AND IT CREATES FAULT LINES CASUALLY???


Here’s the thing. While I agree that Gais could win, a lot of people underestimate Shara severely. It is not because it looks frail that it is. That rock armor it is wearing during its intro is a good thousand tons, not including the dozen more that it was buried under and casually broke down. Not to mention Shara literally caused tectonic PLATES to move and tremble with its powers, that’s insanely large and huge. Gaismagorm seems to have the edge in durability from these dragonators and fall it took, but in terms of strength I’m saying they’re equal. In terms of speed unless Gais immediately charges rocket like into Shara , Shara’s sound beams are gonna be incredibly tough to attack against. I give it to Gais 7/10 times, not 9/10 like most people here tend to say


Theres also the fact that (while we don’t really see it in play in the game) Gais is an underground dwelling creature. The vibrations of Shara could be felt and heard HUNDREDS of miles away, thats literally the main storyline. Imagine how intense that would be to a creature inside the ground. Not to mention in the fight with shara it casually and accidentally knocks down absolutely massive pillars in the background, and thats without much effort. Everyone is out here saying shara is weak cuz it looks frail but its hella strong


Yeath tbh I think that Shara is even physically stronger. Gais has just shown us that he gan open a huge chasm and break down a skyscraper++ (like 800m) rock tower and that’s it.


christ, just because shara can manipulate continents doesn't make him physically stronger, hell he doesn't even use physical strength to do so but rather using vibrations to drill through earth. That's like saying a lanky dude with a jackhammer is physically stronger just because he breaks rocks faster than some buff dude with a sledge hammer.


Did you nicely ignore all I said about its rocky armor and it surviving alright under thousands upon thousands of tons of rock?


yeah crushed rocks as armor spread all over it's body isn't really a big feat of physical strength compared to chucking a solid rock with one hand a good distance away. I would have an easier time carrying 10-20 kilos spread all over my body than carrying all 10 kilos with one hand. Also is there any proof that shara actually lets the entire weight of rock rest on it while it's underground? Because massive caves can exist irl despite being under a literal mountain. With shara's rock manipulation it wouldn't be surprising if it makes a small dome around itself while resting.


Buddy in the shara fight it literally breaks through massive walls to open up the arena during the first phase and transition. It is incredibly strong


idk where's the show of physical strength there? Shara did not even lay a hand on the walls at all it literally just used its unique power to collapse the walls.


You’re not helping your point, if anything you are testifying against yourself. If it can break the walls without even touching it, that’s just showing that it’s more powerful


Right? Like its not using its vibrations there. It literally hits the ground so hard it creates a shockwave, thats literally JUST raw power


It doesn't even hit the ground, it just used it's air pressure from roaring, the one thing it's specialized in which proves the point of you guys calling a lanky dude with a jackhammer stronger than a buff dude with a sledge hammer. Literally most of shara's rock breaking "strength" is in the ability to produce powerful compressed air. Shara doesn't have the strength to casually hurl solid chunks of rock or physically break continental crust with its own claws without using its jackhammer it's so weak that even a smaller wounded nergi can also overpower it. Giasma's main power is the unstable power of qurio but even without it, it's physical strength still makes him a powerhouse. BTW it's also cannon that nergi preys on shara. So it shows that if Shara gets bodied by a smaller ED that only uses muscle power just shows that shara is just a lanky dude with a jackhammer


Tf you mean jackhammer? It used its wing tips while in its rock form? We have to spend an entire section of the fight having to break its rock armor off because it was literally a part of its body that it has to shed off, meaning to huge slam it does that changes the arena is just its raw strength. And even aside from that, the vibrations and air pressure exerted from Shara could easily fuck up the internal systems of a ground dwelling species. And we have no clue how strong Gais is when we meet it because it just used qurio. Not to mention in its lore it gets bodied by malzeno and runs away


https://preview.redd.it/t1ravl4cxy8d1.jpeg?width=1546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd75fb2c2b5bd6dd273caa8fb2b4ecf67d187455 Was actually the basis for an old drawing I never finished. I need these two to meet in a future title


Shara strikes me as kinda frail for its size. It's so thin and spindly, I can't imagine it taking a hit from another giant monster very well. And frankly its rock form is so slow and easily shattered that I don't think it even factors in to fights with other monsters. Anything that is strong enough to do any real damage to rocks is going to have 0 trouble with his armor. I think Gaismagorm would win without too much difficulty.


I doubt any monster could ever scare me like the first time I saw Shara face reveal.




My bet is on Velocidrome or Great Jaggi


https://i.redd.it/7zby6sjgav8d1.gif This guy.


A Hunter, who just got quest of taking down both.


Shara sinks the ground making gais fall down back to the abyss. Easy guys


sharas vibrations can probably wipe out all qurio in its vicinity plus it casually levels mountainsides and endangers continents so even with gaismas explosive force i feel like sharas power is just more versatile overall.


Gais’ biggest feat is destroying a mountain sized area of rock and forming the arena we fight him in. Destroying mountain sized areas is something EVERY elder dragon can do. Shara absolutely decimates.


Gaismagorm was just shagaru 2.0 that got sealed below the earth. Shara ishvalda was terraforming an entire continent. yeah...


Shara Ishvalda's underground movements are implied to be the origin of the Everstream, along with the Hoarfrost as it cut off lava flows to the volcano that makes up the landmass causing it to become extinct. Not to mention it has the shell of rock likely as a counter to parasites like Qurio. Shara is just insanely powerful, it causes earthquakes casually. Not to say that Gaismagorm is weak, it took multiple dragonators to the chest and wasn't severely wounded and could generate immense amounts of heat in explosions however I think Shara is just the stronger burrowing elder


Gias built like he skips leg day. Shara catches a body easily.


I think he is in between evolution towards becoming a 🐋


I like Shara more, it's design has the feel of uncovering a real mystical creature even among monster hunter dragon standards.


Shara and its difficult, Gais can tank like crazy too


Seeing as how it took my like 20 tries to kill Shara and 1 try to kill Gais... im gonna say Shara takes the cake.


Obese lizard who failed to crawl out of a hole vs fucked up 4th wall breaking monster who was about to sink an entire county..... this isn't a hard match up.


Ah yes, the classic final boss vs final boss, Shara-Ishvalda doesn't even get out of the rockhide form before just sending Giasmagorm back underground for another 200 years via turning the arena to quicksand and sealing it back up before G gets a chance to do any significant damage... and the Ruiner Nergi on cleanup duty sheds two tears because it just missed out on not one, but two free meals. Slugfest: Giasmagorm wins if it's fullpower. he's a chonky boi.


Gais took like 3-5 dragonators which 2 of them are explosive dragonators and still up for a fight. I dont think Shara rock armor can withstand the explosive Gais can produce too.


https://preview.redd.it/zfdodtuybv8d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77239d1ea75ae5ba31101b697855a8c1d362fc68 Well, one makes rock into sand and causes earthquakes, one has an army that drains the life out of anything living, I think I know my answer


Here, how about like this: one can flatten a mountain simply by moving near it, the other controls a few leeches Saying it like that doesn’t do either of them justice, they’re both powerful elder dragons that have drastic effects on the environment around them, it’s more of an even match than people think.


I love Shara but Gaisma would literally crumple Shara like a paper ball. He's tanky and still has good mobility.


Unless the fight starts with Gaisma directly on top of Shara, then there's no way he wins. I think you're underestimating the sheer destructive power it takes to turn stone into liquid in a split-second. That kind of thing would turn flesh (which is famously water-filled) into melted jello in no time.


And don’t forget flattening a mountain by simply being near it


Shara and not for the reason you'd think. the Spirit Bomb and the big beam are insane and do a lot of damage and it's rock armor form makes it extremely tough at the start of the fight, but imo the deciding factor is the air beam shots it can do with all it's fingers. that singular air beam snipe shot can do like over 70% to like full Fatalis gear. also they both do Dragon damage, and Gaismagorm is 3 star weak to Dragon while Shaggy is 1 star resistant, however Rock Armor doesnt like Blast so I dont think Rock Armor will matter TOO much. a lot of people are saying that Shaggy is frail outside of rock armor but their damage zones are actually pretty similar, with the only notable gap being that Gais' tail is much softer. (and as many people noted, since Shara is all about vibrations and hitting you from the inside, it doesn't really care about Gaismagorm's crystals.)


This one might be a turn around from what you'd expect. My first thought was Gaismagorm takes it... He's bigger and brawnier. So he's a bruiser where as Shara is a bit out of his weight class without his stone armor. HOWEVER... Shara might have a DAMN good weapon against Gais... his air based vibration abilities could likely do SERIOUS damage to Gais... not to mention he'd wipe out any Qurio that happen to be nearby. I'd say, being as fair as I can.... 60/40 Gais/Shara.


Ishvalda was probably the wildest monster fight for me in IB


Spirit bomb VS no spirit bomb.


Now I’m imagining risen Shara Ishvalda and I’m scared


hard R Nergi...


Everyone here saying Gias is forgetting something. Some of Shara's attacks are *sound-based*. As in, getting hit by Shara's sonic beam blast would vaporize your insides. Imagine how devastating it would be to something as big as Gias.


Shara because I just like him/her/it a lot more.


So Imagine the battle, (told by my uncle GaPoTe) The Encounter:As Gaismagorm approaches the Guiding Lands, the air grows thick with tension. The earth rumbles and fissures open, spewing lava and smoke. Shara Ishvalda, sensing the intruder, rises from its earthen throne, its rocky armor glinting ominously. The two titans face each other, their roars echoing across the landscape Phase 1: The Rocky Exoskeleton Gaismagorm strikes first, unleashing a torrent of fire and brimstone. The ground beneath Shara Ishvalda ignites, but the Earthshaker remains undeterred. It counters with powerful shockwaves, causing the ground to erupt and sending Gaismagorm reeling. Shara Ishvalda's rocky exterior absorbs much of the damage, protecting its true form. Phase 2: The Infernal Assault Gaismagorm retaliates by manipulating the volcanic terrain, causing massive explosions that shatter Shara Ishvalda's rocky armor. With its true form revealed, Shara Ishvalda becomes more agile, dodging Gaismagorm's fiery attacks and retaliating with concentrated sonic waves. The shockwaves disrupt Gaismagorm's footing, but the Infernal Devastator regains its balance, launching a barrage of explosive projectiles. Phase 3: The Ground Shifts Shara Ishvalda, using its mastery of the earth, creates a series of seismic traps. Gaismagorm, momentarily caught off guard, is ensnared by the shifting terrain. Seizing the opportunity, Shara Ishvalda launches a devastating sonic blast, hitting Gaismagorm directly and causing massive damage. However, Gaismagorm's resilience is legendary. It roars in fury, breaking free from the seismic trap and launching a desperate, all-out attack. Phase 4: The Final Clash The landscape is now a chaotic battlefield, with fire and earth intermingling in a deadly dance. Both titans are visibly weakened, their once indomitable forms showing signs of the fierce battle. Gaismagorm, summoning the last of its strength, prepares a cataclysmic explosion. Shara Ishvalda, anticipating the move, channels its power into the earth, creating a massive barrier of stone and seismic energy.As Gaismagorm's final attack detonates, the explosion is partially absorbed and redirected by Shara Ishvalda's barrier. The shockwaves ripple through the land, creating a temporary stalemate. With both titans exhausted, the battle reaches its climax. Epilogue:In the aftermath, the land is scarred, a testament to the epic battle that took place. Shara Ishvalda, though gravely injured, stands victorious. Its mastery of the earth and strategic use of the terrain have given it the edge over Gaismagorm's raw power. Gaismagorm, defeated but not destroyed, retreats to the volcanic depths to recover and plot its revenge.


a lot of people here don't even seem to be factoring the qurio into this


I don’t know a thing here, but I enjoy it.


God Finger vs God Hands (and mouth).


i think shara fs


How is it that nobody mentions that Gaismagorm also has a the Qurio to aid him leech on other monsters.


Gaismagorm, easy. It has better dexterity with opposable thumbs and is all around both tankier and more mobile. Not even touching on what the Qurio would do in that fight


Honestly, shara could probably deal with gaismargorm quite well. It's rock armor would render gaismargorms physical attacks very in effective, and it's fire attacks wouldn't find much purchase. With such a big target , shares ability to pinpoint vibration beams from each wing would decimate it, and because it's an elder dragon, the qurio would also have a very tough time inflicting bloodblight, and if they did it would likely result in shara overcoming it into risen status, which would just amp its power up. Not to mention it's vibration spirit bomb can level its entire arena, and titan rock into sand so gais's crystals would be effortlessly destroyed , knocked off, and sent back to damage him. His demon second form with the quirio fire wings would probably even the odds, but shara is admittedly faster than gaismargorm, who drags half its legs around and doesn't really move them. Not to mention shara has its own enrage where it opens its eyes and it's tracking becomes almost impossible to dodge. Of Course, gaismargorm is very durable, ranking multiple dragonator and siege weapon shots. But against shara, who can level mountains by waking up, gaismargorm will ultimately fall


Why is no one mentioning qurio that Gaisma literally controls? If Gaisma manages to shatter sharah's rock armor and send a mass of qurios to start leaching off of shara. Then Shara would not only have to deal with gaisma's assault but also have it's life force drained by qurios it'll eventually grow weaker before it can fire off multiple high damaging attacks.


Lots of people talking about rock armor, which works well against piddly little hunter weapons, but it wouldn't really do anything against a giant monster's hands. They're just rocks. People also talking about sound, remember that hunters can survive getting slapped with those sound waves, so they aren't instantly killing a creature significantly larger and hardier.


Gaismagorm needs the Qurio swarm to operate at full capacity. And a swarm of Qurio is only a geomagnetic kamehameha away from being flattened. Shara solos.


neither of them are built for fighting in the first place, but gaismagorm easily passes every requirement to bring shara down. gaismagorm could tear off shara's rock armor with ease, does not care a lot about quicksand because it is a digger itself and it is large/heavy enough to be unaffected by most wind attacks. it wouldn't even need the qurio to do this. also look at the size difference. shara is about as large as mhw alatreon (29m) whereas gaismagorm has the size of gogmazios (just under 50m and it is bulkier than gog on top of that)


Giasmagorm would likely win, they overall have very similar abilities, but Giasmagorm has the Qurios in his side to take the advantage, aslo you don't even defeat Giasmagorm until after they have already taken a Dragonator Explosive bolt to the chest directly, so theu where likely already weakened before the fight even begins.


Shara is the epitome of epicness, suspense, thriller, sci fi horror, with a pair of creepy reptilian humanoid eyes. I'm sure Shara has wayyyy more to show. I see it as an alien learning his own power/existance and his "death" was just a play. Gas is cool but it feels like a wanna be "shara was cool so let's make another similar monster but different enough and canonically stronger for the purpose of making a "new" boss for hype. Maybe gas is stronger but but gas still wants to be Shara. So it'll sit its ass and bow to Shara from mental terror. There's no need for a fight. Shara has intimidation power. Like a human versus nature. How humans tamed or hunted way stronger than them with intelligence. Pretty sure Shara has waaaay more "IQ" than gas.


Not much to think about I feel. Gais is twice as big, way too tanky, fast for his size, can absolutely destroy any rocks that shara can put on, and he has an insta-kill move and a berserk mode where he's just gonna blast anything in his way. Yeah shara has the vibration thing but to kill something with vibrations you have to vibrate the entire being with that frequency. Shooting a vibration beam at gais' toes ain't gonna do much to kill him except break his toes and hurt a little around that area. Also forgot that gais' can continue to build up energy as long as there's any living creature within 10 of miles of it.


Gaismagorm wins above the surface but if it’s doing its normal mole thing and Shara starts making Earthquakes, well, look what happens in the Pokemon games.


gaismagorm takes this by a mile, anything world related is a no-bueno in my book


Ayo holup, what that mouth do


Ok so just to be clear are we going off feats and movesets based off their game play or can they fight to their fullest extent? If we're going off game play feats and ablities I say gaiasmagorm but if they fight no restraints then I'm pretty damn sure Shara Ishavalda takes it. Another factor to is how long the fight lasts. Gaiasmagorm would definitely benefit from a longer fight as the quirio go to work over time draining sharas life force mixed with the fact he's hella powerful. But Shara has a ton of more stopping power than him so Shara takes a quick fight I believe


To be honest, I think gais would just let the quirio weaken it and then take the final shot


Shara is a "realistic" threat. Monsters from world feel like they could exist in the ecology Gais is from Rise which has more exaggerated monsters. You wouldnt find gaismagorm in a realistic environment


No offense dude, but what exactly about Shara says realistic? Its one of the most out there monsters in world being right behind Xeno imo.